Sharpe 21 - Sharpe's Devil (3 page)

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Authors: Bernard Cornwell

BOOK: Sharpe 21 - Sharpe's Devil
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“So the rest of your men are where?” The Emperor asked blithely.

“They're following on two transport ships,” Ruiz said airily, “with their guns.”

“Ah!” The Emperor's response was apparently a polite acknowledgment of the trivial answer, yet the silence that followed, and the fixity of his smile, were a sudden reproof to these Spaniards who had chosen the comfort of Ardiles's fast frigate while leaving their men to the stinking hulks that would take at least a month longer than the Espiritu Santo to make the long, savage voyage around South America to where Spanish troops were trying to reconquer Chile from the rebel government. “Let us hope the rest of your regiment doesn't decide to pay me their respects,” Bonaparte broke the slightly uncomfortable mood that his unspoken criticism had caused, “or else Sir Hudson will fear they have come to rescue me!”

Ruiz laughed, the other army officers smiled, and Ardiles, perhaps hearing in the Emperor's voice an edge of longing that the other Spaniards had missed, scowled.

“So tell me,” Bonaparte still spoke to Ruiz, “what are your expectations in Chile?”

Colonel Ruiz bristled with confidence as he expressed his eager conviction that the rebel Chilean forces and government would soon collapse, as would all the other insurgents in the Spanish colonies of South America, and that the rightful government of His Majesty King Ferdinand VII would thus be restored throughout Spain's American dominions. The coming of his own regiment, the Colonel asserted, could only hasten that royal victory.

“Indeed,” the Emperor agreed politely, then moved the conversation to the subject of Europe, and specifically to the troubles of Spain. Bonaparte politely affected to believe the Colonel's assurance that the liberals would not dare to revolt openly against the King, and his denial that the army, sickened by the waste of blood in South America, was close to mutiny. Indeed, Colonel Ruiz expressed himself full of hope for Spain's future, relishing a monarchy growing ever more powerful, and fed ever more riches by its colonial possessions. The other artillery officers, keen to please their bombastic Colonel, nodded sycophantic agreement, though Captain Ardiles looked disgusted at Ruiz's bland optimism and showed his skepticism by pointedly staring out of the window as he fanned himself with a mildewed cocked hat.

Sharpe, like all the other visitors, was sweating foully. The room was steamy and close, and none of its windows was open. The rain had at last begun to fall and a zinc bucket, placed close to the Emperor's chair, suddenly rang as a drip fell from the leaking ceiling. The Emperor frowned at the noise, then returned his polite attention to Colonel Ruiz who had reverted to his favorite subject of how the rebels in Chile, Peru and Venezuela had overextended themselves and must inevitably collapse.

Sharpe, who had spent too many shipboard hours listening to the Colonel's boasting, studied the Emperor instead of paying any attention to Ruiz's long-winded bragging. By now Sharpe had recovered his presence of mind, no longer feeling dizzy just to be in the same small room as Bonaparte, and so he made himself examine the seated figure as though he could commit the man to memory forever. Bonaparte was far fatter than Sharpe had expected. He was not as fat as Harper, who was fat like a bull or a prize boar is fat, but instead the Emperor was unhealthily bloated like a dead beast swollen with noxious vapors. His monstrous potbelly, waistcoated in white, rested on his spread thighs. His face was sallow and his fine hair was lank. Sweat pricked at his forehead. His nose was thin and straight, his chin dimpled, his mouth firm and his eyes extraordinary. Sharpe knew Bonaparte was fifty years old, yet the Emperor's face looked much younger than fifty. His body, though, was that of an old, sick man. It had to be the climate, Sharpe supposed, for surely no white man could keep healthy in such a steamy and oppressive heat. The rain was falling harder now, pattering on the yellow stucco wall and on the window, and dripping annoyingly into the zinc bucket. It would be a wet ride back to the harbor where the longboats waited to row the sixteen men back to Ardiles's ship.

Sharpe gazed attentively about the room, knowing that when he was back home Lucille would demand to hear a thousand details. He noted how low the ceiling was, and how the plaster of the ceiling was yellowed and sagging, as if, at any moment, the roof might fall in. He heard the scrabble of rats again, and marked other signs of decay like the mildew on the green velvet curtains, the tarnish in the silvering of a looking-glass, and the flaking of the gilt on the glass's frame. Under the mirror a pack of worn playing cards lay carelessly strewn on a small round table beside a silver-framed portrait of a child dressed in an elaborate uniform. A torn cloak, lined with a check pattern, hung from a hook on the door. “And you, monsieur, you are no Spaniard. What is your business here?”

