Read Shifters Gone Alpha Online

Authors: Michele Bardsley,Renee George,Brandy Walker,Sydney Addae,Lisa Carlisle,Julia Mills,Ellis Leigh,Skye Jones,Solease M Barner,Cristina Rayne,Lynn Tyler,Sedona Venez

Shifters Gone Alpha (22 page)

BOOK: Shifters Gone Alpha
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A brief battle raged in his mind between what he wanted and what he thought was right. He inhaled her scent, letting it wrap around and flow through him—what it must smell like in paradise.

What was wrong with them becoming lovers for the rest of her short time here? He could introduce her to a world of pleasure. He’d teach her to delay gratification until they were at the brink of madness for each other’s touch. The greater the anticipation, the sweeter the reward. With over a century on earth, he’d learned patience.

And then when her time at the chateau was up, they’d part ways. Nothing but fond memories. Nobody would be hurt.

Except maybe for him. Left alone, back in his isolation. Brooding about what might have been…

Walk away. Leave her be.

And let this opportunity pass? Relinquish the chance to be alone with her while she admired his art?

The temptation was too much to resist.

All the times he’d remained distant rushed forth. The countless times he’d denied himself the pleasure of her company, although she had consumed his thoughts for weeks. Merely being in the same room with her flooded him with sensations almost too much to bear.

No more. He’d spent decades adjusting to the precarious conditions immortality forced on him and worked hard in the last decade to build the colony with Cameron. Why not take a moment to enjoy the results of his labor with a beautiful woman who appeared to be just as interested in him?

He squashed the internal debate with a definitive decision. It was time to take what he wanted. And what he wanted was her.

Antoine took a confident step toward Savannah, one step closer to the light.



I hope you liked this brief introduction to the chateau and characters in the
Chateau Seductions series.
Antoine and Savannah’s story continues in
Dark Velvet,
which is from Savannah’s point of view as a resident at the art colony.

Here’s an excerpt of
Dark Velvet:


Excerpt from Dark Velvet


Savannah’s fingers traced the cool marble of the god’s muscular back and then the definition in his arm as he drew an arrow to shoot. She pictured Antoine bent over the sculpture, brows furrowed in concentration, losing sense of time as he polished each portion to perfection.

“Do you like this?” A deep voice whispering in her ear startled her.  She jumped at the sound of his voice, bumping back into his hard chest, and he caught her upper arms to steady her. Only one man in the castle spoke in that smooth French accent—the sculptor himself. 

“Oh, I’m sorry, Antoine.” She fumbled taking a half step forward, away from him. “I shouldn’t have touched it.”  

“No, don’t apologize.”

He let go of her arms, but his warm breath tickled her ear.  He took her hand, caressing her palm, which sent tingles up her arm. Her bottom lip quivered as he brought her fingers to rest again on the marble piece. She thanked the gods he remained behind her so he couldn’t witness her nervous reaction, and she bit her lip to halt the tremors. This was not the way for a young protégée to behave in front of her benefactor. He owned the castle, created the art colony here where she was attending on a poetry scholarship—she shouldn’t go gaga simply from his touch. Which was exactly what she was doing.

“It pleases me that you appreciate my work.” Leading her fingers down the figure’s chiseled chest, he leaned in closer and added, “I liked watching you admire it.” 

His voice alone sent flames rippling through her. Every nerve in her being lit with awareness in reaction to him. In the months since they’d met, they’d never been alone in such proximity. Weeks of heated looks from afar had inflamed her desire so the slightest touch became intimate, strengthening her need for more. 

Sounds of approaching voices indicated this evening’s performance in the chateau would soon begin. Several of the musicians in the art colony had collaborated on orchestral pieces they wanted to play in front of an audience for the first time. As fellow artists in residence, they sought the support of fellow residents. 

Antoine kissed her hand like a suitor in a bygone era. “I hope you enjoy the concert, Savannah.” 

Her lips parted, opening and closing like a fish while she thought of what to say. When she mustered up the courage to turn and face him, he had already left the room, filling her with both relief and disappointment. Unaware she’d been holding her breath, she exhaled deeply. 

