She Shouldnt, But She Will (32 page)

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When he got off the phone Derek told Thia Jim was at the Oglethorpe’s but had called the Coast Guard to find them, pick them up and see the
As You Wish
back to port. Since Derek had provided their coordinates, rescue was fast approaching.


* * * *


“Good morning, Thia. Is that second cup of coffee for me?” Jim Jenson slipped in beside her.

“Only, if you want to explain to Derek why you’re drinking his coffee.”

He took the cup. “He shouldn’t be drinking coffee anyway, with the whack he took on the head.” He sipped, made a face and added sugar. “I heard you had an exciting time, day before yesterday.”

“I have to admit it was exciting, but I’m not in a hurry to do it again.”

“How is Derek doing?”

“Evidently he has a very hard head. He spent most of yesterday having it examined. I think they did everything but take his brain out to look at it, and didn’t find anything wrong so there is a good chance he will get out of here today.”

“I thought I would come by and tell him what happened, and get your statement if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, but let’s go in and see him first. I’m sure he’s anxious to hear all about it.”

“I’d like to see him, too. I’ll wait until he’s discharged before chewing his ass about his letting you on board.” He sent her a mock glare. “How is he taking it, missing all of the action?”

“I know he’s a little disappointed, but mostly I think he’s happy the Coast Guard got to us and we’re all right. Thanks for that.”

“You’re welcome.”

They pushed the door open to Derek’s room.

“Derek, look who finally showed up.” He was dressed and sitting in a chair.

“I took your coffee," Jim said. "It’s time you cut back.”

“Thanks,” Derek groused. “Good to see you, though.”

Jim took the other chair after Thia sat on the bed. Derek reached for her cup and sipped before handing it back.

Jim jokingly said, “I see you’re ready to get out of here.”

“After what they put me through yesterday, you’re damn right I am. Thank you for sending the Coast Guard after us. We needed the help.”

“No problem. By the way, the
As You Wish
is at your dock.”

“Great. Okay, how is the case going?”

“Very well, actually. Arrested twenty-seven dealers including three distributors. We rounded up not only a large amount of about every kind of drugs you can imagine but retrieved the shipment that recently arrived on the
Natant Revel
. I’m sure it will slow down illegal sales for several weeks if not longer.”

“What’s happened to the Oglethorpes?”

“Their deal still stands, so they'll be on probation for five years but out on their own recognizance. So, if they don’t get involved with drugs again, they’re not in bad shape.”

“I’m sure they won’t. Thanks for your help, Jim.”

“Well, I’m here to get your statements so we can wrap this thing up. Which one of you wants to start?”

“I don’t seem to remember much so it might be better if you start with Thia. Besides, she has the more exciting story.”

Thia chuckled. “You could say that. After all, Derek slept through most of it. Of course, if it hadn’t been for me he wouldn’t have been knocked out.”

Thia told the story much like it happened, leaving out the details of how she used her body to stall and catch Howard off guard. She did say she pushed him overboard while she still thought Derek was dead.

“That should do it. I do have one last question. Can I call you guys the next time I need help?”

They looked at each other, then said simultaneously, “Sure.”





The Passionate PIs













Siren Publishing, Inc.



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