Shifters of Grrr 1 (13 page)

Read Shifters of Grrr 1 Online

Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Terra Wolf,Wednesday Raven,Amelia Jade,Mercy May,Jacklyn Black,Rachael Slate,Emerald Wright,Shelley Shifter,Eve Hunter

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 1
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"Let me know when you're ready to stop lying to yourself about not feeling this."

Then with that, he was gone.

What the fuck was that?!?

Harper continued to stand there, unmoving, as she tried to process what had happened. There were kisses and then there were kisses, but she'd had several of both before. This, though, this went beyond anything she thought possible, and they hadn't even touched! Her entire body was shaking, so badly she had to take a seat on a nearby stump. It didn't matter to her it would dirty her clothes, she wasn't worrying about that at all.

The only thing she could think of was of Jake Jefferies and his soft lips, surrounded by the stubble of a beard. The fire within her continued to blaze white-hot, unquenchable now that he had called her out, forced her to take notice of him and whatever was going on between them.

Deep inside of Harper, something awoke. It wasn't anger though it had the same single-minded focus. It had the same feel as the determination and confidence she used every day while operating her business. It took her awhile to identify, since it had been a long, long time since she had felt it with a man. Since well before the end of her last relationship.


Her head snapped up, focusing like a hawk in the direction Jake had gone. There was no way he was going to do that to her, and then just leave her out to dry. Standing up, she stormed after him.

Okay, so perhaps I'm a little mad too.

Harper was no idiot, she knew something special was going on between them. It was likely to be awhile yet before she fully trusted him, but it would be silly of her to ignore it. It was, she thought, time to find out just what would happen if she took it that extra step.

"Jake Jefferies!" she called out, approaching him as he gestured frantically at the operator of a large excavator, trying to tell him where to put the load of rocks it had picked up. He stood still at the tone in her voice, then turned to face her.

"Do not. Ever. Leave me like that. Again." She strode up to him, punching a pointed finger in his direction at every word to emphasize her point.

Then she kissed him.

Her hand swooped up, pulling his head down to her level and keeping it there. Fireworks exploded behind her closed eyelids as their lips finally met, the electric tension of the past few days released in an explosive moment that sent shockwaves racing down her spine.

A hand grasped the small of her back, pulling her tight so that her curves molded against his body. She gasped as his hard cock pressed against her stomach, proving to her how he felt. His other hand ran through her hair, pulling her lips back to his. Harper melted under his touch, her body becoming his to control.

As the kiss deepened her lips parted to accept his tongue, the two of them exploring each other, oblivious to the jeers and catcalls coming from all directions as they let themselves acknowledge their bond.

"I'm still pissed as all hell with you for burning my campground down," she said as they broke for air some time later, her voice completely serious. To help get her point across, she took a step back from him, leaving a small space between them.

Just because she was admitting defeat and accepting that something was happening between them did not mean that she was just going to forgive and forget. The scene around the two of them would be a constant reminder for months to come. It seemed like only a matter of time now before the ill-will faded, but the wound was still too fresh to ignore completely.

"I know, I know, you're going ridiculously above and beyond to make up for it," she placated him as he started to protest. "I still find myself wondering if this is all real, or simply a dream that I'm about to wake up from."

The loud drone of construction equipment and men shouting was far too loud to be imagined. Most of them had stopped shouting at the two of them now, so they could go seek out a moment in peace now. In the shadow of his work truck, he reached out to grab her hand, brushing his lips against it while he looked into her eyes once again.

"Oh no you don't! I'm not falling for that one again," she said, turning her gaze elsewhere. It wasn't clear where the streak of strength that she was exhibiting had come from, but Harper had no intention of giving up any advantage she had at the moment. The call of her body was getting harder to resist by the moment, however, and she knew that if the tension between them notched any higher, they would have to go find somewhere private.

The decision was made when Jake pulled her hand closer to him, drawing her body towards his. His kiss took her breath away, the urgency of it driving her back a step in surprise. She gasped in surprise as he picked her up easily, his arms lifting her body clear of the ground in one smooth motion. It was so sexy when a man could do something like that without having to try. Harper's cunt flooded with warm honey as he opened the door to his truck, pushing her inside.

"We're leaving. Now." The command voice he used brooked no argument.

Not that she would have been able to fight against him anyways. The force of his will, combined with the insistent urging from her throbbing clit all but foretold the outcome. It had been far too long, she realized with a start, since a man had last pushed his rock hard cock deep into her.

"Turn left here," she directed, guiding him swiftly towards her apartment. It wasn't all that far, but neither of them could keep their hands still in that time. Her hand reached out to caress the outline of his cock through his jeans at the same time he began to tease her, putting just the right amount of pressure across the outside of her shorts.

He seemed to understand just when to change pressure, angle or pace, even through her clothing. Sometimes Jake knew what to do before she did, anticipating her body's demands and fulfilling them before she could speak.

"How are you doing that?" She gasped between moans, trying to stay calm as he drove her towards an explosive climax. Just before she went over the edge, he stopped, which is when Harper learned that he could use the connection to devastating effect, as he continued to edge her along the cliff, never fulfilling her demands.

No matter how much she begged him and told him he could have whatever he wanted from her, he didn't cave. Instead, he only brought her to a more intense state of pleasure and exquisite torture than she had ever known. By the time he finally put the truck in park, she was ready to explode.

She opened the front door, stepping through even as Jake's hands grasped her from behind, the warmth from his palms heating her to the core as he slid up her sides, her shirt following as it flew off into a corner. In seconds, his deft hands left her chest completely exposed to him. She suddenly felt shy, trying to cover up her nakedness, hoping he wouldn't hate what he saw.

