Shattered: (25 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

BOOK: Shattered:
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They were due to return home on Monday evening, two days from now. Nick had already insisted she indulge in a massage, a mani-pedi, and a facial, and they had worked out both mornings at the resort’s world class fitness center. She’d barely been able to focus on her own workout, however, mesmerized instead by the sight of Nick lifting weights and doing chin-ups and push-ups. His powerfully sculpted body was like a work of art, and it hadn’t escaped her notice how many other women – and men – had openly ogled him
They’d slept in, had brunch delivered to the casita, sunned themselves out by the pool. Last night he’d taken her to dinner at one of the resort’s four-star restaurants, and tonight Nick had made reservations for a twilight dinner cruise on a sleek Catamaran. Tomorrow they were going on a snorkeling expedition and having another massage in the late afternoon.
He’d bought her several new outfits from the resort’s designer boutiques, including three bikinis, one of which she wore now. The two scraps of white fabric that bared a great deal of her smooth olive skin had cost an obscene amount of money, just like everything else Nick had picked out for her with an offhanded, careless regard for prices. Though she honestly didn’t know why he had bothered to buy her anything, since she’d spent more than half of their time here thus far naked. And she knew it was only a matter of time before she would shed the pricey white bikini – along with a few more of her inhibitions.
Nick had just laughed when she had timidly expressed concern about sunbathing in the nude, waving a hand arrogantly in dismissal.
“Relax, Angel. No one can see us here, or hear a thing. I made sure of that when I booked this particular casita. Several of the top level managers at the Gregson Group’s U.S. headquarters are my clients, including the facilities manager. The guy has a memory like an elephant, knows the layout of every hotel the group owns in North and South America. He assured me that next to the owner’s suite this particular casita was the most private accommodation in the place. So the only Peeping Tom you have to worry about is me. Speaking of which.”
Angela gulped as he removed his aviator sunglasses and his dark eyed gaze traveled over her barely clothed body with great interest. The way he smiled made her nipples peak instantly, her breasts feel full and achy, and her pussy was suddenly wet and needy.
Nick reclined back on his chaise, the really magnificent display of his bare torso making her mouth water. But it was what he did next that caused her heart to race triple time, and her legs to feel incapable of supporting her much longer.
He crooked one long finger at her, his grin unholy. “Come here, Angel.”
Mesmerized, unable to look away from his compelling gaze, she walked the few steps from her chaise over to his, stopping in front of him as he swung his long legs over the side.
Nick’s big, warm hands caressed the curve of her hips, bared by the tiny string bikini bottoms.
“You should live in a bikini,” he rasped, bending his head to lick her navel. “Or be a swimsuit model. But as hot as you look in a bathing suit, Angel, I prefer you wearing just your birthday suit.”
She gasped as he deftly undid the ties at either side of her hips and drew the swimsuit bottoms away. He splayed his hands over her naked ass and pulled her forward, burying his face between her legs.
“Ah, Nick,” she breathed in surrender. Her hands clutched thick strands of his hair, still damp from a recent swim in their private pool.
He took his time, ignoring her plaintive whimpers, running his tongue along her slit, sucking her swollen clit between his lips, feasting on her like she was the sweetest, most succulent dessert ever created. God, he was so good at this, so immensely skilled, an expert at wringing one orgasm after another from her quivering body. He pumped two fingers deep inside her wetness several times before replacing them with this tongue, and then slowly, carefully, inserted one lubricated finger up her ass.
She bit down on her lip to suppress the scream he would have otherwise torn from her throat, the dual stimulation of his tongue deep inside one opening and his finger in the other more than her overloaded senses could take. He gripped her fiercely by the hips as the orgasm rippled through her, his lips caressing the moist, sweat dampened skin of her belly.
Nick swiftly divested her of the bikini top, squeezing both of her bare breasts before running his tongue over the nipples.
“Hmm, another day or so of sunbathing au natural and your tits will be the same skin tone as the rest of your body,” he murmured wickedly. “Your beautiful ass, too. And as soon as you take care of me, Angel, I’ll be very, very happy to rub plenty of sunscreen into every inch of your skin.”
He pushed her gently but firmly to her knees as he stood and shoved his dark blue swim trunks down his legs, baring his intimidatingly huge erection.
“You know what I want, Angel,” he crooned. “And exactly how I want it.”
She was thrilled to hear the sharp intake of his breath as she slowly ran her tongue up and down the full, throbbing length of his cock. Nick always kept such a tight rein over himself, rarely showing any reaction during their sexual encounters, no matter how hard she tried to provoke him. But that brief, betraying indication that she was, in fact, giving him pleasure was all it took to spur her on. She was determined to get a real reaction out of him this time, to make him lose control, and began to use every trick he’d ever taught her. She speared the tip of her tongue deep inside the slit of his cock head while stroking him with a steady, unceasing rhythm. She relaxed the muscles at the very back of her throat and then worked her mouth a little further down his cock with each devouring pull. And then, when she’d taken all of him, every inch of that spectacular cock as deep into her throat as possible, she reached back to lightly squeeze his balls. Even with the blood pounding fiercely in her ears, Angela could hear him groan, felt his hands fisting in her hair and pulling it taut. Knowing he was still holding back, was still in control, she became more determined than ever to make him lose it for once, to make him be the one shaking uncontrollably. Impulsively, before she lost her nerve, she carefully inserted her index finger inside his anus and pressed down hard, hoping wildly that what’d she read once in Cosmo about this particular little trick was accurate.
“Fuck, Jesus, fuck!” yelled Nick as his hips began to buck frantically, the head of his cock butting up against the back of her throat and threatening to gag her with each violent thrust.
