Shattered Dreams (19 page)

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Authors: Brenda Kennedy

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #drama, #military

BOOK: Shattered Dreams
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I didn’t know he was this
ill. The IV in his little hand. He looks so small lying in this big

Oh, Cheryl, I’m sorry. I
didn’t want to worry you. He really is much better.”

Come on, Cheryl. We need to
leave so they can get their rest. As you can see, he is in good

But, Danny…”

Cheryl, there isn’t
anything we can do here. We’ll be up first thing in the morning.
They both need their rest.”

Ok, you’re right,” Cheryl
reluctantly agrees. “Emma, call us if anything changes or if you
need anything. We’ll be up first thing in the morning.”

I will, thank you both for
coming. I really appreciate it.”

Come on, Millie, we need to
get going, too. We’ll be back tomorrow when he’s awake,” my dad
says, trying to convince my mom to leave, too.

Really, there isn’t
anything anyone can do. He needs all the rest he can get,” I say

We better leave before
security comes,” Brooke says as she stands up.

Security? How did you all
get up here after visiting hours?”

Dad coughs and clears his throat, “Danny said
his daughter was in labor and we were all going to the labor and
delivery unit.”

Everyone laughs quietly. That sounds just
like Danny. Brooke and I hug everyone and Brooke tells them she’ll
have security walk her out to her car. She wants to talk to me

Are you sure you’re all
right here alone?”

Yes, mom, I’m fine and
thank you.” Once everyone leaves, Brooke closes the door after

What’s up?” I


You said you wanted to talk
to me.”

Oh, that. I just said that
so they wouldn’t wonder why I didn’t leave with them.”

Why didn’t you leave with

My girl needs me. I
couldn’t tell them I was staying here with you. Then they would
also try to stay, then all of us would get kicked out.”

That sounds about right.” I

So, when they come in check
on James, just tell them I’m your significant other. They’ll be
shocked and won’t even question it.” She smiles.

Only you would think up
something like that.”

I know, it really is a
talent. I should become an author of fiction or romance or

Now you’re talking — then
you can get paid for lying.”

That sounds

We both giggle and Brooke walks over to the
bed. “How is he?” she asks, reaching to touch his small hand.

I walk over and stand beside her. “He’s sick,
he couldn’t stop throwing up, and he is dehydrated. Brooke, I was
so scared. I kept thinking about….”

Don’t say it. Nothing is
going to happen to him,” she says, stroking his small hands. He
must have had a good doctor. He looks better than you just

He did, you won’t believe
who his doctor was.”

She looks up at me. “Who?”

Alec Collins.”

Who’s that?”

Mr. Kung Fu.” I smile. She
smiles and I know it has clicked who Alec Collins is.

Well, isn’t he just a big
bunch of yummy rolled up into one?”

I don’t know about that,
but he is a great doctor.”

The nurse walks in and medicates James again
through his IV. He doesn’t stir. Brooke and I lie down and try to
rest. She reclines on another chair in the room. We doze off and on
throughout the night. When daylight peeks through the window, she
stands up and kisses James.

Is he awake?” I ask,

No, I just wanted to kiss
him before I leave. I need to get home and get the kids off to the
school while Brice goes to work.”

I stand and walk over to her. I look at
James, who is sleeping peacefully. His color is coming back and he
looks even better than he did last night. “Thank you for staying; I
really appreciate it. I didn’t want to be here all night by

You really didn’t think I
would leave you here alone, did you?”

No, I didn’t. It’s good
having a best friend like you. I missed you when we were

I missed you, too. I drove
Brice crazy; that’s why he agreed to move to Florida. I need to go,
or he’ll be late for work.”

Thank you so

Call me and tell me what
the doctor says when he comes in. I want to know if he’ll stay
another night or if he’ll be released.”

I will, and as soon as I
know something, I’ll call you.”

Brooke leaves and I stay by the bed and hold
James’ small hands. I close my eyes and pray that God will help
him. I wipe away the tears that stream down my cheeks.

Momma, don’t

I look up and James is looking at me with sad
eyes. I smile because my son is awake.

Are you thinking of

No, James, I was thinking
of you. How are you feeling?”

I’m all better.”

I bend over and kiss his warm lips. “Good,
momma was worried about you.”

Danny, dad, Cheryl, and mom come walking into
the room carrying balloons, a stuffed animal, flowers, and food.
James smiles when he sees all of the gifts they brought him. Dad
raises the head of his hospital slightly so James can see everyone.
I stand back away from the bed so everyone can visit with James.
James is the only grandchild on both sides of our families. Max was
an only child and so am I.

Dad hands me the sack with the food and hands
James the balloons and stuffed animal.

The grandparents fuss over James and he loves
it. My phone chirps, alerting me that I have a text. “I’m surprised
to see it’s from Alec.

Alec: Good morning, Emma, it’s Alec. How’s
James this morning?

Emma: Good morning. He’s awake and visiting
with his grandparents.

Alec: That’s great. I won’t keep you. I told
Raelynn that James wasn’t feeling well, and she would like to send
him some balloons. Would that be all right?

Emma: You don’t need to do that.

