Shogun (The Asian Saga Chronology) (78 page)

Read Shogun (The Asian Saga Chronology) Online

Authors: James Clavell

Tags: #Fiction, #History, #Historical, #20th Century American Novel And Short Story, #Historical - General, #Fiction - Historical, #Japan, #Historical fiction, #Sagas, #Clavell, #Tokugawa period, #1600-1868, #James - Prose & Criticism

BOOK: Shogun (The Asian Saga Chronology)
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Yabu yawned.  He accepted saké from Suzu.  "Half a month, you say?  Mariko-san should stay at least that, Omi-san.  Then I'll decide about her, and about him.  He'll need to be taught another lesson soon."  He laughed, showing his bad teeth.  "If the Anjin-san teaches us, we should teach him,
  He should be taught how to commit seppuku correctly.  That'd be something to watch,
  See to it!  Yes, I agree the barbarian's days are numbered."


Twelve days later, in the afternoon, the courier from Osaka arrived.  An escort of ten samurai rode in with him.  Their horses were lathered and near death.  The flags at their spearheads carried the cipher of the all-powerful Council of Regents.  It was hot, overcast, and humid.

The courier was a lean, hard samurai of senior rank, one of Ishido's chief lieutenants.  His name was Nebara Jozen and he was known for his ruthlessness.  His Gray uniform kimono was tattered and mud-stained, his eyes red with fatigue.  He refused food or drink and impolitely demanded an immediate audience with Yabu.

"Forgive my appearance, Yabu-san, but my business is urgent," he said.  "Yes, I ask your pardon.  My Master says first, why do you train Toranaga's soldiers along with your own and, second, why do they drill with so many guns?"

Yabu had flushed at the rudeness but he kept his temper, knowing that Jozen would have had specific instructions and that such lack of manners bespoke an untoward position of power.  And too, he was greatly unsettled that there had been another leak in his security.

"You're very welcome, Jozen-san.  You may assure your master that I always have his interests at heart," he said with a courteousness that fooled no one present.

They were on the veranda of the fortress.  Omi sat just behind Yabu.  Igurashi, who had been forgiven a few days before, was nearer to Jozen and surrounding them were intimate guards.  "What else does your master say?"

Jozen replied, "My Master will be glad that your interests are his.  Now, about the guns and the training:  my Master would like to know why Toranaga's son, Naga, is second-in-command.  Second-in-command of what?  What's so important that a Toranaga son should be here, the Lord General Ishido asks with politeness.  That's of interest to him.  Yes.  Everything his allies do interests him.  Why is it, for instance, the barbarian seems to be in charge of training?  Training of what?  Yes, Yabu-sama, that's very interesting also."  Jozen shifted his swords more comfortably, glad that his back was protected by his own men.  "Next:  The Council of Regents meets again on the first day of the new moon.  In twenty days.  You are formally invited to Osaka to renew your oath of fidelity."

Yabu's stomach twisted.  "I understood Toranaga-sama had resigned?"

"He has, Yabu-san, indeed he has.  But Lord Ito Teruzumi's taking his place.  My Master will be the new President of the Regents."

Yabu was panic-stricken.  Toranaga had said that the four Regents could never agree on a fifth.  Ito Teruzumi was a minor
of Negato Province in western Honshu but his family was ancient, descended from Fujimoto lineage, so he would be acceptable as a Regent, though he was an ineffectual man, effeminate and a puppet.  "I would be honored to receive their invitation," Yabu said defensively, trying to buy time to think.

"My Master thought you might wish to leave at once.  Then you would be in Osaka for the formal meeting.  He orders me to tell you all the
are getting the same invitation.  Now.  So
will have an opportunity to be there in good time on the twenty-first day.  A Flower-Viewing Ceremony has been authorized by His Imperial Highness, Emperor Go-Nijo, to honor the occasion."  Jozen offered an official scroll.

"This isn't under the seal of the Council of Regents."

"My Master has issued the invitation now, knowing that, as a loyal vassal of the late Taikō, as a loyal vassal of Yaemon, his son and heir and the rightful ruler of the Empire when he becomes of age, you will understand that the new Council will, of course, approve his action. 

"It would certainly be a privilege to witness the formal meeting."  Yabu struggled to control his face.

"Good," Jozen said.  He pulled out another scroll, opened it, and held it up.  "This is a copy of Lord Ito's letter of appointment, accepted and signed and authorized by the other Regents, Lords Ishido, Kiyama, Onoshi, and the Lord Sugiyama."  Jozen did not bother to conceal a triumphant look, knowing that this totally closed the trap on Toranaga and any of his allies, and that equally the scroll made him and his men invulnerable.

