Shifters of Grrr 2 (25 page)

Read Shifters of Grrr 2 Online

Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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"Completely. Take me sweetly, take me hard and fast, take me any way you want me, as long as it is forever."

He went to her and kissed her, kissed her to the very core of her being. It curled her toes and made her weak. There was something about him that made everything he did to her seem over the top.

His hands went to her wrap blouse as he deftly undid its sash. In that single action, her body was on fire for him, pricking up with goosebumps. He trailed his hand down her back and let it rest in the small crook between her back and her waistband.

He took his time, teasing and taunting her, as he leaned in to kiss her with earnest. His hand held her face as he kissed her, breathing the words "beautiful" all over her lips and throat. He eased her backward so that he could take each of her breasts in his hands, bringing her nipples up to his waiting mouth. Licking and sucking, her moans were the only thing he could hear over the blood drumming in his ears.

His leopard was on fire, wanting her now. His teeth came out, sharp and ready.

He flipped her over and sunk them gently into her, holding her down while his hardness rubbed against her hot skin. His hand went underneath her body and toyed with her wetness, making her moan harder. When he could hear her breath become ragged and sense her heart rate rising, he plunged into her fully.

Gabby held on and felt herself get filled up by him as he moved and grew within her. The initial discomfort of his teeth was now replaced with a deep ache of hunger, wanting him to fill her completely.

"You're driving me insane, Landon," she breathed into the floor, hoping he could hear her mumbles as he began thrusting. With each hard thrust in her, she ground into the carpet fibers creating a friction that held captive on her clit. The extreme fullness of him growing even more inside her, spreading and stretching her more than she'd ever been, was too much. She held her breath hoping she wouldn't pass out from the sensations washing over her.

"It's time, Gabby, you're going to belong to me completely now," Landon spoke breathlessly as he purred and thrust. Just hearing the words was enough to push Gabby over the edge. Her shudders and quivering muscles were reduced to a rigid state while she held her breath, riding the wave of orgasm through her as her sex clenched around his cock.

"Oh god, yes," was all Landon could manage before releasing his own orgasm inside her. He could feel her walls contract and release around his hardness as he kept cumming inside her. When it was all over, they lay there beside each other, trying to catch their breath.

"Is it always going to be so... powerful?" she asked.

"Not every time, but when I mate it can definitely get intense. The sensations are overpowering aren't they?" he asked with a gleam in his eye.

"It's like magnifying the best orgasm of your life," she started, "it's a little draining."

She was tired, sleepy and hoped she wouldn't just fall asleep afterward.

"Gabby" he whispered quietly.


"Will you marry me then?" He had the ring poised there waiting as if he'd somehow known. How he seemed to always know her moods and her needs, knew everything about her.

"Of course I will. Always."

It was okay to love again and to share this new life that was growing inside her. This time, she believed that everything was going to work out just fine.

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Terra Wolf & Wednesday Raven

About the Author - Terra Wolf

I love to write about all things billionaire and shifter. My books allow my imagination to run free and explore every possible idea I have. That makes writing less like a job and more like a fantasy come to life.

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About the Author - Wednesday Raven

I love to write about gothic shifters and sweet love stories. My passion for writing was instilled at a young age and now it's my life's work. Come inside my pages and see what stories I have to tell you.

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Also By Terra Wolf and Wednesday Raven

Heart Laid Bear

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Wolf Moon January

Also By Wednesday Raven

Bearly Hanging On

Bearly Hanging On

The Wolf Hunter

Little Red Riding Wolf

Taming the Billionaire Bear - Christy Rivers

Chapter 1

"Are you sure you don't want to try some of this?" I asked Lindsay.

Lindsay wrinkled her nose at my panini. "I'm on a low calorie diet, remember?"

Your loss
, I thought at her. I'd caught her eyeing my food anyway, so there was no use for her to pretend she didn't want a taste of something good.

We found an empty table in the cafeteria and sat down. I sighed and finally had my first bite of grilled eggplant, mushrooms, and provolone, all melted together between two buttery slices of sourdough bread.

Meanwhile, Lindsay delicately sipped her lemon water and grimaced.

I studied her thin frame knowingly and also with a bit of envy. Up until a couple of years ago, I'd been a skinny thing like her. I'd grown up poor, living with my single mother and two brothers in a trailer park right up until I graduated high school with a full ride to the local university. My scholarship covered my meal plan, which meant I had access to a full variety of food at any time, for the
time in my life.

I envied Lindsay like any other girl envied someone who was thin and beautiful, but I certainly didn't miss it. I knew what hunger felt like, and I was never going back.

"Ugh, I totally forgot," Lindsay said suddenly. "I have to go to this stupid talk for my business class." Her eyes brightened. "It's open to the public. Do you want to go with me?"

I tried not to make a face, but I couldn't hide my hesitation. "Uh..."

"Please?" Lindsay began digging around in her purse. "Look, I have a flier for it." Her blonde hair kept falling into her face as she kept talking, describing what the speaker was supposed to be famous for. "He's some billionaire, the school's richest alumnus or something. Gosh, I wish I could remember his name...Bryce something."

