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Authors: Andi O'Connor

Silevethiel (23 page)

BOOK: Silevethiel
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Belfir — white fir trees beloved by the Wood Elves of Mistwood

Cíllér(en) — Speaker(s) in the common tongue is a Green Elf who has the ability to enter the Spirit World through their dreams and communicate with the dead.

Crújend — hard bread used for long journeys (hardtack)

Culthen — elven knight

Kularen — greetings

Míendvel — gift of the Wood Elves that allows a Protector to communicate mentally with his or her Guardian

Naralé - run

Penndryn — a small shop or store

Vreln — strong swear word used by the Wood Elves (no literal translation)

In Sequential Order

Quel é na? — What is it?

Quel dé ün va? — What do you see?

Ilé lednan, Irewen. — Sweet dreams, Irewen.

Ün frayn, Laegon! — You fool, Laegon!

Neryn la pün — Rest in peace.

El a Lün kíra me gílanen — May the Light guide my hands.

Na é lérn en va ün. — It is good to see you.

Neryn la pün, mi frélánen — Rest in peace, my friends.

Brégen, quel é dna? — Brégen, what is wrong?

Quel ga lüllerden? — What has happened?

Mi chül — My god


Andi O’Connor is the author of the fantasy series, The Dragonath Chronicles, which will continue with the release of
in March 2014. Andi is a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, the National Writers Association, The Association of Writers & Writing Programs, and the Boston Chapter of the Women’s National Book Association. She currently resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, son, and four dogs. You can visit Andi on her website at

BOOK: Silevethiel
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