Read Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC Online

Authors: A. J. Downey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC (16 page)

BOOK: Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC
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“That’s it baby, squeeze my cock.” His voice was low and base, as he spoke between gritted teeth. He teased me gently, lovingly
, my back arching as my body filled with pleasure. I thrashed, sailing over the edge, every nerve ending caressed by heat and stars and the feather light stroke of Ethan’s fingers.

Tears slicked the hair at my temples at the beauty of it and I couldn’t even muster a
sliver of panic at what he might think to see me crying beneath him. He kissed me tenderly, and stroked my body through wave after wave of aftershocks as I completely shattered beneath him and came together again...

Chapter 15



Oh she came apart beautifully. I pressed myself fully into her sleek heat and held her in my arms as she let out this little gasping, trembling sob beneath me. I kissed away the salt of her tears, surprised to find I wasn’t worried but rather found I was elated that I could make it that good for her. I wasn’t done though.

“We’re not done yet B
abe.” I whispered in her ear. She looked at me with her molten golden gaze, boneless liquid grace beneath me and smiled the most angelic smile.

“Can you ride me?” I asked, hopeful, and she nodded. I withdrew from her and laid out beside her. I’d had visions of this for too long, I
was way past want, I
to see her moving above me.

She straddled my hips and I pulled the condom more securely onto myself. She sank down slowly and I moaned. The angle was sharper this way, deeper somehow... She let out a shuddering little sigh and my hands found her hips, caressing over the ridges of the bones with my thumbs. Her hands warm on my body as she rocked and at the sight of her doing it, damn I almost came right there.

I held back through sheer force of will alone. I wasn’t ready to stop. Hell I wanted to stay like this forever if I could. Her skin almost glowed in the light of the overhead and I was glad I had left it on. She stroked up my length nearly coming completely off of me before letting her body weight take over so she’d plunge back down over me.

The sweep of her hair over her shoulders was hypnotic, the sway of her hips mesmerizing and I wondered when this siren had found her way into my meek, shy little Ashton. I swept my hands up her body, her skin like living silk beneath my fingers and palms.
I cupped her breasts and played the pads of my thumbs over her dusky nipples and she gasped, head thrown back the ends of her long auburn tresses tickling the tops of my thighs.

She was a goddess, my goddess and I
shuddered when she looked at me. I was a captured man and I knew it. She laid down against my chest and I held her, taking over, rocking my hips, pushing up into her tight little pussy with barely controlled thrusts. I felt that tingle at the base of my spine, my balls drawing up tight against my body and with a groan I jerked up hard inside her, losing my rhythm, coming completely off my rails and plunging headlong into the warm bliss that was Ashton Granger.

She lay atop me for a long time, both of us panting, sweat cooling our heated skins. I was loathe to pull out of her and so I didn’t right away. Instead, I rested with her, her head
tucked perfectly under my chin. I smiled to myself, she fit against me like she was made to be there.

“I love you.” The words were out of my mouth before I even realized I intended to speak them. I was seized by a momentary panic that I may have just committed an irreparable wrong. Her voice came almost immediately, soft and lilting…

“I love you too.”

She drew back to look at me and I could see the mirror image of my feelings for her in her beautiful golden eyes. I relaxed, not one hundred percent sure what this meant in the grand scheme of things but one thousand percent sure that we would make it work somehow.

I’d promised her that when I finally did take her body that I’d love her and I was as good as my word. Complicated or not, some things were pretty simple and that was one of ‘em. I kissed the crown of her head and stroked lazy circles on her back and she sighed in contentment.

gotta get up Babe.” I whispered and she whimpered in protest but moved for me. I reached down between us and held the condom in place as she slipped off of me. Holy god that felt good. She collapsed beside me equal parts sated and exhausted and I smiled. I stripped off the rubber and ditched it in the small trashcan by the bed.

“Stay here.” I whispered and went out to the bathroom, Ashton’s hysterical
giggle following my naked ass out into the hall.

Woah hey! What the fuck man!?” Data called as I went past him and some club chick he had backed against the wall, hand up her shirt.

passin’ through Brother.” I went into the bathroom and shut the door but not before spying Ashton, sheet clutched to her chest, eyes bright, hair mussed in that freshly fucked look that
just put on her dissolving into high, musical hysterical laughter.

I grinned and turned on the tap, waiting until the water was gently steaming. I wet a washcloth and wrung it out and went back to clean up my girl.

“The fuck Trigger!? Put some damned pants on!” Someone protested…

“Like a damned tater tot in yellow Easter grass…” Dragon grumbled and I guffawed, slamming my bedroom door behind me. Ashton grinned impishly up at me from the middle of my bed. I got in beside her and lovingly washed her down with the warm damp cloth. She sighed and squirmed and I nipped her shoulder.

We settled beneath the sheets and I lovingly cradled her against my side. She lay with her head on my shoulder, eyes closed and I kissed her forehead. Neither of us said anything but finally she ventured with…

“Did it hurt a lot?” her fingertips played along the top of my right thigh and I knew what she was thinking about.

“Yeah. Bullet lodged in the bone, had to have surgery to get it out.” I sniffed and cleared my throat but didn’t say anything more. A couple inches higher and I would have been shot in the ass, I really wished it had gone that way. May have hurt less and I may have been able to do more, go back out again before the end of my tour had come up. It had been my third but man, getting shot once had been enough for me. A few of the guys in my unit didn’t come back at all.

It was their screams that echoed in my brain. The haunted eyes of their loved ones that haunted my dreams. I closed my eyes and Ashton snuggled closer, kissing my chest where she
could reach it with her lips. She was like a balm to my scarred soul in so many ways.

