SHEIKH'S SURPRISE BABY: A Sheikh Romance (23 page)

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Picking up the switch in moods from Burk, Violent wondered how to play out this evening and decided that maybe by throwing enough personal details out there, it would have him relax a little bit and distract him from his thoughts.

"So, I grew up around here. I assume you didn't based on your accent, but I could always be wrong," Violet said gently, hoping to get him talking.

"I grew up in Russia. I started a business back there, and moved it here when I got my green card, and eventually my citizenship. I've made a point to hire people with green cards to support those who want to achieve their dreams." Burk told her as he pulled into the parking area and rolled down his window to give the Valet his keys and a fifty dollar bill.

They opened the doors for the two of them and Burk escorted Violet inside, leaving the silence slightly awkward.

Violet was feeling frustrated by the time she sat down. She'd tried a couple more times to get him to open up, but the more she pushed, the quieter he got. She wasn't sure what was bothering him, but she could tell something was.

Ordering a vodka on the rocks, she watched him. He ordered a white wine and then looked over his menu. The place was fancy, fancier than Violet was used too, but she didn't comment on that, instead she observed him. After he drank his wine, he started to relax a little, and that's when she pounced.

"I normally don't date people I work with," Violet started to tell him. "But there's something different about you, I couldn't say no when you asked."

Burk stared at her, normally he was a good judge of character, but she was like a blank slate, she was either the best liar he'd ever met, or she was being honest. There were no nervous ticks, or tell tale signs that she wasn't being honest. Used to high stress negotiations, he was good at reading people, which is why Alek had caused him to second guess everything he ever thought about himself when it came to making good, sound decisions and why he acted so impulsively asking Violet out.

"I normally don't date people I work with either. However, a woman of your quality doesn't come around often, and I couldn't pass up an opportunity to at least get to know you better," Burk said, although his other reason was to make sure he could trust her to be his assistant. If he was going to fire Alek and needed a replacement, he had to be able to trust the new one, which meant getting to know her better and taking her out to dinner was his excuse. While he might want to rip her clothes off, he tried to convince himself he'd behave.

They ordered their meal and ate in relative silence until Burk couldn't take it anymore, ordering a shot of vodka and slamming it back and then cutting himself off because he had to drive. He asked Violet to dance, she was on her third vodka and nodded, seeming just slightly tipsy and giggly enough that they'd have fun out on the dance floor.

He took her hand and walked over just when the song changed to a slow, romantic song and he put his hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close, laying her head on his shoulder, swaying to the music slightly.

Burk could smell her vanilla soap that she must use, and wrapped his arms around her waist so one hand almost touched her butt. He was trying to resist the urge to grip it in his hands and pulled her up against him, his cock was hard in his pants and he knew that seducing her on the dance floor would be more likely to scare her off than a slow, practical seduction over time.

When she looked up and touched his cheek softly, her big eyes wide and she leaned up and pressed her mouth to his, surprising him. He could taste the cherry flavor of her lip gloss she'd put on and sighed into her mouth. Her tongue delicately rubbed against his lower lip, inviting him to deepen the kiss.

His hands went to her butt and grabbed her like he'd been dying to do, and then thrust his tongue deep into her mouth as they swayed together to the music. Eventually the song ended and a fast song came back on and they were still moving slow until another couple rammed into them, causing them to jolt apart.

Violet was breathing hard, and had never lost herself in a kiss before. She had been completely clueless to her surroundings, and she was shocked. She never let herself get that into it. Burk brought things out in her she didn't even know she could feel or was capable of. Shocked, when he led her off the dance floor by the hand, she went willingly and didn't say anything.

"Would you like to get out of here?" He asked her quietly, his voice sounding slightly strained and his Russian accent was thick.

"Sure, we can go," Violet said quietly, forgetting the mission, forgetting that she needed to get information from him, everything she wanted tonight was selfish. One night that was about her, after that, she'd focus on the mission.