The Emperor's question, in French, had been addressed to Sharpe who, taken aback and not concentrating, said nothing. The interpreter, assuming that Sharpe had misunderstood the Emperor's accent, began to translate, but then Sharpe, suddenly dry-mouthed and horribly nervous, found his tongue. “I am a passenger on the Espiritu Santo, Your Majesty. Traveling to Chile with my friend from Ireland, Mister Patrick Harper.”

The Emperor smiled. “Your very substantial friend?”

“When he was my Regimental Sergeant Major he was somewhat less substantial, but just as impressive.” Sharpe could feel his right leg twitching with fear. Why, for God's sake? Bonaparte was just another man, and a defeated one at that. Moreover, the Emperor was a man, Sharpe tried to convince himself, of no account anymore. The prefect of a small French departement had more power than Bonaparte now, yet still Sharpe felt dreadfully nervous.

“You are passengers?” the Emperor asked in wonderment. “Going to Chile?”

“We are traveling to Chile in the interests of an old friend. We go to search for her husband, who is missing in battle. It is a debt of honor, Your Majesty.”

“And you, monsieur?' The question, in French, was addressed to Harper, ”you travel for the same reason?"

Sharpe translated both the question and Harper's answer. “He says that he found life after the war tedious, Your Majesty, and thus welcomed this chance to accompany me.”

“Ah! How well I understand tedium. Nothing to do but put on weight, eh?” The Emperor lightly patted his belly, then looked back to Sharpe. “You speak French well, for an Englishman.”

“I have the honor to live in France, Your Majesty.”

“You do?” The Emperor sounded hurt and, for the first time since the visitors had come into the room, an expression of genuine feeling crossed Bonaparte's face. Then he managed to cover his envy by a friendly smile. “You are accorded a privilege denied to me. Where in France?”

“In Normandy, Your Majesty.”


Sharpe hesitated, then shrugged. “Unefemme.”

The Emperor laughed so naturally that it seemed as though a great tension had snapped in the room. Even Bonaparte's supercilious aides smiled. “A good reason,” the Emperor said, “an excellent reason! Indeed, the only reason, for a man usually has no control over women. Your name, monsieur.”

“Sharpe, Your Majesty.” Sharpe paused, then decided to try his luck at a more intimate appeal to Bonaparte. “I was a friend of General Calvet, of Your Majesty's army. I did General Calvet some small service in Naples before—” Sharpe could not bring himself to say Waterloo, or even to refer to the Emperor's doomed escape from Elba which, by route of fifty thousand deaths, had led to this damp, rat-infested room in the middle of oblivion. “I did the service,” Sharpe continued awkwardly, “in the summer of'14.”

Bonaparte rested his chin on his right hand and stared for a long time at the Rifleman. The Spaniards, resenting that Sharpe had taken over their audience with the exiled tyrant, scowled. No one spoke. A rat scampered behind the wainscot, rain splashed in the bucket, and the wind gusted sudden and loud in the chimney.

“You will stay here, monsieur,” Bonaparte said abruptly to Sharpe, “and we will talk.”

The Emperor, conscious of the Spaniards' disgruntlement, turned back to Ruiz and complimented his officers on their martial appearance, then commiserated with their Chilean enemies for the defeat they would suffer when Ruiz's guns finally arrived. The Spaniards, all except for the scowling Ardiles, bristled with gratified pride. Bonaparte thanked them all for visiting him, wished them well on their further voyage, then dismissed them. When they were gone, and when only Sharpe, Harper, an aide-de-camp and the liveried servant remained in the room, the Emperor pointed Sharpe toward a chair. “Sit. We shall talk.”

Sharpe sat. Beyond the windows the rain smashed malevolently across the uplands and drowned the newly dug ponds in the garden. The Spanish officers waited in the billiard room, a servant brought wine to the audience room, and Bonaparte talked with a Rifleman.

The Emperor had nothing but scorn for Colonel Ruiz and his hopes of victory in Chile. “They've already lost that war, just as they've lost every other colony in South America, and the sooner they pull their troops out, the better. That man,” this was accompanied by a dismissive wave of the hand toward the door through which Colonel Ruiz had disappeared, “is like a man whose house is on fire, but who is saving his piss to extinguish his pipe tobacco. From what I hear there'll be a revolution in Spain within the year.” Bonaparte made another scornful gesture at the billiard-room door, then turned his dark eyes on Sharpe. “But who cares about Spain. Talk to me of France.”

