Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (101 page)

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Authors: Ruth Franklin

Tags: #Literary, #Women, #Biography & Autobiography

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publication of, 399, 461
writing of, 375, 380, 384–85, 390, 392, 393

Sutter’s Mill, 14

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 92, 97

, 91, 111, 121

Syracuse, N.Y., 87, 88, 98, 105, 114, 115–16, 147, 153, 385, 492–93

Syracuse University, 44, 45, 67, 75, 82, 84, 88–95, 125–26, 132, 197, 233, 238, 311, 339, 423, 433

Archbold Stadium, 91
Crouse College, 90
English Department of, 113
Gifford Auditorium, 485
Lima Cottage, 90, 98
Main Currents in Modern Literature course at, 89
sororities and fraternities at, 91,
, 101, 122
Summer Writing Workshop, 393

Syracuse University English Club, 121

, 126, 139

Talmud, 72–73, 148

Tangled Bank, The
(Hyman), 8–9, 77, 89, 340, 432, 464–67

critical response to, 465–66
great minds of the century studied in, 240, 464–65

Tap Roots
(Street), 161, 179

tarot cards, 291–92,
, 296

Tarzan of the Apes
(Burroughs), 30

Tate, Allen, 320

Taylor, Jimmie, 66

Ten Days That Shook the World
(Reed), 101

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 334, 412

(Harrison), 296, 338–40,

Third Angel, The
(Weidman), 315–16

“Third Baby’s the Easiest, The” (Jackson), 5, 249, 262

Thomas, Dylan, 279–83,
, 300

death of, 344–45, 431, 455

Thompson, Morton, 210

Thoreau, Henry David, 76, 338

Three Faces of Eve, The
(film), 332, 353

Threshold, The
, 94–95

Thurber, James, 102, 149, 151, 209, 227, 325, 391

, 301, 424, 453–54,
, 495

Tindall, William York, 240, 243

Tito, Marshal, 162

Tituba (slave), 357

Tobin, Richard, 16

Toby (dog), 268, 270, 310,
, 324

Tolkien, J. R. R., 168, 430

Tone, Franchot, 314

Toolan, James, 470–71, 473–74, 476, 482, 492

Toomer, Jean, 102

“Tooth, The” (Jackson), 248, 255, 262, 283, 351, 481

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 341

Town and Country
, 175

transcontinental railroad, 14

Traung, Charlie, 22

Traung, Louis, 22

Traung Label and Lithograph Company, 13, 22, 23, 28, 34, 41

“Trial by Combat” (Jackson), 184

Trilling, Diana, 165, 301–2

Trilling, Lionel, 150–51, 165, 175, 187, 228

Trollope, Anthony, 412

Trotsky, Leon, 87–88

Trout, Marion, 232

Truth, Sojourner, 160

Turn of the Screw, The
(James), 409

Tuskegee Institute, 159, 160, 276

Twain, Mark, 21, 421

Twentieth Century-Fox, 231

Twilight Zone, The
(TV show), 245

(Joyce), 293, 338

Undset, Sigrid, 186

Union Pacific Railroad, 14

United States:

isolationist leanings of, 109, 145
Jewish migration to, 72
nuclear arsenal of, 6
Soviet relations with, 439, 468

Untermeyer, Louis, 416, 451, 468, 495

Updike, John, 424, 464

Van Gennep, Arnold, 296

van Horner, Harriet, 245

Van Vliet, Julie, 451, 473

Venable, Evelyn, 52

Vermont, 2, 8, 17, 133, 168, 179, 181, 189, 216, 234–35, 252, 312, 376

covered bridges in, 321
Long Trail in, 254

Versailles, 29, 405

“Vertigo” (Jackson), 542

“Very Strange House Next Door, The” (Jackson), 420

Vietnam War, 439

Viking Press, 144, 187, 210–11, 232, 396–97, 399, 420, 423–24, 429, 439, 451, 475, 484, 487, 490

“Villager, The” (Jackson), 136

Villon, François, 60–61, 97

Virgil, 339

“Visit, A: For Dylan Thomas” (Jackson), 283–84, 345

, 265–66

Wade Opera House, 15

Wagner, Richard, 39, 120

Wagner-Martin, Linda, 5–6

Waite, Arthur E., 291–92,

Walloomsac River, 321

Wang, Arthur, 232

Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 182, 217–18, 229

War of the Worlds
(radio show), 231

War of the Worlds, The
(film), 384

War of the Worlds, The
(Wells), 384

Washburn, Beatrice, 452

Washington, D.C., 26, 86, 146

Constitution Hall in, 124

Washington Star
, 370

Washington Times
, 245

Waste Land, The
(Eliot), 160, 292, 549

Waugh, Evelyn, 229

“Weep for Adonais” (Jackson), 455

“Weep in Years to Come” (Shaw), 140

We Have Always Lived in the Castle
(Jackson), 3, 6, 187, 218, 304, 326, 409, 423–25, 475

best-selling success of, 4, 466–67
characters and plot of, 5, 134, 350, 376, 380, 434–36, 441–50, 457, 479
critical response to, 451–53
inspiration for, 435
opening lines of,
, 447, 451–52, 472
promotion of, 451
publication of, 450, 466
writing of, 8, 429–30, 434–37, 439–40, 450, 461

