Silk and Spurs (6 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Silk and Spurs
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“All right.” He stood and started gathering their picnic items and putting them back into the basket.

When they were packed up she gave him a smile that she desperately attempted to make look genuine. “Thanks,” she said. “I’m sorry to ruin our picnic.”

He touched the side of her face and she had to force herself not to jerk back from his touch. “What’s important is that you feel better.” He let his hand fall away and he smiled, but his expression was concerned.

It made her feel like a heel for lying, but at the same time she figured he should be the one to feel bad. He shouldn’t play with her heart like that.

Chapter 7



Jessie shut the door to her apartment hard then tossed her duffel bag onto her overstuffed couch and set the backpack with her camera and equipment on a chair. She stood in the middle of her small living room, closed her eyes, and clenched her hands.

Leaving the note on Zane’s breakfast bar and taking off for Tucson in the middle of the night had been the coward’s way out, but all she’d known was that she had to get away from him.

Why did he have to do that? Make her feel like there could ever be something between them. She brought her hands to her chest and held them over her heart.

After several deep breaths, she opened her eyes. How could she possibly fall for someone so fast? At least she was smart enough to recognize it.

She’d been cheated on and she wasn’t going to start a relationship with a man who would be cheating on his fiancée. No way was she going to be the other woman.

A couple of her friends were photographers. She’d talk one of them into finishing the job for her. The Camerons were paying very well, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.

She shoved hair out of her face, grabbed her duffel bag from off of the couch, and headed down the hallway to her bedroom. The apartment seemed cramped and lonely after having spent some time on the ranch where everything was so big and open and there was always something going on.

Once she made it into her bedroom she set the duffel on the bed, unzipped it, and searched for her bag of toiletries. Feeling almost mechanical, she took them into her bathroom, brushed her teeth, and washed her face before getting into her shorty nightgown and climbing into bed. For a long moment she stared at the blank TV that was in the armoire that stood against the wall in front of her, but she didn’t really see anything but what was going on in her head.

She couldn’t get the cowboy out of her mind.

Damn it.

Thoughts of Zane kept swirling through her… His sexy smile… The way he always looked at her with his intense blue eyes… The way he’d touched her on their picnic… Watching him work on the ranch, seeing him without a shirt and in his Wranglers and cowboy hat, laughing and talking with him.

Every thought was about to drive her nuts.

When the light was off, a pillow tucked under her head, she closed her eyes with intentions of blocking him from her thoughts and sleeping.

As hard as she tried, he just wouldn’t leave her alone.

She clenched her jaw and tossed and turned until she got comfortable. It was absolutely ridiculous to fall for someone so fast. She’d done the right thing in coming home and putting some distance between her and Zane.

Then why did she feel like it wasn’t far enough?

•  •  •



Something has come up and I’m leaving for Tucson. I will arrange for another photographer to take my place.


Thank you for your hospitality.




After rereading it a third time, Zane folded the note and tucked it in his pocket, and stared out at the near darkness. It was just before sunrise, the false dawn edging the sky. He’d been about to go out and take care of early morning chores when he found the note addressed to him on the breakfast bar.

It had felt like a punch to his solar plexus when he’d first read the note. She’d left.
Damn it, she left.

He dragged his hand over his face. He’d fallen for her, and he’d fallen hard, no two ways about it. He loved her smile, the way she laughed, her sense of humor and her intelligence. Everything about her made him want her. Need her.

No way in hell was he going to let Jessie get away from him.

His gut told him that the reason she’d left was more than something having come up. Well, she might have had to leave, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t follow her. He wasn’t the kind of man who found something good only to let it slip through his fingers.

He thought about calling her but it was too early in the morning. The best he could do for now was getting his chores done. Then he’d go after her.


The phone rang in his ear as he tried Jessie’s cell phone number for the third time since coming back inside after getting his work done.

“Answer,” he said as if that would get her to pick up the phone. “Answer, Jessie.”

If she wasn’t going to answer or come back to the ranch, he would go to her.

Danica. He would get Jessie’s address from her.

“Hi, big brother,” Danica said when she answered her phone.

“How’s New Mexico?” he asked.

“Good.” He heard a smile in her voice. “I’ll be going home next week. What’s up?”

He rubbed his temples with his thumb and forefinger. “I need to get the photographer’s address from you.”

“Jessie’s?” Danica sounded puzzled. “Isn’t she there?”

“It’s a long story.” One he didn’t want to get into right now. “Do you have it?”

“Sure,” she said. “I’ll text it to you.”

“Owe you, kid,” he said.

“I’m thirty.” She laughed. “One of these days you’re going to have to stop calling me kid.”

“That’ll be the day,” he said. “See you when you get back.”

“Bye,” she said before he disconnected the call.

He didn’t have to wait long for the text from Danica with Jessie’s address. She lived in an apartment fairly close to the University of Arizona in Tucson.

After taking care of a few things, he got into his truck, ready to make the drive. Before leaving he tried to call her, but again no answer, and he didn’t leave a message.

With his jaw set, he took off toward Tucson with every intention of bringing Jessie back with him.

•  •  •

Jessie pushed her wet hair out of her face. She’d just finished taking a shower, trying to wash away thoughts of Zane. Of course it hadn’t done a bit of good.

He had called several times, but she couldn’t get herself to answer. It was just too difficult. Maybe tomorrow she’d answer if he tried again, but not today.

A knock sounded at the front door, startling her. It was close to eight in the morning and she wasn’t expecting anyone.

When she glanced through the peephole, she saw someone in a cowboy hat, but she couldn’t see the man’s face. She frowned. Zane and his brothers were the only cowboys she knew.

She turned the deadbolt, unlocked the door, and opened it.

