SHEIKH'S SURPRISE BABY: A Sheikh Romance (58 page)

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Satisfied with her thoughts, she let it all go. There was no point in freaking out over things that probably would be just fine if she didn't obsess about it. Straightening herself from where she'd tripped, she went inside to her kitchen holding the door open for him, inviting him inside.

"What's your poison, I have a little bit of everything. I don't drink often, so I have stuff around for other people." Nyla asked him as she opened the cabinet that held all her liquor.

"Whiskey is fine. Tequila, vodka, I don't care. Whatever you plan on drinking." He told her, glancing around the kitchen and then leaning on the island. He watched her pour a couple of shots and bring them over to the middle of the kitchen and handed him one.

"I like vodka, no aftertaste, but I poured you a whiskey since it was your go to answer." Nyla told him, she suddenly felt shy. Realizing that he was a total stranger and she didn't know anything about him, other than he was a rich playboy who appeared like he didn't want to tell most people.

"What do you do for a living, this is a pretty fancy house," Ethan asked her curiously.

"I'm a lawyer. I am divorced, I got to keep the house. He cheated, it was no contest. I let him have pretty much everything else, but the house was something I invested a lot of my income into. I should have realized when he didn't want to use money for a down payment and suggested I do it, that he wasn't taking the marriage seriously. I was fresh out of law school when we got married, I was so stupid." Nyla said laughing bitterly, then she took her shot of vodka and walked over and grabbed the two bottles and brought them back. "But enough about that. It's over and done with and I'm moving on."

Ethan watched her as she poured another drink.

"Cheers, to the future," Nyla said and raised her glass.

Ethan clinked his shot glass to hers and took the shot, "And to no more cheating bastards."

Nyla laughed, "I can live with that!"

"So, tell me Nyla, why did you invite me home with you? Do you know who I really am?" He confronted her, wanting to see if she would lie to him. If she did, he'd walk out.

"I didn't when I invited you home, but I recognized your name on your business card that you gave me with your cell number. I invited you home because I thought you were attractive. It helped you saved me from being raped by men I didn't want anything to do with, and I haven't been with a man since my divorce. I'm not expecting anything more than tonight. My law firm actually handles many accounts for your business, and if they find out I even sat in the same room with you, I could lose my job. This is my own personal fantasy night. I promise I won't chase you down or hound you, and I hope you will feel the same way about me." Nyla tried to reassure him, worrying that he thought she was after his money.

Ethan stared at her and then must have been satisfied because he had her fill his shot glass up again and took another shot.

"I'll be honest, I don't normally make a habit of going home with strange women," Ethan confided in her, not sure why he felt like he should reassure her she wasn't just another notch in his bed frame. "I appreciate your honesty."

"I'm too trusting. It's a flaw. I believe in law and justice, and I always find the good in people, it makes it so I do stupid things like tonight in the bar. I think I'll be safe, because other people are good and no one would dare harm me in public. Guess I was wrong," Nyla took another shot and then poured herself one more.

Before she could take the shot, Ethan's hand came out and pushed the glass back down to the counter.

"Stop. If we do this, I want you sober enough to know it's consensual and you can feel what I'm doing to you." He whispered and then took a step closer. Looking down into her face he reached out and tucked a strand of hair that had worked its way loose behind her ear.

Nyla swallowed hard, unable to talk, she searched his eyes, finding nothing there that scared her, and instead she felt like she was falling, drowning. Her heart was pounding and he stirred feelings in her she'd never felt before.

"I'm going to kiss you now, Nyla," He whispered before he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. Softly at first, then harder, becoming more demanding as his tongue searched for hers.

Nyla reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissing him back as passionately as he was kissing her.

His large hands came around her waist and he lifted her, setting her on the kitchen island. Spreading her legs, he moved between them, standing against the counter letting his hard cock press into her thigh.

