Sharing Freedom (13 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotic, #Contemporary, #MCs & Bikers, #Menage

BOOK: Sharing Freedom
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Chapter Fourteen


“She is high,” Poke laughed at Freedom who was lying in the back of the car they borrowed
to take her to the hospital.

“Yeah, so much for us worrying about her getting tainted in our life style,” Easy

That had been their biggest argument while they let her make up her mind about joining
the club. Even after they had made her come that first time, they pulled back, wanting
her to figure out if this is what she wanted. They had been surprised when she had
just continued as if nothing had happened. Sure, it had been a test of sorts, but
both men figured she would run. They had argued when she didn’t.

Easy thought she was too sweet for them. They were assholes, who were never going
to be able to make a commitment. It wasn’t in them to because they wanted something
very few people could understand. The men were like two halves of a whole, and they
would never separate, they were a package deal, and other than the obvious, that women
liked being fucked by the both of them. They had never met a woman who could stand
up to the two overbearing assholes and actually deal with them.

Poke just wanted her; there was something about her that calmed the fire in him, had
since she met him. He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but over the last few weeks he hadn’t
had a choice, and after last night, when she poured the beer over their heads, he
had known. So had Easy, she was theirs and that’s all there was to it. It was up
to them what they did with the knowledge.

“Awe,” Freedom said from the back seat. “You are both so pretty.”

“Yeah, babe, we are.” Easy laughed.

“I am sorry I broke your pretty nose, Easy Peasy.” Freedom snorted.

“I know, honey,” Easy said smoothly. “You told me already.”

“But I am really sorry, you know, I just fucking snapped,” Freedom said, trying to
snap with her fingers with her good hand and couldn’t. She frowned and went silent,
trying to perform the small task.

“Damn, she is stoned.” Poke smiled. “Think she’s gonna be pissed when she wakes
up tomorrow with that cast on her hand.”

“Probably,” Easy snorted and shook his head. His nose hurt where she had hit him,
but the pain was nothing compared to what Freedom was going to feel in the morning.
He was used to broken bones, but according to her, she had never had a broken bone.

“She was pissed this morning though,” Poke said firmly.

“Yep, the sooner she figures it out the better though, until we are done, she is ours,”
Easy said as they pulled into the club parking lot.

“Creed wants us to go on another run next week. We need more weapons, with the Diablos
and all those other assholes trying to move into our space, we are going to have to
flex real soon,” Poke said lowly.

“Yeah, we got some shit to take care of. Things are gonna get bad here soon,” Easy

“Poke-a-dot,” Freedom sang off key at the top of her lungs.

“Yeah, baby girl.” Poke laughed.

“You still wanna fuck me?” Freedom giggled.

“Yeah, baby girl,” Poke laughed.

“Good, 'cause I want to too,” Freedom said. “Just gimme a minute and I will be ready.”

“Okay,” Poke laughed and got out of the car. He laughed when he opened the back door
to find her lying on the seat, tangled in her top passed out.

“Shit,” Easy said shaking his head. “Kinda sick that I find her silence sexy, huh.”

“Yeah, me too.” Poke laughed and picked her up and took her into the clubhouse.

“We have a meeting in a few, let’s get her settled and get moving,” Easy said.


“We haven’t figured out how they got in,” Easy said. “The security says someone turned
it off, but someone also had to open the gates because there are no holes in our fence.”

Creed nodded. “We have a traitor.”

The men in the room shifted. They all knew what that meant, because no one betrayed
the club and lived to tell about it. If it were someone in the room, they would never
make it to the door.

“Watched the video of the night, there were a lot of people coming in and out of the
house 'cause of the party. Most of the whores were given a room at the apartments,”
Poke announced. “All rooms were occupied, and unless I am missing something, everyone
who was not in the club was accounted for.”

Easy stood and looked around the room, not everyone was there, some of the guys were
in guarding the businesses and others were at the clubhouse and property making sure
no one got in the gates. However, the three men he needed to talk to were here, and
they were ready to deal with business if they had too. It had taken too fucking long
to go through all of the videos.

“Sting,” Easy said and the tall thin man jumped. He was new, just brought in from
the other chapter three months ago.

“Yeah,” the man said quickly.

“You got something to tell us?” Easy said slowly.

“Nah, I was in with Candy when shit went down,” Sting said.

“You been hanging with Candy a lot, yeah?” Easy said.

