Silas: Imperial Warrior (A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Romance) (12 page)

Read Silas: Imperial Warrior (A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Romance) Online

Authors: Ashley West

Tags: #Alien Warrior Romance

BOOK: Silas: Imperial Warrior (A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Romance)
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“Ah,” he replied. “That’s good, then. I’ll leave you to it.”

She could almost
him hesitating outside the door, and she wondered if he wanted something from her. If he wanted her… There was no not awkward way to ask that question, of course, and if she asked and he said no, then… Well, there wasn’t really any recovering from that.

Things were good between them as they were, and she didn’t need to do anything to change or jeopardize that, but…

But if there was a chance…


She jumped in the water, realizing that she had been spacing out. “Yes?”

“Would you like some company?”

Her eyes widened. She hadn’t considered that he might make the first move, although she supposed she probably should have. He
a soldier after all, clearly used to leaping into action. And Katia was more than grateful that he’d done it now.

“Sure,” she said, hoping her voice wasn’t as shaky as it sounded to her. “That would...would be great.”

Her hands were shaking slightly, and she hid them under the water. Silas opened the door and poked his head in, looking around a bit before his eyes fell on her. Those fathomless blue depths darkened a bit when he saw her, and Katia blushed.

“Hello,” he said.

“Hi,” she squeaked back. “Um. Come in.”

Her bathroom was small, and Silas seemed to fill the entire space with his body and his presence. He leaned against the counter, arms folded as he watched her.

Katia was aware that most of her body was covered by water and the remnants of the bubbles, but her breasts were not completely submerged, the tops of them wet and very visible. Silas' gaze was like heat on her, and she fought the urge to hide herself, instead reaching up to push hair out of her face.

"Did you know that you're beautiful?" Silas asked all of a sudden, and Katia's face just went a darker shade of red.

"" she replied. "I mean, I'm not bad looking, I suppose. I've never gotten any complaints, but there are definitely women who look better than I do."

Silas shook his head. "I don't care about them. Right now, I only care about you."

It was a declaration, and Katia's heart rate kicked up a notch as he watched her. She didn't quite know what to say to that. No one had ever said things to her that made her feel so...wanted. He hadn't even touched her yet, and she felt like he wanted her. It was a thrill that went all the way down to her core, making her tingle with desire.

Suddenly, she didn't want to be in this tub anymore. She wanted to be on equal footing with Silas, pressed against him, their bodies melded together.

So she facilitated that, draining the tub and getting out of the water. She rinsed suds from her body, letting Silas look his fill as the water cascaded over her body. Katia grabbed for her towel and dried off haphazardly before she moved to step out of the tub.

“Come with me,” she said, and led him into her bedroom.

It was forward. It was so, so forward. Katia knew how to get what she wanted when it came to her business, but this was something entirely different that she wasn’t as familiar with. Romance and sex had always fallen by the wayside in her life, taking a backseat to her dreams and goals. And now it seemed that someone she wanted had almost fallen into her lap, and she was going to take advantage of it.

Silas didn’t seem to have a problem with it, anyway. He walked in after her, quiet and thoughtful.

It wasn't the first time he'd seen her naked, but this time his eyes were definitely lingering. She could feel them as they swept over her body from her head right down to her blue painted toenails. They lingered on her chest, her hips, her legs, and a smile spread over that handsome face.

Without a word, he held a hand out to her.

It was an invitation, one she could either choose to accept or decline. Somehow Katia knew that no matter which one she chose, nothing would change. He wouldn't hold it against her if she decided she didn't want this. He wouldn't hold a grudge or call her a tease. Silas would let it go, and their lives would continue as they had been.

But that wasn't what she wanted. Being with him every day, sitting in the same rooms with him, watching him eat her cooking and train in the living room was all enough to make her realize that she wanted him.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Katia had already known that. She knew that sometimes she blushed when he was shirtless or when he came out of the shower with damp hair and that relaxed look on his face, when he smiled at her. She knew that she wanted to see what his skin felt like. What he smelled like up close. What he tasted like.

And, yeah, she wasn't ashamed to admit that she wanted to find out if he was everywhere in proportion. So to speak.

So she slipped her hand into his and let him pull her closer.

He cradled her close, like she was something precious, and it was ridiculous how her head only barely came up to just under his collarbones. When he kissed the top of her head, he had to bend down to do it, and she laughed softly.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing. are so much taller than I am."

Silas laughed as well. "Most of my people are built this way," he said. "But it's not all bad. Watch."

Without pausing, he bent down and gripped her butt before sliding his hands lower and using his strength to lift her up. She yelped softly and then wrapped her legs around his waist as best she could, very aware of the fact that she was still damp and naked. Her hair was loose, curling slightly around her face and down her shoulders and back, and Silas adjusted his grip so he could run the fingers of one hand through it.

"So soft," he murmured. "You smell good."

"So do you," she replied, pressing her nose into the crook of his neck. "All manly."

"Sweaty, you mean," he said, and she shrugged.

Her legs were spread wide to accommodate how thick his torso was, and she could feel the heat of her core pressing against him. She wondered if he could feel it, too. She wondered what he planned to do with her.

"Katia," he said, and she lifted her head to look him in the eye.

Before she could say anything, he was kissing her.

Katia had been kissed before, of course. She was a twenty six year old woman, and she’d had her fair share of kisses. Some of them had been messy, some had been rough. Some were light and some were deep. Some of them were terrible, and some had been verging on perfect, but up until this very moment, she would have said that she’d never experienced a perfect kiss. She might have even said that there was no such thing.

