Show and Tell (23 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Show and Tell
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“Done,” he said, pinning her close for a long second.
His office had possibilities. She could kiss him, maybe do a few naughty things, but they couldn’t go too far because, after all, it was his
. It
only eight. Why, the place might not even be empty, all his little accountant worker bees buzzing about. Or the cleaning people could be making their rounds.
Both hands on her arms, he set her away from him, beeped his remote, opened the back door, retrieved something, then slammed and locked the car again. Gathering her hand in his, he set a pace so fast she almost had to skip to keep up.
Once in the elevator, he swiped his card key access and entered the fifteenth floor before the car would move. Then it shot them sky-high. On his floor, he led her out into a short but well-lit hallway. “We have two more floors,” he said. “Reception is on the fourteenth along with Marketing. Plus there’s our manufacturing facility down in Morgan Hill.” Pride radiated through his voice. He loved his job and the company. Flipping a thumb, he indicated a set of double doors beyond the bank of elevators. “On that side of the hall are the executive offices”—he tipped his head to the other door—“and my bailiwick, Accounting, is behind door number two.”
He swiped his key once again outside the unmarked entrance. It was dark inside after the bright light of the hallway, and the alarm beeped as they stepped over the threshold, its green readout flashing. Hitting a few numbers on a keypad, he shut it off.
“With all the proprietary information, we’ve got separate alarms for each section,” he explained. “Which is handy because we know we’re alone.” He stroked a finger down her cheek. “Every-one’s gone.” His teeth flashed white with a sexy smile.
Uh-oh. Maybe she’d miscalculated on how safe from temptation she was up here.
The emergency sign overhead provided the only light. Then he flipped a switch and a single row of fluorescents flickered on, highlighting the center bullpen of cubicles. Offices ringed the perimeter, fashioned with movable walls for easy rearranging.
Scott led her to the corner office and unlocked it.
“Ooh, you’re Mister Big,” she said, glancing around.
His window overlooked other high-rise buildings and bits of the San Jose skyline. He hit the lights, and the sky disappeared in the reflection. The large office was appointed well with solid wood furniture, a small oak conference table, and comfy chairs. His notebook computer sat on the desk with wireless keyboard and mouse. A white board hung on one wall kitty-corner to an elegant painting of a Japanese woman in a stunning kimono.
Feeling him close behind her, she ran a finger along the edge of his desk. “You’re very neat.”
He liked colored pens and lots of Post-it notes in varying sizes. Piles of folders and papers loaded down several stackable wire in-boxes. She needed something like it to separate the papers she hadn’t looked at from the ones she’d gone through and the stuff she had no clue what to do with.
“I’m a lot of things.” He slid his arms around her waist, fingers gliding up to undo the buttons of her sweater. “And right now, hard is one of them.” He punctuated his declaration with a roll of his hips.
She pushed back. “You left your office door open.” The slight fear of being caught delighted her.
“I did. That way I can hear if the outer door opens. Wouldn’t want the janitors surprising us if they unlocked my office door.” Cupping both breasts, he pinched her nipples.
She sucked in a breath and bit down on her lip. So good. A tad painful, but that enhanced the pleasure.
Along her spine, his cock grew. With her hands over his, she guided him down to her abdomen. “Bad boy,” she whispered.
He kept on going, down to her hips, her thighs, her pussy. “Very bad,” he breathed against her ear. “I want you now.”
He inched her dress over her hips. She fought it back down. “There are lights on in that building. We’ll be seen.”
With one hand, he trapped hers against her tummy, and tugged up her dress. “Yeah, we might be seen.” Nuzzling aside her hair, he murmured, “It’ll be fucking hot.” Then he slid past the elastic of her thong, delving into her pussy. “Feel how wet you are. The idea turns you on as much as it does me.”
She tried to wriggle away. “Of course it doesn’t.” Oh God, it did. He caressed her lightly along her center. She wanted more. His hand. His mouth. His cock.
“A woman executive maybe. Wearing a thong like yours. She’d have to touch herself.”
His words seduced her. She’d never been like this with anyone, willing to do naughty things that turned her inside out.
Pushing her forward until her hands rested on his desk, he continued the erotic play, teasing fingers, sensual words.
“Hmm, maybe a CEO.” Leaning over her, he brushed her hair with his chin as he nodded. “Over there, top window. He shuts off the lights so he can see us better, then sits in his big chair, takes his cock out, and jerks off while I fuck you.”
She shivered, and her breath seemed trapped in her throat. “You’re very crude.” It was the crassness of his words that got to her. She wanted it.
Reaching between them, the back of his hand stroked her bared butt as he undid his belt. His zipper rasped, and she closed her eyes, a low moan rising in her throat.
“You want to make us both come, don’t you? Me inside you, him watching. You have us in the palm of your hand right now, willing to do anything.” Bending his knees, he rubbed the head of his cock along the crease of her butt.