“Yeah,” Sting nodded slowly.

“So you know the bitch is dealing fucking meth?” Poke said quickly and rose to move
around the other side of the room. The tension in the room shifted. Most of the
guys knew that meth had been a problem in the area.

“Nah, man,” Spike said nervously.

“Don’t fuck with me, man, we know she is,” Easy said.

“Seriously, Easy, I know she does pot, anything else, man, no, I don’t fuck with that
shit,” Spike said quickly, his face getting red.

“But you are the one who she has been sleeping with for the last month,” Easy asked.

“Well, yeah, but not the only one, you know how she is, fucking bitch likes to get
fucked. She just comes to me last because I am too lazy to throw her ass out after,”
Spike shrugged.

“We need to know where she is getting her shit from,” Poke said and Spike nodded slowly.

“Okay, let me speak real slowly,” Easy growled. “I need you to fuck her until she
gives us the information we need.”

“Oh yeah, man,” Spike said. “I knew what you meant.”

“Trig and Meat?” Poke said slowly. “Now, I know there is something you wanna tell

“What?” Trig asked with a growl. The man had been here for years; they all trusted
him, especially when he knew the players they were dealing with.

“Fuck yeah, I got something to say,” the other older biker said and stood. He was
in his fifties with a long black beard, and covered with tattoos. He would scare
most people, unless they saw him with his new grandbaby. Then they would see the
family man he was. Trig and Meat lived in houses on the property, they had been married
to their old ladies for twenty plus years and believed in the club, they were loyal
and were also men the younger ones went to if they had a problem, because they were
mentors. Pill was also in their group, as well as four other men, they were mean
ass fuckers.

“What is that, Meat?” Poke asked.

“Devil Savages,” the old man said and Fork let out a growl. Everyone in the club
knew the bad blood between the two clubs revolved around the two VPs. Everyone in
the club also knew the older bikers were friends with the man who caused the problem.
The two men’s father. “Zeus says there is some shit going down with the Savages,
says we may need to bury the hatchet in order to get shit straight.”

Poke and Easy knew Zeus contacted the older bikers recently, what they wanted to know
was why.

“We got other shit to deal with right now,” Fork growled. “Don’t have time to fucking
go to therapy and shit. Hatchet is still gonna be there.”

“They have been having problems as well. The Diablos have been trying to claim the
whole fuckin area as theirs. A chick from their club went missing one night, the
Diablos have her, but they can’t find where. One of their routes is being tagged
with hijackings. They lost a big gun shipment to the Diablos last month. We got
our shit coming in soon, don’t want to be pissing off some of the clubs out west if
we can’t deliver their order,” Meat said.

“Damn it, we have meth, fucking bangers, and now someone stealing our guns. Shit
is gonna get real,” Easy said and looked at Creed who was just listening.

“We need to tighten the reins,” Creed said. “We have church every fucking day until
we sort this shit out. Hit the streets, find out the word on the street. And security
is tightened. We are gonna clean house 'cause this shit is not okay.”

The men grunted and began to plan the specifics.


“Hey,” Freedom groaned into the pillow over her head.

“Girl, you seriously should never take drugs,” Shady laughed at her friend when she
picked up the pillow and leaned over her.

“Ugh,” Freedom said. “What happened?”

She tried to lift her arm and it wouldn’t move, and then a piercing pain shot up her
arm. She whimpered a little and instantly Poke was at her side with a glass of water
and a pill.

“Come on, baby girl, take this, it’ll make it all feel better,” Poke said quietly.

“What?” Freedom asked and lifted her head. “What is it?”

“Just a pain pill, it will help,” Poke said.

“Shit, my hand,” Freedom said and flopped back down on the bed. “I broke it.”

“Yep, did a good job on Easy’s nose too.” Shady laughed.

“Oh, kill me now,” Freedom said, embarrassed that she had lost it so bad.

“Nah, I kinda thought it was sexy.” Poke laughed.

Freedom opened an eye at the man and frowned. “Why on earth would you ever think
that was sexy.”

“'Cause he can be an ass, and it was fucking hot watching you go all Zena Warrior
Princess on him.” Poke grinned. “Of course, would have been hotter if you had been
oiled up and shit. Oh, maybe next time Shady and you can slick yourselves up and
go at it.”

“Pervert,” Shady snorted.

Freedom rolled her eyes and then moaned at the pain. “Damn it. That really hurts.”