"You are so beautiful," He whispered as he broke the kiss, long enough to reach behind her and unzip her red dress. He pulled the zipper down and the straps off her shoulder to reveal her large breasts.

Palming one he played and tweaked with the nipples. He scraped his fingers around the mounds and massaged them almost painfully hard. His cock twitched in his pants, Nyla felt it and pressed her heat against him, feeling her thighs grow wet around her panties.

Reaching down with his other hand, he shoved it up her dress and yanked her panties hard enough the seam ripped and they came off in his hand, he dropped them on the kitchen floor.

"I'll buy you a new pair if you really want," Ethan whispered as he nibbled against her shoulder, his teeth leaving little love bites in her skin.

"Sure," Nyla said, not even thinking about the panties right now, she was too busy focusing on his hand creeping back up between them, touching her thigh and then his fingers lightly scraping against her pussy lips as he fondled her gently.

Kissing up her neck to her lips, Ethan nibbled her lower lip until she opened her mouth and then he plunged his tongue deep in her mouth against her tongue and teeth. His fingers worked her pussy lips apart until he could get two fingers inside her and started to finger fuck her on the counter.

Nyla was wet, she arched her breasts against his chest and could feel her stomach clenching as his fingers rubbed the sensitive areas inside her vagina. She wanted to fuck him right now, but instead of demanding he fuck her, she kept kissing him, letting him lead the situation right now. It felt good to try and just enjoy how he was making her feel.

Ethan pulled his hand out of her and reaching into his back pocket, he pulled his wallet out and pulled out a condom, he stopped kissing her long enough to rip the tinfoil package open with his teeth and remove the condom. Undoing his pants, he freed his penis and rolled the condom down the tip of his cock to the base.

Spreading her legs with his hand, he guided his penis to her heat and thrust inside of her in one, quick thrust.

Nyla tipped her head back, her hands gripping the edge of the counter as he grabbed her hips and started pounding into her, she pushed her hips back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. She felt herself squirt around his cock and moaned loudly as her legs started to shake.

He leaned down and bit her on the shoulder just hard enough to sting and made her tense up.

Nyla realized that when she tensed up, her pussy clamped down around him and it made him feel even bigger. Grunting against him she let go of the counter and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed kisses to the side of his cheek and ear.

"Fuck me harder," Nyla begged him, feeling him slam into her after she asked. She spread her legs wide so he could go deeper and felt him going so deep it almost hurt.

It didn't take long for his groin rubbing against her clit to send her into an intense orgasm, her entire body shook and she held her breath, her eyes shut tightly as it rolled through her.

"That's a good girl. I like watching you cum," Ethan told her, whispering as he groaned and let out a growl as he reached his own orgasm, his cock jerking inside of her as he filled the condom with his seed.

Breathless, they clung to each other as they both recovered for a few moments. Finally he scooped her up in his arms and after pressing a steamy kiss to her mouth, he started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Which way to your bedroom, I'm not done yet," Ethan said, grinning at her.

"Down the hall, second door on the right is the master suite." Nyla said, her voice husky and her body still humming from being well used.

Ethan carried her down the hall and opened the door, then he kicked it shut behind him.

Nyla hadn't seen Ethan in a few weeks, since that fateful night that had brought them together. She stared at the pregnancy stick in her hand and didn't understand how it was possible. She hadn't been with anyone since her ex husband before Ethan, and hadn't been with anyone since Ethan after their sexual escapade.

Shaking, she sat in her bathroom at home and stared at his card that she had left on the bathroom counter. She wasn't sure she should call him or not. She could afford to take care of a baby without his help, but she felt like he had a right to know.

Now what? She wasn't prepared for this, she always assumed she'd be happily married and might even quit her job to raise kids for a while before going back to the work force. Now it looked like she'd be a single mom, working full time to provide and missing out on some of those moments she always thought would be invaluable to be there for.

And what about the father? Ethan should probably be told.