He came hard, much harder and longer than she could ever recall, even as she continued to stimulate his prostate gland. The hot, sticky bursts of cum flooded her mouth, shooting down her throat faster than she could swallow, and she could feel rivulets of it trickling down her chin. She winced in pain as his grip on her hair grew even tighter, holding her head still as he continued to empty himself. Her jaw was sore from swallowing, the back of her throat tender from taking him so deep, and thick white beads of his semen clung to her cheek and neck and even her breasts. But it was all worth it to hear his grunts of pleasure, to feel him continue to shudder in reaction, to know that he’d finally lost control and just allowed himself to feel. She felt an almost giddy sense of triumph, especially when she finally dared to glance up at him from beneath her lashes and saw the way he was gasping for breath, his skin darkly flushed and his eyes tightly shut.
Nick released the death grip he’d had on her hair, sliding his cock out of her mouth, and then turned and stalked over to the pool. Without a word he dove into its crystalline depths and began to swim laps with focused precision. She knew he was deeply shaken by what had just happened, and cursed herself for having made him lose control, knowing how pissed off he must be right now. She carefully got to her feet and grabbed a towel from the neatly folded stack next to the pool. She wiped off her mouth and upper body before glancing over at Nick as he continued to swim with steady, purposeful strokes. Conscious of her nudity and the hot Mexican sun beating down on her, she wrapped the oversized towel around her body and began to pick up the discarded pieces of her bikini.
“Get your ass in this pool. Now.”
Gulping, she looked over at Nick who was treading water at one end of the pool. His dark eyes were stormy and his mouth a taut line of disapproval. She didn’t dare protest, dropping the towel where she stood before easing herself into the water.
He was on her in an instant, wrapping the long length of her hair around one big hand and jerking her head back to meet his burning gaze. She swallowed with some difficulty and was grateful when he wrapped his other arm around her waist to support her.
“I don’t especially care for surprises,” he growled in a dangerous voice. “So the next time you feel like experimenting with something new – don’t. And that little trick you just pulled – unless I specifically tell you, don’t try it again. Clear?”
Incapable of speech, and terrified that she’d messed up big time, she could only nod.
His mouth crashed down on hers, kissing her brutally. She clutched the brawny muscles of his biceps desperately as he made her grow dizzy with his punishing kisses. She whimpered when he bit down deliberately on her bottom lip, not hard enough to break the skin but she knew it would swell up within a few short minutes.
Without warning he hoisted her up to sit on the edge of the pool, her long legs still immersed in the water. He was rock hard again, his incredible powers of recovery never ceasing to astound her. But as he spread her thighs apart, she glanced around apprehensively.
“Nick – should we – I mean, are you sure -”
He snickered and shook his head in disbelief. “Angel, you have got to be kidding. Just a few minutes ago I was shoving my cock as far down your throat as you could take it, and a few minutes before that I had my tongue in your cunt and my finger up your ass. And
you’re worried about someone overhearing us?”
His eyes darkened as he lowered his head, his mouth sucking at her nipples until she was groaning. He gripped his cock and positioned it at the slick entrance to her body.
“Relax,” he murmured. “No one is going to hear us. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Even if they did hear us, you’ll never see any of these people again.”
“Ah, God.” She cried out in a low, startled voice as he rammed himself inside of her with one savage thrust. She wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his neck, and held on for dear life as he fucked her hard and deep.
She had just enough presence of mind to gasp, “C-condom.”
“Tough. You’re protected, I’m clean, and it feels too fucking good to pull out now. In fact,” he bit her shoulder, lifting her legs even higher up until they circled his waist, “doing you bareback is something I should have done a long time ago. And definitely something I’m going to do a lot more of in the future.”
He screwed her roughly, almost brutally, and without any of his usual finesse. He was wild and frantic and Angela knew she’d crossed a line, pissed him off, by making him lose control earlier. And this, now, was her punishment, his way of letting her know in no uncertain terms that he was still in charge, would always be in charge. But it was the sweetest kind of punishment, she though shakily, the sort he could dole out for hours or days at a time, the sort she’d welcome with open arms.
It was almost unheard of for him to climax before he’d gotten her off at least once, but she knew this, too, was part of her punishment – the denial of her pleasure – and he came quickly and silently deep inside of her. But, as though he instantly regretted his selfishness – not to mention his brutality – he lifted her back into the water and held her close as they floated in place. She couldn’t hold back the hot rush of tears that spilled from her eyes, and buried her face against the side of his neck as her shoulders shook with quiet sobs.
“Shh. It’s okay, Angel,” he soothed her. “I can be a mean bastard sometimes, I admit it.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s okay. And I’m – I’m sorry, too. For what I did. I know you need to be in control and -”
“Hush. Let’s not talk about that now. And I’d have to be a real asshole – or a moron – to be pissed about having the best orgasm of my life, wouldn’t I? Come on, let’s get dried off and then we’re going to have some real fun with that bottle of sunscreen.”
She shivered in anticipation as he murmured in her ear, “Good thing I bought an extra-large bottle, because when I’m through with you it will be your turn to return the favor.”
As she looked around at the three hundred or so guests assembled inside the church, Angela thought yet again that if it wasn’t Gabriella who was getting married today she would have definitely found a way to blow this off. She’d never been a big fan of weddings, having been dragged to an indeterminable number of them since childhood. And since she had at least thirty cousins on her mother’s side of the family alone – all of whom were now married – that added up to a lot of these affairs over the years.
Gabriella, in fact, was her second cousin. Gabriella’s grandmother was Angela’s Aunt Paula, who was a full fifteen years older than Rita. Paula’s oldest child – Marta – was Angela’s first cousin, and the mother of Gabriella. And since the bride was herself a year older than Angela, the two of them had spent a lot of time together as children, playing at all the various family events and parties. It was only because of their closeness growing up that Angela had given up a weekend with Nick to attend the wedding today.

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