Show Me How (It's Kind Of Personal Book 2) (19 page)

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Authors: Anna Brooks

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Show Me How (It's Kind Of Personal Book 2)
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She gives a noncommittal grunt, and I grab her hair and tilt her head, allowing me access to the sensitive skin on her neck. Not giving a shit that we’re in a tattoo parlor, I kiss my way from behind her ear, down to her shoulder and back up again. “God,” I growl into her neck. “How do you always do this to me? Make me want to fuck you wherever we are. I want to sit in that chair and have you ride me.”

She sags back a bit and moans under her breath.

“Yeah. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” I squeeze her ass. “As much as I’d love nothing more than to have your tight pussy wrapped around my dick while you slide up and down until I explode inside you, I can’t risk someone else seeing you. It wouldn’t end well for them.”

She sighs deeply and turns around. “Let’s go.”

I have no choice but to follow her out. I grip the back of her jacket and give a little tug, halting her movements until she’s next to me again.

She absolutely refuses to let me pay, so I begrudgingly watch as she forks over some cash. As soon as I open the door, a wave of snow hits us.

“Oh, shit!” She jumps back and pushes me ahead of her so she can bury her head in my back.

I wrap an arm around her from behind and shuffle my feet as fast as I can to my car. After I help her get inside, I reach over her and start the car. Then I give her a kiss before I grab the snow brush from my trunk and wipe my windows off.

“How did it get so bad so fast?” she asks, when I finally get inside.

“We were in there for almost two hours and it was already started.” I shrug.

“Yeah, I guess.”

I concentrate on not sliding off the road and getting us home safely. Mary runs to the bathroom, and by the time I get in there, her jacket and shirt are already off and she’s staring at the tattoo in the mirror. She was supposed to leave the bandage on a little while longer, but apparently, she was too excited.

“Don’t you just love it?” Her fingers gently trace the green stem.

“I do. It’s beautiful.” I lean on the doorjamb.

“You know why I got this, right?”

“It’s our flower.” I sound like a little bitch, but whatever.

“It is.” She catches my eyes in the mirror. “Thank you for taking me.”

“You’re welcome.”

“And for everything else.”

“Really haven’t done much.”

She turns and hops up on the counter. My eyes fly to her breasts hidden beneath the black bra. I lick my lips, craving them, craving her.

Her throat clears, and when I make my way up to her face again, she’s smiling. “You helped me get my driver’s license reinstated, gave me a place to live, brought happiness back into my life, and gave me a future.” She jumps down and I straighten as she makes her way to me. Her hands land on my chest. “You love me, despite every single mistake I’ve made. I can’t help but worry, though.”

“Worry about what?” I rest my hands on her hips.

She hangs her head. “You’ll get sick of—”

I slam my mouth to hers, shutting her up. There is nothing about her I could get sick of. I back her into the sink until her ass hits the ledge then hold her face. “Shut up. I’m a grown ass man who knows what he wants. I fucking want you. Always have. No mistake you have made or will make will change that. I don’t want to hear that shit anymore. All right?”

“You can’t know that.”

Time to turn the tables. “What would make you leave me?”

She pulls her head back and grips the side of the counter. “What?”

“Right now. Are you happy with me? Do you want to be with me?”

“Of course,” she snaps.

“What is something that I could do that would make you not want to be with me?”

“I don’t know.”

“Nothing? I can do absolutely no wrong? I could beat you, and you’d stay?”

She gasps. “No. But you’d never do that.”

“Right. So give me an example. What is a mistake I could make that would cause you to leave me?”

She thinks for a moment. “If you cheated on me. I couldn’t forgive that.”

“And you know that would never fucking happen, right?”

“Well . . . yeah.”

“Would you ever cheat on me?” I love her more than the air I breathe, but cheating is an absolute no-go.

Her eyes narrow. “No.”

I growl just thinking about another man fucking her. “That’s the
thing you could do to push me away. Are you going to?”


“See, then. Nothing you could do would make me leave you. Nothing you’ve done in the past, either. Don’t you understand that by now?”

Her shoulders slump. “Can’t
see that I don’t understand how you can still want the damaged girl you used to know? I’m trying here, Brandon. I really am. But I think it’s normal to have these doubts. Can you at least get that?”

