Siege Of the Heart (41 page)

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Authors: Elise Cyr

BOOK: Siege Of the Heart
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“Like you,” she continued, “I first thought he was going to attack you from behind. Kendrick explained to me later Alric always had a seax hidden in his tunic to use as a final defense. My brother knew that and sought to prevent him from surprising you with such an attack,” she explained. She shuddered as she remembered the short, sharp knife so like hers that had been removed from her brother’s body as Captain Radolf’s men scavenged the rebel camp.

Alex nodded. “Your brother—”

“I hated myself for doubting Julien’s intentions, especially since we came to an understanding of sorts in the end.”

He was quiet for a moment. “I am sorry he did not live,” he finally said.

“Even if he had not been stabbed, his injury would have surely killed him. I cannot help but feel I lost him all over again.”

“You had to deal with reports of his death only to find him once more so he could die before your eyes. I am amazed by your strength in all of this.”

She laughed and was surprised at the bitterness she heard. “Do not be. It is not strength, but merely survival.”

“Hmm…” Alex was not convinced. “Either way, we are together once more.”

“I know. And I am glad.”

He pulled her close again. “I am so sorry I could not protect you from this.”

“As you said, we are here, together. I may be bruised, but I am not broken.”

“For which I am eternally grateful,” he said with a growl.

He leaned over her and peered at her face through the darkness. Her breath caught at the serious look on his face.

“When you disappeared, I realized how much I had lost,” he said. “It was not just your knowledge of the English people, the language or even your father’s holding. It was you, all of you. I love you, Isabel…I just did not know how much.”

She closed her eyes as astonishment and hope and…love streamed through her. Her heartbeat picked up as she recognized the truth of his words.

“I knew it was a gamble when I joined with William,” Alex said, “but I never expected such a fortunate outcome. Yes, I was hoping for lands, but I got so much more. You are reward enough, even without such trappings.”

Isabel opened her eyes and took a calming breath. “Alex, I love you, too. I just hope you can still trust me—trust us—after all that has happened.” She was so afraid that despite all they had shared, all they felt for each other, the differences between them would prove their undoing.

“With my life.”

Relief flooded through her as he gathered her up in his arms.

When he finally kissed her, it seemed as though she had been waiting for that moment since they last parted. It started out innocently enough, a reassuring press of lips that ensured she wasn’t dreaming. Then the scent of him hit Isabel just as his tongue teased her lower lip, and she was ensnared.

She parted her mouth for him, reaching for his neck and drawing him closer. His arms were unintentionally digging into her bruised back, but she did not care. This was right. The way it should be.

Too soon, Alex eased them apart. “My lady, what of the men?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, irritated by the question. She hummed with repressed need, and she wanted nothing more than to get lost in more of his kisses.

Alex smirked at her knowingly. “They could hear if we continue…”

Her cheeks heated as her words from so long ago were flung back at her. “You…you are a bad man,” she said with as much indignation as she could muster.

He grinned. “As you say.”

Isabel pulled him closer so she could whisper in his ear.

“I care not.”



Elise Cyr


As a lover of history, I am constantly fascinated by accounts of how one person can have a profound effect on events. This story started with one person as well: William Malet, who was an English advisor to Duke William as he prepared to cross the channel and take England for his own. I wondered at how an Englishman could come to help a Norman take over his homeland, and figured there must be others in England who would be in a position to help Duke William in the conquest, given the charged political climate.


Thus, Isabel’s father, Lord Bernard Dumont, was born, a man with conflicting loyalties who could ease the way for Duke William’s rule. He never makes an appearance and we never really learn what his choice would be between Normandy and England, but I hope his presence is felt throughout the book.


Bringing history to life with adventure and romance is my passion. To learn more about the history and the resources I used to write
Siege of the Heart
, please visit my website


Thank you for reading.



Lyrical Press books are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018


Copyright © 2013 Elise Cyr


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.


Lyrical Press and the L logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.


First Electronic Edition: April 2014



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