Zane stood at her doorstep and she caught her breath at the sight of him. He looked good, so incredibly good that it made her heart twist and butterflies to take over her belly.

His face looked serious and his eyes searched hers as if trying to figure something out.

Had something happened? “Is everything okay?” she asked.

He was frowning. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” She took a step back, her feet sinking into the deep burgundy carpeting that muffled his bootsteps.

When the door was closed behind him, he shocked her by taking her into his arms and his mouth claimed hers. Too stunned to react, she didn’t move for a moment.

Her belly flip-flopped and her whole body seemed to catch fire. His lips felt firm and warm and his taste was wonderful.

She started to draw away when he caught her face in his palms.

“It’s too soon,” he murmured as he studied her features. “But dammit, around you…I can’t control myself.”

“What about—?” she started.

He cut her off. “I ended it with Phoebe the day after you arrived. It just wasn’t right with her and I’ve known it for a while,” he said. “I was going to tell you but the picnic ended so abruptly. Then you went straight to your room because you didn’t feel well, and then you were gone, like that.”

Her jaw dropped “You called off the wedding?”

“I was in denial,” he said. “I got caught up in things and didn’t see her for what she is. It wasn’t right. It took me awhile to come to terms, but I finally figured out Phoebe was all about Phoebe. I was warned and I finally realized it.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” The fire that had been burning in her body grew more intense.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

She slid her arms around his neck and moved her mouth to hover above his. “This.”

Her lips met his and his kiss burned through her as he answered her with an intensity that rocked her world. His scent surrounded her and filled her. Her mind spun as he jerked her up against him, never breaking the kiss.

She moaned softly when he slipped his hand under her T-shirt and she gasped as he captured her breast in his hand. She arched her back, wanting more. He pushed her top up, over her breasts and she slipped her fingers into his hair as he brought his mouth to her nipple and licked it.

With a cry she clenched her fists in his hair as he sucked and then he moved his mouth to her other nipple and gave it the same exquisite attention.

He brought his mouth to hers as he grasped her and raised her so that she had her legs wrapped around his hips. He pressed her up against the wall beside the door, his hips firmly between her thighs and she felt the hard ridge of his cock. She moved her hips, wanting him inside of her like she’d never wanted a man before. His motions matched hers and she almost felt frantic with need.

When he finally drew away she was breathing heavily and he was, too. “I can’t help it with you, Jessie.” His blue eyes held hers as he touched her face with his fingertips. “It feels like I’ve known you forever. That I’ve touched you a thousand times. But kissing you and touching you isn’t enough.”

“I know.” She bit her lower lip before she said, “I feel the same way. We only met the other day but it feels like we’ve been together for years.” She released her grip on his hair and moved her hands slowly down his neck, over his shoulders, and to his chest.

He kissed her again then eased her to her feet. She felt dizzy and she had to hold back the urge to beg him not to stop. He brought her close and held her to him. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes, still feeling his touch on her body, the press of his lips against hers.

“Come back with me, Jessie,” he said softly.

He’d tossed the only reason why she couldn’t right out the window.

She said the only thing she could. “Okay.”

Chapter 8



The backyard was a haven with its tall sycamores, oaks, shrubs, and flowers. Jessie leaned against a pillar on the back porch and looked up at the stars, enjoying the evening scents and the night sounds.

In her Mustang she’d followed his truck from Tucson that morning. She had gone back to work photographing the ranch and he’d headed off to work. The entire day she wondered what would happen when he got back.

He’d taken a shower and then they’d had a dinner of roast chicken, new potatoes, asparagus, and salad. Just as they were finishing, he’d received a phone call and he’d had to leave to take care of a problem on the ranch.

The French doors leading from the kitchen opened behind her and she sensed Zane’s presence even before he put his hands on her shoulders and started massaging them. She leaned back against him, resting against his chest. It felt completely natural and comfortable.

“How are you doing?” he asked, his voice low.

“Good.” She tilted her head and looked up at him. “That feels wonderful.”

He kissed her behind her ear then took her by her shoulders and turned her around to face him. He brought his head down and his mouth hovered over hers for a long moment.

“You’re beautiful, Jessie. Inside and out.” He slipped his fingers into her hair at her nape, causing her to shiver. His breath was warm against her lips as he spoke. “I can’t believe how crazy you make me. No woman has ever made me feel this way.”

She moved her mouth to his and kissed him. He drew her close, enveloping her in his firm embrace, his arms comfortable and familiar despite the fact that she had known him such a short time. He kissed her with intensity, like he had when they’d picnicked yesterday.

Her heart rate picked up, warmth flooding through her the deeper they kissed. His hands moved beneath her T-shirt and caressed her bare breasts. His fingers moved to her nipples causing her to moan against his lips.

His breathing was heavy, matching her own as he drew away. “Come on.” He took her by her hand and led her along the patio to a French door at the opposite end. When he opened the door she saw that it let into a huge master bedroom. He locked the door behind him and still holding her hand, walked across the room and locked the other door, then turned on a single dim light.

He placed his cowboy hat on a bureau, then caught her by her shoulders and kissed her again. She didn’t just want a kiss, she wanted more of him and she reached for his belt buckle. He moved her hands aside as he grasped the bottom of her T-shirt and she raised her arms as he tugged it over her head. The air in the room felt cool on her bare skin.

She had small breasts that were so sensitive that she could barely breathe when he grasped them, lowered his head, and licked and sucked her nipples. It was the most incredible feeling.

The way he looked at her when he raised his head made something dip in her belly and warmth to flood through her body. It was too soon to have fallen in love with him… Wasn’t it? Was there really such a thing as love at first sight, first touch, first kiss?

Just being around him made her feel special. Feel wanted. Maybe even loved. If she believed in reincarnation she’d have thought that she had loved him in another lifetime and their hearts and souls knew each other.

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