Shifters Gone Alpha (46 page)

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Authors: Michele Bardsley,Renee George,Brandy Walker,Sydney Addae,Lisa Carlisle,Julia Mills,Ellis Leigh,Skye Jones,Solease M Barner,Cristina Rayne,Lynn Tyler,Sedona Venez

BOOK: Shifters Gone Alpha
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“Ms. Credence?” The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror.

I nodded.
I’m ready to face him… I think.
The driver swiftly stepped out, opening my door. I placed my hands in his and allowed him to escort me out.

He smiled. “Have a nice evening, Ms. Credence.”

“I don't know about that,” I mumbled under my breath as I walked away, stepping into the entrance of the restaurant to be greeted by stares—Other stares. It was the Credence factor… again. We were like unicorns; spotting one of us was intriguing. It was strange to be around so many Others intermixed with humans. Humans who mingled, clueless to the subtle Other eye flash—my only clue to their Other status. Others were not easy to detect even by another Others. Some of them had centuries of expertise of blending into society for safety’s sake.

I lifted my chin proudly as the men’s eyes narrowed with interest. I looked good tonight; that much I was sure of. I was such a nervous wreck that Light had to help me get ready. My thick, auburn hair flowed around my bare shoulders. The nude, backless dress was a nice contrast against my skin. Something that Knox somehow knew, which told me he personally picked out the skintight dress. A dress that hugged all of my size-nine curves in all the right places. I finished off the look with my favorite kickass stilettos I'd been dying to wear.

The light was dim like some upscale club, setting the mood for an anything-goes vibe. I looked around the well-known private restaurant owned by a former model named Vivica, who was also a vampire. It was more of a VIP restaurant frequented by the rich-and-famous Others and humans, with a long waiting list. It was also known that Vivica scrutinized each person. But the difference between this restaurant and other celebrity-frequented restaurants was that everyone who came here wanted their privacy because of the type of acts that took place here. Sexual acts orchestrated on a stage for all to see while patrons ate, watched, and, given proper motivation, had their own private show in their own private booths.

A tall, pale redhead dwarfed by two burly men walked straight toward me with a huge smile on her face. “Stormy Credence. I'm Vivica, owner of this sinful establishment.” She gestured dramatically. “Welcome to Redemption, darling.” She patted their arms before they fanned out, watching the crowd like some sort of security.

Vampires weren't known for being really friendly, but I sensed no falseness in her tone. So I smiled back. “Thank you.”

She circled me. “Oh my goodness! You look so much like your mother,” she gushed with a sultry voice.

I raised my eyebrows. “Minus the attitude, right?”

“No, darling, I can tell you have the same spitfire attitude.”

I looked around at the celebs sauntering around inconspicuously. “Look, nothing against your beautiful restaurant, but this place has more celebrities than rehab. And it's really not my scene.”

She puckered her pouty lips. “Then why are you here, darling?”

I adjusted my hem nervously. “I'm meeting someone. Not sure if he's here yet.”

She rolled her eyes like she was having a mini orgasm. “Oh, Knox is here, darling. Waiting for you… impatiently, I might add.” She looped her arm through mine. “Come with me.” We walked through the expensively designed restaurant draped with rich fabric across the ceiling. The whole middle section of the floor was wide open, making way for the strange circle configuration of several booths with high backs and wide sides facing toward a large platform, which pretty much obstructed the view and chance of any voyeurs.

Vivica practically glided across the floor. “I bet you didn't know I used to work for Credence O.,” she stated matter-of-factly.

I glanced at her with shock. “Really?”

“Uh-huh. If I do say so myself, I was one of Ava and Lia's best girls. But this was way before you were born.”

I knew vampires were eternally youthful, but Vivica looked about my age.

Vivica snickered. “The stories I could tell you about your wild mother and aunt. We used to raise hell on assignments. And your mother? She had clients lining up to book her.”

I almost tripped. Mom worked as an escort? What about all the rules she cackled about not breaking?
Oh, what a hypocrite… Wait until I tell Light.