"Hey, I happened to like that view," he murmured, closing in on her, pushing her back up to the wall. His firm, strong hands grasping her sides send her eyes rolling back into her head a little. It was his lips leaving a trail of fire along her shoulder, then collarbone, and finally the oh-so-sensitive spots on her neck that forced her to drop her hands.

Jake took full advantage, cupping her breasts gently as he continued to nibble lightly on her neck. It was hard to tell what felt better, that, or the way he slowly pulled on her nipples, bringing them to attention under his touch. When his fingers made their way to her shorts, removing them, she no longer fought him. It wasn't clear yet if she could completely trust him, but some part of her knew that for the next little bit at least, he would cause her no harm.

Which was a good thing, because by this point Harper was beginning to lose control of her mind to the demands of her body. The bleed through of excitement and arousal from her connection with Jake, combined with her own desires was overwhelming her senses. Each time his skin made contact with hers, the pleasure seemed to amplify.

The shift came abruptly, right after he lay her back on the bed. They were both naked now, in a separate world from their surroundings that consisted simply of each other. But when he ran his tongue across her throbbing clit for the first time, her world went dark.

"Harper? Harper, are you okay?" She felt some cool touch her forehead, a damp cloth perhaps. Her eyes still wouldn't open, but her mouth seemed to work, so she tried to tell him she was fine. It came out as an unintelligible moan, however, prompting more worried attention from Jake.

"What happened?" She finally managed to get out, her eyes starting to open. The first thing she noticed was his rock hard cock inches away from her face as he hovered over her, dabbing softly at her forehead with a washcloth. Her senses were returning to her now, including the pulsating ache from between her legs that told her she still hadn't climaxed.

"It's all my fault, I'm sorry Harper." He didn't elaborate on that, which confused her, but the hammering insistence from her clit wouldn't let her focus on it for long.

"Can you at least put that thing inside of me already?" she asked dryly, glancing at his rather large, hard-as-steel cock. Despite her fainting and his worry, it was clear to both of them that they were both still extremely horny.

"I don't know if I should," he said, very unsure of how to proceed. Harper realized this and decided it was time to take action if she wanted any semblance of satisfaction from the day's activities.

Moving slowly, but with purpose, she rolled onto her side and leaned towards him. He was close enough that the bit of movement left him mere inches from her mouth. Licking her lips, she slid the tip of his dick into her mouth, allowing her tongue to play along the sensitive underside, turning his noise of surprise into a low growl of pleasure.

It didn't take long for her to persuade him to mount her instead. Lying on her back, she grabbed his hips, helping guide him in as his cock pushed past the swollen folds of flesh and into her canal, coating him easily in the warm honey that pooled there. He pushed himself in inch by excruciatingly pleasurable inch.

She stretched to accommodate him, reveling in the sensations of being filled up by a man. It had been far too long, she realized now, something she should have rectified a long time before. Plastic toys simply didn't compare to the warm, pulsing beat of a real man taking her as he pleased.

Their lovemaking built slowly as he moved his hips. The slow introduction helped her body adjust, to take him with ease as the pace built, his long cock sliding deep within her. As their pace built, he continued to pay attention to the rest of her body, whether with his hands or lips as necessary.

They reached the crescendo together, a climax that had them both screaming as their bodies writhed as one. Jets of molten-steel erupted inside of her, sending Harper spiraling off the cliff-edge and leaving her senseless as she basked in the waves of pleasure that ripped through her body.

She couldn't feel her back arching, nor the cry that tore from her throat. But the way the room swayed around her, made it clear that her body was responding to his touch, climaxing in a way she had never before experienced. She only noticed that she had stopped being able to hear when the sound came roaring back to her ears in a deafening raucous of noise.

"Wow," was the only word that she managed to utter. It did nothing to describe the way she felt, but her lungs were heaving for air now as feeling returned to her body, making it hard to speak. Her entire body still tingled, her toes flexing involuntarily, while her cunt still shook as he pulled himself free. He was, she noted, still quite hard, and if anything, growing harder as opposed to the opposite.

Her suspicions were confirmed moments later as he mounted her again, despite her pleas for a moment's rest. Those stopped as he slid inside her once more. Harper wasn't sure if she would ever get over that sensation as he pushed deep into her wet pussy, taking her hard straight from the start.

Several more times over the course of the afternoon they made love. Food was ordered in, picked up from the door by Jake, dressed only in one of her oversized luxurious purple bathrobes. She had laughed and laughed at the sight of him in one until his cock had slid through the opening, taking her breath away as he pushed it in front of her mouth.

Eventually, they had fallen asleep together on top of the bed. They'd had to throw a blanket down under them, for the bed was too wet with their bodily fluids to sleep upon, but neither of them cared. As she drifted into a deep sleep, secure in Jake's arms and wrapped up firmly in his warmth, Harper wondered once more what he had meant with his apology earlier. She wanted to ask him, but exhaustion claimed her first.

In the morning I'll do it...


She stirred slowly, the brightness coming through the window ensuring she wouldn't fall back asleep now that she was awake. The sun's heat was nice, but she craved more, reaching out for Jake to cuddle close to him. Cold sheets greeted her touch, growing colder as she reached farther.

He was gone.

She sat up abruptly, holding the blanket close to her, suddenly feeling self-conscious about her nakedness, despite being in her own apartment. Looking around, it was clear that Jake wasn't there. Her apartment was fairly small, so it took her no more than a few moments to poke around, to see if he was in the kitchen or perhaps the shower. His shoes were gone, she noted as she finally approached the front door.

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