Several times over the course of the evening, Savannah caught Antoine’s dark eyes watching her. Her emotions roiled in confusion while the performers played Barber’s Adagio for Strings. The way he held her gaze without blinking made her squirm in the burgundy armchair. The rising tension and resolution from the violin and cello underscored her tumultuous emotions. She smiled at him briefly and focused on the musicians, aware of how her heartbeat had escalated.

When she glanced again at Antoine, he still watched her unabashed, as if unconcerned about what the others would think. He took a sip of Porto, nodded her way, and then returned his attention to the musicians. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs at the ankles, then uncrossed them, and crossed them again.

The attraction was becoming more difficult to ignore. In light of how he breached the physical distance by touching her earlier, she feared she’d be unable to keep her desires hidden much longer. She’d developed an instant crush since she arrived at the castle six weeks before. How could she not be? He was a renowned sculptor with a devastating, dark appeal. What was she to him than just another young resident who would be gone in six weeks, replaced by another.

Was she reading more into the brief exchange than was warranted? Adjusting in her seat, she pictured kissing his soft lips, tasting the sweet rich Porto on his tongue. A tingle grew in her nipples. She imagined him touching them, kissing them, as he peered at her with those seductive eyes. An ardent rush of desire flooded between her thighs. 

It’s just a look. Only a casual glance my way.

Even as she attempted to fool herself, she knew she was full of shit. 

Since she had arrived for her stay at the artists’ colony called Les Beaux Arts at the Chateau DeRoche, she’d noticed something different about the owner, Antoine Chevalier. And not just the way his eyes bore into hers, shooting shivers through her and making it difficult to breathe. His quiet nature, his preference for seclusion for days at a time, and his still, composed temperament belied an intensity within. Noir eyes that rarely blinked spoke of haunted depth and smoldering passion. He was quite simply unlike any man she had ever met. 

Antoine had established an artist’s colony here in the early 2000s. He named it Les Beaux Arts at the Chateau DeRoche in homage both to his native France and DeRoche Island, where the chateau was located off the coast of Massachusetts, but most of the residents referred to it as the castle or the colony. The castle was perched atop one of the rocky cliffs on the tiny and remote island, which made it visible from many locations on land. The island itself was scarcely a mile with no paved roads, streetlights, or cars, and only the diehard were permanent residents. Many residents came to the island by boat during the summer months and left before winter; Antoine kept the colony open year round.

Although she forced herself to focus on the performance by watching the violinist’s hands before her, her thoughts drifted throughout the rest of the piece. Sensuous images of Antoine kissing her everywhere with those finely sculpted lips flooded her mind. She didn’t dare glance his way again, fearing her flushed cheeks would give her away.

When the music ended and the audience applauded, they drifted out of the salon. Savannah congratulated the musicians who’d played on a job well done.  Although it was a cool winter night, her body was aflame with need, and she had to get some air. She strode down the stone hallway bedecked with Renaissance paintings to get to the front entrance. 

“How did you like the performance?”  Antoine fell in step beside her, and her urgency to get outside dissipated. 

She stopped walking and faced him, the heat within her rose. “It was lovely,” she answered, her voice an octave higher than usual. Something about Antoine being so close kicked her body to work at a higher gear. Her pulse raced, she had to remind herself to breathe normally. “They worked so hard putting it together, and it came out wonderfully. I think they’re more than ready to perform it for outside guests soon.”

Stop babbling, Savannah.

Antoine glanced around at the others and then leaned closer. “Come to my library tonight,” he said in such a low sultry voice she barely heard him.

Her heart pounded, and when she glanced at him, his gaze was even more intense than usual. Antoine both excited and terrorized her. The way his hawk-like eyes bore into her incited physical reactions she couldn’t ignore.

“Uh, um—” Taking a deep breath to steady her heartbeat, she said, “For any reason in particular?”

“Yes.” One corner of his mouth twitched in a smile before he continued down the hall away from the residents. He turned back to see her gaping. “Say, ten o’clock,” he added.


