Signor Marconi's Magic Box (42 page)

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Authors: Gavin Weightman

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Gernsback, Hugo
Given, Thomas H.
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia: wireless station established wireless structure collapses
Gladstone, William Ewart
Godalming: street lighting introduced
Grande Duchesse
, SS
Great Eastern
Griffone, Villa, Pontecchio, near Bologna
Grosser Kurfürst
, SS
Guantanamo, Cuba
Gurney, Edmund
, SS
Halifax Herald
(Nova Scotia)
Hall, Cuthbert
Harmsworth, Alfred (
Viscount Northcliffe)
Harper’s Weekly
Harrison, Benjamin
Havel River, near Potsdam
Haven Hotel, Poole
Heaviside, Charles
Heaviside, Oliver: background and character theories on wireless telegraphy partial deafness Fessenden makes offer to recommended for Nobel Prize death
Heinrich, Prince of Germany
Hertz, Heinrich
Hertzian waves
Hibberd, A.S.
Hill, J. Arthur
Hippisley, Richard
Hitchcock, Alfred
(German royal yacht)
Holman, Josephine: engagement to GM on
St Paul
absence from GM breaks off engagement
Howard de Walden, Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis, 8th Baron
Hozier, Colonel Sir Henry Montague
Hughes, David Edward
Hugo, Victor
Hunstanton, Norfolk
icebergs: as ocean hazard
Illustrated Mail
Imperial Wireless Scheme
Inch, Captain Francis
Inchiquin, Edward Donough O’Brien, 14th Baron
Inchiquin, Ellen Harriet, Lady (
Inchiquin, Lucius William O’Brien, 15th Baron (Beatrice’s brother)
Irwin, Jack
Isaacs, Godfrey
Isaacs, Harry
Isaacs, Rufus (
1st Marquess of Reading)
Isle of Wight
Italy: GM honoured in war with Turkey (1911) GM visits in wartime GM’s political career in enters war (1915)
see also
Griffone, Villa; Rome; Victor Emmanuel III, King
Jack the Ripper
Jackson, Captain Henry
James, Captain Lionel
Jameson, Andrew (Annie’s father)
Jameson-Davis, Henry (GM’s cousin)
Jamison, Captain (of
St Paul
Japan: war with Russia (1904-5)
Jeffries, Jim
Journal of Commerce
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse
(German liner)
Kemp, George: assists GM with GM in Newfoundland in New York on SS
prepares for Edward VII’s coronation fits up equipment on
Carlo Alberto
summoned to Kiel van Raaltes visit on GM’s motor car keeps Beatrice and Degna amused in Poole helps refurbish yacht
Kendall, Captain Harold
Kennelly, Arthur
Kingston Regatta, Dublin Bay
Kipling, Rudyard ‘Wireless’ (short story)
Kitchener, General Horatio Herbert (
1st Earl)
kites and balloons: as aerial supports
Knollys, Francis Knollys, 1st Viscount
Kronprinz Wilhelm
(German ship)
, SS
Lake Champlain
, SS
Langtry, Lillie (Emilie Charlotte le Breton)
Larnard, Lyman C.
, SS
Lavernock Point, Glamorgan
Le Neve, Ethel
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Levitor kites
(French newspaper)
lightbeams: as message-senders
Lipton, Sir Thomas
Liverpool: Marconi training school in
Livingstone, David
Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall
Lloyd George, David: in ‘Marconi scandal’
Lodge, (Sir) Oliver: scientific interests interest in spiritualism scepticism over transatlantic signals belief in ether Commander Barber cites patent rights retained by Marconi Company
Lodge, Raymond
Los Angeles Herald
Los Angeles Times
Louisberg, Cape Breton
, SS
, SS sunk by German U-boat
McClure, Henry
McClure, Robert
McClure, Samuel
(US magazine)
Macdonald, Sir Claude
McGrath, P.T.
Machrihanish, Mull of Kintyre
McKenzie, F.A.
Madeira Hotel, Bournemouth
‘Maggies’ (magnetic receivers)
, SS
Maltby, P.B.
Marconi, Alfonso (GM’s brother): birth assists GM with early experiments music-making as best man at GM’s wedding
Marconi, Annie (
Jameson; GM’s mother): supports GM in London background marriage and children on Isle of Wight in Poole, Dorset concern for GM’s comforts corresponds with GM and GM’s marriage relations writes to GM on
Marconi, Beatrice (
O’Brien; GM’s first wife;
Marignoli): meets and first rejects GM marriage to GM marriage relations accompanies GM to Glace Bay birth and death of daughter birth of daughter Degna later pregnancy and birth of son stays in Poole in Stockholm for GM’s Nobel Prize award lives at Eaglehurst (Hampshire) booked on
’s maiden voyage in Italy in World War I and birth of Gioia Jolanda divorce from GM and remarriage objects to GM’s sale of Rome home pays respects at GM’s lying-in-state
Marconi, Cristina (
Bezzi-Scali; GM’s second wife)
Marconi, Degna (
Paresce; GM’s daughter): and GM’s parents’ marriage on GM’s cricket-playing on Inez Milholland birth childhood in Poole and mother’s social life in London on life at Eaglehurst booked on
’s maiden voyage and father’s glass eye in World War I
Marconi, Domenico (GM’s grandfather)
Marconi, Gioia Jolanda (GM’s daughter): birth
Marconi, Giulia (
de Renolis; GM’s grandmother)
Marconi, Giulio (GM’s son): at Eaglehurst booked on
’s maiden voyage in World War I
Marconi, Giuseppe (GM’s father): first marriage meets and marries Annie and GM’s early
experiments and funding of GM’s patent rights GM visits in Italy death
Marconi, Guglielmo: demonstrates at Toynbee Hall (1896) fluency in English encouraged by mother character and manner early experiments birth and upbringing boyhood reading and studies fails naval entrance examination moves to London demonstrates at Lavernock-Flatholm Island financial backing for patent rights ship-to-shore experiments on south coast music-making companies formed using name uses Morse code in USA appearance as self-publicist engagement to Josephine Holman foreign rivals manufacturing companies builds station at Cape Cod cricketing acquires motorcycle in Newfoundland first hears transatlantic signals honoured in New York Josephine Holman breaks off engagement signals on SS
