Silver Bay Song (8 page)

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Authors: M J Rutter

BOOK: Silver Bay Song
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It was painted lavender and lit dimly by a few fairy lights hanging over her bed. Her French doors were open leading to a wooden balcony that overlooked the silky ocean and the breeze blew the white voile hanging in front of the window. She placed the glasses on her desk by the window and turned with a small naïve smile that caused my insides to flip around, what was she trying to do to me? 

She shut Misty out of the room and took the bag from my hand, lifting the bottle from the bag she placed the bag back on the bed and unscrewed the cap.

“White is my favourite,” she said as she poured two glasses of wine, lifted one and handed it to me. I took a long sip of the cool and bitter liquid, allowing it to warm my throat. She drank her glass dry, I wondered if she was actually nervous, I knew I was. I don’t know why, but this put me on edge a little. “Are you staying or leaving?” she asked.

“Well, seeing as my shoes are actually out on the sand, I guess I am staying, if that’s alright with you.”

“Of course.” She shrugged and placed her glass down.

She sauntered towards me, I could see her nipples piercing her t-shirt as she approached. I licked my lips anxiously and placed the glass on the top of her wooden dresser. She reached out and pulled my shirt over my head, dropping it on the floor. Rubbing her hands over my chest, then taking an erect nipple into her mouth, she licked me softly while unbuckling my belt, pulling my button fly open and pushing her hand inside of my boxers, she took a firm, yet gentle hold of me while moving her lips to my mouth where her tongue pushed its way inside causing my toes to tingle and my arousal to harden.


She knelt on the floor quickly and pulled my jeans and boxers down to my ankles, and before I could move or say a word, she took me into her mouth. My God, I almost exploded on contact, this was amazing, I mean, mind blowing, her tongue swept around me as her head moved back and forth, heat raced to my head and though it felt incredible, I had to stop her. I pulled her back up my body and lifted her shirt over her head.

Her white thong showed her firm and sexy ass and I grabbed it firmly, causing a groan to escape her lips. Thinking two could play her game, I led her to the bed and pulled her thong off over her tanned legs, tossing it over my shoulder. I began to kiss her warm body, moving down once more to where I found her, ready, moist and almost throbbing in my mouth. She groaned, again, I knew it wouldn’t take long and I wanted this to last, so after a few more sumptuous moments, I moved my lips back up her body.

She sat up and pulled the box of condoms open, handing a foil packet to me she smiled, her eyes craved me, she looked at me as an alcoholic would look at a bottle of gin. I could see she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I took the packet, tore it open and put it on.

Nestling between her legs, I gazed down at her, “Am I going to get a detention for this?” I asked playfully.

“If you don’t hurry up,” she smiled, “it will be a week long detention.”

“Sorry, Miss. Reynolds,” I smiled and slipped inside of her once more.






“Oh. My. God!” I cried out as my second orgasm that day broke in spine shattering explosions.

I mean, wow! He knew what buttons to push and boy he pushed them well. I couldn’t get enough of him, I was so reserved with Jay, I even surprised myself with Kaden. I had only given Jay a few blowjobs, even then I was drunk, so taking Kaden into my mouth, I wondered at first if I could actually do it and I would have carried on if he hadn’t have pulled me to my feet to strip me.

I didn’t want to be the shy, naïve girl that hung on Jay’s every word, the one he made fun of for being shy and in terms of foreplay, in experienced. Yes, I slept with three guys in college, but they were all the guys I slept with until I met Jay. Everything change then and I was happy to spend the rest of my life with him.

With Kaden, I wanted to seduce him, in fact, I probably wanted to from the first time I had met him. It wasn’t just because he was so handsome and had an insanely sexy body, or the fact that his eyes were the same color as the ocean on a sunny day. No, I think it was more about the fact that he challenged me, he intrigued me and now I was in my bed, cuddled up to his warm, naked body and I didn’t want to be anywhere else.


Misty woke me barking, the hazy, dawn sun glowed through the window and the breeze was cool. I glanced at my clock, it was barely four as I slowly pushed off the covers and wrapped my cotton robe around my body.

We were out on the beach before the seagulls had woken, the sea crashed against the shore and the breeze blew through my hair causing it to tickle my shoulders. When Misty had finally finished her business, I cleaned it up and headed back inside. I locked the door and hurried back up to my room.


Kaden slept with the front of his body pressed against the mattress and my white sheet covering his finely sculptured ass. He had certainly looked after himself and I couldn’t resist smoothing my hand over the contours of his back, running my fingers over his cheeks and down the backs of his legs. I wanted to touch and kiss every part of his body. I didn’t want to presume where this was going, all I wanted to know was if we could have another night like the one we had just had.

I kissed his shoulder and a smile crept across his face, he opened one eye, “Morning,” he said sleepily.

