Shifters of Grrr 2 (65 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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"I can't agree with you more."

Zorth hung up and Harry wondered what it meant. Working with Zorth would be a wonderful learning experience but not if he was there because he'd lost confidence in her. "Tell me true, why did you decide to join the mission to bring down Chief?"

"Truly?" Zorth asked and smiled when she nodded. "I'm tired of the asshole. He's making all our lives miserable. It also will gain the witches gratitude from the vamps and wolves both of which are more invested in bringing him to justice. The vamps because he is one and is misusing their blood and the wolves because they are his victims of choice.

Harry nodded again, reassured. She was young, not yet old enough to imbibe in a human bar, but her rank had been rising rapidly due to the missions she'd been offered and accepted. It was the kind of missions, due to the travel and large blocks of time away from home not to even mention the danger that few witches would consider. She was single and if she ever wanted to fast track her career, now was the time to do it. Cherry would someday lead the council, she was sure of it and she wanted to be a member right there by her side. Cherry had also been working her way up at a fast pace.

Zorth made another call. "Dirge," an impatient voice growled.

"This is Zorth. I need your services."

"Zorth you old hound dog. Whatcha need?"

"I want to put out a bounty on Serena Peterson. She's wanted alive by the witch's council. Reward is ten and collectible by anyone."

"Gotcha. I'll email you if I need any particulars."

Zorth hung up and he concentrated on driving a while. She decided he was going over his plan in his mind driven by the need to capture Serena and take down Chief. She hadn't expected him to talk much but she was still disappointed by the complete silence that left her bored and without anything to do. Even listening to his phone calls had at least given her something to speculate on.

They stopped about halfway to eat lunch at a steak place. The meal was nice but not anything special and Zorth seemed very anxious to get back on the road. When they did, he stopped at a gas station near the highway exit. She was certain they wouldn't be stopping again barring an emergency.

"What are you worrying about?" Zorth asked.

"Huh?" she replies.

"I've noticed you've been worrying about something since we left the inn. I thought you might sort it out in your mind, but it seems it's just getting worse."

"I've just been thinking on the case and how Chief has not only managed to keep one step ahead but he's also been successful at throwing obstacles in our path. Did he know about Serena or just get lucky? If he got lucky, why does he keep getting lucky? What's the deal with him?"

"He's a powerful vampire who heard the stories about the power of vampire blood on wolves and other kinds and decided to test it out. Once he found it was true, he used the highly addictive properties to control others basically forming his own personal army. He used his powers to control other vampires like his brother and he was nearly unstoppable."

"I get that part of it. It's how we arrive to arrest him and the bed's still warm that worries me. We go to shut down an operation and all key players have left before we get there. Something isn't right and it makes me suspect he had eyes or ears in our offices or among our people."

"You may be right. We need to start keeping all information on a need to know and give a blocking charm to all essential team members. It does sound like there's a leak somewhere but some of the information he's getting is coming from the past and unless he has someone that knows each member personally, there's only one way to find that out."

"You think he has a witch that is casting spells to gaze into everyone's past?"

"Serena would be capable of it now, with the borrowed powers she has."

She knew a witch could borrow powers from another but only under certain circumstances and only if she was powerful to begin with. Power draws power like the way Zorth had absorbed the energy shot Serena had sent his way. She couldn't fool herself, few witches could have done that. If it had been sent toward her, she would have sizzled and fried until she was a dark spot on the floor. That energy shot hadn't been intended to stun or just injure, it was meant to kill and destroy all evidence that the person had ever existed.

She didn't have the kind of ability that would allow her to send or absorb something with that kind of power, at least not yet. "Where would she borrow that kind of power? It's more than the average witch has."

"I'd be keen to know that too. I could sense the lion's share of the power she wielded was not her own."

She hadn't sensed anything, she'd been too flabbergasted at the display of raw power. Zorth had easily outmatched the other witch but she'd been trying to decimate him while he'd wanted a prisoner he could interrogate. She sensed Zorth could have destroyed Serena easily had he not held back. Another question that sprang to mind was where had he gotten such a reservoir of power himself? She wanted so badly to ask the question that burned in her mind but she knew not only would he not answer, he'd resent her questioning him.

There was a time in the recent past that she would have blundered in like a bull in a china shop asking questions even though she knew there'd be no answers only irritation that she'd not had the sense to stay quiet. Her inner voice, the one that often cautioned her would have gone unheeded and the damage would be done. Cherry would say she was maturing and learning but she knew she was just becoming a boring conformist.

It would have been different if it had been Damon or one of the guys on the team. She would have blurted out the questions and they would have shot her a quelling look or maybe even answered them. Zorth was an unknown entity. She felt as much fear as respect for him not that she thought he'd hurt her physically. No, he'd give her a mental spanking she'd not get over any time soon. The man looked like a god, too. Most supernatural males were hot, but Zorth was exceptional. He was as gorgeous as the men on her team but while she acknowledged they were all incredible eye candy, she didn't view any of them in a sexual way. Weird, huh?

Maybe she was around so many sex gods all the time that they didn't affect her anymore? No, that wasn't it. It was that she saw the males she was around often in a different light. Damon was fatherly, the others brotherly, Zorth was kinda like an uncle you only saw sometimes but you desperately wanted his approval. It was hard to get, but rewarding when you managed. Right now she was trying to decide if she had his approval or not. Zorth was the hardest person to read she'd ever met. That was probably because he had so many secrets and he had a lot of practice keeping them. Even with all that had happened with Serena, she'd gotten more information from Serena than Zorth.

