SharedObjectives (15 page)

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Authors: Chandra Ryan

BOOK: SharedObjectives
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Michael handed Jasper the reader that had the decrypted
documents on it. They all sat in silence as the man read through the reports
and then he handed them to Ahnal. “And the Subservients? I’ve been told you
were able to successfully wake two of them from their stasis chambers?”

“Harlow and Sterling. Yes.” Lisa fidgeted in her chair as
she spoke. “They are here.”

“Would you be willing to discuss your findings?” Jasper
folded his hands in front of him as he asked the question.

“I won’t show you how to safely wake them just so you can
treat them like property. Or worse, send them after other modified soldiers
who’ve left the military and now only want to live in peace.”

“I have no intention of doing that.” He dug a reader out of
his briefcase and pulled up a file before handing it to her.

“What is this?”

“It’s legislation I introduced two months ago that gives any
sentient beings, created or otherwise, protected status.”

“You proposed this two months ago? How did you know that
long ago?”

He looked over at Ahnal and smiled. “I have my sources.”

She read through the piece and was astounded when she
reached the end. “This says it passed.”

“Nobody involved wanted to be caught protesting what was
thought to be a purely academic piece of legislation. If they yelled too loud,
people were bound to start asking why.”

“This doesn’t give them citizenship or even legal rights,
though.” She scrolled through the document again just to make sure she was

“It’s a start. We need time for the rest.”

“But the more Subservients out there, the louder their voice
will be,” Ahnal said.

Lisa looked at Ben and Dixie. “What do you think I should

“What they say makes sense. Nobody’s going to want to give
rights to a bunch of beings who are being kept in stasis chambers,” Dixie said.

Ben nodded his agreement. “They might be alive right now,
but they aren’t really living, Lisa.”

She nodded. “You give me your word you’ll do everything you
can to protect them and I’ll teach your scientists how to fix them.”

“You have a deal.” Jasper stood and held his hand out to
Lisa again. “The story should hit by late tonight, which will give me time to
file the paperwork to create a new committee to protect created life. Once I’m
named the chairperson, I’ll have the authority to make sure they’re not

“I’ll need to interview Harlow for the story.” Michael had
been so quiet that Ben had almost forgotten he was there. “The people need a
face to identify with and I think hers would serve your cause better than

“You’re probably right but I’m going to have to ask her

“I understand.”

“So, if that’s everything, I have to be going.” She smiled
and then winked in Ben and Dixie’s general direction. “I have a wedding to get
ready for.”

Michael nodded. “Absolutely. And let me be the first to wish
you a blessed marriage.”

Ben smiled at the soft blush that spread over Lisa’s cheeks.
“Thank you.”

As she stood to leave, the men in the room stood with her.
But after she’d shaken hands with them, Ben watched her leave and then took his
seat again. “And now on to the next topic. I’m sure you know by now that Dr.
Colt developed a cure for the NB-7 dependency in genetically enhanced
soldiers.” He had intentionally waited for Lisa to leave to bring this up.

“I have. And I’ve heard the Coalition has been very
successful in administering this cure.”

“One hundred percent success rate.”

“And now you’d like to offer the procedure to the military?”
Jasper asked.

“We would.”

“What are your terms?”

So Jasper didn’t trust their motives. Not a surprise. Ben
was waiting for Jasper to deliver on his promises before he decided if he
trusted Jasper or not. “Just that the military use it,” Ben countered.

Jasper cocked his head as he studied Ben. “The Coalition
would be losing its main recruiting point.”

Dixie leaned forward. “We don’t care if they’re on our side.
We just want them to have the ability to choose.”

“Noble sentiment.” Jasper shook his head. “I don’t know what
I was expecting when I came here today. But after everything I’d heard about
the Coalition, I feared this trip would only serve to make relations worse.
I’ve never been so happy at being proved wrong.” He stood and shook Ben’s hand
and then Dixie’s.

“And I had my reservations about meeting with a
representative but I’m glad we did.” Dixie nodded and then stepped away from
the table. “I hope we’ll continue to work together.”

“I think that’d be a step in the right direction.” Jasper
gathered his stuff as he prepared to leave. Taking their cue from him, Ahnal
and Michael did the same. “I’ll pass along your offer regarding the NB-7
dependency. It’s my sincere hope we can work something out.”

“Mine too.” Dixie and Ben followed the other men out of the
conference room.

As they left the men at the security checkpoint, Ben found
that the whole experience had him feeling rather optimistic about the future.
The walk to the Coalition chapel was a short one but it felt as if each step
took a lifetime. When they walked through the door, though, they were treated
with a glimpse of their future bride. She wasn’t wearing the traditional red
silk gown and there were no rubies adorning her hair but never in all his life
had he ever seen a more lovely bride.

“How did we ever get so lucky?” Ben asked the question softly
but he still thought he heard Lisa laugh.