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About the Author


USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. For much of her professional career, she’s written non-fiction — but she’s discovered writing romance is the most fun. Her romances have been named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks.

When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries. She backpacked alone through Europe, and lived in Paris before returning to the U.S. She owned a bookstore for a few years as she loves to read. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two cats, and too many fish.


Visit her website for more on books, trailers, playlists, and more:


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Her Dragon’s Soul

Dragon Guard Series #9


Julia Mills



There Are No Coincidences.

The Universe Does Not Make Mistakes.

Fate Will Not Be Denied.






Dare to Dream! Find the Strength to Act! Never Look Back!


Thank you, God.


To my girls, Liz and Em, I Love You. Every day, every way, always.






Index of the Words from the Original Language of the Dragon Kin



A Chumann                                                                     

Mo chroi’                                                                     
My Heart

Mo ghra’                                                                      My Love

Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat                                         
My Heart is Within You



                                                                      Wake Up

S’aoire d’uimm                                                       

Dul as ais I gea’a tu’ bhaineann
                            Go Back Where You Belong

Riamh ar ais                                                                     
Never Return





Her Dragon’s Soul


“No way! No freaking way! It’s just not possible. Hannah has NOT become one of Cleland’s mindless followers. You’re wrong, Liam, just wrong!”

Liam looked from Melanie to Jace and back again, trying to decide if he’d done the right thing by telling them. The young nurse was pacing, throwing her hands in the air and alternating between yelling at him and mumbling to herself. He’d known it wasn’t going to be pleasant, but was in no way prepared for the tirade he was watching.

It had been necessary.
, he’d waited as long as he could. The last thing he wanted was to upset his best friend or his mate, but after what he’d seen in Hannah’s eyes earlier, there was no way he could put it off any longer. Telling them the beautiful girl with strawberry blonde curls was the one the Universe had made just for him had been easier than he’d thought it would be, but telling them that he was sure she was being controlled by a malevolent force had royally sucked!

After all they’d already suffered at the hands of Melanie’s grandfather, the
Grand Draoi
of the
, black magic wizards that are the descendants of the Firbolgs –
the dark aborigines from the 13
century – it was almost too much for any of them to handle. The old fart had kidnapped his only granddaughter with the hopes of marrying her off to one of his minions, turning her white magic dark and using her incredible power to rule the world. It had taken Liam, Jace, the Dragon Guard, and several very talented white witches to stop his plans. The piece of crap had gotten away and if that wasn’t enough, Liam was now telling Mel that he was sure ol’ Cleland was still meddling in their lives.

Does this shit ever end?

Mo chroi’
stop pacing. I feel like I’m at a tennis match and my neck is killing me.” Jace tried to lighten the mood as he grabbed his mate’s hand and pulled her towards him. “I know you heard what Liam said. Hannah’s his mate, so there’s no way in hell he’d make this shit up.”

Pausing, the newly mated dragon and recently initiated Dragon Guardsman looked directly at Liam. “Now tell us exactly what happened.”

Clearing his throat, Liam began to recount his breakfast with Hannah. “Everything was going okay, just like it had all the other mornings. Breakfast has kind of become ‘our thing’. I’d decided today was the day I told her about us being mates. I mean I know she feels it and I’m pretty sure from being around y’all she knows what’s going on, but I thought I owed her a direct conversation about my intentions.”

He stood staring out the large picture window in the apartment the Blue Dragons had provided for Melanie and Jace while they all stayed and continued the search for Kyra’s mom, Calysta, the Grand Priestess of pretty much all the white witches in the world. Liam knew what he was about to tell his friends would probably start the pacing and the yelling all over again, but just like everything lately…it
to be done.

Turning, he looked Melanie right in the eyes, praying she could see the sincerity and the pain what he was about to say caused. “I reached across the table to hold her hand, like I’d done every other morning for almost two weeks, but this time she jerked away. It was like she’d been burnt by my touch. I thought I’d surprised her so I joked, ‘Jumpy this morning?’ But when Hannah looked up at me, it was like looking at a doll. Not the beautiful doll she is all the time, but a lifeless plaything. Her normally brilliant blue eyes were dull and sunken. Her pupils constricted so tightly they looked like tiny black dots, and the way she just stared ahead, over my shoulder, like I wasn’t even there made the little hairs at the base of my neck stand on end. But as bad as all of that had been, it couldn’t compare to wall of slimy, dark muck I ran into when I tried to connect with her through our mating bond.