Worried how he'd react, she started to cry. She didn't want to tell him. He'd probably accuse her of trying to trap him, and get her pregnant on purpose. He'd texted her a few times after that night and she'd avoided him, not wanting to let things develop further. Her job was important to her, and as a special client to her firm, she just couldn't risk it.

Now, she was pregnant. With his baby.


Torn between telling him and just having a total freak out meltdown, she picked up her cell phone and called her mom instead. Her mom always had the right answers for everything, and when she didn't, she at least was reasonable and supportive.

"Nyla?" Her mom replied when she answered the phone.

"Hi, Mom. I'm sorry I'm calling so early, I haven't gone to work yet." Nyla said, her voice cracked and she grabbed some tissues to blow her nose.

"Are you okay? You don't sound very good," Her mom asked her sounding concerned.

"I'm pregnant, and I don't know what to do," Nyla set the pregnancy test on the counter and didn't bother to pull her pants up, instead she just sat pathetically on the toilet with them hanging around her ankles.

"I'm assuming you're keeping it?" Her mom asked quietly.

"Yes, I am calling because I need some advice," She told her mom and took a deep breath to explain. "The father is a client of the firm. A very big client, the kind that could get me fired for being involved with him, kind of big. It was a one night stand kind of a situation, I avoided him after, and we used protection. This shouldn't even be possible, but now I have to figure out how to tell him. Or, if I even should. I'm worried he'll accuse me of being after his money mom, I don't need his money. I don't want his money, I just don't know what to do!"

"I know you don't sweetie, but he has a right to know since he's the father, give him the decision to walk away if he wants, that's going to be up to him. If you don't need the money, then give him a way out if he wants it. Sometimes offering a man the ability to walk away shows him that it really is his choice and you're not trying to trap him. Of course, he might also be offended, but depending on how well you know him, you'll have to decide how to handle it. I'm so sorry you're in this position honey, I know you always wanted kids, but I know you always believed in a two parent family." Her mom said, then sounded distracted. "Do you want me to come over today?"

"No, I'm okay. I just needed to hear your voice I guess," Nyla said and then started laughing in a high pitched, hysterical, not funny type of laugh. "I'll figure this out, I just needed you to tell me it was the right thing to do."

"I definitely don't think you should keep this a secret, but I do trust that you'll get through this, and I'm always here if you need me," Her mom told her. "Honey, I hate to do this, but the air conditioning repair man is here, it stopped working last night and it's supposed to be over a hundred today. I need to let him in so he can take a look. Do you want me to call you back?"

"No, I'll be at work. I'll call you this weekend and let you know how things are going and what happened." Nyla said and took some deep breathes, "Love you Mom, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright sweetie, good luck!" Her mom clicked the phone off and Nyla sat there staring at the phone in her hand.

Picking up the number, she went to call him and then realized she couldn't. Instead she texted him, asking him if he'd meet her for lunch today.

She set her phone on the counter and cleaned herself up and pulled her work pants up. She needed to get her briefcase. She didn't have to be in court until this afternoon, but she still had to prepare for it, and she had a client she was supposed to be meeting this morning.

Splashing her face with water, she cleaned off the smeared makeup and redid it until she looked semi passable. She then grabbed her purse and brief case and got into her car to go to work.

She started her car and then realized she left the test on the counter in the bathroom, running back into the house she grabbed it and carried it out to stuff it into her purse. If he needed proof, she would rather have it with her so he didn't ask her to pee on another stick.

She drove to work feeling kind of numb. She tried to focus her thoughts on work, she had a client today who'd planned a meeting and her assistant hadn't told her the name, just that she had a last minute addition from the partners to see at ten a.m. and needed to be on time.

Driving the thirty minutes to work she got there at just a little after nine and walked in, apologizing to her assistant for being late. Normally she always got there before nine, she blamed it on the traffic.

"Do you want your normal coffee?" Her assistant, Julie, asked her. She was a bright paralegal who was a valuable asset to Nyla, and she shook her head no.

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