Shattered: (10 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

BOOK: Shattered:
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“May I?”
Angela nodded in assent as he picked up the protective plastic case that held the medal. “You can open it if you like.”
He did, running his long fingers over the raised inscription, shaking his head in awe. “I’ve never seen one of these close up, you know. And I’d still rather have one of these than my Super Bowl ring.”
“You don’t wear your ring?”
He shook his head. “I’m not a jewelry kind of guy, except for a watch. I wear the ring occasionally, if I’m attending a Hall of Fame induction or some other NFL event. Otherwise, it just stays with the rest of my collection. Speaking of which.”
He closed the medal case and placed it back on the shelf. “You should take better care of your awards, Angel. Especially this medal. You don’t live in the safest of neighborhoods, after all. And the lock on your door is pathetic. Don’t your parents have any space in their house for you to keep all this stuff?”
“They do. That’s not the issue.” She hesitated, not really wanting to discuss her messed-up relationship with her family at the moment.
“Then what is?”
Angela huffed, trying not to display the agitation he was causing to rise up with his persistence. “It’s a really long, boring story, Nick, and I’d rather not get into all that shit right now. Let’s just say that my mother didn’t want a lot of mementoes of me laying around the house once I left for college.”
“Hmm.” He was leaning negligently against a wall, his arms crossed over his midsection as he studied her carefully. “You’re right. It already sounds way too complicated to get into now. But one day you’ll tell me all of it, Angel, even though I sense it’s the last thing you want to talk about. In the meanwhile, come here.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and held a hand out to her. She walked over to him slowly, alarmed to notice that her hand was shaking as she placed it in his. But Nick only tugged her closer, until she was standing between his spread legs, his hard, muscular thighs imprisoning her. His hands held her in place by the hips, making sure she couldn’t back away even if she’d wanted to.
It was suddenly very, very hard for her to breathe – small wonder considering how hard her heart was pounding and how rapidly her pulse was racing. But if Nick was aware of her agitation he gave no clue about it. Or, at the very least, wasn’t allowing it to rush him. And he seemed to be in no hurry whatsoever to get to the main event of this evening – namely getting naked and then giving her brand new mattress one hell of a workout.
His voice was deep and deliberate as he wrapped his arms around her hips, his hands splayed over her buttocks. “When I went to that pointless meeting today – and, by the way, I don’t go to many of those things no matter who the special guest might be – all I could think about was how fast I could make a discreet exit. I don’t especially enjoy listening to people spout all that corporate bullshit, nor do I need pep talks from higher-ups who don’t know their ass from third base. But, as it turned out, I wound up being very thankful that I attended. Do you know why that is, Angel?”
She tried desperately to lighten the mood by cracking a weak joke. “Well, it certainly wasn’t for the great food and top shelf booze.”
He smirked. “Very observant, Angel. But you and I both know the real reason.”
She gasped as he unexpectedly shoved a hand up beneath her skirt to squeeze one of her ass cheeks, the skin bared by the skimpy cut of her thong.
“Ahh.” Her eyes fluttered shut as he continued to caress her bare skin. She was already wet and ready for him, quivering with need at each bold, confident stroke of his hand.
“Look at me.”
Her eyes flew open as she gazed down at him obediently. Nick was unsmiling, his dark gaze silently warning her not to look away again.
“That’s better. It was your eyes, you know, that did it for me. Made me realize that for once I didn’t give a damn if you worked at the same firm, that I was willing to take the risk so that I could have all of this for myself – the big eyes, that sexy mouth, all of this gorgeous hair –” he paused to wrap a long, shiny strand around his hand, giving it a sharp tug that made her wince a little. “And especially,” he added in a husky voice, “this very, very fuckable body.”
Before she could respond or protest or even move, Nick had begun to strip her with swift, precise movements. In less than a minute she was left standing in just her lingerie and shoes – all of it black –and trying valiantly to stop herself from quaking all over.
He stroked her hip soothingly. “Relax. I’m not going to rush this so you don’t need to tremble like a frightened bunny. Hold still now, that’s a good girl, and let me look at you.”
She wanted desperately to close her eyes, or cross her arms over her breasts, but she knew instinctively that Nick wouldn’t allow her to do either of those things. His dark gaze inspected her with precise scrutiny, and she could almost feel his eyes boring a path along her skin.
Without warning he deftly unhooked her black lace bra, tossing it carelessly away as his massive hands began to shape her bare breasts. She whimpered as he pinched both of her nipples, plucking the pale mocha peaks until they were hard and throbbing.
“Your breasts are perfect, Angel,” he told her in a husky voice, his hands pushing the twin mounds up until they were closer to his eye level and his tongue could easily flick out to circle each nipple. “Not too big but beautifully shaped and very firm. Firm enough that you don’t really need a bra, provided you’re wearing the right sort of clothing and at the right sort of occasion.” He sucked one already tender peak into his mouth, the sensation of half-pain, half-pleasure rippling all the way down her body, her pelvis starting to tilt forward in reaction.
Nick lifted his head from her breasts, watching her face carefully for a reaction as he skimmed a palm down her torso to her quivering belly.
“Nice toned abs, Angel. I can see you work out a lot, take good care of this sexy body. But you’re a little too thin, just like I guessed. Ten more pounds, I think. That would still keep you nice and trim but with a few more curves in the right places. We’ll work on that.”
Angela was so turned on, so consumed with excitement and heat, that she could neither argue nor protest at his arrogant declaration. Her hands dropped to his shoulders to steady herself as he toyed with the flimsy band of her tiny black lace thong.
“As little as this thing covers, you might as well not have bothered,” he drawled, as he began to work the miniscule garment down past her hips. “In general, I’m not a big fan of the thong, don’t find it especially sexy. More of a panty man, actually. Or nothing at all. Are you making note of all this, Angel?”
