Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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From his slightly elevated position, he could see out of the patio doors and into Craig’s back yard. Actually, yard was an understatement. Two acres of long grass and tall trees that backed onto a forest that stretched for miles.

Jack took in a deep breath—closed windows made little difference to his heightened senses—and savored the smell of the wild. He’d spent half the night running the forest, so he didn’t feel the urge to head out, but he certainly wouldn’t complain about being near it. Besides, it was about to rain. The wolves might enjoy a frolic in the rain, but Jack liked his fur to stay dry.

It was one of the reasons he didn’t work outdoors like most of the pack did. The other being that, thanks to an unhealthy interest in computers, he could earn just as much money sitting in front of a computer for half the time.

He took in another long breath then stretched and climbed to his feet. Craig had left for work a few hours ago, and Jack had taken the opportunity to nap. He’d been out late last night, working recon for the pack alpha, and it hadn’t left him much time to sleep.

The mission had gone well, at least. A few shifters that were new to the area had joined together to form a ragtag pack, and Jack had been tasked with checking on them to make sure they weren’t planning anything foolish, like an attempt to take territory. Jack had handled it in his usual manner, by walking in the front door of the bar they were meeting in and buying them all drinks.

It turned out that they weren’t even aware that there was a pack in the area, and were all more than pleased to hear that they were also looking for new members. Jack’s boss had been just as pleased.

“Pity I don’t get paid, or I’d have got a bonus,” he said with a smirk.

The phone rang, and Jack picked it up from its place by the lounger. “Craig and Jack’s.”

“Hey, it’s Stefan. Craig there?”

“Nah, he’s working.” Jack sat on the couch and rolled his achy shoulders. “Pack business?”

Stefan was the second-in-command to the pack alpha, Tate, and handled most of the day-to-day business. He was also the best chef in the state. Jack was pretty sure his food was the only reason half the pack turned up to meetings.

“Yeah, I’ve got a job for him tonight, if he’s free?”

“Nope. Hot date. I’ll take the job, if it helps.”

“A date?” Stefan laughed. “I can’t remember the last time that happened.”

“It’s been a while, yeah. So, what am I doing?”

“Try and guess.”

Jack sighed. “Mickey’s boys.”

“Got it in one.”

Mickey’s pack was the one problem in the area. They weren’t the largest pack, but they liked causing trouble. Mickey was well aware that he couldn’t take over Tate’s pack, so he consigned himself to petty scuffles over patches of land that fell between the two territories. Nobody had died yet, but it was only a matter of time.

“Two of his boys were seen causing trouble in a bar down by the dock, and we need someone to check it out as soon as possible.”

“I’m on it.”

“Call me when you’re done.”

Jack ended the call and headed into his bedroom to change. His lightweight tracksuit bottoms and loose T-shirt might give more freedom in a fight, but intimidation often ended a fight before it began. That required his black jeans and shirt, and his big boots.

If he needed to shift in a hurry he’d just not bother to undress. His cat form was powerful enough that he’d simply destroy what he was wearing like The Incredible Hulk, only with more teeth.

He quickly slipped into his clothes, glanced once in the mirror, and grabbed his car keys.

“Looks like Craig and I are both getting some action tonight,” he said with a smirk as he headed out the door.


* * * *


It stopped raining at the same time Craig finished his lunch and had to head back on site. He tried not to take it personally. Not that he minded the rain, it just ruined his sandwiches.

He followed his workmates back onto the building site, pausing at the gate to put his hard hat back on. He’d be working on the third floor today in a little while, which consisted of nothing more than girders. Above him were other workers hastily constructing the next floor of girders. His hat wouldn’t stop several tons of steel, but it’d help if someone dropped a hammer.

He gazed up at the future shopping mall as he checked the straps on his safety harness. In a year or so the place would be open, and no doubt Craig would be one of the first inside. He loved seeing the places he worked on once they were complete and in use. Made all the effort seem worthwhile.

As foreman he didn’t really need to help out with the hard work, but he enjoyed it. It meant the guys had more respect for him, too, which helped when they were behind on a deadline and he had to “encourage” them to work faster.

“So, a kitty tells me you have a date tonight.”

Craig turned to find Stefan stood behind him, a smirk on his thin lips. “Kind of, yeah. What are you doing out of the kitchen?”

Stefan was in his work clothes, too, a white chef’s outfit underneath a coat. The hat was missing. It was probably sitting in his restaurant’s kitchen. He shook his head, shaking rainwater from his shaggy blond hair.

“I called to give you a job, but Jack took it instead. When I heard you were out on the town tonight, I thought I’d come and get the details.”

One of the builders nearby piped in. “Hey, you got a date, boss? What’s she look like?”

“None of your business, Jimmy,” Craig said. “Get up that building.”

Jimmy laughed and headed toward the scaffolding. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“So I can’t wash?” Craig shook his head and turned back to Stefan. “Come into my office.”

Craig led Stefan across the work site into a portable office. He closed the door behind them and gestured to one of the two chairs.

“It’s not quite a date.”

“Oh?” Stefan sat. “Then what is it?”

Craig chewed his lip, trying to find a better way to say “hookup.” “It’s a hookup. Through a website.”

“Ahh.” The man smiled. “I’ve done that before.”

“How did it go?”

“Well, I got laid, so I guess it was successful.”

“You don’t sound that sure.”

Stefan shrugged. “Eh. Don’t get me wrong, it was a lot of fun. I’m just not into that sort of thing. I like the dating part more than the sex part.”

