Shield's Submissive

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Authors: Trina Lane

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-E-Bound eBooks; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-907280-04-7, #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Shield's Submissive
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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Shield’s Submissive

ISBN # 978-1-907280-04-7

©Copyright Trina Lane 2009

Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright September 2009

Edited by Michele Paulin

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2009 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated


Trina Lane


To all my friends on Carol’s Yahoo Group. Thanks for supporting me!

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

YouTube: Google, Inc.

MacBook: Apple Computer, Inc.

Starbucks: Starbucks U.S. Brands

Corvette Stingray: General Motors Corporation

Jacuzzi: Jacuzzi Inc. Corporation

Playboy: Playboy Enterprises International, Inc.

Penthouse: General Media Communications, Inc.

Rhett Butler (Gone With the Wind): Book by Margaret Mitchell, Movie Metro-Goldwyn Mayer

Emeril: Emeril’s Food of Love Productions, LLC

iPod: Apple, Inc.

CSI: CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

Velcro: Velcro Industries B.V. Limited Liability Company Rockies: Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, LTD.

St. Louis Cardinals: St. Louis National Baseball Club, Inc.

iTunes: Apple Computer, Inc.

Scrabble: Hasbro, Inc.


Trina Lane


Chapter One

The steam swirling around Erica created a dreamlike atmosphere. The clouds obscured her vision, but she didn’t need to see clearly to know just who walked into the room behind her. For some elemental reason, she always knew when he was near. She felt his presence like an invisible force, an eddy that quickly towed her deeper then left his lingering existence in her own soul. She didn’t know if it was his scent or if he had a unique heat signature that allowed her to track him like the most sensitive of military ordinance.

She stood still near the corner of the small cubed space. Her breathing was almost as loud as the steam hissing out of the pipes. She felt every fibre of the soft terrycloth towel wrapped around her naked body. Her nipples strained against the threaded material, begging for his touch. Slick moisture gathered on her skin from both the steam and her own intense desire. A soft groan escaped her lips, and she tried to cover it with a soft cough, but apparently, he heard the sound anyway. His hands curved over her shoulders as he pulled her into his body. She felt every hard line and defined muscle of his broad chest against her back. His deep voice whispered seductively into her ear.

“It’s time to stop playing this game we’ve become so fond of, Erica. It’s been amusing, but now the rules are going to change. You’ll be mine before the day is out.”

“What rules do you speak of, Sir?” Her voice sounded strange to her ears, slightly elevated and whisper soft.

He bent his head, and a lock of his soft hair brushed her cheek. His hand trailed from her shoulder to graze the slope of her neck with one finger.

“You will follow my commands when and where I see fit. You will heed my desires, and I will fulfil yours. I can tell this excites you. I feel your pulse rushing just under your skin. I hear your breathing getting shallower.”

“Maybe it’s just from the workout and the steam congesting my lungs.”

His finger moved further down to glance across her collarbone, down her chest and without any hesitation slipped beneath the towel to cup her left breast.

“Maybe, but if so, why is your nipple hard?”


Trina Lane


The first intimate touch of his hand against her skin was pure sensation. All thoughts evaporated like the steam cocooning their bodies. She leaned back and put her head on his shoulder, exposing her neck in invitation. His fingers gently massaged her nipple, learning her texture and sensitivity. His palm cupped the underside of her breast.

His other hand came around and loosened the towel. As it fell to the damp floor beneath their feet, Erica gasped and started to bring her hands up to cover herself before she recognised that the increase in steam prevented him from seeing anything below her breasts.

It was actually quite arousing knowing she was completely bare but still retaining the mysteries of her body. His hands skimmed down her sides, exploring the curves of her shape.

“Your skin is so soft, like satin. I’m dying to taste every single inch. Every soft curve and valley will know my touch.”

He spun her around and, cupping her breast, leaned down. Her nipple was sucked into the hot cavern of his mouth. An irrepressible groan left both their throats. His tongue rasped across the sensitive peak. Her other nipple was rolled between his fingers.

His hand glided down her back. Arching into the touch, she wordlessly showed him how incredible he felt on her skin.

“Just one little touch, my dear. I need just one touch burned into my memory until we meet again,” he insisted with a growl.

