Shattered Stars (3 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

BOOK: Shattered Stars
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When she
couldn’t get any further onto him, it was because she was pressed
tight against him.

She was
panting, and she felt exceptionally full, but there wasn’t any

Sweat dampened
her skin as she sat on him, waiting for instruction.

He closed his
eyes, and to her confusion, his cock began to twist inside her.

When he opened
his eyes, there was a distant focus.

Hannah held
onto his shoulders as the slow, internal churning drove her to
distraction. A new sensation, suction on her clit, startled

“Easy, Hannah.
Don’t think. Just feel.”

She gasped, and
her soft cries filled the room as she sat with her hands clenched
against his skin and she fought release.

The movement
inside her picked up tempo, and a low whine left her throat. The
suction on her clit grew fierce, and she threw her head back and
gasped as her entire body shook and jerked around him.

She wanted to
scream, but her throat was locked as pleasure blinded her and stole
her breath.

He slowed his
internal assault, and her clit was released from its captor. Every
nerve she had was sensitive and raw, but she wanted to do it

Her patron
hadn’t cum, unless there was another signal for his kind. When she
relaxed again with her head down, she pulled her hands away from
him and placed them on her thighs.

He chuckled.
“Close to three hundred, indeed. I have never had such a delightful
feast before. Well, not without me doing all the work. Well done
for your efforts. You may dismount now.”

She was unsure
how her legs would work, but she got off him by using the desk for

The slick cream
she had generated was all over him. With heated cheeks, she got
back to her feet and her gown fell back into demure lines.

He didn’t ask
her to tuck him back into his trousers; he got to his feet and
walked to one side of the office, opening a door to a lavatory. She
heard splashing, and when he returned, his trousers were damp but

Her inner
thighs were sticky, but it was her own fault.

He nodded to
the lav. “You can clean up in there. Your scent is exceptionally

Her blush was
fiery as she walked with as much grace as she could, given her
recent position.

A damp cloth
was next to the sink, and she gathered up the skirt to clean
between her thighs. The cool cloth felt amazing, and to her
humiliation, she felt herself getting aroused all over again.

“They did not
feed you today. Are you hungry?”

He flexed and
flared his wings as he watched her clean up. She could see him in
the mirror.

“I am hungry,
yes, sir.”

“Come with me,

He beckoned to
her, and she dropped the skirt, rinsed the cloth out again and set
it down on the counter next to the sink.

“You are not
here to be a domestic, Hannah. Feel free to leave a mess.” He
didn’t touch her but wrapped his wing around her back.

They exited the
office, and she understood the reason for the wide doors. He was
not built for stealth. Her patron was designed for power and
nothing else.

There were
indeed guards by the office doors. She felt embarrassed by the
noises she had made, but they were soon past the guards and walking
down the corridor.

Shattered Star
is a galaxy-class ship. When a new species is
found, we travel to the training centre and await the bond auction.
I have been waiting for someone like you. Even among your own
people, you have a gift.”

“Among my own
people, I keep it under wraps, sir.” She had to remember the
honorific. Being flippant could get her a beating if he was
anything like her instructor.

“That will not
be necessary here. I want you to be free to feel it all. Everything
that you feel will be fed to me, and you are a feast, dear




After her meal, her
patron took her on a tour of the ship.

Her patron was
explaining her position as he led her through the halls. “You are
not confined to my side if I am occupied with business matters. The
run of the ship is yours and none of the crew is allowed to touch
you. If any of them try... I will give you a charm to summon me

She nodded.
“Yes, sir.”

“There is a
wardrobe with clothing for you. I will select the outfit for the
day and drape it across the foot of the bed. You will wear it no
matter how you feel about it. There is always a purpose to my
choice, even if it is my own pleasure.”

“Yes, sir.”

“On my world,
you will have attendants to assist you for the more detailed formal


like yourself. In fact, we are travelling with a few of your people
now. They are in the lower quarters.”

She was
suddenly nervous. “Oh. Good, sir.”

He chuckled.
“You are not pleased that your kind will see you with me?”

“I am still
coming to grips with why I am with you. It is not what I studied

“We will make
use of that education, I promise you.”

Somehow, she
believed him. She was warm, fed and sheltered. She needed something
new to look forward to. Sex was an inevitability, but using her
mind was something she desperately wanted to do.

“Thank you,

He smiled
slightly and continued their walk through the ship. Whenever she
lagged behind, his wing caught her and ushered her back into

In a highly
guarded section of the ship, she was escorted into their sleeping

“When I am in
bed, you will be with me. When I am resting and relaxing here, you
will be with me. I want you where I can see you at all times unless
I tell you otherwise.”

Hannah nodded,
and she was escorted to an area with a low couch and a thick
carpet. “Sir, I have a question.”

“Ask it.” He
was circling her in a very predatory manner.

“How long is my
bond term?”

He chuckled,
and it turned into a roaring laugh. “As long as I wish it to be.
You might be able to pay it off if you live a thousand years, but
that is unlikely.”

She swallowed.
“Understand, sir, I only have fifty years left in my lifespan, and
you will tire of me long before that. I believe you have been

He laughed
again, and it was the rich sound that you would hear in the
underworld. Even his laughter held an edge of threat.

“I plan on
taking very good care of you, Hannah. If you continue to give me
all that you have, this life can be very pleasant for you.”

She shivered as
he got close enough to bite her. He stepped away before she could
do more than shimmy in place.

As she watched,
he removed his boots, pulled off his trousers and lay back on the

“Remove your
dress. I would like to see what I have invested in.”