Weidman, Jerome, 315–16

Weinstock, Herbert, 233, 238, 240, 242–43

“We Just Came to See the Baby” (Jackson), 421

Welden, Paula, 254, 313, 399, 542

Welles, Orson, 231

Well of Loneliness, The
(Hall), 63, 187

Wells, H. G., 384

Welty, Eudora, 277, 487

West, Mae, 80

West, Nathanael, 187, 396

Weston, Jesse, 160

Westport, Conn., 144, 269, 272–73, 276, 279–80, 298–99, 310–13, 316, 319, 360, 365

Westport Artists Club, 272

West Side Story
(film), 425

Wheeler, Harvey, 453

“When Things Get Dark” (Jackson), 184–85, 237, 498

“Whistler’s Grandmother” (Jackson), 209

White, E. B., 151, 162, 175, 325, 495

White, Katharine Angell, 149–50, 175, 176, 495

Wickenden, Dan, 352

Wilder, Thornton, 82, 136, 272

Williams, Alta, 46, 125, 132

Williams, Bobbie, 276

Williams, Gluyas, 233

Williams, Jay, 105, 107–8, 110–11, 112, 121, 212, 221, 239, 269, 276, 300, 312, 416, 448, 495

Wilson, Edmund, 85–86, 87, 136, 185, 238

Wilson, Woodrow, 21

Winchester, N.H., 142–43, 161–62, 234

Winchester, Sarah, 403–4

Winchester, William Wirt, 403

Winchester House, 403–4

Winters, Yvor, 102, 185

Wise, Robert, 425–26

“Wishing Dime, The” (Jackson), 269–70, 314, 545

Witchcraft, Magic, and Alchemy
(Grillot de Givry), 106,

Witchcraft of Salem Village, The
(Jackson), 356–61, 380, 395

historical events of, 357–59, 361
publication of, 359

Wodehouse, P. G., 81

Woman’s Home Companion
, 239, 300, 307, 350, 418

Woollcott, Alexander, 218

World, the Flesh and the Devil, The
(film), 384

World Series, 167, 275

of 1949, 261

World’s Fair of 1933, 79

World’s Fair of 1939, 114, 366

World War I, 3, 89

World War II, 90, 139–41, 151, 183–84

Asian Front in, 141, 146
D-day in, 183
in France, 60, 181–82
German aggression in, 89, 109, 112, 163
home war effort and rationing in, 163, 177
social aftermath of, 5–6, 235, 303
U.S. draft in, 135, 140, 158, 162–63, 183, 186

Wouk, Herman, 332, 464

Wouk, Mrs. Victor, 229

Wright, Richard, 86, 160, 245

“Written for Mother’s Day on May 1926” (Jackson), 33–34

Yale Co-op, 244

Yale Review, The
, 239

Yale University, 123

School of Drama, 82

“Y and I” (Jackson), 111–12

“Y and I and the Ouija Board” (Jackson), 112

, 162

Yates Hotel, 93

Yom Kippur, 76

“You Can Survive,” 388

Young, Elizabeth, 68, 93, 94, 102, 104, 106, 148, 187

Young, Harold “Bud,” 38, 39, 58, 434

Young, Stuart, 322

Youngblood Hawke
(Wouk), 464

Young Communist League (YCL), 85, 88, 98, 100, 101, 114

“Young Goodman Brown” (Hawthorne), ix

Yung, Nicholas, 16–17, 18

Zetlin, Florence, 353

Zimmerman, Anne, 326

Zimmerman, Ben, 122, 183, 230, 239, 253, 278, 300, 326, 496

Zimmerman, Marjory, 326

Ruth Franklin is a book critic and former senior editor at
The New Republic
. She has written for many publications, including
The New Yorker, Harper’s, The New York Times Book Review, and The New York Review of Books
. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship in biography, a Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Fellowship, a fellowship at the Leon Levy Center for Biography, and the Roger Shattuck Prize for Criticism. Her first book,
A Thousand Darknesses: Lies and Truth in Holocaust Fiction
(Oxford University Press, 2011), was a finalist for the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Frontispiece: Shirley Jackson by Erich Hartmann, 1947.

Copyright © 2016 by Ruth Franklin

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First Edition

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Book design by Barbara M. Bachman
Production manager: Louise Mattarelliano

Jacket design by Catherine Casalino

Jacket photograph © Erich Hartmann / Magnum Photos

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Names: Franklin, Ruth, author.

Title: Shirley Jackson : a rather haunted life / Ruth Franklin.

Description: First edition. | New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016014711 | ISBN 9780871403131 (hardcover)

Subjects: LCSH: Jackson, Shirley, 1916–1965. | Authors, American—20th century—Biography. | Women authors—United States—Biography.

Classification: LCC PS3519.A392 Z64 2016 | DDC 818/.5409 [B]—dc23 LC
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ISBN 978-1-63149-212-9 (e-book)

Liveright Publishing Corporation
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110

W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.
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