When the valet brought the car, he helped her inside, opening the door for her, and drove the half hour to his house. When he pulled into the circular drive way, she was impressed that for all of his billions of dollars, he had a relatively normal looking house.

It was large, but not a mansion. It had four or five bedrooms, with a couple of formal living rooms, an over-sized kitchen, an office, a full basement, a six car garage, and the grounds were immaculate, but you'd never guess he was a billionaire who had money to waste.

He took her up the stairs to the master suite, the bedroom was large, and it had a four poster king size bed in it. The dressers and lounge chairs matched the design on the bed, and it was clearly a well thought out room. He had a large screen TV on the wall above one of the dressers so if he was in bed, he could watch it.

What caught her attention though, was the mirror above the bed.

"Do you bring women here often?" Violet asked him, unsure if she really wanted to know the real answer, but couldn't stop herself from asking anyways.

"No, I don't allow most people in my personal space, the decorator suggested the mirror to help brighten up the room since I went with such dark colors for the furniture, flooring and walls. Does the mirror bother you?" Burk asked her as he shut the door quietly behind her and walked over to her, placing a hand on her arm, rubbing it softly.

"No, I'm actually fascinated by it. I've never made love in a bed where I could watch myself." She grinned at him and turned to face him, pressing her lips to his mouth, letting him unzip her dress. She kicked off her shoes and stood before him in her silk panties before taking them off, watching his eyes darken as he hungrily took in her naked body. He reached to touch her breasts and she danced out of the way.

"Nope, it's your turn. Get naked too and then you can touch me," She told him as she backed up and sat down on the bed, crossing her arms, watching him with an arched brow. She could play games, but she wanted him naked before they started.

Burk grinned and then made quick work of his clothes, taking them off so he stood naked in front of her. His hard, large cock with the purple head jutted forward through his trimmed pubic hair. His chest was sprinkled with hair and his muscles left her aching to run her hands up his torso.

Violet swallowed hard as he came closer, trying not to flinch as his hot skin touched her knees as he climbed against her and pushed her backwards against the bed. The soft down comforter felt like heaven underneath her naked back, when she looked up at the mirror she saw his tight butt cheeks, the muscles in his legs and shoulders flex as he crawled over her, and she saw her dark skin stand out against the white of the bedding.

He kissed her, his hands going on either side of her head. Distracting her from her thoughts. Burk pressed her into the bed with his weight, loving her soft curves and the way she felt against his body. They fit together perfectly and he took his time stroking her passion and body to get ready for him. He was patient, he didn't need to rush their encounter.

Violet normally would have used this opportunity to ask questions, and get information, instead she was so distracted by his tongue, fingers, lips and hands she couldn't think clearly. She felt like her body was on fire and every time he touched her, or pressed a kiss to her skin it made her hotter, higher, and ready to burn for him.

She wanted him, and she raked her fingers up his back. Nibbling on his shoulders, her long legs rubbed against his, feeling the rough sensation of hair against her velvety soft skin. She liked the contrast of his hardness against her softness. Spreading her legs, she encouraged him, arching up, letting the wetness from her arousal touch his hip and leg. His erection pressed against her, but he seemed happy to sit there teasing her.

"Please, I want you," Violet finally gasped out as his mouth claimed one of her nipples and his tongue swirled around the tip, he sucked on it and she could feel his teeth gently scrape against her flesh and she shuddered in his arms.

Burk rubbed himself against her, trying to hold back, but the feeling of her open and inviting, warm and soft against him and he reached down with one hand and grabbed his cock. He guided it to her slippery opening and pressed the tip between her lips, and rammed himself inside, his cock gliding easily in. He used his hand to play with her clit while he fucked her on his bed, and his nimble fingers quickly stroked her to an explosive orgasm that had her toes curling and her legs tensing up. He captured the large moan that she screamed out when her orgasm happened, and moved his hand off her body to support his weight.