Hannah nodded
and looked at the floor while she undid her belt.

“Look at me.
Watch me”

“Yes, sir.”

She let the
belt slide from her fingers, and it struck the carpet silently. She
toed off her slippers and stepped away from them.

Her patron was
watching her, his erection quivering. She enjoyed looking at him.
The solid slabs of muscle added to the threat, and she enjoyed the
thought of having him around her and inside her again.

When she slid
her fingers under the left shoulder of her dress, he wrapped a hand
around his cock and pumped slowly. She felt the honey seeping from
her, and she pressed her thighs together.

She pulled the
right shoulder of her dress down, and her breasts and the points of
her nipples were the only things holding it up. With a deep
inhalation, she pulled the gown off her breasts and freed her arms.
The fabric was caught on the flare of her hips.

She kept eye
contact with him as she pushed the dress off her hips and stood in
a puddle of fabric.

“Turn around,

She did as he
asked, keeping her hands flat at her sides. When she faced him
again, he beckoned her with his hand. “Come here, Hannah.”

She walked over
to him, and he sat up, pulling her between his thighs. Aside from
him stroking her pussy earlier, it was the first time he had
touched her.

His fingers
were rough, as if he spent a lot of time doing manual labour. The
caress on her skin was detailed and his examination thorough.

“A little thin,
but that can be corrected.” He was observing her casually as he
turned her around with his hands on her shoulders.

“Now, I had no
idea what a lovely ass you have. I will enjoy progressing

She felt her
cheeks burn red and had to surrender to what was a constant state.
Embarrassed by her body and what it wanted was just part and parcel
of being her.

He gripped the
globes of her ass, and she squeaked as he lifted her up on her

“You make the
most delightful noises.”

She wanted to
drop into a hole and have it swallow her up. He pulled her
backward, and she stopped when she struck his chest. His hands
cupped her breasts, and he whispered in her ear, “Put me inside

He lay back on
the couch, and she went to face him, but he turned her to face his

She climbed
over him and positioned his tip in her opening, slowly moving
downward and using the memory of the earlier encounter to spur her
acceptance of him.

His hands moved
over her back, stroking her and caressing her skin. “Ah, gods, so

She clenched
around him at his dark whisper.

With focus, she
continued to take him deeper until her buttocks pressed his pelvis.
The slow twist inside her began almost immediately, and she arched,
bracing herself on his thighs.

Her breasts
ached from inattention, and she lifted her hands to hold them,
squeezing hard until she felt the first stirrings of release.

Her patron
stroked two fingers between them before rubbing her own cream into
the rosebud, and when the tension inside her broke, he thrust those
two fingers inside a few inches, twisting as her orgasm took a dark
turn and she screamed as her senses overloaded.


A cool cloth on
her forehead brought her around. Her patron was crouched on the
floor, and she was lying on the couch.

“Oh, I am so
sorry, sir.” She struggled to get up, but he smiled and pushed her

“It is fine,
Hannah, and when we are alone, you may call me Mero.” He stroked
his hand over her hair. “You have already given me enough to keep
me supplied with energy for the next ten years.”

“How did I do
that, sir?”

He gave her a
chiding look.

“How did I do
that, Mero?”

“Better. I like
the breathy way you say my name. As for how, my kind take pleasure
and turn it into energy. We can also take pain, but it destroys our
food source.”

She blinked. “I
am food?”

His smile was
slow and showed a lot more teeth than she was comfortable with. “In
a manner of speaking, yes.”

She really
wanted to faint again.

“Now that you
are awake, I will take you for some rest. I suspect you have been a
little nervous as to your situation.”

Hannah laughed.
“You can say that.”

It wasn’t past
tense either. She was still nervous. She was with a man who could
fire her out of an airlock if she didn’t please him, and here,
there was nowhere to run.

It was never
supposed to be forever.

He picked her
up as if she weighed nothing and placed her on the wide bed. With a
grunt, he lay down next to her and pulled her against him.
Apparently, it was his naptime, too.

With her back
to his chest, she asked the question she had been dying to ask. “Do
you ever cum?”

“You mean


“Only during
breeding season. The next one is still a decade away.”

She nodded but
was confused. “So, does it hurt when the erection stays?”

He chuckled. “I
will give you a Hmrain biology lesson tomorrow. For tonight,


He pressed a
kiss to her temple and held her while she escaped into sleep.


Hannah jerked
awake and sat up, her heart pounding. It had all been a dream.

She laughed at
herself until she looked around the huge room and the gown at the
foot of the bed.

She slipped out
of bed and went to the lav, taking a short shower and evaluating
the light bruising on her breasts and the slight ache in her pussy
and ass.

She dried
herself with a cloth and walked into the bedroom, watching bots
scurry around to clean up the bed and the dress and shoes she had
left on the floor.

A small
bracelet was on her wrist and a crystal hung from it, the same
colour as Mero’s eyes. She remembered what he said about it and
guessed that this was what he meant.

The new dress
was pretty, burgundy, and ties could fit it to any body shape.
There were matching sandals, and soon, she was dressed with nowhere
to go.

The central
gardens looked like a place to start, and they were on the way to
the mess hall, so she decided to go and visit them.

The lush forest
in the middle of the ship was a reminder of Earth that was. The
plants weren’t the same, but the feeling was. She stood next to a
tree and simply inhaled and exhaled slowly, enjoying the taste of
life in all her senses.

“Hey, are you
human?” a voice called from behind some of the trees, and she
turned with a smile.

A man in a set
of coveralls came out, and he grinned at her.

“Yes, I

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