sails on
Carlo Alberto
manufactures magnetic coil detector in Kiel falls ill home life and transatlantic signals between Poldhu and Glace Bay honoured in Italy engagement to Inez Milholland security of signals breached visits St Louis World’s Fair motoring meets and falls in love with Beatrice O’Brien marriage to Beatrice jealousy over Beatrice later philandering birth and death of daughter finances birth of daughter Degna marriage relations and SS
rescue shares Nobel
Prize for physics (1909) birth of son serves on
in Italo-Turkish war (1911) financial success cancels trip on
disaster injured in road accident glass eye predictions about political effects of wireless technology and shares scandal (1912-13) granted honorary GCVO political career in Italy status in World War I military service in World War I birth of third child (Gioia Jolanda) death, funeral and tributes mausoleum post-war activities and travels buys steam yacht separation and divorce from Beatrice second marriage (to Cristina) Appleton’s obituary tribute to converts to Catholicism achievements fortune and will
Marconi, Luigi (GM’s half-brother)
Marconi, Maria Elettra Elena Anna (GM/Cristina’s daughter)
Marconi House, London
Marconi International Marine Company: set up expansion and operations
Marconi Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company: set up GM reports to on US reception German hostility to contract with Royal Navy and de Forest in Russo-Japanese war withdraws from St Louis World’s Fair expansion training schools prospers association with Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft and shares scandal (1912-13) taken over by British government in Great War manufactures radio receivers
(company magazine)
Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria
Marignoli, Marchesa Beatrice
Marconi, Beatrice
Marignoli, Marchese Liborio: Beatrice marries
Marriott, Robert H.
Marsden, Chief Officer (of
Mary, Queen of George V (
Princess of Wales)
Maskelyne, Nevil
Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney:
The Condition of England
Maupassant, Guy de
Maxwell, James Clerk
Clerk Maxwell, James
May Flower
(coastal steamer)
Melba, Dame Nellie
Merrick, Joseph (‘the Elephant Man’)
Milholland, Inez (
Boissevain): engagement to GM GM breaks off engagement travels to Europe in First World War
Mills, Captain A.R.
Mirabello, Admiral Carlo
Moffett, Cleveland
Monet, Claude
, SS
Morgan, John Pierpont
Morning Leader
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
Morse, Sidney
Morse code
Motor Car Act (1904)
motor cars: beginnings
Muirhead, Alexander
Mull of Kintyre
Mullion, Cornwall
see also
Poldhu Hotel
Mullis, P.R.
Murray (of Elibank), Alexander William Charles Oliphant Murray, 1st Baron
Murray, Dr Erskine
Murray, George
Mussolini, Benito: commissions mausoleum for GM rise to power invades Abyssinia orders state funeral for GM
Myers, Frederic
(oil tanker)
National Electric Signalling Company (NESCO)
New England Electronic Music Company
New York: GM visits
New York Electronic Music Company
New York Herald
: GM covers America’s Cup races for reports Admiral Dewey’s homecoming publicises GM uses searchlight for messages and German hostility to GM and
New York Times
: reports GM’s successes on New York reception for GM and GM’s differences with Germans on de Forest’s broadcasting claims reports
disaster and
story on Sayville station passing on information in Great War and US technological development in Great War obituary tribute to GM
New York Times Magazine
New York Tribune
New York World
Niagara Falls
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia
Niton, Isle of Wight
Nobel, Alfred
Nobel, Immanuel
Nobel Foundation: established awards physics prize to GM
Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount
Harmsworth, Alfred
O’Brien, Beatrice
Marconi, Beatrice
O’Brien, Lilah (Beatrice’s sister)
, SS
(royal yacht)
Osborne House, Isle of Wight
Osman, Lieut.-Colonel A.H.:
Pigeons in the Great War
Page, Major Samuel Flood
Paget, Percy
Palladino, Eusapia
Paris: in World War I
see also
Eiffel Tower
Parkin, George
Pennington, John
, SS
Philippines: US naval action in
Phillips, Jack
Philosophical Magazine
pigeons (homing)
carrier pigeons
Piper, Leonore
Pisa, Italy
(Italian warship)
Poldhu Hotel, Mullion, Cornwall: wireless station established signals heard across Atlantic station communicates with SS
communicates with
Carlo Alberto
King Victor Emmanuel visits transmitter power and discharges communicates with Glace Bay Prince and Princess of Wales visit messages intercepted
, SS
Poole, Dorset
Popov (Popoff), Alexander
Popov-Ducretet wireless system
Port Arthur
Post Dispatch
(St Louis)
Post Office (British): Preece works for loses patent rights to Marconi company monopoly on telegraphic messaging issues licences for wireless telegraphy licenses wireless
Poulain, M. & Mme. (of Haven Hotel, Poole)
Preece, Sir William: encourages young GM induction process background and career GM first meets experiments at Flatholm Island-Lavernock demonstrates Bell’s telephone to Queen Victoria and Slaby and GM’s forming commercial company Heaviside criticises Commander Barber cites

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