Sharpe, as best he could, described the nervous weariness of France; how the royalists hated the liberals, who in turn distrusted the republicans, who detested the ultra-royalists, who feared the remaining Bonapartistes, who despised the clergy, who preached against the Orleanists. In short, it was a cocotte, a stew pot.

The Emperor liked Sharpe's diagnosis. “Or perhaps it is a powder keg? Waiting for a spark?”

“The powder's damp,” Sharpe said bluntly.

Napoleon shrugged. “The spark is feeble, too. I feel old. I am not old! But I feel old. You like the wine?”

“Indeed, sir.” Sharpe had forgotten to call Bonaparte Votre Majeste, but His Imperial Majesty did not seem to mind.

“It is South African,” the Emperor said in wonderment. “I would prefer French wine, but of course the bastards in London won't allow me any, and if my friends do send wine from France then that hog's turd down the hill confiscates it. But this African wine is surprisingly drinkable, is it not? It is called Vin de Constance. I suppose they give it a French name to suggest that it has superb quality.” He turned the stemmed glass in his hand, then offered Sharpe a wry smile. “But I sometimes dream of drinking a glass of my Chambertin again. You know I made my armies salute those grapes when they marched past the vineyards?”

“So I have heard, sir.”

Bonaparte quizzed Sharpe. Where was he born? What had been his regiments? His service? His promotions? The Emperor professed surprise that Sharpe had been promoted from the ranks, and seemed reluctant to credit the Rifleman's claim that one in every twenty British officers had been similarly promoted. “But in my army,” Bonaparte said passionately, “you would have become a General! You know that?”

Your army lost, Sharpe thought, but was too polite to say as much, so instead he just smiled and thanked the Emperor for the implied compliment.

“Not that you'd have been a Rifleman in my army.” The Emperor provoked Sharpe. “I never had time for rifles. Too delicate a weapon, too fussy, too temperamental. Just like a woman!”

“But soldiers like women, sir, don't they?”

The Emperor laughed. The aide-de-camp, disapproving that Sharpe so often forgot to use the royal honorific, scowled, but the Emperor seemed relaxed. He teased Harper about his belly, ordered another bottle of the South African wine, then asked Sharpe just who it was that he sought in South America.

“His name is Bias Vivar, sir. He is a Spanish officer, and a good one, but he has disappeared. I fought alongside him once, many years ago, and we became friends. His wife asked me to search for him,” Sharpe paused, then shrugged. “She is paying me to search for him. She has received no help from her own government, and no news from the Spanish army.”

“It was always a bad army. Too many officers, but good troops, if you could make them fight.” The Emperor stood and walked stiffly to the window from where he stared glumly at the pelting rain. Sharpe stood as well, out of politeness, but Bonaparte waved him down. “So you know Calvet?” The Emperor turned at last from the rain.

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you know his Christian name?”

Sharpe supposed the question was a test to determine if he was telling the truth. He nodded. “Jean.”

“Jean!“ The Emperor laughed. ”He tells people his name is Jean, but in truth he was christened Jean-Baptiste! Ha! The belligerent Calvet is named for the original head-wetter!“ Bonaparte gave a brief chuckle at the thought as he returned to his chair. ”He's living in Louisiana now."

“Louisiana?” Sharpe could not imagine Calvet in America.

“Many of my soldiers live there.” Bonaparte sounded wistful. “They cannot stomach that fat man who calls himself the King of France, so they live in the New World instead.” The Emperor shivered suddenly, though the room was far from cold, then turned his eyes back to Sharpe. “Think of all the soldiers scattered throughout the world! Like embers kicked from a camp-fire. The lawyers and their panders who now rule Europe would like those embers to die down, but such fire is not so easily doused. The embers are men like our friend Calvet, and perhaps like you and your stout Irishman here. They are adventurers and combatants! They do not want peace; they crave excitement, and what the filthy lawyers fear, monsieur, is that one day a man might sweep those embers into a pile, for then they would feed on each other and they would burn so fiercely that they would scorch the whole world!” Bonaparte's voice had become suddenly fierce, but now it dropped again into weariness. “I do so hate lawyers. I do not think there was a single achievement of mine that a lawyer did not try to dessicate. Lawyers are not men. I know men, and I tell you I never met a lawyer who had real courage, a soldier's courage, a man's courage.” The Emperor closed his eyes momentarily and, when he opened them, his expression was kindly again and his voice relaxed. “So you're going to Chile?”

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