“I can see that.” Craig slid the contents of his desk to one side so he could put his feet up. “I wouldn’t have gone for this myself, either. Jack set it up. I would have deleted it, but someone replied.”

“You could still have deleted it.”

“I know.” Craig tried hard not to blush. “She seemed so eager, though. I think my cock overruled my brain.”

“I know all about that, too,” Stefan said with a grin. “Like I’m sure the cat already told you, at worst you get bad sex.”


Craig let the cat jibe lie. Stefan wasn’t doing it out of spite, but it was little things like that that made Jack feel like an outsider. Cats and dogs were notorious for not getting along, after all, and if it wasn’t for Tate’s decision after seeing Jack handle himself, Jack would never have even been allowed into the pack.

It would’ve been their loss.

“So,” Stefan said, standing again. “You go out, you get laid, you go home. If that’s it, great. If anything more happens, even better.” He raised an eyebrow. “Though you’d probably want to skip the ‘how I met your mother’ conversation if you have kids.”

“Go back to work, Stefan.”

He laughed and left, closing the door behind him. Craig sat in his chair for a few minutes, then stood and headed back to the work site. A few more hours to go and then the stress would

Chapter Three


Michelle stood in front of the mirror in her favorite bra and panties and tried to ignore the pile of clothing on the bed.

“I used to be good at this.”

She closed her eyes and let out a long breath.
Okay, from the top.
She opened her eyes again and focused on her reflection.

She was heading for a rendezvous in a hotel, not going out for drinks. That meant she was dressing for looks and not comfort. She removed the bra and pulled a lacier one from the drawer. It wasn’t as comfortable, but it was a damn sight sexier.
This is about sex. Nothing more, nothing less.
Of course, if something more
come from it, that would be great, too, but she wasn’t holding her breath. It wasn’t like people joined those websites looking for long-term commitment.

She winced as she remembered the message she’d originally sent. That certainly hadn’t been the type of message someone looking for commitment would send.

“Well, if I’m going to do this, I may as well go the whole hog.”

She slipped off her panties and slid on a pair of skimpy silk ones. The material was smooth against her pussy, sending sensations that were hopefully a taste of things to come. She slid her index finger down the front of her underwear, watching herself in the mirror as she teased her clit. She took a sharp breath. God, she was so sensitive! The mysterious ‘C’ wouldn’t have to try that hard to make her come.

“Though hopefully he’ll try anyway.”

She pulled on a slinky blouse and a black skirt that clung to her hips and bottom, and called for a cab before heading into the lounge and finishing her glass of wine. Just the one—she wanted to remember the night—but it was enough to steady her frayed nerves. She dropped onto the sofa and let out another long breath.

“I can do this. I can do this.”

She thought of the picture that ‘C’ had put on the website. His taut chest, his bulging biceps…Would he be as appreciative of her as she was of him?
There’s only one way to find out. And stop worrying!
She knew Alison would agree. She also knew that she needed to do this. Not for the sex, though that was an important part, but to prove she
do this.

A car horn honked ten minutes later. Michelle picked up her bag, checked she had everything, and headed out the door.


* * * *


Craig arrived at the hotel early so he could check in before ‘M’ arrived. He pulled his truck into the valet parking area and tossed the keys to the guy who approached and took his ticket. The valet drove off in his truck, leaving Craig with no means of escape.

He steeled himself and headed inside to the reception. The woman behind the door was friendly, but given that he was booked for one night and told her that his lady friend would be arriving separately, Craig held no illusions that she was unaware as to what was going on.

She handed him the key with a smile and directed him to the elevator, and he was glad to be heading away from her before his blush came into full effect. The elevator appeared quickly, and Craig was soon on the fourth floor. He found the room easily enough and headed inside.

The room was larger than he’d expected, and seemed well laid out. There was even a decent view of the lake across the road. Not that he expected either of them would be admiring the cityscape.

The bed was large and soft, and the pillows seemed comfortable enough. Again, he doubted they’d be sleeping, but maybe after she left he’d hang around and spend the night. At least then he wouldn’t be immediately bugged by Jack as soon as he stepped through the door.

He patted his back pocket for the fifth time in ten minutes. Its contents were still there.

“I can do this,” he muttered, as he tapped a finger against the condom wrapper. “It’s just sex.”

Someone knocked on the door.


* * * *


Michelle fought the urge to bolt. She’d arrived early so she could set Alison up at the bar with a few free drinks, and was pretty sure she’d seen ‘C’ disappear into the elevator just as she came out of the restaurant. The receptionist had confirmed it by telling her she’d just missed her partner. Michelle had smiled and tried not to turn crimson.

Now she was standing in front of the door to the hotel room, her friend’s advice ringing in her ears.

“This is a new experience, so savor it,” Alison had said. “Don’t go in there and spend the first five minutes umming. Throw yourself into it and have a great time.”

That was easier said than done, but Alison had a point. This guy didn’t know who she was other than the first letter of her name. She could be whoever she wanted to be. The thought sent a pleasant tingle racing down below her waist as she knocked on the door.

It opened to reveal a man of about thirty, wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans. After a moment of awkwardness that seemed to stretch into infinity, he smiled and stood to the side.

“You must be M.”

She stepped inside the room. “Michelle. You must be C.”


“Pleased to meet you.” Her gaze locked on the bed, and she had to swallow hard before she could speak. “Do this often?”

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