Yabu took the scroll.  His fingers trembled.  There was no doubt of its authenticity.  It had been countersigned by the Lady Yodoko, the wife of the Taikō, who affirmed that the document was true and signed in her presence, one of six copies that were being sent throughout the Empire, and that this particular copy was for the Lords of Iwari, Mikawa, Totomi, Sugura, Izu, and the Kwanto.  It was dated eleven days ago.

"The Lords of Iwari, Mikawa, Suruga and Totomi have already accepted.  Here are their seals.  You're the last but one on my list.  Last is the Lord Toranaga."

"Please thank your master and tell him I look forward to greeting him and congratulating him," Yabu said.

"Good.  I'll require it in writing.  Now would be satisfactory."

"This evening, Jozen-san.  After the evening meal."

"Very well.  And now we can go and see the training."

"There is none today.  All my men are on forced marches," Yabu said.  The moment Jozen and his men had entered Izu, word had been rushed to Yabu, who had at once ordered his men to cease all firing and to continue only silent weapon training well away from Anjiro.  "Tomorrow you can come with me—at noon, if you wish."

Jozen looked at the sky.  It was late afternoon now.  "Good.  I could use a little sleep.  But I'll come back at dusk, with your permission.  Then you and your commander, Omi-san, and the second commander, Naga-san, will tell me, for my Master's interest, about the training, the guns, and everything.  And about the barbarian."

"He's—yes.  Of course."  Yabu motioned to Igurashi.  "Arrange quarters for our honored guest and his men."

"Thank you, but that's not necessary," Jozen said at once.  "The ground's futon enough for a samurai, my saddle's pillow enough.  Just a bath, if you please . . . this humidity,
  I'll camp on the crest—of course, with your permission."

"As you wish."

Jozen bowed stiffly and walked away, surrounded by his men.  All were heavily armed.  Two bowmen had been left holding their horses.

Once they were well away, Yabu's face contorted with rage.  "Who betrayed me?  Who?  Where's the spy?"

Equally ashen, Igurashi waved the guards out of earshot.  "Yedo, Sire," he said.  "Must be.  Security's perfect here."

Oh ko!
" Yabu said, almost rending his clothes.  "I'm betrayed.  We're isolated.  Izu and the Kwanto are isolated.  Ishido's won.  He's won."

Omi said quickly, "Not for twenty days, Sire.  Send a message at once to Lord Toranaga.  Inform him that—"

"Fool!" Yabu hissed.  "Of course Toranaga already knows.  Where I've one spy he has fifty.  He's left me in the trap."

"I don't think so, Sire," Omi said, unafraid.  "Iwari, Mikawa, Totomi, and Sugura are all hostile to him,
  And to anyone who's allied to him.  They'd never warn him, so perhaps he doesn't know yet.  Inform him and suggest—"

"Didn't you hear?" Yabu shouted.  "All four Regents agree to Ito's appointment, so the Council's legal again and the Council meets in twenty days!"

"The answer to that is simple, Sire.  Suggest to Toranaga that he have Ito Teruzumi or one of the other Regents assassinated at once."

Yabu's mouth dropped open.  "What?"

"If you don't wish to do that, send me, let me try.  Or Igurashi-san.  With Lord Ito dead, Ishido's helpless again."

"I don't know whether you've gone mad; or what," Yabu said helplessly.  "Do you understand what you've just said?"

"Sire, I beg you, please, to be patient with me.  The Anjin-san's given you priceless knowledge,
  More than we ever dreamed possible.  Now Toranaga knows this also, through your reports, and probably from Naga-san's private reports.  If we can win enough time, our five hundred guns and the other three hundred will give you absolute battle power, but only once.  When the enemy, whoever he is, sees the way you use men and firepower they'll learn quickly.  But they'll have lost that first battle.  One battle—if it's the right battle—will give Toranaga total victory."

"Ishido doesn't need any battle.  In twenty days he has the Emperor's mandate."

"Ishido's a peasant.  He's the son of a peasant, a liar, and he runs away from his comrades in battle."

Yabu stared at Omi, his face mottled.  "You—do you know what you're saying?"

"That's what he did in Korea.  I was there.  I saw it, my father saw it.  Ishido
leave Buntaro-san and us to fight our own way out.  He's just a treacherous peasant—the Taikō's dog, certainly. You can't trust peasants.  But Toranaga's Minowara.  You can trust him.  I advise you to consider only Toranaga's interests."

