Shhh! Don't Tell (10 BOOK BUNDLE TABOO EROTICA) (14 page)

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Then Brad let out a muffled groan into the pillow and he thrusted into her hard. She felt his warm come shooting into her, filling her tight pussy with his seed, and then she came with him, covering her mouth to hide her moan as the orgasm rippled out from her center taking over her whole body.

A car door slammed outside and Brad tried to pull out again. She held on tight still with her thighs and he looked into her eyes again. She didn’t want it to end. He kissed her nose and grinned, his expression calm now. They heard the backdoor slam and the look on his face didn’t change. Like he didn’t even care if they got caught. She wasn’t sure what that meant but she let him go now and he jumped off of her, collected his clothes and hurried to the door, his cute white butt the last thing she saw before he was gone.

“Is anybody home?” Her mom yelled from downstairs. “I need help with the groceries, please.”

Bridgett laid on her bed naked, her body twitching from the orgasm. She couldn’t believe what just happened.

“Bridgett? Brad?” Her mom yelled.

“Just a minute,” she yelled back and then sat up in bed, still breathing hard. She managed to get up and put some clothes on. Brad’s come was leaking out of her pussy into her underwear and she smiled at how earlier she’d found his come in his underwear and the next time she did laundry the hardened fabric would be in hers. That’s where it belonged she decided.

When she went out her bedroom door into the hall Brad was waiting there for her, dressed now. She looked at his face, worried things would be weird with him now. But he smiled at her and kissed her cheek then followed her downstairs.

Their mom was in the kitchen. “Hey, you two.”

They both said hi and Brad went out to start collecting the rest of the groceries. Bridgett started unpacking the brown paper bag on the counter.

“Anything exciting happen today?” her mom asked.

“Nope.” Brad’s come dripping out of her swollen lips as she said, “Well, I did do the laundry.”

Cherry's Taboo Punishment

The timer on the microwave dinged. Cherry opened it and took the bag of popcorn out and emptied it into a large plastic bowl. The sweet smell of butter filled the small kitchen of the trailer. She’d been making popcorn like this for her and her Daddy for as long as she could remember.

He called out to her from the other room. “Cherry, bring me some water too, will you?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He was actually her step-dad. She’d never known her real dad and her mom had skipped out when she was little. Chuck–she called him Daddy–had raised her. After she’d graduated high school last year, he told her she should go off to college, make something of herself, but she couldn’t bare to leave him here on his own. Not that he needed taking care of. She just liked being near him.

She took the bowl of popcorn and a glass of water into the living room. They were watching the baseball game together like always. She didn’t really care too much for baseball but he loved it and she enjoyed the time they spent together. She set the glass down on the tv tray in front of him and put the bowl in his lap.

“Did anything happen while I was gone?” she asked.

“They took out Bobchek and put in that rookie lefty.”

He wouldn’t use the rookies’ actual names until they’d proven themselves to be good players. That’s the way he was with everything. You had to earn his respect.

A drop of sweat ran down the side of Cherry’s face and she wiped it away with the back of her hand. June in Florida and they still didn’t have the air conditioner on.

“Can’t we turn the a.c. on Daddy?”

“Not until July. You know that,” he said. “Oh come on Ump! That was a strike.”

She didn’t mind the heat too much because it meant she could parade around the house in tiny little shorts and a sports bra like she had on now. Daddy tried to pretend not to notice but she would catch him looking at her cleavage sometimes. She was still a virgin and sometimes fantasized that he would be the one to take it from her. It was just a fantasy though of course.

Now she leaned over, making sure her tits brushed up against his arm, and scooped a handful of popcorn, then rested her head against his shoulder and put her hand on his thigh, happy to be close to him. Between her legs, a tingly warmth started to grow, and she thought she may have to go finger herself soon. It was the top of the seventh inning now. Maybe she’d sneak off after this out and pleasure herself real fast.

The rookie lefty shook his head no to the catcher, staring down to home plate. Then the phone suddenly rang out from the kitchen. It made her jump but she didn’t get up to get it. All her friends knew not to call after 8 o’clock. Her dad was strict about that. He was strict about everything, but especially about that. His house, his rules he would say.