“Take the pill,” she heard Easy order and she opened her eyes to see the large hulking
man standing with his hands on his hips, she saw tape across his nose and two black
eyes, then grimaced, and looked down.

“I am so sorry,” she whispered, feeling the tears gather in her eyes.

Easy snorted. “Why, I was being an asshole. Next time though, if I piss you off,
and I will, can you refrain from hitting me in the face? Because damn, the guys are
like giving me shit about this.”

Freedom groaned and then sat up. “Shit, how am I gonna dance with this on?”

“You aren’t,” Easy said firmly. “You said you had an accounting degree, talked to
Creed, and he is gonna have you do the books at the shops for us. They have been
a mess since our accountant ran off with a brother from the other club.”

Freedom looked up in surprise and then smiled. “Oh.”

“Yeah, Creed will show you in a couple of days, we have an office here with all the
books so you don’t have to worry about going out. Until this shit is sorted out,
you are not to go anywhere by yourself,” Easy said firmly.

“Why?” Freedom said.

“'Cause we heard from the Diablos this morning. Seems they want you turned over to
them as soon as possible so they can collect their money. Then we will have to deal
with the Devil Savages's marker. Your father owed a shit ton of money around town,
and they are all looking for ya. For now, you gotta stay hidden.” Easy shrugged.

Freedom felt the blood drain from her face. How much money did her father owe? “How
much total?”

“Two hundred large, to include the Diablos and Devils,” Easy said with no emotion
and Freedom gasped. “He only used part of the money on bills. He apparently had
a little problem with the tables as well, gambled everything and lost.”

“Now, baby girl, don’t worry, we got this covered,” Poke said and looked at Easy and
nodded. “Take your pill, we will get you settled.”

Freedom just couldn’t deal with this right now, so she nodded and took the pill and
then laid back down. It didn’t take long for the medication to kick in. Easy and
Poke pulled Shady from her spot as watch dog into the living area and said, “We are
having church in a few. Make sure she stays where she is supposed to.”


Chapter Fifteen


Freedom was dreaming, she knew she was because nothing could feel as good as this
did. Easy was between her legs, and she sighed when she felt the first swipe of his
tongue. She felt Poke at her breasts, and she moaned. Her arm wasn’t working, even
in her dream,
what the fuck
? She froze and her eyes popped open and she looked around.

“Eekkk!” she said the moment before Poke claimed her lips in a demanding kiss.

“So, sweet baby,” Easy whispered against her pussy and she moved a little. “Came
in here and was watching you play with yourself and damn, it was so fucking sexy.
Who were you dreaming about, babe?”

Poke eased off her lips and she was dazed,
shit, her dream had been about them
. There was no way she was going to tell them that, especially considering they think
they were in control of her.

“Uh…” Freedom stuttered. She was laying spread out, the tank she had been wearing
was pulled down so her breasts were pushed up and being held by the tight fabric,
while the underwear she had been wearing seemed to have slipped off somewhere. Her
legs were draped over Easy’s shoulders and he was staring at her intently.

Poke reached up and touched her breast gently at first, but when she didn’t answer
her, he pulled at her taunt tender nipple until she arched off the bed with a moan.

“Don’t lie to us.” Easy smiled and licked her again.

“I was not dreaming about any one,” she gasped and then waited.

“Lie, babe,” Easy said and bit gently on her clit and she cried out, not in pain,
but in arousal.

“No,” she whispered.

“Who is on your mind when you sleep? What men are you dreaming about touching your
pussy, your clit, your tits? Who am I gonna have to kill because there is only room
for two men in your bed, and those positions are already filled,” Easy said and then
flicked his tongue over her slit until she was writhing. Poke had leaned his head
over and latched on her breast, sucking and teasing her, making her arousal grow.

“No,” she said.

“Babe, you babe, you have no idea what beast you are unleashing by not giving me what
I want. I know we have been the only ones in this pretty pussy and ass, but if you
are thinking about someone else, we need to know. Because I can guaran-fucking-tee
you they can’t offer you anything we can’t. Kink likes to play games, is it him?
Do you want to play some games, babe, 'cause we can do that. Poke and I would love
to tie you up and fuck you anyway you want it. What about Magnum, he is a master
at eating pussy the girls say, you can hear them screaming from up here when he gets
busy,” Easy said, talking in between licking and biting her, but not bringing her
as high as she needed.

