She flies with her own wings (23 page)

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I nod.

“Find something else.”

“Yeah, I worried you’d say that.”

He laughs quietly. “What, that I’d give you such an easy solution?”

I nod. “Yeah, I mean, my job has been my life for the last two years. It feels like it should be more complicated.”

“So not purely hypothetical.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Well, sort of, because I’m not ready to take the leap just yet.”

“If you’re not happy in your job, you have to change it. You can’t be unhappy for ten hours a day.”

“What if I’ve established there aren’t any other options?”

He looks at me when we stop at traffic lights. “I have no clue about your field, but both Rob and Will say that you’re really good. You will have other options, and anything is better than being unhappy.”

“What if I fall?”

“Well, you had better hope you sprout wings before you splat on the ground.” He squeezes my hand. “You’ll be fine, baby. Don’t settle for crap when you can have everything.”

“Why are you so perfect?”

He grins. “Only for you, baby.”

When we get in, he makes love to me gently and softly. And for the first time, he sleeps in my room. It’s so lovely to fall asleep in his arms.


The next morning I wake up to someone fondling my breasts. Still drowsy from sleep, I turn over, expecting to find Tom, but it’s Will.

“Morning, sunshine,” he whispers.

“Morning. Didn’t I fall asleep with Tom last night?” I ask, confused.

“Tom had to get to the constructions site early this morning. Some kind of emergency. I was just going to leave you a note on the nightstand that I was going too, but you looked so irresistible with those naked tits of yours.”


“You up for a morning quickie?”

“What time is it?” I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

“It’s six.”


He pulls me onto the floor, positions me on my knees with my upper body leaning on the mattress and plunges into me in one fluid movement before moving in and out.


‘How am I going to get to work?’ I ask myself after I get out of the shower and sit at the table which is, like every morning, set up with Nutella toast and a latte, but this time, there’s a rose, too.

Love! Roses mean love. Out of curiosity, I open the web browser on my cell and check the meaning of lilac. New love. Oh my God. They sent me a message. And how did they find lilac in fall? What was the other one again? Peach blossom. I Google again. Enchantment. And now the red rose. Love.

If there was any doubt left about their feelings, this has pretty much settled that matter.  Hasn’t it? The answer is a resounding yes and amen.

I call for a taxi and get them to drop me off at my car, which is still parked near the bar. I then drive to work, manage more chaos, and get out punctually to make my appointment with Carmen.

“Thea, it’s lovely to see you again,” she says, unenthusiastically.

“Very funny, Carmen, you should be nicer to your paying patients.”

She grins at me. “You know I’m always pleased to see you. Today even more so because I get to hear everything about you and Will King. What a hottie!”

I giggle. “Carmen, you don’t know the half of it.”

I don’t really know where to start. I actually want to talk to her about my job situation, but that now seems like a lifetime ago because my head is filled with other stuff, namely Tom, Will, and Matt. In that order or in another that involves those three. If we have time at the end, I might be able to squeeze in the small issue of my career.

I outline the situation, tell her about moving in, their advances, first Matt, then Will, then Tom. I tell her about the blossoming feelings, mine and theirs, the flowers, the Nutella toast and lattes. Carmen is speechless.

“Say something.”


“Say something. You’re making me nervous.”

“Wow. I think that’s all I can say right now.”

“Wow good or wow bad?”

“Good. I think.”

I feel relieved. Carmen doesn’t seem to be judging me.

“Okay, I think I got my voice back.” She twinkles at me. “For starters, whatever makes you feel good is good for you. Don’t worry about what others think or even what I think. You are a grown woman, and you’re doing your thing. It doesn’t have to be my thing, it doesn’t have to be your friends’ or family’s thing, it just has to be yours.”

I nod.

“What’s important to me is that, whatever you do, it does you good. Don’t get into something that’s bad for you, that’s in some way abusive to you.”

I swallow. Does she think…?

“And I’m not seeing that here. Not from what you’re telling me. They seem to really like you, even love you. Is it an unusual relationship? Without a doubt but you are an unusual woman, Thea. Don’t forget that. Don’t let yourself be held back by convention. You decide your own fate.”

I nod again.

“Always listen to your inner voice, trust your instinct, your feelings. Listen to your heart, your gut and regularly so you know what’s good for you. And when you feel something isn’t right, take the right measures to put everything back in order. That means communication with the three of them. It could also mean that you end up splitting with one, two, or all three of them. I’m not saying it’s going to happen. I’m going to give you the same advice I’d give you if you were in love with one man.”

“So you think it’s okay?”

“I can’t tell you what is right or wrong for you.”

“I don’t think I could stand it if you judged me.”

She takes my hand. “I will never judge you, cariño. Have I ever done that in the ten years we’ve known each other?”

I shake my head. “But most of it wasn’t my decision. They were just things that happened to me. This time I feel like I’m getting a say in the matter.”

“That’s right. Look how far you’ve come! Do you remember the eighteen-year-old who sat here with big eyes, shocked and scared. She couldn’t have made a decision like that. Ever. You are strong, so strong, and you’ve managed to battle your demons. And now you can make life decisions. Strange ones, perhaps, but they’re yours to make. How could I judge something like that?”

“What kind of future does this relationship have?”

She scrutinizes my face. “It’s got the same kind of future any relationship has. It doesn’t have a sell-by date just because there are three of them.”

“What will people say?”

“Are you asking what people will say or what your parents will say?”

I bite my lip. “I know what my parents will say about it. That I’m a great big disappointment to them.”

“So what’s your question exactly?”

“What will their parents have to say about it?”