We fell asleep like that and I don’t think we moved at all because we woke that way in the morning, light streaming in from the high window through the slats of the blinds. I smiled down at her where she rested completely comfortably on my chest. I liked waking up with her in my arms so I made note of what I needed to do to wear her out to keep her there.

She was a bit of a mess and in need of a shower, her eye makeup smudged in deep dark circles under her eyes. I kissed her forehead and the movement shifted her enough that she jolted softly awake, golden eyes flickering open to meet my own. She smiled lazily and the ember of her fire stoked to life.

“How you feel?” I asked her.

“Mmm good.” She smiled like the fucking Cheshire cat and I rolled her on her back. Ruined make up or not she was fucking beautiful. I reached into the drawer and pulled out another condom and she reached her arms up.

She was ready for round two. Fuck yeah.

I kissed every supple inch of her small body until her arousal perfumed the air and her lips parted to beg and then I took her, making love to her until neither one of us could stand it anymore and we dissolved into a sweating, panting mess that you couldn’t discern where one of us began and the other ended. Then I took my girl in to shower with her and loved her with my hands and my mouth under a hot shower spray. I couldn’t get enough of her, I wasn’t really sure I ever would and it looked like the feeling was mutual.

I left her in the kitchen making breakfast for the masses when Dragon beckoned me into the Chapel.

“Yeah man?” I asked.

“You good to go on this run brother?” he asked me plainly.

“Yeah! Yeah! I’m good. I got Ashton all squared away. Why?” I asked. Dragon’s dark eyes roamed my face and he chewed the inside of his grizzled cheek considering.

“Just never seen you this… happy…” he said finally. I grinned and looked out the Chapel door where Ashton stood in my tee shirt serving up
Reaver coffee, the tart he picked up last night on his knee. She laughed at something he said.

“She’s something Pres.” I told him, eyes never leaving her.

“Yeah. I remember lookin’ at Tilly like that.” I sobered and sighed. This run we had coming up was to disrupt a heroine supply chain coming up through one of the North East chapters. We were trying to get other chapters of the MC to go legit, leave the illegal shit behind and it wasn’t going well.

Once men got a taste of the money… the power… well that was kind of it. A couple of the chapters had listened and turned a new leaf like ours, the old timers like Dragon, running them having lost enough in their own lives to see the benefit, the gain, of going legit. Some of them though, were a different story. Either too headstrong or too ing
rained or too corrupt to save. None of them had figured out that our branch of the MC was going so far as to actively disrupt distribution yet. It was a risky game we played. Dangerous not only for us but for the people out there that we cared about. People like Ashton that had no idea what we were capable of.

We were drawing down to that moment with the North Eastern chapter where we were going to have to consider doing some very bad fucking things in order to serve the greater good. We all knew it. I huffed out a sigh.

“I’m good for the run man.” I said, turning back to him. He nodded.

“We got to cut and run, we’ll do it, anything happens out there or here at home but I hate like hell the thought of that poison r
eaching its destination. Gettin’ in the hands of some kid.” He clapped me on the shoulder.

“Yeah man I know what’s at stake.” I said, and I did. All too well. I’d gotten hooked on that shit
for a time when I got back stateside in an attempt to dull the pain, the memories of over there. Reaver was on it and that’s how we hooked up. We both went through hell getting off of it. It’s what cemented our Brotherhood. He’d been on it a lot worse than I had. It had taken longer for him to kick the habit and he’d lost a lot more than me because of it. I looked across the club house at Ashton.

There was a lot that
she didn’t know about me. A lot of skeletons in my closet that she
to know about. I raked a hand through my hair and hoped like hell when they all came out that she would still love me because the thought of losing her now kind of killed me. Her golden gaze swept across the room and caught mine and her whole face lit up with a smile. I pressed my lips together but couldn’t help the answering smile of my own. God damn she was beautiful.

Dragon made a noise like something was confirmed and I looked at him.

“One day someone walks into your life and makes you realize why it didn’t work with anyone else.” He grunted. “Tilly was like that for me. I think Ashton is like that for you.” He said.

“Old man, why the fuck you
gotta be so insightful?” I asked, he put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed and smiled into my eyes and socked me in the gut.

I doubled over and wheezed, the wind knocked clean out of me
. Ashton was coming around the bar but Reaver caught her arm holding her back. Dragon bent and looked me in the eye. “How’s that for an old man?” he asked dark eyes sparkling with way too much happy.

“You still got it.” My voice strained out on another wheeze and he chuckled, slapping me on the back and waltzed out of the room whistling.
Reaver let Ashton go and she strode across the room to me.

“Are you all right?” she asked gently, voice tinged with concern.

“Yeah. That’s what I get for being mouthy.” I grinned rakishly at her and straightened, tucking her beneath my arm.

“Boys are stupid.” She said frowning and her proclamation was met with laughter and a few chuckl
es. I dropped into a seat at a table.

“Won’t argue with you there.” I said.

She kissed me lightly and went back to feeding people, setting a plate of sausage and eggs in front of me. I let her do her thing because it obviously made her happy. I gave her warning when we had to get ready to go and some of the other women pitched in to help.

Ashton got dressed in record time and so did I and we headed straight for the shop in the clothes we’d had on the night before. Wasn’t like we had worn ‘
em all that long to warrant going home and changing. I had a full day of one piece and it was promising to be grueling.

“You good B
abe?” I asked her as she settled behind her desk, her jacket hanging from the back of her chair.

s.” She intoned, smiling softly, that lush bottom lip of hers clasped between her teeth.

I nodded and took my customer back to my station.

“She your girl?” he asked me.

“Yeah.” I told him quietly, “She’s my girl.” I was worried she would take it the wrong way but I think she heard, her head bowed and a sigh of contentment slipped from her, a light blush painting her cheeks. It wasn’t the reaction I expected to the possessive comment… but it elated me just the same.

BOOK: Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC
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