He grinded his groin against her clit as he slid in and out of her, his tongue playing with hers, his lips melded against her own. His chest rubbed roughly against her perky breasts, the nipples rubbing back and forth against his chest hair.

Violet could feel everything. His cock was large inside of her, and his tongue was large and hot in her mouth, the springy hair on his chest felt like little wires pulling and tugging at her nipples as their chests banged against each other as he brought himself to his own climax inside of her body. She could feel the skin of his cock rubbing her insides, the tip banged against the most sensitive parts of her vagina, and she wrapped her legs around his waist to have him go deeper.

Finally he broke the kiss and started whispering to her in his native tongue right before he had an orgasm. Hearing him talk to her like that, along with the tip of his cock rubbing her g-spot, and his hips and pelvis rubbing against her own and the sensitive nub above her folds had her squirting around him as another orgasm shook her entire body. She bucked under him which sent him over the edge to his own release. He let out a half-howl and then bit her shoulder gently, muffling the grunts as he quivered against her, his full body weight pressing her into the bed now.

"I'm sorry, normally I last longer than that, but you, you are something else," He whispered to her, his voice thick with his Russian accent, barely understandable.

"We can do it again," Violet told him, grinning at him. "This time, I get to be on top so I can look up and watch us in the mirror."

"Deal," Burk said as he kissed her again and then rolled over pulling her on top of him.

As the weeks progressed, their sexual encounters increased too. He'd even taken her on the desk in his office, and she was slowly figuring out where he kept all his private files. She was pretty sure he was innocent at this point when it came to paying off the Russian mob, but she could tell he was hiding something, she just didn't know what yet.

Violet's bosses were pressuring her to get information, and she finally had an opportunity to steal the flash drive he had in his desk. He'd be out of the office today for a board meeting, so she could pick the lock, grab the flash drive, download the data, and go from there. She just hoped that when and if she finally had some answers, he wasn't in the middle of it.

She was falling hard for him. It wasn't something she was supposed to do, but he was an amazing man, kind, compassionate, hot blooded. He didn't let his temper control him, instead, he channeled his anger into sex. It was a much more productive outlet, when it was over, then he could talk calmly. He knew how to work her body into a frenzy of passion within minutes, and he had more than enough stamina to wear her out.

The sex was amazing, the man was amazing, and she hoped that if he was innocent in all of this, that when her cover was blown wide open, he could forgive her for her deception. She just hoped that when she found out what he was hiding, it wasn't something that would destroy any chance of the two of them exploring their feelings for each other.

She was falling in love with Burk, she just hoped at the end of this, she could save whatever they had growing between the two of them.

Sneaking into his office, she shut the door quietly, thinking she had a while, she had her laptop under her arm, and her lock pick kit strapped to her thigh, she walked over to his desk and hiked her skirt up to get the kit and then started to work on the locks of his drawers.

She got the first one open, and pulled out a few files, and dug for the flash drive. It wasn't in the top drawer, she went through the files, and snapped pictures of the files, though they were just routine contracts and inventories. Nothing that stood out.

She worked in the middle drawer, and there was nothing of value in there either, finally working on the third drawer, she dug around once she got it open until she found the flash drive tucked away in the very back and pulled it out.

Violet put it into her laptop and found it was password protected, her software would take a while to crack the code, and she setup the program to wait. He'd left his laptop in there, and she opened it up to see if she could get into it while she waited for the crack to work on the flash drive.

She didn't hear him come in, she was focused on browsing his files. Apparently, Burk had failed to shut the laptop all the way, so it hadn't locked her out of the operating system.

"What the hell are you doing?" Burk asked her quietly, leaning against the doorway, watching her, his face furious.

Violet gasped and looked up, compromised. If she outed herself, she risked being killed if he was a bad guy. If she didn't and he wasn't a bad guy, she'd be fired and unable to work under cover anymore, and if she didn't say anything he'd probably fire her.

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