Read Silver Hollow Online

Authors: Jennifer Silverwood

Tags: #General Fiction

Silver Hollow (35 page)

BOOK: Silver Hollow
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“Aye…well…he do be the worst kind for

“So how did so many different peoples end up here?”

For a long moment Alastair pondered. “Dashed if I know all the nips and tucks of it, but

tis for certain the Wenderdownes are right there in the mix of the dough.” When her stomach loudly grumbled, Cook nodded to the back of the be
nch behind them. “Dredge up the
over yonder way
. Thought that fool of a feather would forget to feed you.”

“You’re a lifesaver!” Amie devoured the basket’s contents and while not nearly as good as Alastair’s cooking
the tavern food was admittedly homey. She had nearly finished her second mutton slice when Cook threw in a curve ball she never saw coming.

“Been thinking hard on it these past days
Jessamiene, and I’ve decided to tell you at last. Though if he heard whisper of what I’m about to tell you no doubt he’d burn the skin off me back
” Pausing for a moment to shiver, he
grasped the reins tighter. “

Tis good
you spend your secret time with Dearg…”

Amie choked and then coughed on her half
chewed meat. Holding her throat
she turned her orbs to the giant’s eye.
Amie did not quite meet his chin, even
when they were
sitting together. Before she could begin to think of what she could confess he beat her to it. With the same shrewd glance he had shown during their mornings cooking with and simultaneously keeping secrets from
, he now eyed her.

“I’ve known the Cutterworthy folk ever since I was a lad meself. Of course I noticed the way he been looking at you. Never seen Eddie so shaken up since you came. Ever since he got back from
trip, well
died, he just ain’t been the same as before.” He
thinking in that annoying lateral way men were infamous for. Apparently the male trait carried over species.

“Cook…I haven’t told Uncle Henry and Emrys…”

Lifting a firm h
he interrupted and said,
“I’m no sneak, milady. Not breathed a word of it to anyone! And with good reason too

she watched shadows dance between pockets of sunlight peeking through the treetops. She wondered how Cook had discovered something no one else stopped to guess.

e careful
Jessamiene.” His words rushed out with
his held breath. “I hated the M
erlin long before you ever came in here with your pretty face. But the way he watches over you skins me skiver.” His knuckle
turned white in their increased grip. Amie studied them, wondering how many fights he must have lost and won, to get knuckles like those.

“I don’t trust him either

he admitted with a twinge of something like betrayal looming over her conscience. Finding a firmer tone she insisted
“I know how manipulative he can be.”

But it didn’t stop you from falling into his arms, did it?

Cook looked relieved and even more concerned than before if this were possible. “What’s he done to you, milady? Master has some strange pact with the devil but say the word and I’ll make him disappear!”

Because of his vehemence she smiled and linked her arm through his without another word.

“I’ll let you know.”

Chapter 31

Faerie Mischief



mie helped
Cook unload his cart, despite his growls and protests
. By the time they were finished t
he sun was heading towards its bed rest, though its receding colors had yet to make a grand entrance. Feeling far less inclined to join the others in the Dining Hall, Amie made one last trip to her room before sneaking into the gardens.

he moment Amie stepped through the kitchen into the main hall she grasped for the first time what this ball was intended to do. Servants rushed around like bees in a hive, each darting to finish last minute preparations. At the crux of them all stood Rachel Elisedd Underhill, finger pointing in various directions, eyes blazing.
er usual flustered state
replaced by a hobgoblin worth the responsibility Uncle placed on her shoulders.

What made her stop in the mix of it all
was the transformation of her house.
traces of dust and cobwebs, torn tapestries and scorch marks
had been removed
. The house gleamed polished and fresh as a new penny, filled with colors and life and the scent of flowers being gathered for decoration. Amie could feel the energy of the plants even from here. They curled and twisted toward her, and Amie smirked, knowing the surprise she could give them all in the morning.

“Milady! What in horned honeysuckles are you doing down here
It’s nearly supper time and you must change! Quickly!”
skipped to meet her in time. Amie bit back a laugh, because she had no intention of coming to dinner.

“Is Uncle back yet?” Amie scanned the hall, hoping Emrys wasn’t hiding in the shadows watching her. The last thing she wanted to do right now was see him.
She was already unsettled from seeing Faye’s look-alike in town, not to mention the strange man Amie apparently knew but couldn’t remember.

was lightly pushing her towards the grand staircase. “Please
milady! None of us can finish our work with you nosing about!”

Laughing, Amie held up her hands and said, “Going! I’m going!” But she eyed the hall one last time and made a mental not
to work a little magic after midnight.

Picking up her skirts and checking for hidden eyes, Amie grinned and ran the rest of the way. The heels did not bother her like they once had and thanks to supernatural grace she didn’t trip once. Her room smelled like cinnamon and spices with a faint whiff of the roses that sprouted all around her bed each night. She eyed the thornless beauties with a grimace on her way to the wardrobe.