“She must’ve seen or maybe felt my surprise and revulsion because in the blink of an eye the brightness returned to her eyes. She even reached out and touched my arm, but something was still off, so I tested our link again. The wall was gone, but so was my beautiful mate. All I found was nothingness. The longer I poked and prodded at our connection the more I realized something was pushing back at me.

“Hannah didn’t acknowledge any struggle or give any clue she even knew I was reaching out to her. That has
happened. Not since the first day our eyes first met. She always gave me one of her sweet smiles, winks, or a mental nudge…
to let me know she knows I’m there. I know you don’t want to believe me, Mel, but I swear Hannah
is not
Hannah right now, and as much as I know it hurts you…it is

Liam watched Jace and Melanie mull his words over for several minutes. Their silence like a ticking clock taking away time he knew his mate didn’t have. Something was attacking her from the inside and if he didn’t stop it, he feared he would lose her forever and there was no way he was letting that happen. Just about at the end of his rope, Liam stood, prepared to leave with or without their help.

Melanie’s eyes met his as she slowly nodded her head. “I would know if something was wrong with my Jace.” She looked at her mate with such love that Liam had to smile despite the situation. Looking back to Liam she continued. “So since Hannah is your mate, I
to believe what you’re telling me. I however refuse to believe whatever is happening to her is her own doing. There’s just
no way
she’s following Cleland. She wouldn’t do that, not after all he’s put her family through, not to mention what he did to me.”

Liam saw the determination in the young nurse’s eyes, heard the thoughts his brethren was sending to him through their unique link, and for the first time in days felt real hope. “I agree. There’s no way Hannah’s done anything willingly, but that raises a whole new set of questions. Who would do this? Are there people still loyal to the
? To the
? Do you know how to stop whatever is poisoning my mate?”

He speared Melanie with a look knowing it wasn’t her fault but seriously needing someone…
…to blame in that moment. Jace quickly stood, took a step towards him, and in a low warning grumble warned, “Back off, Li. It’s not Mel’s fault.”

“I know. I know. I’m sorry. It’s just…” He had no idea how to finish or what to do, so he just shook his head and prayed his closest friends would understand.

Melanie walked forward and hugged him as best she could considering their huge height difference. Being six-foot-six from the age of thirteen had been a challenge, but one he’d soon found he could use to his advantage. Bending at the waist he hugged her back, nodding to Jace at the same time.

“Sorry man. I didn’t mean to be a dick. You know I love Mel like a sister. It’s just that this shit is messing with my head. What if…”

“No ‘what ifs’ dude. You know better. If it hadn’t been for you when Mel was captured and hurt, I would’ve lost my fucking mind. We’ll figure this out. You gotta keep it together. You gotta be strong for her. Now give me back my mate.”
Jace winked. Liam smiled.

Melanie pulled away and was just about to speak when a knock at the front door startled all of them. Using his enhanced speed, Jace was at the door and had it opened in two seconds, revealing the oldest of their Force, Royce, and his mate. Both the six-foot-eight, carrot-topped giant and his barely five foot platinum blonde witch of a mate frowned and with no preamble walked through the door.

Kyra was the first to speak. “You two really need to learn to shield your thoughts better. I know you share a special connection with the big guy here, but he picks up damn near everything y’all say when you’re stressed. Which means I hear it and you know I have a bad habit of sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

She chuckled before playfully elbowing Royce in the stomach, entering the house, and taking a seat on the edge of the couch. Looking around the room, she took a moment to stop and examine each of them closely before continuing. “So spill. What the hell’s going on now?”

Liam would’ve laughed out loud, but the look on the older Guardsman face told him that would most definitely end with extra training and more than a little ridicule, not to mention a smack to the back of his head that would leave him seeing stars. Instead he began explaining and ended with, “So now you know everything we do.” He paused, hoping one of them would comment instead of sitting there with their brows furrowed.