But Silas was showing her that there was definitely more to kissing than the kisses she’d had before. He cupped her face gently and backed them up until her back was pressed against the wall of her bedroom. His thumb stroked her cheekbone, and he kissed her like she was something to be savored.

There was no urgency to it, but she could feel the undercurrent of want and need all the same. He pressed his lips to hers again and again, barely giving her time to catch her breath. The pressure was just right, not too demanding, but not too light, either. Enough that she could feel that he was there and that he had her.

She kissed him back with just as much passion as she was getting from him, letting him know that she wanted him too. When she nipped at his bottom lip and he groaned into her mouth, she couldn’t help the way she arched against him, already wet between her legs.

“You are—” Silas broke off with a low noise. “I don’t know the word I want.”

“Is that a good thing?” Katia wanted to know.

good thing.”

She laughed and trailed kisses from his mouth to his neck, hot and wet. His pulse was there under his skin, and she spent some time with her lips pressed against it, just feeling.

Silas was so different from her. They weren’t even the same species, technically, but his pulse was strong under her lips. His heart beat, just as hers did, and he was warm and alive just as she was.

Katia just wanted to be close to him. She wanted all the distance between them to evaporate. She wanted to feel him moving inside of her.

She knew all of this, and yet when Silas whispered “Tell me what you want” into her hair, she didn’t have an answer for him. Saying all of that out loud seemed foolish, and her blush at the prospect of telling him just how much she wanted him was hot and deep. Surely he had to know already. Surely he’d seen the way she looked at him.

“I want you,” Katia settled on, hoping that was enough.

“You have me,” Silas told her. “I’m yours.”

For the moment
she thought and didn’t say. But she didn’t want to think about that. About him leaving. She wanted to focus on the fact that he was here now and that he wanted her.


"We'll have to take this slow," Silas whispered to her sometime later.

They had kissed up against the wall for long minutes, heedless of the late hour and the fact that she needed to be up early in the morning. How was she supposed to focus on that, anyway? When there was a large man who knew how to kiss her and how to touch her and how to make her moan for him right there in her bedroom.

He'd carried her to the bed from where she had been in his arms and laid her down on it gently. Her hair spread out against the pillows, her chest rising and falling quickly with anticipation as she watched him. He shucked off the rest of his clothes, save his underwear, and climbed onto the bed himself, waiting as if to see if it would take his weight before he began crawling towards her.

Once he was looming above her, Katia reached up. She cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down, kissing him deeply.

Silas moaned against her lip, returning the kiss. He nipped at her bottom lip with even white teeth and then soothed the sting of it away with his tongue, and Katia could feel him smile when she squirmed and arched against him.

She was pretty sure she understood what he meant about taking it slow. He wasn't likely to be small in that...area. The area in question. The area that was relevant to these matters, and it had been some time for her. Lying in her bed with her hand in her panties, stroking her clit and pressing fingers into herself until she came was great fun and wonderful stress relief after a long day, but it hadn't done anything to prepare her for this.

Swallowing hard and deciding that it was time for her to make a move, Katia let her hand slide down from Silas' chest to his stomach. The muscles tensed and relaxed ahead of her hand, and she smiled at how well built this man was.

"How are you even real?" she murmured, shaking her head.

"I could ask the same of you," Silas returned softly, letting her do what she wanted.

Her hand moved down to the tight fitting underwear that he was wearing, and she didn't even have to look to know that the bulge there was huge.

But, of course, she did look, and her mouth watered at the sight of it. It was snug in the green boxer briefs, large and thick, and clearly hard. Katia hesitated and then let her fingers do the walking, so to speak. She traced the outline of it through the fabric it was encased in, marveling at how warm it was and how it seemed to grow even more with her touch.

Silas' breath caught, and he let out a low breath.

"Is this okay?" Katia asked, glancing up at him with wide eyes.

"Mmm," he responded, nodding. "It feels good."

Taking that as a sign that she could do more, she began to stroke his cock through his underwear, hand sliding up and then back down slowly, watching the growing wet patch that signified his precome.

"I want to see you," she whispered, and Silas nodded. He pushed himself up into a half seated position and with a speed that didn't seem possible for a man of his size, he hooked his fingers under the waistband and his underwear and shimmied them down.

It probably wasn't meant to be erotic, probably, but it was. Katia watched as the fabric was peeled away, revealing those sharp, defined hip bones, the trail of hair that led down to...oh god.

Touching it and seeing it were two completely different things. She had some idea of the size from how her fingers had traced and outlined it, but this was a whole new territory for her. It was huge.

His cock was hard and it jutted out proudly from his crotch, the pearly drop of fluid clinging to the tip. It was thick and flushed red with blood from how hard he was, and as she watched it seemed to bob and twitch under her gaze.

Part of her was afraid to touch it, afraid that she had no idea how to pleasure this man, but the part of her that wanted him so badly was much bigger, and so it took the lead, driving her to pull him back down to her so she could wrap her fingers around his length.

"Wow," she breathed. Her fingers barely met around the shaft of him, and she resumed her stroking, sliding up and then down and then back up, rubbing over the head to collect the sticky fluid there and use it to lube up her hand.

"Katia," Silas moaned. "If you keep that up, I won't last much longer, and I'd really like to be inside you before I..." He trailed off, but she knew what he meant, and she wanted it, too.

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