“Morning,” I replied and kissed him again.

“Were you touching my ass?”

“I can’t help it, it is so damn sexy,” I smiled and to prove my point, I lightly rubbed his firm cheeks again.

“You keep this up and I won’t let you out of bed all day,” he wriggled.

“Is that a promise?” I checked.

“It’s an iron clad promise,” he said turning onto his side. He reached out and gently stroked my arm, “Couldn’t you sleep?”

“Misty needed to go out.” I answered, “I also wanted to make sure last night wasn’t just a dream.”

“I can assure you, it was no dream, you have blown me away, Skylar.”

“Ditto,” I smiled and kissed him. Then I frowned, what did he have to tell me the day before that was so important? I got the feeling that the story about his ex-fiancé wasn’t what he really wanted to tell me. “Kaden, yesterday, you told me about your ex, but is there something else I should know?”

“No,” he frowned and swallowed.

“You can tell me anything, anything you want to, okay?”

“Okay,” he nodded. His face had hardened again, had I hit a nerve? “So,” he said sitting up, “what’s for breakfast?”

“Um…I have oatmeal…” I sighed.

“I have a waffle iron, I could go and get it.”

“Okay,” I nodded and stood from the bed, “I’ll take a shower and then I’ll whip up some batter.”

“Great,” he smiled slightly and pulled his jeans over his legs. He left the house and I heaved a sigh. I knew something else was on his mind, but it scared me to wonder what could have him so afraid that he felt he couldn’t tell me.


He returned wearing a clean light blue t-shirt and red bored shorts with white palm trees on them. We made waffles and ate them on the deck overlooking the beach. We made idle chit-chat, he told me of his home life, his mother and her many marriages, his brother, a jet setting businessman who had travelled the world and of Beth, the ex-girlfriend he had evidently left in LA in the pursuit of finding himself. He asked about my family and I loosely explained how I had lost both parents within a year of each other and then to top it all, I lost Jay too.


“Let’s go somewhere today,” he said as we washed the breakfast dishes up. “Maybe we could take Misty someplace.”

“I could take you south, there are a few coves that way. Misty can’t go though, she is naughty when it comes to the coves.” Last time I had to get a life guard to rescue her, she had climbed up the rocks.

“Okay, shall we take some food and have a picnic?”

“Sure,” I shrugged and then smiled, “maybe we should um, take bathers or something, we could go for a swim.”
Or fool around in the water.
I could feel my cheeks warm at the thought.

“Cool,” he agreed with a nod.


A few hours later we hit the road with the top down and eighties pop music blaring from the stereo. We drove in the hot, blistering sun down the coast towards Rayner and Somerton, two small towns on the coast, similar to Silver Bay. We didn’t talk much during the journey, but it was nice just being with him. Whatever he had to tell me couldn’t have been that serious, he didn’t have a wife or any children, I would have ended it immediately if he had.

He was so perfect that I couldn’t believe that someone like him would ever be interested in a small town teacher like me. Why would he? I had nothing to offer anyone and if this Beth girl lived in LA, it was very likely that she looked like a movie star. How could I ever compare to her? Maybe I was looking for a reason for it not to work, maybe he was too good to be true.

By the time we got to Rayner, I decided to stop listening to my head, he was there, he was amazing and for the time being, he was mine. It wasn’t just the sex, as incredible as it was, it was something else, I just felt safe with him, safe and confident enough to do absolutely anything I wanted. He gave my confidence a huge boost, something I certainly needed. I could be that strong and sexy woman without any reservations or inhibitions, I could be amazing too.


Rayner as always was dead, aside from the odd car or two passing through, we rode the streets alone. I headed for the beach and knowing the cove would be as deserted as the town, I couldn’t wait to be alone with him again. 

As we wondered along the sand to the cove, he took my hand. It was a sweet gesture that sent my heart soaring, I didn’t want to think about when he would leave or how that would make me feel. Losing Jay made me realize that you need to live for now, what will be, will be and fate, well, it has a mind of its own.

I was right, the cove was completely deserted and it excited me. He laid the blanket on the sand and we sat together. I lifted my dress over my head then I lay on my back to try and tan my pale body. Through my sunglasses I looked at Kaden and he smiled as he gazed over me,

“Would you like me to rub some sun lotion into your back?”

“Yes, please, that would be good.” I nodded and turned onto my stomach. He un-clipped my bikini top and pushed the straps off my back. “What are you doing?” I asked smiling.

“Do you want tan lines?” he asked smartly.

“No, but what if someone comes?”

“Skylar, the beach is empty.” He retorted.

“Yes, but no nudity is allowed,” I protested.