Slowly, his hand moved around to caress her rear then his fingers inched towards her aching, wet centre—

Erica’s eyes flew open as someone tapped her shoulder. She almost missed a step in her stride and had to correct her rhythm before she fell on her face like a moron in a YouTube video. The music from her MP3 player was loud enough to drown out the noises of the gym around her, hence the escape into fantasy world. She looked to see who’d so rudely interrupted her erotic dream and saw the object of her fantasy staring back at her. Keeping her stride on the treadmill, she removed the ear bud from her canal and tried to play it cool.

“Can I help you, Mr. Shield?”

“I was just wondering how much longer you’re going to be? The other treadmill isn’t working, and I was hoping to get in a run before my meeting later this evening.”


Trina Lane


Erica looked down at the digital output of the machine and noticed she had just crossed the four-mile mark.

Wow, time flies when you’re imaging your own erotic videos in your head.

Normally, she did five miles.

“Another few minutes, and it’s all yours.” She had to repress a groan when he flashed that hundred-watt smile he was so infamous for.

“I appreciate that. I’m going over to the bench press, but I’ll keep an eye out for when you’re done with your cool down.”

Oh Jesus, that man made her body ramp up better than any workout ever could. Even the sound of his name, Mark Shield, brought forth images of medieval knights protecting their ladies fair by sheer will and strength. Fanciful, she knew, but what did you want from a history major? The extent of her fantasies tonight must be a result of so many sleep-deprived and dateless nights. Her brain and hormones had finally gone haywire.

He was a partner at their firm, Aspen Advertising, and was known in the office for being the most eligible bachelor, but to everyone’s knowledge he’d never dated within the office. His powerful thirty-three year old build topped out at six-foot-two inches, his strength apparent in both the sharpness of his mind and physical presence. He carried himself with an animalistic grace. Erica had always likened him to a Bengal tiger, overtly refined but with an inner power one didn’t dare ignore. His features were so sharply honed that he couldn’t be considered pretty but rather striking. She’d noticed on more than one occasion that male and female clients had a hard time looking away. He had thick, dark hair. The top layers had a tendency to wave and fell softly over his forehead, and the bottom caressed his collar. He had the most expressive crystal-green eyes, capable of instantly changing from intense determination to humour. Erica wondered what they would look like filled with desire.

Their Denver-based company specialised in outdoor sporting events and equipment manufacturers. Her position as vice-president of graphic imaging allowed her to work closely with Mark quite often. Many long evenings were spent in the boardroom, brainstorming for new campaigns.

She crossed her five-mile mark and started to reduce her pace to cool down her muscles. She glanced over at the bench press to see him smoothly raising the bar. His muscles contracted, and sweat glistened over his chest and abdomen. Her body temperature SHIELD’S SUBMISSIVE

Trina Lane


spiked, and her mouth was suddenly dry as she imagined that heavy body glistening from the exertion of driving his hips between her own. Looking her fill, she noticed his powerful legs, chiselled calves and thighs bulging with strength. As her gaze continued, she noticed that his thighs weren’t the only things with an impressive bulge.

Oh my God, the man can fill out a pair of shorts!

Looking back to the bar he effortlessly lifted over his head, she noticed no apparent strain on his face with the heavy weight. The number of weights added to the bar totalled about two hundred pounds. When she glanced into the mirror that ran the length of the wall, she noticed Mark could see her as well and had caught her staring
Damn! Oh well, there nothing wrong with a little healthy appreciation. He didn’t need to know that only a few minutes ago he was the star of her very own erotic dream.

She stepped off the treadmill to complete her stretches as he rose from the bench and walked in her direction. She did a series of yoga positions in front of the treadmill to stretch her hamstrings. Thinking he would step to her side and get on the machine, she moved into a forward bend. However, the gods were in a decidedly mischievous mood that evening. Mark turned around and stood just behind her when her butt was lifted right over the top of her head. When she gazed into the mirror across the room, she was surprised to find him doing a little healthy appreciation of his own. Way too many erotic images popped into her head with the two of them in this exact position. As quickly as possible, she moved into a lunge to get her ass away from his hips. Trying to pull her mind from thoughts of hot, sweaty gym sex, she looked into the mirrored wall across from them.

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