“Wh-what?” she stammered, her voice no more than a wisp. His words were hypnotizing her, drawing her deeper and deeper into his web, and she wasn’t sure she could remember one damned thing he’d said at this moment.
Nick smiled knowingly. “Never mind. This probably isn’t a good time to be asking you to pay attention. Time enough for all that.”
He returned his attention to her body, in particular the narrow strip of black hair that was all that remained of her otherwise bare pubic area.
,” he rasped, his index finger tracing along the neatly shaved little patch, “I like. Your little landing strip here is a lot sexier than a full Brazilian would be. We don’t need to change this at all.”
Angela couldn’t suppress the moan that rose up from her throat as Nick’s clever – and no doubt very experienced – fingers began to slowly trail through the outer folds of her labia. She was wet, God, so wet, and had never come close to feeling this sort of overwhelming physical need, a need that was all she could think about. But still he continued to tease her, to merely flutter his fingers around her clit or glance them across her slit before withdrawing.
She barely recognized her own voice, that raw, hoarse sound. Her hips kept thrusting forward, seeking his touch, her body already so highly stimulated that she felt like screaming if she didn’t find some sort of satisfaction very, very soon.
Nick sounded amused. “Please what, Angel? You’re an impatient one, aren’t you? We’ll have to work on that, too, teach you some control. But in the meanwhile, let’s see what we can do for you.”
He’d barely slid his middle finger halfway inside her soaking wet pussy, had only rubbed two slow circles around her clit, when the orgasm ripped through her. But rather than back off at that point, Nick just kept at her, adding a second finger, both of them pumping in and out of her wildly responsive body with increased aggressiveness.
And when she was already crying out with pleasure, was already mindless with sensation, he bent his dark head and sucked her clit between his lips. A second, even more intense orgasm pulsed through her, until she lost the ability to think or speak or move, and all that remained was pure sensation.
Dimly, she was aware of Nick gently laying her down on the bed, the amusement in his voice now touched with something that sounded an awful lot like awe.
“Well, you’re an easy one to please, aren’t you, Angel?” he asked with a low, purring laugh. “I barely had to touch you and off you went like a skyrocket. Tell me, are you always so easy to get off or do I just have magic fingers?”
“Hmm?” She stared up at him, watching as if in a trance as he began to undress, removing his suit jacket and tie before starting on the buttons of his shirt. “Sorry, I – um – can’t -”
“You heard me. Tell me what I want to know now. Is it typical for you to have an orgasm – no, make that
orgasms – with such little effort?”
Angela felt her cheeks flush hotly, not used to such behavior from a lover, or to such deeply intimate questions. But she knew Nick was waiting for her answer, and none too patiently, either.
“No.” She ducked her chin in embarrassment. “It’s – it’s usually just the opposite. I just figured it was me, you know, that I wasn’t one of those women who could -”
He shook his head, unbuckling his belt and then pulling his shirt free. “Well, you figured wrong, Angel. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen another woman who could come that fast. Or that hard.”
She propped herself up on her elbows, her big eyes wide as he stripped the shirt from his body. “Maybe I just needed the right partner,” she told him huskily.
And then she could only stare in slack-jawed disbelief at the sight of his naked torso, not sure what part of his heavily muscled body was more droolworthy – the massive breadth of his shoulders; the powerful, chiseled circumference of his biceps; the six-pack abs that could only be the result of thousands of hours spent in the gym or great genetics or both. And what made that mouthwatering upper body even more eye-popping was all that smooth, darkly tanned skin and the narrow ribbon of black hair that bisected his chest before tapering down below his waist.
“Like what you see so far?”
Nick’s sinfully full mouth was quirked up at the sides in a confident, knowing grin. He knew, damn him, she thought darkly, just how beautiful he was – how buffed and ripped and strong. And he also had to know exactly the sort of affect he had on women, knew just how much she was enthralled by the sight of him right now.
“Yes.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
The rasp of his zipper seemed to echo around the small, confined space of her apartment, and her eyes felt like they were bulging out of their sockets as he shucked his pants, dealt with his socks and shoes. The form fitting gray briefs that were his only remaining garment seemed barely able to contain the enormous bulk of his erection.
He gave a low, deep laugh as he began to peel his underwear off. “Angel, I hope you never play poker because you’d lose your shirt. That saying about a face being an open book – honey, I can read every single word on yours clear as a bell right now.”
Angela’s brain felt like mush, her vocal cords seemingly paralyzed, and she could only stare – and keep on staring – at the sight of his splendidly nude body. Especially the intimidatingly huge length and girth of his fully aroused cock. The thick, dark red tip seemed to throb with a life of its own, and she swallowed with a great deal of difficulty as she tried valiantly to imagine how she could possibly take all of him inside her body at once.
“We’re going to fit together perfectly, Angel,” he assured her confidently, as though he’d just read her mind. “Even with that tight little cunt of yours, you’ll take all of me, won’t you?”
Her big, dark eyes were transfixed as he removed what looked at first glance to be half a dozen or so foil packets from his suit jacket. “I – I’ll try,” she promised faintly as he rolled one of the condoms over his pulsing cock.
He sat down on the bed, gripping her chin between his long fingers as he tipped her head back. His eyes were gleaming, his mouth unsmiling. “You’ll do it, Angel. I knew the minute I saw you that you were made for this, that your body was made for
. You’re going to take everything I have to give you, and you’re going to fucking love every minute of it.”
He took her mouth in a brutal kiss, his tongue possessing her with a ravenous hunger that made it very, very clear who was in charge. She groaned, her head starting to spin dizzily beneath the harsh demand of his mouth, and her arms drifted up of their own volition to wrap around his neck.

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