Alec: I know. Rae really likes him and she
thinks balloons will make him feel better. You know how kids

Emma: I do and he would love them. Please
thank her for us. That is very sweet of her and you.

Alec: No problem, you can expect them
sometime this morning. Hope he feels better soon.

Emma: Thank you again for everything, he
already does.

The nurse comes in and brings James some
clear liquids for his breakfast. She informs us he needs to start
off with clear liquids to see if he can hold them down. James
drinks some chicken broth and I pray he doesn’t throw it up. He
dozes off and on throughout the morning. Both sets of grandparents
stay close by and watch over him.

He wakes up when the nurse comes in with a
bouquet of balloons.

A delivery for James
Greyson,” the nurse says, cheerfully.

I’m James

Then these are for you.”
She walks over to him and sets the large bouquet of helium balloons
in his bed for him to see.

I walk over and smile big at my son. He is
looking at each balloon and the stuffed ninja holding the balloons.
“Momma, look.”

I see, you want to read the

Yes, please.”

I carefully remove the card and smile.


I hope you feel better soon, Raelynn.

Well, these are lovely, but
who is Raelynn?” my mother asks. I am grateful Alec omitted his
name from the card.

Raelynn’s my ninja friend,”
James says.

She is the daughter of
James’ instructor in taekwondo.”

Oh, how did she know he was
in here?” Cheryl asks.

He is also the doctor who
saw James in the emergency room last night.”
Please don’t ask anything else.

He’s a ninja, too.” James

Wow, sounds like he’s many
things, James,” Danny says, smiling.

Brooke walks into the room and smiles when
she sees that James is awake. She has showered and changed her
clothes since she left this morning. She hugs everyone and then she
hugs James, last.

Look, Aunt Brooke, ninjas.”
He smiles.

Wow, that’s

Raelynn give
them to me.”

them to you,” I

That was nice of her,”
Brooke says, looking back to me. She turns back around and looks at
each balloon. There is a ninja, a bear in a hospital bed, a puppy,
and a get-well-soon balloon.

These are all very nice.
How are you feeling?” she asks, feeling his forehead with the back
of her hand.

Better, I want to go

James’ pediatrician, Dr. Alfredo Giangreco,
comes in and checks on James before releasing James. He has an
antibiotic he’ll need to complete and he will need to rest for a
few days. Dad and Danny collect all of James’ balloons and goodies
before leaving to get the car. They put James in a wheelchair and
push him to the awaiting car. Dad is driving my car, and Danny is
driving James and me home.

Once we get everything inside the house and
James lies down for a nap, everyone leaves. Brooke tells me she’ll
be over tonight with dinner. I lock up and take a nap with James in
my bed. I still don’t sleep with him, but I do make exceptions

Chapter Six: A Not-So-White Christmas


Daddy, I like this balloon
and this one and this one,” Raelynn says,

Do you think he needs a
stuffed bear or a giraffe or something?” 

How about

I look over at Raelynn and she is holding a
stuffed ninja. I smile and say, “That is perfect.” 

I work nightshift tonight so I drop Raelynn
off at Molly’s parents’ house. They are always so excited to see
her. Raelynn skips up the sidewalk and I walk behind her. Molly’s
mom is standing on the porch waiting for her.  

I say, “Rae, be good for grandma and grandpa
and I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.” 

Ok, daddy. I love you,

I look at Molly’s mom, Bridget, and say,
“I’ll be here early enough to take her to school.” She nods and I
turn to leave.  


I turn around to see Bridget stepping down
off the porch. “Yes, Bridget?” I say, walking over to

Alec, I wanted to thank you
for letting us keep her.” 

Bridget, I know you both
love her and Raelynn loves spending time with

We love having her. I just
wanted you to know how much we appreciate it.” 

I smile and nod, “I know you do. I’ll be here
first thing in the morning to get her.” 

Ok, she’ll be

I’ll see you in the

Good night,

I get into the car and
I am surprised to see a text from Emma. 

Emma: Thank you for the
balloons and the stuffed ninja. James loves

Alec: Thank you. I can’t
take the credit; it was Raelynn’s idea and she also picked
everything out.

Emma: He loved everything,
especially the stuffed ninja. Please thank her for

Alec: I sure will. How is
he feeling?

Emma: He’s home, he slept
most of the day, and he’s not eating much. 

Alec: He was pretty sick.
Let him sleep as much as he wants and offer liquids when he’s
awake. Every day he’ll feel better and better.

Emma: I will and thank


The night goes by uneventfully, and Raelynn
is ready and waiting for me when I get there. I drop her off at
school, and before heading home to sleep I make a quick stop at the
store. Mason is in line in front of me at the

Just getting off work?” he

Yeah, just going in, I

I have bills and a wedding
to pay for.” Mason smiles.  

I got your wedding
invitation in the mail the other day. Sorry, but I haven’t had time
to R.S.V.P. yet. Congratulations, I’m happy for you. Angel seems
like a wonderful girl,” I say, honestly.  

Thank you, and she is. I’ll
let Angel know you’ll be coming. She’ll also want to know if you’ll
be bringing anyone?” 

No, it’ll be just

Alec, we are having a few
people over for a small get-together on Christmas Eve. You and
Raelynn should come. It’s nothing big, just a few friends and

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