Shattered (3 page)

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Authors: S. L Smith

BOOK: Shattered
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“I am not sure what just happened.  I am in complete shock right now and I
can’t seem to function.” I replied stumbling over every word.

“Well snap out of it you look like someone kicked your dog.
Manda what happened?”

caught her in a trance staring at the guitarist for the band.  He winked at her and now she is lost.” I don’t think lost was the right word……I felt, hell I can’t function that is more like it.

“Oh wow that kind explains it.
I think she needs another shot.  Don’t you?”

“No I think she needs dry

“Why did she pee herself
?.......Oh god she got all hot and bothered didn’t she? Oh my, just a wink Ry that’s all it took? God you do need to get laid!!”

Thank you both for reminding me and not saying that in front of your husbands.  Now could we please get on with our night and I will try to pick my vagina off the floor after my lovely eye fucking of the Greek God.” I comely spoke to each one trying to prove that I was fine and not crumbling inside.  Yes I think I need another shot.

























Chapter 2

Three more shots and two diet coke and vodkas later I was feeling rather fun and set free.  It’s been a long time since I let my hair down and relaxed a little.  It was nearing almost 2 am and the bar was getting ready to close.  The band had stopped playing around midnight and was seated in the VIP section of the bar. Which sat right across from our seats.  We all decided to dance one last dance on the dance floor. Me being the odd man out decided that maybe it was best that I sat back and just watched like I normally do.  Plus who wants to dance alone to a slow song on the dance floor. Not this girl.

As the song started to pick up I felt myself rise from my seat and head out on the dance floor feeling calm and relaxed hoping to get one last burst of energy out before I crashed at home from pure exhaustion.  As I started to sway back and forth to the rhythm of the song I felt t
wo strong hands pull me close and move with me.

I don’t know what it was about the hands but they sent this jolt of pure heat across my skin. I didn’t have time to react I just danced and molded my body to his. The movement of our bodies was pure cosmic bliss,
serenity, a feeling of safeness. He wasn’t the first guy I danced with tonight but none of them felt this damn good.

As we were gyrating on the floor my body started to feel flushed and worked up. Not only was my pulse rising so was the bulge that was pressed to my back.  Feeling this I sent out the most God awful moan that sounded like a screeching cat, yes I know I need to get my gasp and moans under control before lower Ryan ever sees any type of four play. 

The bulge in his pants and the mighty hands didn’t seem to be bothered by my cat like cry because he scooped my hair to one side and started kissing the side of my neck. That’s when the real moan made her presence clear. And my meaning of clear is loud, very loud.  What this man was doing to me on the dance floor was like none other than I have felt before. His hands started to roam up and down my body sending shivers down my spine and waking up LR (lower Ryan).

I finally decided it was time to open my eyes to find out if we had an audience and to look for my friends. Yes we had an audience,
four sets of very interested and pleased eyes found mine.  Kris looked and me and mouthed….Oh. MY. GOD. Ryan……. While Amanda just shook her head from side to side with a little grin. Next thing I knew Ky was dancing her way onto the floor and stopped dead in her tracks.

“Oh my God Ryan, you snag the guitarist!” she shirked jumping up and down clapping her hands.  After her embarrassing display she grabbed her partner and moved along the floor.

I was so shocked that I just halted all movement and was paralyzed by the thought of the Greek God dancing with me on the dance floor. I slowly decided to turn around and look to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming about his hands all over.  I looked up and was staring face to face with the most heart stopping blue eyes.  To say I couldn’t breathe was an understatement.  I couldn’t move, my mouth went dry and my legs went numb.

“Don’t worry baby I got you
.” he said while holding me up by the waist.  I couldn’t formulate a response to him. My brain and mouth where in overdrive, not communicating with each other.  I felt lost in a sea of blue eyes.

Trying to formulate my response
he took hold of my chin sending me into a fit of shudders. Noticing my state of distress he gently smoothed out the hair around the face and trailed little kisses along my jaw.  Those kisses sent my body into overdrive. He was hitting every little spot that melted me and my panties.

“Put your arms around me and hold on tight.” I did as he said and he positioned himself in between my legs tangling and molding our bodies together moving to the music.  I closed my eyes and let him take my body
away. I started to feel the pressure in between my legs coming full force, sending shivers up my back sending me into hyper drive.  He must have sinced my distress because he tugged me closer molding our bodies into perfection and started picking up speed.  I was getting lost in the rhythm of our movements, loosing myself in his body.  No one not even my ex could make me feel this way with just simple movements.  No I will not think of him and how he used to make me feel.  This moment right now is all that matters. My legs started to tremble and my body began to shake. He leaned over kissing that spot right under my ear getting me so close to release.

“Just let go baby I
won’t let you fall.”

Those simple little words sent me over the edge and I pulled him close and nuzzled my face in his neck so his body could stifle my moan. And my friends it was a good moan.
Standing there in the aftermath and being held by a Greek God I came to realize where I was. Halting myself to stop I backed up and pulled out of his arms. Pleasure was written all over his face and pure embarrassment was all over mine.