They ignored the phone until it finally stopped. Despite the heat and the sweatiness, Cherry snuggled up closer to her Daddy now, not minding how hot it made her.

Then the phone rang again.

He pushed the bowl of popcorn into her lap, almost spilling it. “Goddamnit,” he said as he stomped into the kitchen. She felt sorry for whoever was on the end of the phone. Her Daddy would probably yell at them.

“Hello,” she heard him say. Then, “Do you know what time it is?” Yep, here it comes. But then instead of hearing him yelling like she expected, he came back into the living room and sat down. “It’s for you,” he said without looking at her.

“For me? Are you sure?”

“Unless there’s some other Cherry that lives here I don’t know about it who has boys calling her at all hours of the night.”

Shit. That must be Bobby. “Sorry, Daddy. I told him not to call this late.”

He didn’t say anything, just kept watching the game and put a piece of popcorn in his mouth, his jaw tensing as he chewed it.

She got up and slinked off to the phone. Bobby wasn’t too bright but he sure was cute. They’d gone to the same high school but never spoke until just a month ago. They were dating she supposed. He was good for making out with and that was about it. Probably she would let him take her virginity then she would tell him it wasn’t working out. She needed a man with some maturity. Not somebody who couldn’t listen to a simple instruction to not call after 8 o’clock.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hey baby, it’s Bobby.”

“Damnit Bobby,” she whispered then stretched the phone chord out as far as it would go and went into the kitchen pantry, closing the door behind her. “I told you not to call here after eight.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I forgot. But listen, my dad let me borrow the car. I thought I could come pick you up and we could go to that park and sit and talk for a while.”

When he said talk for a while what he really meant was put his hands up under her shirt and try to get into her panties. Not that she minded. She loved it actually. But she was no slut. He’d have to work for it, that’s all. Treat her like a lady.

“I don’t know Bobby. My dad will never let me go out right now. Especially after you called so late.”

“Late? It’s only eight-thirty.”

“Yeah, well he has his rules.”

“Well, shit. How about you wait until he goes to bed and then sneak out. I really want to see you baby.”

He sounded desperate. Really not attractive. But she wouldn’t mind letting him suck on her nipples some. Her pussy was already getting wet thinking about it. She hated disobeying her Daddy though. “I don’t know, Bobby. My dad would kill me if he found out.” It’s true he would be really angry but it also sounded kind of fun. Sneaking around. Maybe she would even give him a blow job this time. “No, I don’t think I should,” she said, already made up her mind she would go but she wanted to hear him beg.

“Come on, Cherry. Please? I want to see you so bad. I can’t stop thinking about you. I think I might be in love with you.”

She almost laughed into the phone when he said that. They barely knew each other, but she knew enough that she wasn’t in love with him, not now not ever. He had a damn fine body though. “Aww, you’re cute,” she said.

“So, you’ll come out then?” he said.

“I’m thinking about it.”

“What do I need to do to convince you?”

“Can you bring me some whiskey?”

“Whiskey? Maybe. I could try to steal some from my parents. It might be hard though.”

“Don’t even bother coming if you can’t bring it,” she said.

“Okay, I’ll get it. I promise. So I can come get you?”

“Be here at nine-thirty sharp. Park down the street and wait for me. I’ll come out.”

“Yes! I can’t wait to see you baby.”

“Okay, I gotta go,” she said. Daddy would probably be pissed already that she was on the phone, she didn’t need to make it any worse by staying on talking about nothing with Bobby.

“Alright. I’ll see you soon. With whiskey,” he said. “And Cherry?”

“What Bobby?”

“Could you wear that underwear I bought you.”

“Don’t push your luck,” she said and hung up. He was talking about the thong he’d given her last week. She’d put it on when she got home and masturbated while wearing it, but she knew her Daddy wouldn’t approve of her wearing it so she hadn’t put it on since. He was always going on about the loose women at Walmart with their thongs hanging out of the back of their pants. Maybe she’d wear it for Bobby just this once. Tease him a little bit. He was bringing her whiskey after all.