She winked at me. “I guess she didn't tell you about that, huh?”

There was no sense in pretending. “No… she didn't.”

“I was really rough around the edges when they took me in and gave me a home and life direction.” She sighed. “I went from a distrustful, resentful vamp who thought the world was out to get her to a woman who was ready to embrace life. When I found my mates, it was time to quit.” She abruptly stopped, staring at me before saying, “Trust me when I say life is about taking chances. Leave the past behind and trust him enough to take you to a place you've longed for. Peace, trust, and maybe love.”

I blinked back the emotions. “All those things have to be earned.” And frankly, I didn't think Knox was up to the job.

As if she could read my mind, she responded, “I know he's up to the task, darling. You just have to give him the chance to prove it.” She smiled before pulling me along to a table occupied by not only Knox, but also Liam and a pretty platinum blonde with chestnut highlights. My eyes drifted back to Knox, who was looking at me pensively. Goodness, he looked good enough to eat in his crisp white shirt that was open at the collarbone, displaying his golden-tan skin with an intricate Celtic tattoo on the left side of his neck.

Vivica pushed me forward gently. “Here she is, Knox. And you can stop glaring at her like you’re about to eat her alive.”

His eyes sparkled with laughter when he looked at her. “I would love to eat her alive, but these damn booths don't give me the room to show her the power of my tongue,” he responded huskily.

Turned on by his words, instinctually, I crossed my legs. Oh, this wasn't good. How the hell was I going get through dinner?

She gave him an amused stare. “Improvise, darling. Eating on the table is always permitted.” She winked at me. “Have fun, darling. This one's a keeper.”

Knox stood impatiently, ushering me into the booth. “You're late. Don't let it happen again.”

I ignored him, smiling stiffly at Liam. “I didn't know you were joining us.”

“I'm not. We're leaving.” He nodded over at the annoyed blonde.

“We can stay for a bit.” The blonde offered her hand to shake. “I'm Knox's personal manager, Harper Ducaine.” She looked me up and down. “And you are?”

Instantly, I could tell she didn't like me. “Stormy Credence.” I nodded toward Knox. “His slut for the evening.”

Harper's face lightened as she chuckled. “No offense, but you don't look like his typical slut.”

“Really? What did you expect?”

She tapped her lip with fake seriousness. “I don't know, less brain and wit. Frankly, he's aiming too high with you—too much beauty and brain.”

I smiled. “Don't let the dress fool you. This is my groupie disguise.”

“It's nice to see you again, Stormy,” Liam said.

I looked at him coolly. Even after all these years, I still didn't like him.

He checked his watch impatiently. “I have a date with Light.”

Something I was against, but Light was a big girl and could handle herself. “It's not a date. It's her granting pity to a loser on a real slow date night.”

He arched a brow. “Still don't like me, huh?”

I looked at him silently before responding. “There's not much to like.” It was the emphatic truth. I wasn't sure if it was his sly smile or the way his cold eyes always seemed to be examining me like a piece of meat, but there was something about him that I didn't trust or like.

Harper chuckled, looking at Knox with a gleam in her eyes. “Oh, Knox, I think I'm in love. Can we keep her?” She batted her eyelashes. “Pretty, pretty please?”

“I don't share,” Knox responded with his eyes locked on me.

Harper winked at me before saying, “Damn, he's so possessive.”

“She's all mine for as long as she warms my bed.” He looked at me pointedly.

I knew what he was making clear—that this was a temporary thing. A fling. And I shouldn't get any permanent fixture ideas.

“She actually gets to warm your bed, huh? This one must be very special.” She suddenly looked at me. “He never brings women to his bed. It's some male territorial thing.”

He looked at her coolly. “That has nothing to do with it.”

“Okay, then can I join you two? I promise I won't touch her”—she winked at me—“much.”

He gave an exasperated sigh. “Harper. She's not into women.” He brought the glass to his lips, sipping slowly. The wide, silver skull ring that I gave him years ago glistened. He kept it. I swallowed hard over the lump of emotions.