Yabu shook his head in disbelief.  "Are you deaf?  Didn't you hear Nebara Jozen?  Ishido's won.  The Council is in power in twenty days. "

May be
in power."

"Even if Ito. . . . How could you?  It's not possible."

"Certainly I could try but I could never do it in time.  None of us could, not in twenty days.  But Toranaga could."  Omi knew he had put himself into the jaws of the dragon.  "I beg you to consider it."

Yabu wiped his face with his hands, his body wet.  "After this summons, if the Council is convened and I'm not present, I and all my clan are dead, you included.  I need two months, at least, to train the regiment.  Even if we had them trained now, Toranaga and I could never win against all the others.  No, you're wrong, I have to support Ishido."

Omi said, "You don't have to leave for Osaka for ten days—fourteen, if you go by forced march.  Tell Toranaga about Nebara Jozen at once.  You'll save Izu and the Kasigi house.  I beg you.  Ishido will betray you and eat you up.  Ikawa Jikkyu is his kinsman,

"But what about Jozen?" Igurashi exclaimed.  "Eh?  And the guns?  The grand strategy?  He wants to know about everything tonight."

"Tell him.  In detail.  What is he but a lackey," Omi said, beginning to maneuver them.  He knew he was risking everything, but he had to try to protect Yabu from siding with Ishido and ruining any chance they had.  "Open your plans to him."

Igurashi disagreed heatedly.  "The moment Jozen learns what we're doing, he'll send a message back to Lord Ishido.  It's too important not to.  Ishido'll steal the plans, then we're finished."

"We trail the messenger and kill him at our convenience."

Yabu flushed.  "That scroll was signed by the highest authority in the land!  They all travel under the Regents' protection!  You must be mad to suggest such a thing!  That would make me an outlaw!"

Omi shook his head, keeping confidence on his face.  "I believe Yodoko-sama and the others have been duped, as His Imperial Highness has been duped, by the traitor Ishido.  We must protect the guns, Sire.  We must stop any messenger—"

"Silence!  Your advice is madness!"

Omi bowed under the tongue-lash.  But he looked up and said calmly, "Then please allow me to commit seppuku, Sire.  But first, please allow me to finish.  I would fail in my duty if I didn't try to protect you.  I beg this last favor as a faithful vassal."


"There's no Council of Regents
so there is no legal protection now for that insulting, foul-mannered Jozen and his men, unless you honor an illegal document through"—Omi was going to say "weakness" but he changed the word and kept his voice quietly authoritative—"through being duped like the others, Sire. 
There is no Council.
  They cannot 'order' you to do anything, or anyone.  Once it's convened, yes, they can, and then you will have to obey.  But now, how many
will obey before
orders can be issued?  Only Ishido's allies,
  Aren't Iwari, Mikawa, Totomi, and Sugura all ruled by his kinsmen and allied to him openly?  That document absolutely means war, yes, but I beg you to wage it on your terms and not Ishido's.  Treat this threat with the contempt it deserves!  Toranaga's never been beaten in battle.  Ishido has.  Toranaga avoided being part of the Taikō's ruinous attack on Korea.  Ishido didn't.  Toranaga's in favor of ships and trade.  Ishido isn't.  Toranaga will want the barbarian's navy—didn't you advocate it to him?  Ishido won't.  Ishido will close the Empire.  Toranaga will keep it open.  Ishido will give Ikawa Jikkyu your hereditary fief of Izu if he wins.  Toranaga will give you all Jikkyu's province.  You're Toranaga's chief ally.  Didn't he give you his sword?  Hasn't he given you control of the guns?  Don't the guns guarantee one victory,
with surprise?
  What does the peasant Ishido give in return?  He sends a
-samurai with no manners, with deliberate orders to shame you in your own province!  I say Toranaga Minowara is your only choice.  You must go with him."  He bowed and waited in silence.

Yabu glanced at Igurashi.  "Well?"

"I agree with Omi-san, Sire."  Igurashi's face mirrored his worry.  "As to killing a messenger—that would be dangerous, no turning back then, Sire.  Jozen will certainly send one or two tomorrow.  Perhaps they could vanish, killed by bandits—"  He stopped in midsentence.  "Carrier pigeons!  There were two panniers of them on Jozen's pack horses!"

"We'll have to poison them tonight," Omi said.

"How?  They'll be guarded."

"I don't know.  But they've got to be removed or maimed before dawn."

Yabu said, "Igurashi, send men to watch Jozen at once.  See if he sends one of his pigeons now—today."

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