She’d never had a man without foreplay. Even
foreplay, sex had never been anything like it was with Scott. His
was foreplay. Her heart beat loudly, her breath came fast, and between her legs she was wet and ready.
Leaning over her, he nipped the back of her neck like a tomcat sensing her heat. “Tell me what you want.”
She gasped. “I want you.”
“How do you want me?”
“Inside me.” She pushed back, straining against him.
“Say it. Say what you want me to do.”
Tears of need gathered at the corners of her eyes. “Fuck me, please fuck me.” It wasn’t her word, yet that’s exactly how she wanted it, right this minute. Hard, dirty, raw.
He shifted, rustled, noises, the sounds titillating her senses. She closed her eyes, and he rubbed her with the condom. Lightly kicking her legs apart with his foot, he held her hips as he tugged aside her thong. The threads popped, the sounds of tearing material so elemental, her knees would have buckled if he wasn’t pinning her to the desk.
Hunkered over her, he breathed her in. “God, you smell good.”
Then Scott coated himself in her moisture, groaned, and plunged deep. She went rigid beneath him, her fingers outstretched, then slowly she clenched her fists.
“Tell me how good it is.” He needed to know. Wrapped in her heat, he felt close to implosion.
She sucked in a breath, moaned on the exhale, and murmured, “Move. I want to feel you.”
He twisted her hair around his hand, pulled her head back, then grabbed her hip and seated himself deeper.
“Oh my God,” she whimpered. “It’s never felt like that.”
He retreated almost to the tip, then slid inside her, slowly, every inch of her warmth pulling him in. She jammed her hands down on the desktop and pushed back. Sliding an arm under her, he hitched her closer, riding her more deeply.
“You make me crazy.” He didn’t know if she could hear, but her breathy moans, the quaking of her body, and her tight fit around his cock drove him higher than he’d ever been. He took her until she cried his name, then it wasn’t even words, just a long, panting wail that cut some deep-seated need loose inside him, pounding harder, faster, deeper. No woman had screamed like that for him. The build in his balls was so intense it hurt, and as her body convulsed around him, he lost his mind, emptying himself inside her.
Nothing had ever been so good.
Long afterwards, she trembled against him. His legs ached, and his back muscles shrieked. He hadn’t kissed her, he’d taken her. His hand was still tangled in her hair, and he pulled it all aside to kiss the moisture from the corners of her eyes.
She hiccupped like a child who’d been crying. He rocked with her, still inside her. A contraction rippled over his cock.
He wanted to hold her, stay in her, but bent over her as he was, the desk must have been cutting into her abdomen. Easing back, he pulled out. She mumbled. He quickly dispensed with the condom, burying it in the trash, and flipped out the light. The moon streamed across her hair, setting it aglow.
She hadn’t moved, not even to pull down her dress. He covered her, then gathered her into his arms and carried her to his chair, arranging her in his lap.
She immediately hooked an arm around his neck and nuzzled his throat. “What was that?”
Cataclysmic. Earth shattering. “Good sex.”

good sex.” He felt her smile against his skin. Then she rolled her head on his shoulder to gaze up at him. Moonlight sparkled in her eyes. “I shouldn’t tell you this. It’ll go to your head, but no one’s ever done that to me before.”
to her? His heart kicked. “Taken you on a desk?”
She laughed, that musical sound he adored. “No, silly.” She ran a finger across his lips. “I mean I’ve never had an
when I’m doing
“Then you haven’t been with the right man.” He wanted to laugh at his joke, but there was nothing funny about it. He was her first. Jesus.
She lay completely still in his arms, then finally, she relaxed. “I don’t think anyone ever took enough time.”
It hadn’t been time. She’d been wet and ready before he even put his hand between her legs. And damn if he didn’t want to crow, while at the same time, he needed more from her than an orgasm. Or ten. Even a hundred.
He kissed the top of her head. “Tell me your name.”
She leaned back to look at him once more, then she mouthed the one thing he didn’t want to hear. “Jezebel.”
DON’T spoil it, don’t spoil it.
Trinity willed him to hear her thoughts. She snuggled closer. Sex had
been like that. The orgasm had come from deep inside, shattering up and outward, shooting her out of her own body. She’d screamed.
Had she sounded like a braying donkey? Maybe. But so what? He’d gone crazy for her anyway.
Part of what made it so good was that they had
sex between them. She was free to do naughty things like have full-blown sex on a desk right in front of the windows. Or to take him in her mouth in the backseat of his car. To make herself come for him, to push him into stroking himself for her. She wanted to do so many more naughty things. With him. For him.
She wanted him to make her come like that over and over.
If he knew her name, he’d find out everything about her, and they’d become just another “relationship” with all the pitfalls, and worse, with the inevitable outcome. She’d proven she wasn’t good at relationships. All her inhibitions would come rushing back; she’d start acting a role, drive him away.

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