If I step back and look at where she’s coming from, I guess I can. It only means I need to do more to prove I’m committed to her and only her for the rest of my life. To appease her, I nod my head. Her eyes lighten, and I know all she wants is to have her feelings validated.

I pick her up and carry her to the couch. “I believe you owe me a ride.”

Chapter 18


I knock on Kelsey’s door and wring my fingers together, waiting for her to answer.

“Who is it?” she yells.

“It’s me. Mary.”

The locks click and the door opens; she looks confused to see me. “Hi.”

“Hi. Umm . . .” I’m no good at this. “Brandon has a late shift tonight. I was thinking about going to a club and wanted to know if you want to go with me.” I want to do things. Experience stuff. I’d never go by myself, and since Char just had a baby, I know she won’t want to go. Kelsey is the only other person my age I know, so if she doesn’t agree, I’ll find something else.

“Oh.” Her confusion turns to happiness and she smiles. “Yeah. That would be fun. I could use a night out.”

“Really?” I ask, genuinely surprised. I expected a brush-off. This is only the second time I’ve seen her since I moved in.

After I got my tattoo and the conversation Brandon and I had in the bathroom a couple of weeks ago, I’ve felt freer than I have in years. He’s taken me to do a couple of the things on my mental list of stuff I missed out on in my twenties. We went to an outdoor movie theater and stayed up all night after. I joined his gym and took a kickboxing class, rode the subway to downtown and went shopping. And yesterday, I enrolled in college. I don’t have a major, but I’m taking an Intro to College course, just to see if it’s something I’d want to pursue.

I have a lot of money saved up and instead of keeping it hidden in socks, Brandon made me deposit it. I use that money to buy clothes, but he refuses to let me pay for food or bills. I order food and have it delivered before he gets home sometimes so I can pay for it. When shopping, I always make sure to pick something up for him, whether it’s a candy bar or a new outfit. I need to feel like I’m doing something for him.

“Yeah, really. I think it’ll be fun.”

“Awesome. Do you want to grab a bite to eat first?”

“That sounds great. I’ll finish what I’m working on and take a shower. I’ll come over at say, seven?”

I was thinking dinner at like five. But I’ll trust she knows more than me about these things. “Sure. See you then.”

I step out of the shower and run a brush through my hair. I’m not a very girly girl, so I redo my ponytail with the exception of teasing it a bit on top. I bought a new outfit the other day when I went shopping, and I eagerly rip the tags off my new items. The skinny black pants are skintight and have a bit of a sparkle to them. I purchased a pair of thigh-high gray boots and a deep purple tank top and sweater set. The tank has sequins on it and dresses up the outfit.

I apply some smoky eyeshadow and mascara, along with a little blush and lip-gloss, thankful I remembered Elizabeth’s lessons. Kelsey should be here in about ten minutes, so I call Brandon before I leave.

“Hey, babe.”

“Hi. I just wanted to say goodnight before I went out.”

“You sure you’re comfortable doing this?” The concern in his voice makes my heart flutter. He wants me to make friends and have fun but is worried something bad will happen. Frankly, I am too. But I need to do this. If girls who are twenty-one can go to a club, certainly I can as well. I told him the name of the club just to be on the safe side, too.

“Yes. I’m sure.”

“Call me if you need anything. I’m working that case, but I think it should be wrapped up tonight.”

“Okay. Stay safe.”

He laughs. “Babe, I’ve got seventeen more files to go through. Unless you’re worried about me getting a paper cut, fear not. You’re the one who needs to be safe. A hot piece of ass like you.” He curses under his breath. “I should be there; assholes are gonna be all over you.”

“Pshh. No way. I’ll stick out like a sore thumb, the old lady who can’t dance.”

“What are you wearing?”

“Black pants and a purple shirt.”

“Tight pants?”



“Boots. Gray ones.”

“Short or tall?”

I finger the top, just above my knee. “Tall. Past my knee.”

He sucks in a breath and I laugh. “What are you wearing?”

He chuckles this time. “You saw me this morning. I haven’t changed.”

“Mmm. Yes.” I moan thinking about how hot he is in his work clothes. A knock at the door shakes me from my thoughts. “I’ve gotta go. Kelsey’s here.”

“Okay. Call me if you need anything. Love you.”

“I will. Love you, too.”

I open the door and motion for her to come in. “Sorry about that.” I grab my coat.

“Dang. You look hot. Brandon’s letting you go out in this?”