I picked at my fries. I'd known a Bryce a long time ago, one of the boys from my old neighborhood. It had only stuck with me through the years because Bryce wasn't a common name.

"Here it is! Bryce Callaway."

I dropped a French fry. "What?"

"Don't tell me you know who he is. I must've been the
person in my class who didn't know who this guy was."

I grabbed for the flier in Lindsay's hands, full of disbelief. "I think I do, actually!"

"Great. What exactly does he
?" Lindsay asked, exasperated.

"I don't know."

Lindsay looked confused, but I didn't bother elaborating. I could only stare at the flier in my hands. It was barely bigger than a postcard with Bryce's name, the time, and the location of the talk. And in the corner was a black and white photograph of a smiling man, everything about him pressed and pristine. It was the type of picture that would be on a billboard or a commercial. It was a picture that said,
I'm a professional, I know what I'm doing, and I've never seen a trailer park in my life.

Yet inexplicably, this was a picture of Bryce Callaway, the boy from my hometown trailer park.

"I'll go," I said bluntly.

"You will?" Lindsay said, her voice rising with excitement.

I nodded, continuing to stare at the flier. If the time was accurate, we had thirty minutes to get to the main auditorium in the arts building. "We should get going if we want good seats," I said, mostly to myself rather than Lindsay. My chair legs scraped against the tile floor as I stood up.

* * *

Even though there was half an hour to go, the auditorium was almost full. Lindsay tried to usher me toward the back, but I shook my head and pulled her down the stairs toward the first few rows.

We were lucky enough to find two seats that weren't too far from the stage.

"You really are excited about this, aren't you?" Lindsay whispered as we settled in. "What's Bryce Callaway famous for, anyhow?"

I bit my lip, unsure of how I'd answer that question a second time, but somebody sitting behind us cleared his throat.

"Are you serious?" he said. "You don't know what
Bryce Callaway
is famous for?"

The two of us turned around to look at the youngish, bespeckled guy. He leaned forward, his eyes wide with adoration. "Bryce Callaway owns Call-Com Unlimited." When we didn't respond, he rolled his eyes. "You know, Call-Com Unlimited? The people who powered the World Cup using completely renewable energy?"

"Oh," Lindsay said lightly, sounding disappointed.

Suddenly, a memory from the past came flooding back to me. Back then, I'd been a gawky nine-year-old, and Bryce had been a teenager. I'd been playing near a canal with a bunch of other neighborhood kids when we abandoned our toys to watch the water rushing past under our noses.

"Why's it going so fast?" I'd asked no one in particular, and it was Bryce who'd answered.

"There's a pump at the beginning of the canal that churns the water," he began. "The faster the water goes, the more energy it creates. Then, the building at the end of this canal uses that energy to do all sorts of stuff."

I hadn't understood it back then, and I certainly didn't understand now, but something clicked. Not long after that, Bryce had essentially disappeared. I'd wondered where he'd gone, but now I knew.

Bryce had gone to college, just like me. And he'd taken his interest in energy and made something of himself. I didn't follow soccer, but I did know that the last World Cup had been on the news a lot, simply for being the first international event to use things like
wind turbines
without being plugged into the electrical grid.

And now that I knew that Bryce Callaway was the man behind it all...

I turned back to the stage, anxious for the talk to start already. It was strange how this Bryce wasn't the Bryce I'd grown up with, yet I recognized a piece of his past in his business. It was just like how he was almost a stranger in his flier picture, but he was undeniably

I wondered if he'd even recognize me after all these years. Not only had I grown into a woman, but I wasn't malnourished anymore. With all the pizza and sandwiches I'd eaten in recent years, I'd filled out considerably. More than considerably, actually. My jeans were tight, my breasts spilled out of all my bras, and I took up a lot more room than I was used to. I'd never felt self-conscious about it until now, though.

Would he think I look better at this size?
I asked myself.
Or worse?

Suddenly, the house lights flickered, signaling that the talk was about to begin. Late-coming stragglers rushed to find their seats, and several sound technicians made last minute adjustments to the microphone on stage.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until a man stepped onto the stage, and the entire auditorium erupted. I finally exhaled, feeling lightheaded, and joined in on the applause.

The man was tall and broad-shouldered, and he wore tailored trousers, an ironed shirt, and a silk tie. I wasn't close enough to see his features, but when he picked up his microphone and began to speak, my breath caught.

"Hello. I'm Bryce Callaway," he said.

My mind shook with recognition. That, indeed,
Bryce, the same Bryce I'd known from the trailer park.

Chapter 2

Bryce's talk was long, but entertaining. He spoke about sustainability and entrepreneurship, and he even managed to include some jokes in there. I hadn't known Bryce to be a jokester, so it was a refreshing thing to see now. I found myself growing more and more endeared to him as the talk went on until before I knew it, it had ended.

"Well, there's about ten minutes left, so I'd like to open up the floor for some questions," he said.

My palms immediately began to sweat.

Now's my chance,
I thought as an audience member asked the first question. I imagined myself standing up and asking him if he remembered a girl named Sarah Wyland from his youth.

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