She smiles. “I’ve known Miranda King a long time. She’s no traditionalist. If she sees that the situation makes her son happy, she’ll support it. And the others? No idea. But this is one of those questions of the ages. It’s the same as if it was just Will. You’d be asking the same question, what do their families think of you. What’s the difference?”

“What’s with marriage and kids?”

She looks at me, surprised. “Well you can’t marry under the circumstances. Not all three of them, anyway. Obviously, you could be married to one of them, if that’s what you wanted. Kids and marriage aren’t mutually exclusive. You could have kids, there’s nothing stopping you.”

“But would it be right to bring children up in a relationship like that?” I ask. I don’t even know if I want kids but somehow this feels like it’s an important question.

“I’m not going to lie to you, yes, it would affect any future children. But every relationship affects them, every element of a relationship does. What’s important is that they grow up in a loving family environment, which will support its uniqueness. Once that’s established, the rest will fall into place.”

I think about what she’s said. Could it really be that simple?

“What are you thinking, Thea?”

I rub my finger over the bridge of my nose. “I was just wondering whether it could be that simple.”

She laughs. “Sure it can! It is simple. If you’re sure about your feelings, and you’re sure about theirs then the rest is simple.”

I smile slightly. Perhaps the right way is the easiest way. Perhaps I really can have all of them. Perhaps we’ll get our happy ending.

“Is there anything else on your mind, Thea?” Carmen asks, as she looks at her watch. “I’ve got another 15 minutes before my next appointment.”

“Yes, there is something.” I say and give her a quick summary of what’s been happening at ColtonTech. “And over the last couple of days I’ve found myself asking if it’s still what I really want. Do I want to stay with a firm that won’t promote me because of my sex? And the answer is ‘no’ but I’m afraid my options are limited because I’m in my child-bearing years.”

“What’s the alternative?”

“Being unhappy.”

“Could you live with that?”


“Well then you’ve got your answer. Look for something else. Aren’t there any jobs out there that you like?”

“There might be.”


I shift uncomfortably in my seat. “The job I really want is in the research department of BioKing.”

“William King’s firm?”


She grins. “You have a real talent for complicating things.”

“Hey, I’m not doing it on purpose.” Not always anyway I argue with myself.

“Okay, that can work. You have to establish some rules, which you both have to stick to. Then there’s the chance that the job could go if the relationship ends. Either because he’ll fire you or because you don’t want to work for him anymore. Whatever happens, there’s no reason why you two shouldn’t be able to work together.”


I think about those words on the drive home. Her words gave me hope. After all, as far as my heart’s concerned, I’m all in; it’s just my head that’s stalling. Can it really be that simple? I decide to simply let it happen. To see what cards fate will deal me and play the hand I’m given. Or something like that.


The first thing I catch sight of as I walk through the front door is Matt.

“Matt!” I cry as I drop everything and run into his arms. He catches me, laughing, and lifts me up so we are eye to eye. I wrap my legs around him.

My arms go round his neck and my hands play with his hair. He lays his hands on my bottom to hold me up and begins to kiss me. Slowly, at first, gently and then harder, more passionately. His kisses wander from my neck to my ear.

I feel hands on my back. Will takes my jacket off me, rips open my blouse and undoes my bra. He pulls everything down my arms and lets it drop to the ground. Matt lifts me up so my breasts are level with his face.

“Thanks, man.” He says to Will and begins to suck my breasts.

My hands are in his hair, ruining his fohawk. My head drops back, and I just enjoy his mouth on my boobs.

He presses his face into the valley between them and breathes in deeply. He then takes a nipple in his mouth, and I moan passionately. It’s just so good to have him back.

“Love your tits, babe.”

When he’s finished kissing my breasts, he lays me on the table, pushes my skirt up, rips off my panties and enters me with one swift thrust.

“Turn your face towards Tom and Will. I want you to watch them while I’m in you.”

I do it and watch their faces. I see the love they feel for me, their eagerness, their lust, see that they are both unbelievably turned on by watching me being fucked by Matt. And, yes, Matt is fucking me, without a question. A week without sex has given him withdrawal symptoms, and he is merciless in his desire to replenish his sex tank. It’s turning them on. I moan and scream and see them getting hard. Matt bends me over the table, and I raise my arms to hold on to the ledge. His hand goes to my hair, releases the clip, grabs a handful of hair and yanks my head back.

Will licks his lips, his eyes tell me he wants it to be him taking me this hard. Tom leans forward to get a better view.

Matt’s hand slaps at my ass and I scream out with lusts. I push my ass up against him, demanding more and wanting it harder. That’s my treacherous body, just crying out go, go, go and not wondering just how much it can take and what it cannot.

Another slap from Matt, and I’m close to coming. One hand lets go of the table and I push between my legs. I start to rub my clit and see that Tom and Will are glued to my every move, groaning quietly as they watch my hand between my legs.

Matt pushes three fingers in my ass and begins to thrust deeply. I cry out, it’s such an amazing sensation. And I’m so turned on by all three of them being there. It makes me horny to see Tom and Will being turned on by us fucking. I’m happy at the thought of being able to give them this.

Obviously, they need this for a fulfilling sex life, and I need three men to be happy. These three men. Who I love. Yes, Matt too. I love all three of them and I want all three of them. I want a life with them, however unusual it is. As I think about how happy they make me, tears well up in my eyes. Will wipes them away softly and kisses me gently on the lips. Tom takes the hand still gripping the table and holds it. The wave of my orgasm crashes over me, and I come long and hard. Matt is hot on my heels and pours himself into me. He stays deep in me a while longer as his lust pushes out of his cock.

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