I wanted to run over and hide under the bar again for the second time tonight. Never have
I let myself do something like that before in public and especially in front of the girls. Trying to compose myself and stand on two feet I looked him one last time before I bolted to the restroom.  Thank God it was closing time and maybe I could sneak out of here with a little more dignity than I had before I ran off the dance floor.

All three girls walked in
to the restroom while I was in the middle of splashing water in my face trying to cool myself down and compose myself. “Um Ry, what was that?” Manda asked walking into the restroom looking more than concerned about my quick exit on the dance floor.

“Well you see that guy out there just gave me the best orgasm without actually touching LR.  I
cannot believe I let myself get that far.  This is so not me.  Will someone go out there make sure he is gone and pay for my tab?  I need to regroup and I do not want to see him.  I am so embarrassed right now.”

“Girl that was hot.  I was just getting
myself all worked up just watching you two. He is one good looking SOB that’s for sure.” Ky stated while fanning herself like she was having a hot flash.

“Kylie, control
yourself, Ryan is having a mental breakdown and all you can think about is how hot they looked on the dance floor! My God woman give the girl a chance before we all start telling her that was pure and simple the hottest thing we have ever seen in a long time!!” Kris said trying to act like she was there to support me when really she was trying to figure out how to tell me that it was ok. “Ugh would you girls stop.” Leaning against the counter arms crossed I stated glaring at each one.

Ry I don’t know what to tell you.  That was pretty hot and it was finally nice to see you out there letting go.  I don’t think you should have anything to be ashamed about let alone be embarrassed. Now come on the lights should be coming on and they will start kicking us out soon so get your shit together and let’s leave.” Kristy stated as she pulled me out of the bathroom and back into the bar.  Thankfully the lights weren’t on yet and it looked like the place was clearing out.  All three guys were waiting for us at the table ready to go.  Once again I felt like the fifth wheel, even to Ky’s one night stand I felt a little lonely.  Looking at my friends everyone had someone to go home to. Me on the other hand……my house would be empty tonight.  Looks like I will be hugging my cookie dough once again.

Grabbing my purse I head
ed to the bar. Everyone had paid their tab except for me since I was solo tonight.  I planted my worked up ass on the barstool and waited for the bartender to bring me my bill.  While waiting I chanced and glance around the room just hoping that Mr. Rock God was gone.  No such luck.  He was standing in the corner of the bar with his band mates and their groupies. He caught my eye and gave me a sexy cool grin and wink.  Trying to keep from falling off my barstool and maintaining my dignity and pride I just rolled my eyes.  I wanted him to see that He didn’t have any type of effect on me.  I know this was so untrue but I had to save face.

The bartender came back and handed me my credit card and a piece of paper.  He looked at me smiled and winked.

“Don’t worry love tonight it’s on the house. Be safe.”

I sat there stunned.  No movement once again tonight.  W
hy where my drinks on the house? I know I spent well over a hundred tonight.  Trying to get my composure I stood up and headed back to my group that had moved to the door. Trying to figure out what was going on I remembered that the bartender gave me a piece of paper. Curious I unfolded the paper and began to read not knowing what I would find. The girls must have noticed my utter shock and came to my side trying to pull me out into the night.  My brain couldn’t function and my jaw was on the ground.  Grabbing the paper from my hand Amanda began to read it out loud.


Thank you for the great dance tonight.  Your beauty and grace is one that I was thankful to behold tonight.  I am sorry you bolted from the dance floor I would have loved to have you in my arms all night. But all good things must come to an end.  

I hope to see you real soon…….


“Holy shit, holy shit. How
did he know my name? And I think he paid for all my drinks tonight. What the hell.  Someone pinch me.” I finally got my brain to think and not be in total shock from realizing that he thought I had beauty.  All three girls just looked at me with a slight awe in their eyes.  I didn’t know how to act or what to say.  I just knew that after tonight I would love to see Caleb again.
























Chapter 3

“Baby stop, you need to sit down and do your homework before I ground you into next month.”
I scolded standing there tapping my foot ready to strangle my ten year old.

“Mom look, I will get to it when I get to it chill.” Michael
scuffed as he shut the refrigerator door closed. “Besides dad lets me play my video games before I do my homework.  Can’t you be more like him?”

“Hang on
their buddy, what you do at your dads house is at your dads but in my house my rules go.  So sit your smart ass down and get your homework done. No wonder your failing math.  You’re slacking off when you’re at your dads.”

“Not slacking mom just preparing myself for more worthy things in life.  Math
won’t help me become a famous basketball player one day.”

“Yeah well being a dummy isn’t going to help you get anywhere either, not shut it and
get going. McKayla is your homework done? If so let me see it.”

Next thing I know I hear little stomping feet
coming into the dining room. “Ugh mom it’s done why do you have to look at it?”

“Because I want to make sure
it’s right and make sure you’re getting the information correctly.”

“Fine I will go
get it.  Oh and by the way we like dad’s new girlfriend.  She was super cool all weekend and painted my nails and did my hair.”

“Well good honey I am glad. Now run along and grab your homework.” Sadness crept into my heart.  I knew that this day would surly come I just didn’t think it would be for a while. Sharing your kids is one thing but sharing them with another woman is something completely different.

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