“Letting me?”

She raises her eyebrows. “You know what I mean.”

“He’s at work, so he hasn’t seen it.” I look down and tug at the fabric. “Don’t you think he’ll like it?”

“Oh, honey.” She laughs. “He’s going to like it . . . probably too much.”

I follow her out and we catch a cab to downtown. The area looks familiar to me, but I don’t remember where everything is. I’m so absorbed in taking in my surroundings that I don’t notice when the cab stops. Kelsey has to tug on my arm to get my attention.

“We’re here.”


“I thought we could go to a pizza place. Split a deep dish? We’ll need the sustenance.”

“That sounds great.”

After we’re seated in the fifties-style diner, I ask her if she grew up in Chicago.

“Yup. Did you?”

“Yeah. I’ve never lived anywhere else.”

“You guys grew up near here?”

I nod and take a sip of my water. “We did.”

“He’s a great guy.”

My hackles rise, and I sit up straighter in my seat. “I know.”

She takes in my defensive posture and laughs. “You really don’t need to worry about that with me. I have my own drama. I don’t need or want another man in my life.”

“I’m sorry.” I take a deep breath and wait until the waiter brings our pizza before finishing. “I don’t know what Brandon has told you about me.”

“Nothing. Just that you guys grew up together. Now you’re his woman.” She ends in a deep voice, mocking him.

I laugh and take a bite of my pizza. “Damn, this is good.”

“I know, right?”

Thankfully, the rest of the meal goes smoothly. I feel like an idiot for getting so defensive, but at the same time, I just got him back. If I need to fight for him, I will.

“You ready to get your dance on?” Kelsey asks me as we walk in the crowded club with our arms linked together.

“I don’t know about that.” I haven’t danced since my senior year in high school at the prom. With Brandon. Twelve years ago.

“How about some liquid courage?”


* * *

“Hands off, asshole.” I push another drunk guy away and roll my eyes.

Kelsey laughs and circles around me on the dance floor. “Aww. You’re gonna make the poor kid cry.”

“Seriously. Is this how all clubs are? Loud music and drunk guys who think they can grab whatever T and A they feel like?”

“Pretty much.”

“Maybe I really am too old for this.”

I start to walk away, but she grabs my hand. “No. Stay. Forget about the idiots. Dance and have fun. Ignore them.”

Aside from the unwanted attention, I’m having a blast with Kelsey. My feet are sore from dancing so much, but who knew I liked dancing? The club is dark except for the flashing colored lights. Pop music blares through the speakers, and I even recognize a country song or two mixed in.

“Okay!” I yell over the thumping bass and raise my arms, rolling my hips to the beat.

Bodies grind and the DJ mixes on a balcony. Booths line the circular club and the entire center is opened for dancing. The floor changes colors, from red to purple, to pink and back again. I get lost in the sights and sounds, an unfamiliar feeling, not being attuned to every single thing going on around me. Another four songs play before she grabs my arm and drags me off the dance floor. “I’m thirsty.”

“Me, too.”

We both order water from the bar and sit at our table.

“Are you having fun?” Kelsey asks me.

“I am. But honestly, I don’t think it’s something I want to do all the time.”

She laughs. “It’s not really my thing, either.”

“What is your thing?” I lean back in the chair and wait for her answer.

Aside from just having fun with a girlfriend, I really am enjoying getting to know her. She’s a free spirit; she should have grown up in the seventies. Even her long, straight brown hair, bell-bottom jeans, and off-the-shoulder peasant top fit the description.


“Your thing is art?”

“Yup. I paint, sculpt, and even dabble in photography.”

I take another sip of water. “What do you do for work?”

“Art.” She laughs. “I have an online store. Plus, I sell to some galleries around town.”

“That’s cool. I’ll have to look at your stuff.”

“Really?” She sits up and looks surprised.

“Of course.”

Her head bobs and she grins. “Wanna dance some more?”

I let out an exaggerated breath and roll my eyes. “Fine. Only because you’re forcing me.”

I’m not too familiar with pop music. I’ve always liked country. But that doesn’t stop me from singing along. Most of these songs repeat the same five words over and over anyway. I can’t even tell how many more songs have played, and they begin to blend. Sweat coats my body, a flush covers Kelsey’s cheeks, and her hair is damp. We look a mess, but we’re having fun. God, I’m having so much fun.

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