“Don’t ask that question too loud,” Dixie teased. “We
wouldn’t want her to know how crazy we are about her.”

This time he was certain he heard her laughter. “Give it up,
boys. I’m already on to you. Now get those lovely asses up here and marry me

Chapter Twelve


Lisa adjusted her weight as she aimed the gun. “When you
suggested a honeymoon, this isn’t what came to mind.” The private cabin and the
woods that surrounded it were ideal. The weapons training, however, wasn’t. She
braced herself for the kickback and then squeezed the trigger. The laser burst
hummed through the air but was wide. It barely singed the side of the paper
target. It hadn’t even come close to the outline of the man. “Though, with my
weapon skills, I’m glad Nate is staying with a sitter and nowhere near here
right now.”

Dixie chuckled but then pressed his body against her back.
Now this was what she’d had in mind. She rubbed her ass against the bulge
growing behind his trousers, but he ignored her attempt at distracting him and
reached around her to help adjust her aim. “If you insist on saving every new
life form you stumble upon, you’re going to need to know how to protect

She resisted the urge to shiver as his breath caressed the
shell of her ear. She loved the tingling feeling that took root in the pit of
her stomach whenever one of her men was near, but at the mention of the
Subservients she pushed against the sensation. She couldn’t be distracted right
now. Not when she needed to address her recent concerns. “Do you think they’re


“The Subservients. We haven’t heard anything. Do you think
Lee kept his word?”

“It’s only been a week. Give the man some time.”

She knew he was right. Still, it was hard not to worry about
them. “How much time?”

Dixie sighed and then rested his chin on the top of her
head. “Give him a couple of months. If we haven’t heard anything by then, I’ll
check into it.”

“Thank you. I feel much better.”

“Good. Now, back to target practice.”

He and Ben were going to make her practice until she proved
she could hit something. She might as well get it over with. She took a breath,
exhaled and then fired the weapon. This time the burst burned a hole through
the target’s arm. “I hit him.” She smiled and rubbed her ass against Dixie

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Just barely.”

“But I did hit him.”

“That’s a technicality. If he’d been an attacker, you
would’ve been dead long before getting that shot off and singeing his arm

She turned the weapon’s safety on and then slid it into its
holster. “Rules are a set of defined technicalities. And he isn’t an attacker.
He’s a piece of paper taped to a bale of hay. And I hit him.” She turned around
to face Dixie and then smiled. “Time to pay up, mister.” She wrapped her arms
around his shoulders so she could caress the back of his neck. “Or are you
going to cop out?”

He pulled her to him and ground his hips against her. “Are
you questioning my honor?”

“That depends.” She ran her fingers through the hair at the
nape of his neck. “Are you going to make good?”

“Oh, I’ll make good.” He dipped his head until his mouth met
hers. His lips were warm and soft. Unable to stop it, she moaned under the
sensual onslaught. Dixie’s tongue slid along the seam of her mouth and as she
opened herself to him, her head swam with raw need.

“Is she ready for sniper training already?” Ben’s voice cut
through the haze but only added heat to the fire burning through her body.

Dixie broke the kiss to look up at their third. “She hit the
paper and called me on it.”

“I did better than hitting the paper.” She tugged on his
hair. “I hit the target.” Her voice was husky and the words were unsteady but
she squared her shoulders in a show of bravado.

Ben walked over to the target and looked at it for a second
before nodding. “She did hit the target.”

“And I kissed her. Now all she has to do is manage a kill
shot and I fuck her until she can’t see straight.”

Ben was already walking back toward them when she pulled the
gun out of its holster and turned off the safety. “Well, why didn’t you just
say so? We could’ve been having sex hours ago.” As soon as Ben was standing
next to her she aimed, exhaled and then shot off another burst. This time she
left a hole in the side of the target’s head. “I do believe he’d be dead.”

Ben let out a low whistle but Dixie just shook his head.
“Lucky shot.”

She made a show of turning the safety back on and holstered
the weapon. “I have a feeling I’m about to get a whole lot luckier.” She leaned
forward to kiss Ben. The stubble on his chin tickled slightly but the sensation
combined with the feel of his strong body pressed against hers and his fingers
gripping her hips until she was lost in a tidal wave of desire. And she was
happy to drown in it.

She was already having a hard time thinking, so when Dixie
pressed his body to her back and kissed the side of her neck she surrendered.
Being between the men was decadent. It overwhelmed her in the most delicious
ways. Her body brushing against theirs while they kissed every inch of her was
the best feeling in the world.

“Too many clothes.” She wanted the men naked but she wanted
to be undressed as well. But she only had two hands. Thankfully Ben and Dixie
seemed aware of her problem. Ben tugged her shirt out of her waistband as Dixie
helped her take off her shoes before undoing her pants. In no time she was
standing in front of them in nothing more than a matching red satin bra and
thong set.

“She’s not commando.” Ben took a step back to admire the new

Taking advantage of the moment, she held her hands out to
her side and did a slow turn. “What do you think?”