She now knew that Zorth wasn't a born witch but he was a supernatural of some age and probably immortal. He was strong, stronger than anyone would have guessed. He'd studied his art under a low level witch who Chief had ended up sending against him. Chief had to know enough to at least suspect Serena had no chance against Zorth. He'd sent her on a suicide mission, something Chief had done before.

"Do you think he, Chief that is, sent her on a suicide mission to get rid of her?" Harry asked.

"It's possible but it's more likely he just doesn't value his minions and feels no remorse when sending them to their deaths. He feels they are easy to replace. He only values himself. He's sadistic and narcissistic, he feels he's better than everyone else and if they give their life to further his cause, it's his due."

"Bat shit crazy!"

Zorth smiled slightly but hid it quickly. "That's another way to describe it. It's been unfortunate that he seems to have no trouble enlisting witches to help him. Even the fact that it can be fatal to serve him hasn't seemed to stop them from going to him."

"I wonder what he offers them that makes it worth turning on their own kind and risking their lives."

"I wish we knew. He's like a damn pied piper getting witches to follow him away from all they've known. It must be an enticing promise to lure someone when they know the one before them gave their life for it but never got it."

"The things that lure the most are money, power, and love. Unless one is dying than nothing means more than life."

"Maybe the extra magic is part of what he offers them. It might help if we could figure out where it comes from. Serena would now overcome most of the witch wardens that we have."

It was true. Of the younger wardens, Harry was one of the strongest and she would have stood no chance at all against Serena. She was lucky Serena considered her inconsequential or she'd be gone. Being so easily dismissed might hurt her pride but being dead would've been worse.

"A senior warden might have held their own. A council member should be able to but she had a lot of power backing her." So did Zorth, but she didn't mention that. They were getting along so well, why ruin it?

"She had more strength than most witches so it was a good thing she was only targeting me this time. Why don't you send a warning to the council members just to be on the safe side?"

Harry pulled out her phone and sent a text. It was brief and to the point. She sent it to the council secretary who would alert each of the members. "Done. You need me to message anyone else?"

"I can't think of anyone," Zorth said with a hint of humor in his voice. At least he wasn't mad or laughing at her. As long as he was even tempered, she'd take it. "Where would you like to stop to get a meal?"

"Isn't it a bit early?"

"Maybe, but when we get there, I think we'll just want to go to sleep."

She thought about what he said and long trips were boring and tiring. A stop right now would be nice and they might as well eat. "Surprise me." He did.

They pulled into a bar and grill that looked like it had seen better days from the outside. The inside was better and she had to admit the food smelled good. A waiter came to the table and looked at Zorth and nodded. It seemed he was known here. The man gave her a close examination but said nothing. Zorth ordered them both the special and a root beer for each of them.

"I hope you don't mind my ordering for you but I know what's good here," he said.

"No, I don't mind. I had no idea what to get."

"Most of the food is good, but the special is great."

"What is it?"

"It's the best cheeseburger you'll ever eat with chili cheese fries to die for."

It was funny to hear Zorth talking about food. She couldn't recall even seeing him eat before. Of course she knew he must eat and this proved it. He was just the most secretive person she'd ever met under any circumstances. He'd been friendly and talkative, well for him anyway. The food came quick and she had to admit it was good. It went perfect with the root beer which she suspected Zorth had ordered because she wasn't yet old enough to drink real beer.

She suspected there were few of the witch wardens that had spent this much time with him and she felt honored to get the chance. Of course she wouldn't want to be kidnapped again to get more time with him. Unless it was some sex crazed gorgeous hunk that she was smitten with. That would be okay.

They wasting no time eating but they didn't rush because that would make their meal less enjoyable. "We'll stop for gas before we take the ramp back to the highway and we'll not stop again barring emergencies."

She nodded and Zorth paid the bill before they walked out. They stopped at a gas station and went in to use the bathroom and on the way out she bought a few snacks and a drink. It wasn't that she thought she'd be hungry, it was in case Zorth stopped talking so she'd have something to occupy herself with. Zorth was waiting in his SUV when she came out. Hopefully he'd not been waiting long.

They took off going down the ramp and hitting the highway that went to KC, Missouri. "I've been in contact with Damon. He's suggested that tonight we go to the place assigned to you. He said you had a guest bedroom I could use if you didn't mind."

"That will work out fine but we'll have to go out for breakfast in the morning because I don't think there's any food in the house."

"That's alright. I generally eat out when on assignment. Are you sure this doesn't make you uncomfortable?"

"No, why would it?"

"You've been stuck in my company for a bit and we never spent much time together before."

"I might as well get use to you since we'll be working together."

Zorth laughed. "Perhaps I'll loosen up once I know you better and being stuck with me won't be such a chore."

Harry flushed. "That's not what I meant."

"I was just teasing a little. No need to get defensive."

It was a new thing, Zorth in a teasing mood. She couldn't remember him teasing anyone before. She did remember him using his sarcasm in the past and quite effectively but that wasn't the same thing. She'd have to get comfortable with this new side of Zorth. She didn't say anything more and had only herself to blame when the conversation dried up. She tried not to look at Zorth sure that he'd be aware no matter how carefully she observed him. She felt restless and increasingly so as they drew nearer to their destination. She didn't think it was because of Zorth as much as it was because of the dramatic change the team would now undergo. They would all be surprised tomorrow unless Damon took it upon himself to warn them which she doubted he'd do. He was a bit devilish himself and he enjoyed dropping surprises on the team.

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