Harper pouted playfully. “Are you sure? You know how good I am at converting.”

I waved my hand. “Hello. I'm right here. Why are you two talking around me?” I looked at her. “And to answer your question, I'm only into men.” I nodded toward Knox. “Present company not included.”

Harper fanned herself. “Oh, honey, when Knox breaks you, it's going to be really hot.”

I snorted. “Not going to happen.”

She blinked. “Uh-huh. Do you know how many women would love the chance to warm his bed?”

“I bet he has them lining up. One leaves, another jumps in. He's Knox Gunner rock star extraordinaire.” I crossed my legs. “I'm not interested in being in the lineup.”

She pursed her lips with disproval. “Is that what you think? He's dominant, not a whore. Wow, Knox. You got some work to do with this one.”

“I'm up to the challenge.” Knox leaned back, draping his arm behind me. “I call it project
Breaking the Storm
.” I tried to move away, but he fisted my hair softly with one hand, bringing my face mere inches from his. “Where are you going, beautiful?”

I didn't even bother to move. I relaxed into his grip. His fingers started to comb through my hair. His green eyes turning emerald with desire. I didn't even realize I was slowly moving toward his lips until Harper's voice startled me by saying, “Would you move your ass, Liam? I'm late.”

Liam was trying to move while she shoved him. When they finally stood, Harper adjusted her black barely-there dress. She looked at Knox with her lips curled up in a wide smile. “This one is feisty. Exactly what you need. Someone to tell you where to stick it.”

Liam smirked. “Oh, I think he knows exactly where to stick it.”

Harper rolled her eyes. “What are you, in high school? Come on, let's leave them alone.”

I watched them walk away before looking back at him. “You got rid of Kaydee? That was a smart career move.” I shook out my napkin, placing it on my lap.

“I had to change my life. So I fired her that night,” he responded coldly. “Something you would have known had you not run away with your tail between your legs.” He took a long sip of water, looking at me over the rim of his glass. “Back then, I needed a woman who was willing to fight. For me and for us. I thought you were that woman. I was wrong.”

My mouth dropped open. “I'm not even going to respond to that.” I swallowed hard, sticking my hands under the table to hide the trembling. He was right. Back then, I was a coward and too scared to live with the ramifications of falling in love.

He looked at me coolly. “And just so we're clear, you know damn well that what you saw between Kaydee and me was orchestrated by her to get rid of you.”

It was like a stab to the heart hearing what I always suspected. But frankly, I was tired of living that night over and over in my head. There was just no point in crying over spilled milk.

“Why are we talking about this?” I asked with a husky voice.

“Because it needs to be said. Not glossed over like it never happened. We're both sitting here because we have unfinished business.”

“Not that I'm not happy to know you fired her, but she wasn't the only one who had a hand in this. What about Liam?”

Knox slammed his glass onto the table. “Liam's paid for fucking around in my life. He's learned his lesson, believe me.”

I doubted that very much, but that wasn’t any of my business anymore. “Well, at least you have Harper.”

“She gets me. That's what makes our relationship work.”

I couldn't stop the creep of jealously that snuck up on me at the way the word
rolled off his tongue.

He looked at me pointedly. “I don't mix business with pleasure. So don't start weaving some crazy story about Harper and me having sex.”

I snorted. “Like I haven't heard that before.”

“I don't shroud myself in mystery, and I don't fucking lie. If there's something I don't want to talk about—I'll tell you.”

“Oh, I know that too well, Knox. Back then, not once did you share anything personal with me besides a tiny bit of information about your mother that I practically had to beg you for.”

Raw pain flickered in his eyes before disappearing. “Did you really need to know the woman I called mother abused me until the day she died? That she hated me so much she actually lied and said my father didn't want me when he was frantically searching for me?” His tone held no emotion at all. “I lived a very hard life. I fucked every woman I met. Got involved with a very rough street crowd. But that was before the music saved my life.”

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