“You are not naked, you can do your straps back up before you sit up if you want to.” He said right before squirting a huge dollop of sun cream into the middle of my back, its coolness made me jump. “Shit, sorry,” he chuckled as he sat on the backs of my legs.

Before I could utter a word his hands began to smooth the cream over my back, his firm yet gentle strokes started a fire, the thought that I only had to lift up and my breasts would be out in the open fuelled that fire further.

His hands moved over my shoulders and under my hair, down the backs of my arms and then he worked on the lower part of my back, right to the tip of my bikini where his fingers skimmed just inside causing me to wriggle. I could feel he had an erection as he pushed against my legs and move down. His hands began to rub and squeeze my legs, as he swept them up towards my backside, his fingers slid between the cheeks briefly and it made me moan.

“If you don’t stop that, I will need to go for a swim and cool off,” I warned.

“Well, then I’ll have to do it all over again.” He said leaning towards my neck, pecking it lightly and then climbing off my legs. “I want you so bad, it’s almost painful,” he said softly, forgetting my loose top, I turned onto my side and faced him.

“It is broad daylight, we are out in the open…” I smiled.

“On a deserted beach because everyone in this town is either gone somewhere else for the day or working,” he added. “Either I have you right here on the beach, or we go into the sea, it’s your choice.” I clipped the back of my bikini together and stood. I gazed at the turquoise ocean, yes, it had been something I wanted to try, but looked back around the cove, surrounded by sand dunes and he was right, there was no one in sight.

I noticed some tall grass just behind us and I guessed it would be as good a place as any, not completely in full view, but the grass would give us some privacy should we need it. I took his hand and stood. I lifted the blanket and he bought the bag. We were actually going to have sex on the beach, in daylight, just the thought of it made me quake with trepidation but also excitement at the same time.

“If we caught…” I frowned kneeling on the blanket. He pulled down his shorts and smiled.

“It’s not going to take long,” he stated and sat beside me. I watched as he put on a condom, this was going to be messy and public and… I almost cried out when he pushed his hand inside of my bikini, “It won’t take long for you either,” he added. I led down and he pulled the bottom part of my bikini off, now I was exposed.

As he moved inside of me, I forgot where we were. It was just us now, we owned the beach and anyone could find us, the thrill of that alone excited me more and he was right, it didn’t take long once he began moving. It was hurried but passionate and as I peeked with my first public orgasm, I scraped my nails up his back causing him to push in harder, a few sweet moments later he groaned, locked his hips inside of me and smiled a satisfied grin.

“I told you, didn’t I?” he beamed breathlessly.

“Yes,” I nodded. “So um, how are we going to clean up?” I asked. He turned his head and smiled at the ocean.

“Fancy a swim?”

I nodded my head, “As long as you promise to not seduce me in the water.”

“Ha, ha, I was leaving that for tonight.” He beamed proudly and climbed from between my legs. He removed the condom and wrapped it in a paper napkin from the bag and pulled his shorts up his legs. I pulled my bikini back on and stood.


Leaving our stuff on the beach we hurried into the sea and though it literally took my breath away with the cold, I dived under the waves and began swimming. He did keep to his word, leaving me to swim and after we sat on the blanket while we ate our picnic.

“Tell me how you met Beth?” I asked taking a bite of a juicy red apple.

He stared for a moment, “I can’t,” he frowned.


“Because you might not like what I have to tell you. Just know that we met, I proposed stupidly one night after a party and then the relationship sorta dried out.” He explained frankly. I frowned and gazed at the sea. “Don’t do that,” he sighed. “You know how LA is, you must see what it’s like.”

“Is she famous?” I asked.

“Maybe,” he grumbled. So this wasn’t getting us anywhere. “She’s a normal LA girl, craving fame and fortune and as fake as her boobs.” He sipped his juice, “What about Jay, how did you meet him?”

“I rear-ended his truck,” I answered. “I’d gone out with my friends after college, when I left, I got into my car and drove right into the back of him while was stopped at the stop sign leaving the parking lot. I wasn’t concentrating and the next thing I knew, smash. He was great about it, but I was pretty shaken up. He gave me his number and asked for mine, I thought it was to exchange insurance details, but he called me the next night to make sure I was alright and then asked me out on a date.”

“So it was love at first sight,” he nodded, obviously not liking that idea.

“Maybe,” I shrugged. “It looks like it’s going to rain,” I said gazing at the heavy looking grey clouds. “I think it’s time we head home.”

“Sure,” he stood and began packing up the picnic.

He pulled his t-shirt over his head and lifted his flip-flops from the sand. I pulled my dress on over my shoulders and hooked my bag over my arm. We walked silently to the car and I wondered why he was sulking, he only gave me half an answer at that was okay, but because he didn’t like to hear me talk about Jay, he got upset. Was he a man or a teenager?          

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