“Damn it,” she said frustrated.

“I want to hear the names, babe, who were you dreaming of? Who the fuck do you think
can take our place?” Easy snapped and sucked in her clit fast and hard and she bowed,
screaming as she felt her orgasm rushing toward her and suddenly they both let go.

“Fuck you,” Freedom said frustrated.

“Yeah, baby girl,” Poke grinned. “We will, but you need to answer the question first.”

“Fine,” Freedom growled and slapped the mattress. “It was you guys! Is that what
you wanted to hear, it was you.”

“Fuck yeah, babe,” Easy said and stood, they both began taking off their clothes and
throwing them on the floor. They stood before her and she sucked in a breath,
they were breathtaking
, she thought and felt her heart break a little more, and they were not hers, they
were only on loan.

They dove on her like starving animals, both of them removing her tank and taking
care with her arm. Poke put it over her head so it wouldn’t be knocked around. He
kissed down her arm and asked.

“You hurt real bad, baby girl?” he whispered against her inner arm, and she shivered
and shook her head. It didn’t hurt, the only thing on her that hurt was her empty
pussy, she craved to have one of them inside her. She needed it, and she was ready
to demand it, when Poke closed his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply, distracting
her from her thoughts and demands.

He expertly swept his tongue through her mouth, blazing a trail of desire right along
with his touch. Freedom wrapped her good arm around his neck, pulling him close and
grabbing his hand, putting it on her breast, encouraging him to touch her again, she
needed it.

“Knowing you were dreaming about us while you fingered yourself in your sleep drives
me crazy. Your little clit is so pretty, straining for me, wanting me to taste it.
Is this what you dreamed of, us taking you together?” Easy whispered and she made
a noise and tried to acknowledge but Poke had his tongue in her mouth and wasn’t ready
to give it up.

Freedom wiggled her hips in agreement and Easy laughed. “We are gonna drive you crazy;
make all those naughty dreams come true and a few more even. ‘Cause I have some,
it includes this beautiful cunt and my bike.”

He licked and sucked her until she thought she would go crazy, the sensations he was
creating in her pussy was more than she had felt before.
Holy shit, it was
supposed to get better
, she thought.

Poke released her mouth and she panted as he attacked her breasts, pushing them together
until he could take both nipples in his mouth and she cried out.
Shit, what were they doing to her, she didn’t even feel like this body was even hers
. It was too much pleasure, and no other men were going to be able to top this.
She felt the kernel of longing take root in her heart, she was never going to be able
to let another man touch her, because she already knew in her heart what her mind
refused to agree with.

She came with a scream, and quickly they moved, slipping on condoms. Poke sat up
on the side of the bed and grabbed her gently. He lifted her until she was straddling
him, holding her casted arm against her body with his, she couldn’t move it and hurt
herself. Then he smiled and sank her slowly on his ready cock. Freedom felt her
pussy still clenching with need, pulling him in as her orgasm still pulsed.

“Gonna fuck this perfect ass,” Easy groaned and she felt something cold at her entrance.
With a steady hand, he held her as he pushed one of his thick digits into her hole,
moving and stretching her. She threw back her head and cried out again, as another
wave crashed through her, it was too much, both of them branding her with their touch.

“Come on, baby girl,” Poke smiled and moved her hips to show her what he wanted and
she nodded slowly. Keeping her eyes on his as she moved him in and out of her while
Easy pushed with his fingers, adding two and then three before declaring her prepared.

“Gonna fuck this ass,” Easy whispered in her ear and bit down on her earlobe then
pushed inside her ass slowly and she moved back against him, helping him fill her
ass a little at a time.

“Fuck,” Poke growled and Freedom smiled at him, and with her good hand held a breast
up to him so he could take her nipple in his mouth. “So fucking sweet,” he murmured
and latched on.

They established a rhythm, a slow one, one intending on driving her out of her mind
until she was demanding them to hurry. The demand they both laughed at, letting her
know who was in control
“Whose pussy and ass is this?” Easy demanded.

“Yours,” Freedom gasped.

“Who were you dreaming about?” Easy laughed.

“You,” she responded.

“Who are the only men who you dream about?” Easy demanded as he pounded in her ass.

“You,” she cried.

“Who are the only men you want to fuck?” Easy asked.

“You,” Freedom yelled and thrashed her head back and forth as another stronger orgasm
hit her.