When nothing happened, he stood and paced, only speaking as he made his third loop around the living room. “Is there anything you can do to help?” He asked looking at Kyra, one of the most powerful white witches he’d ever encountered and daughter of the Grand Priestess.

Nodding, she answered with her usual unswaying determination and enthusiasm. “What the hell do you think we’re here for? Of course I can help.” Jumping to her feet, she grabbed the bag she’d dropped at her feet when they entered and headed to the kitchen, continuing over her shoulder. “Come on, Mel, let’s see if all our training is paying off. I bet we can find out what’s wrong with Hannah before these big lugs can round up the rest of the troops.”

Kyra’s confidence was just the boost Liam needed. He immediately asked, “You want everyone to come here? Or the Great Hall? Or the Meadow?”

“Slow down, young’un.” Royce chuckled. “Why don’t you head over to check on Hannah? Stay with her until we know what’s up. Make sure nothing else happens while Kyra and Melanie get their game plan worked out. Jace and I will head over to the training pit and explain what’s happening to the rest of the guys.”

Saying goodbye as he headed out the door and scolding himself for not thinking of watching over Hannah before being told to do so by Royce, Liam made his way through the dense forest that surrounded the Blue Thunder Clan’s lair. He had started to use his enhanced speed, but stopped almost as soon as he started. Getting to his mate was his priority. Making sure that whatever was trying to take her from him was held at bay was at the forefront of his mind, but he also had to come up with a reasonable explanation for why he was popping up in the middle of the day. Hannah wasn’t gullible. She would ask questions and if whatever was inside her was also listening, he had to have a good cover story.

Lost in thought, he missed the scent of sulfur in the air and the sound of footsteps crunching the fallen leaves on the forest floor until it was too late. A sharp blow to the back of his head had him falling forward as the world around him faded to black.

What fresh hell is happening now?




Where am I? How did I get here? What the hell is going on?

For the fourth time in as many days, Hannah awakened not sure where she was, not sure how she’d gotten there, and with a hangover bigger than Texas. Then there was the feeling of doom that left a boulder-sized pit in her stomach.

Oh joy!

This time she was far behind the lair of the Blue Dragons, sitting atop the cliffs, inside a quickly dissipating salt circle, with half burnt candles and sachets of herbs beside her.  The sea breeze left little scent other than a salty brine in its wake, so the only clues she had were those in front of her.

The three candles were black, which on their own meant little. Black candles could be used for many things magical, some good and some bad. Unfortunately, coupled with the Dandelion root, Dragon’s Blood, and crushed Elderberries she found when she opened the sachet, along with the Blackthorn blossoms she saw skittering across the rocky ledge, it was hard not to imagine the worse. There was only one spell that came to mind and just the thought of it made Hannah’s heart skip a beat. The Invocation of Lost Souls was a powerful spell that had been banned from the
even before Hannah’s birth. And that was saying something considering they were black magic witches and wizards. This single spell, when worked correctly and tainted with evil intent, would bring forth all the vengeful spirits that heard the call. These spirits would then be under the control of the practitioner, willing and able to do her bidding, no matter how heinous.

Hannah searched her memory, finding nothing but darkness. A bone-deep cold unlike anything she’d ever experienced caused her to shiver where she stood, raising goose bumps up and down her arms. Walking as close to the edge of the cliff as she could get, Hannah looked at the waves below, marveling as they crashed against the rocks, wondering what the white foam would feel like against her skin.

For one of the only times she could ever remember, Hannah was
scared. She had no clue what was happening to her only that it happened more often and seemed to be lasting longer each time. Just that morning she’d had a ‘mini-episode’ while having breakfast with Liam. They’d been talking and laughing over breakfast as had become their routine and in the blink of an eye her world had gone dark. When she’d come back to herself, the look on Liam’s face told her he’d seen what had happened, but wasn’t sure what to do or say. She’d forced a smile and promised herself right then and there to finally give in and go talk to her mother.

BOOK: Shifters Gone Alpha
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