She crept back into the living room and sat down gently next to Daddy, trying not to disturb him. He moved over away from her.

“I’m sorry Daddy,” she said. “Bobby isn’t very smart. I told him not to call so late.”

He looked over at her now. “Don’t waste your life hanging around with idiots.”

“Yes, sir. You’re right.” She scooted over next to him and he let her lift his arm up and put it around her. Some sweat dripped down the crevasse between her breasts. It was so hot in there, she wanted to take her sports bra off too. What would Daddy do if she just stripped down next to him? That was silly. She needed to get fucked soon she decided. Too many crazy thoughts running through her head. Maybe she should just let Bobby do it tonight. If he was man enough that is.

They watched the rest of the game together. The Marlins won and Daddy was in a good mood about it. The rookie had finished strong and Daddy said he was impressed with him. Normally she would ask him to stay up with her and watch the Late Show but today she said she was tired and she was going to go to bed early. He yawned and said yeah, he was beat too. She kissed him on the cheek and hugged his neck, pressing her warm body up close against his and he squeezed her tight.

“I love you, Daddy,” she said then went to her room.

She turned the light so he would think she went to bed then stripped down naked and checked the clock. Almost nine-thirty. Perfect.

Cherry slipped a finger down between her pussy lips and it slid in easily. She thought about getting herself off once before she left so she’d have more self-control with Bobby but then decided against it. He didn’t need any unnecessary handicaps. The thong he’d given her was stuffed deep in the back of her dresser drawer and she dug it out and put it on, feeling sexy now int the skimpy underwear. She slipped a skirt on over it and found a black bra and tank top. Then ever so slowly, she opened the window and crept out into the muggy Florida night and darted through their dark front yard and down the street to where she could see Bobby parked.


She could see Bobby sitting behind the wheel of his dad’s black sedan, grinning like a fool. He’d parked directly under a street light. That boy wasn’t born with a lick of sense in him. It was amazing he made it this far in life. She went around to the passenger side and got in, careful not to slam the door when she shut it.

“Hey baby,” Bobby
said. “I missed you.”

He leaned over to kiss her and she gave him her cheek.

“Did you bring the whiskey?”

“Look under your seat darling.” That stupid grin still on his face.

She reached down between her legs under the seat and found the cool glass of the bottle then brought it up. It was half empty. “You didn’t drink any did you? I won’t tolerate any drunk driving.”

“No, baby. It was like that when I got it. I’m probably going to be in deep shit when my dad notices it’s gone. It’s worth it though.” He leaned over and groped his hand clumsily toward her breast.

She saw it coming and batted his hand away. “Not yet,” she said. “Wait until we get to the park at least. I swear. You boys are all the same.”

He shrugged and started the car. It lurched forward violently, the tires squealing as it fish-tailed back and forth.

“Damnit Bobby!” She smacked him in the arm.


“What the hell are you doing? Slow down. You’re going to wake the whole neighborhood.”

“Shit. Sorry baby. I just wanted to show you a good time.”

All she could do was shake her head. As horny as she was, it wasn’t worth all this. Probably after tonight she’d break up with him.

He flipped on the radio and started singing along with some pop song, off key, then reached over and put his hand on her knee.

She let him do it this time. Might as well get her money’s worth before she let him go. He did come through on the whiskey like she’d asked. That was more than she’d expected. She opened the bottle and took a quick pull off it. It burned going down and she coughed then put the lid back on.

“Dang girl. You sure like that stuff don’t you? Why don’t you let me have a swig.”

“Nope. I told you no drinking and driving.” The whiskey felt good going down and it relaxed her some. She was still nervous her Daddy might go into her room and find out she’d snuck out. He’d be so pissed. There was no telling what he’d do. And if he knew it was Bobby she’d snuck off with–well Bobby might be best just high-tailing it to Mexico. She grinned at the thought of her Daddy going after him.

Bobby went back to singing the stupid song. His voice grated on her so she opened the window and let her head hang out. The noise from the wind drowned him out and it felt good letting her hair blow back. She took another swig off the bottle; it went down easier this time.

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