“Fuck yeah,” Easy yelled as both men found their release, pounding into her as she
slumped until her spasming body wrung every drip out of their cocks.

Freedom sighed and slumped forward as Easy pulled out of her slowly. She felt his
kiss on her shoulder and then the running water in the bathroom. When he came back,
he lifted her gently into his arms, and carried her through to the bathroom as Poke
threw away his condom and turned on the bathtub and poured some lilac smelling bath
salts in. She grinned as he gently lowered her into the bath and then knelt next
to it to help her bathe.

“How is that, baby girl?” Poke said and she leaned her head back on the rim and sighed.

“Perfect,” she said and held up her arm as Easy wrapped the cast in plastic then gently
put it on the edge and stood.

“Call me when you are ready to get out,” he said and she grinned and nodded.

Freedom relaxed and let the stiffness flow out of her. She felt first the ripple
of the water and she peeked an eye open. Poke had a washcloth in his hand and he
was lathering soap in it.

“Let me help,” he whispered.

She nodded and then closed her eyes again. She felt the softness of the cloth and
she smiled as he gently smoothed it over her body. He started at her feet and she
smiled when he began massaging them.

“Wow, how did you get so good at this?” she asked when he was done massaging her feet.

“It is an erotic zone, baby girl, I know all of them,” Poke said and she laughed.

“Why are you in the club?” she asked finally.

Poke smiled and then sat back. “Easy and I were in the military together.”

She nodded and watched as Easy walked back in the room and sat down on the counter
and smiled. This was the first time they had opened up to her and she was going to

“When I first joined, we were assigned to the same squad, and to be honest, we didn’t
like each other. For the first few days, he just sat and refused to speak to anyone
and was an all around prick. I had a chip on my shoulder because I was forced to
join or go to jail. I was a wild child,” he said, laughing and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Yeah he was,” Easy laughed. “Worst damn car thief in the country, asshole stole
the Chief of Police’s car by accident.”

“Hey, I thought it was someone else’s,” Poke laughed. “Anyway, he walked into the
squad house and threw his coat on my bed and I was pissed, asshole thought he owned
the world. I stood, threw a punch, and just like that we were beating the shit out
of each other. No one bothered to step in, and we were evenly matched. Creed was
the squad leader and he just stood there and watched. Damn, at the end, both of us
were bloody but neither of us could best the other. Finally Creed whistled, called
it to a halt, and ordered us to clean up the fucking mess and kiss and make up.”

Freedom laughed, she was sure that wasn’t how it went, but she got the jist. “We
shook each others hands, and cleaned up the mess. From there on out, we were best
friends. Then we got into a situation in the military we didn’t agree with and we
got out together. Wandered around, didn’t have a place to go, and Creed had talked
about this place and the club he was taking over from his old man when he got out
and we just decided to check it out. Best fucking decision we have ever made.”

Easy snorted and nodded. “Yeah, we didn’t fucking fit into society too well.”

“What about your parents, I mean do you still visit them?” she asked quietly.

“The club is our family, my fucking prick of a father liked to talk with his fists,
and when my mother took his side, I left.” Easy shrugged.

“My mother was the town whore, she died before I was released, but I would never have
gone back there, too many bad memories.” Poke laughed sadly.

Freedom looked at the two strong men and realized what she already knew; they were
becoming important to her. She wanted to erase all of the bad things in their lives.
But it was what made them. They talked to her about their military career and the
guys they obviously respected and cared about. Creed and Fork were their leaders,
and she heard in their voices when they talked about them, they would do anything
for these men. They were truly their family.

This is what she wanted
, she admitted to herself as they took her out of the bathtub and dried her off.
Then they took her back to bed and the three of them lay until the early hours of
the morning talking about their pasts. She understood Easy was so quiet and hard,
because he had to be. In his family, if he spoke up he was noticed, then beat. Poke
had a great sense of humor because he hid his feelings behind it. His mother was
called a whore so much that he either had to laugh, or beat the hell out of everyone.
He chose to hide the hurt with laugher.

She told them about her father and mother. She had cried when talking about her mother,
both men wrapped their arms around her. Then when she talked about her father she
had been angry, and they had listened and let her vent. By the end of the night,
she had decided that everything had been backwards with these men, but it was okay.
She wasn’t going to get a date, and a declaration of love. She was trusted to listen
to their pasts and not judge them. It was something she would cherish, and protect.

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