“It’s pretty.” Dixie stopped her when she faced him. “But I
think I like you better in nothing at all.”

Ben’s fingers swept across her back and the clasp to the bra
was undone. Dixie slid the straps down her arms and then dropped the scrap of
material to the ground.

“I agree.” Ben’s hands cupped her breasts as he brushed a
kiss against her neck. “It’s a shame to cover these perfect tits of yours.”

He continued to leave a line of gentle kisses on her neck
and over her shoulder that made her skin break out in goose bumps. “Now we just
have to get you two out of your clothes.”

“Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself?” Dixie asked as he
tugged on the band of her thong. “We aren’t done with you yet.”

“I would certainly hope not.” She pulled her thong off and
then smiled. “But I haven’t even had a chance to start with you guys.”

The men stared at her for a second longer and then quickly
started to undress. “Hate to keep a woman waiting.” Ben tugged his boots off
before stripping out of his pants and shirt.

Dixie followed suit and was soon undressed as well. “And I’d
hate to be late to the party.”

Ben turned her to face him. “You’re the most gorgeous woman
I’ve ever seen. I swear, I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy.”

Her eyes misted at the sincerity in his expression. She
wanted to say something to return the sentiment but her throat was clogged with
emotion when she tried. “I love you.” It was all she got out before he leaned
over and kissed her deeply. His hands swept down her body until he was cupping
her ass. He pulled her to him tightly as he kneaded her cheeks.

Dixie pressed his body against her back. His hard cock
rubbed her ass as the muscular planes of his chest brushed against her
shoulders. “And I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure you’re never
lonely again.”

“Oh Dixie.” She turned to look at him over her shoulder as
her eyes burned with the unshed tears of happiness. “I love you too. I love you
both so much.”

Ben moved his hand over her hip and to her pussy. “Damn,
she’s wet.” Ben ran a finger through the folds of her sex, making her knees

Dixie cupped her breasts as Ben ran his fingertip over her
clit and she had to lean back against Dixie’s chest to brace herself. She
didn’t stay in that position long, though. Ben leaned down to kiss her again
and this time he pulled her down to the ground on top of him as Dixie let go of

Ben broke the kiss just long enough to say, “It’s in my
pants pocket, Dixie.” Then Ben went back to kissing her. They didn’t use
condoms anymore. Hadn’t since the wedding. So she wondered what Ben meant. But
after a few more minutes of kissing, she forgot everything but his taste.

Slick fingers slid through her ass cheeks and rimmed her
anus in a sensual caress. She moaned into Ben’s mouth as she rocked back
against Dixie’s fingers. The lube. That’s what Ben had been talking about.
“Always prepared, aren’t you?”

Ben smiled up at her. “I’d hate to lose an opportunity to be
buried in you. I figure Dixie feels the same.”

She adjusted her angle so Ben could slide into her pussy.
“You feel amazing.” She leaned close to Ben’s chest so Dixie could prepare her
ass. As Ben thrust into her, Dixie pushed one finger past the tight ring of
muscle in her anus. She loved the stretching sensation, loved feeling filled by
both of her men. But she needed more. “I’m ready, Dixie.”

“I’m sure you are.” He slid another finger into her and
scissored them inside her. “But this is part of the fun.”

She rocked back against his fingers. “I thought you hated to
be late to the party.”

He laughed and then pulled his fingers out of her. “You
win.” He slapped her ass just enough for it to sting without causing any real
pain and then he placed his hand on the center of her back to keep her in
position. “Relax, sweetheart.”

As if that were possible. She craved him so bad she shook
with it. She was like a junkie going through withdrawal. “Come on, Dixie.”

The tip of his cock nudged against her anus for a second
before he started to push into her. She wanted to push back against him. She
needed him. But she fought against the urge. She had to trust him.

“That’s it. Nice and easy.” He continued to push into her
steadily until she could feel his balls resting against her. “Are you okay?”

She was better than okay. She was complete. “Yes. I’m good.
So very, very good.”

Her men started moving slowly at first but the rhythm
quickly picked up as they lost their selves to their hunger. A fine sheen of
sweat covered her skin and her muscles tensed with need as her climax gathered
in the pit of her stomach. It built and solidified until release broke around
her and sent her gasping to Ben’s chest. But the men continued thrusting into her
and the friction kept her on the edge of the emotional crest.

Dixie’s grasp on her hips tightened as he thrust deeply into
her one last time before he called out her name and came inside her. And his
orgasm seemed to push Ben into his own. Ben groaned deeply as his body shook
under her. “Dear god, that’s amazing.” Ben panted softly as Dixie pulled out of
Lisa. Which allowed her to get off Ben.

“It is.” She lay down in the crook of his arm and then
sighed as Dixie lay down next to her. The grass was soft and she was exhausted.
It only took a matter of minutes for her to start drifting off. “Now this is a


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