Ever since Emrys awakened her magic Amie had been making things grow. It was part of the family gift
nd she had learned to control most of it. Her dreaming conscience had other plans
, however
because every morning she woke up the flowers and their vines covered her bed posts, hung a thick curtain over the edge and draped all over the floor. So every morning she had to coax the Little Shop of Horrors back into submission and hope she didn’t wake up strangled the next time.

Amie knew the dress she picked would annoy Underhill. It was too simple, probably a nightdress with its fluid skirts and faerie spiders

silk marked in patterns over the blue material. For good measure she tugged on her house slippers and shook her hair from its pins.


Over the ages, mankind ha
sought to determine the truth behind
mysterious phenomenon called providence.
had no certain opinion on the matter, even after her drawn
out stint with college classes. But in this instant, Amie might have been convinced enough to become a believer. Because no sooner had she turned the corner from her lonesome hall near the West Wing and passed the Hall of Portraits than it happened.

Morcant collided into her with the force some might compare to a battering ram, surprising for her size. Unfortunately for Amie, the one person she was looking to avoid had been very much looking for her. And somehow in the following seconds, it was Amie who ended up on her back and the little witch appeared, smiling over her with an outstretched hand.

“Why, Jessamiene! What in
toadstools are you doing on the floor?” Her laughter set the younger woman’s nerves on edge instantly.

Amie felt like she had been set up to dislike this woman, with everything she had heard about her. The icing on the
cake was
Morcant was happy living up to other people’s expectations. “Oh, you know,” she said, “just can’t keep my feet on the ground. No thanks, I can
help myself up.” Dusting off her skirts before remembering to hold onto Underhill’s “Lady” façade, she paused and glanced up to see if Morcant noticed.

Her dark stained lips were curved into a per
ntly evil smile, dark eyes sparkling in the candlelight. “I see…well
perhaps a valuable and treasured Lady as yourself should better look what path she is headed towards.”

Amie narrowed her eyes and lifted her chin, standing at her full height. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Morcant shrugged, twirling the many rings around her thin fingers. “Simply learn to discern whom your true friends and real enemies are, my dear Jessamiene.”

Amie’s eyes widened, her temper spiking to dangerous proportions, so she had to fight to keep her
reined in. “Don’t think I don’t know what kind of a hold you have over my uncle,
. I may be an American, but I’m not stupid, and I know what you’ve got planned for us.”

Morcant’s sharp eyebrows rose, her eyes lighting with a sick pleasure in their dissension. “Oh, indeed? Well
holy wicklewashers
, perhaps I have misjudged you

Her full smile was what ruined Amie’s good mood. She knew if she didn’t get out of there,
, then she was about to do something they’d all regret. Clenching her fists, she took another step until she was in the little witch’s space. “Stay away from Uncle Henry. I swear if I ever find out you’ve hurt him, I’ll tear you to pieces myself.”

“How marvelous!” Morcant exclaimed, pressing her hands together and clapping childishly. Turning back the way she came, then eyeing the ring on Amie’s finger
she added, “
ye, how positively
I believe thee shall do.
” And then with liquid grace, she stepped around Amie and entered the little stair before the Hall of Portraits with a swish of her black skirts.

On the island mound where Underhill first showed Amie how to plant her bulbs she at last found peace of mind.
Her confrontation with Lady Hogswillow had her blood boiling. Without her even being aware, she answered the itch to return to the earth, where things made sense.
It wasn’t a surprise, then, for her to find Uncle Henry already l
down and waiting for her. Morcant was reportedly taking a long luxurious bath and he was grateful for the break
, he said
. Autumnal winds blew over them
though evidence beyond the temperature had yet to touch
the Hollow. Henry had already gone on and on about the leaves changing, how it was the most beautiful sight in the four lands.

Wherever they are

She had never seen Henry loosen up like he did after a hefty dose of gooseberry juice.

“Ah!” He leaned back into the empty bed, surrounded by indigo wildflowers. “Have you ever seen a more bamboozling sight than the stars, Jessamiene?”

She lay beside him, unable to shake how this reminded her of nights like these with Drustan. “I can think of a few…” She smiled
thinking of the faeries descending over Periwinkle

s garden
and touched the fresh supplies hidden in her pouch.

After he goes in I can’t forget to visit Puck.

She’d named her f
aerie friend, taken to whispering to it much like she did to Feather. Alien as Puck seemed
he also seemed to understand her. At least she
it was a “he”. Emrys hated that he couldn’t domineer her now Henry had returned, which meant if she wanted to visit the gardens after hours she could.

“When all of this is over
remind me to take you to my absolute second favorite place in the four lands!” he said, twirling his hand to the stars for emphasis.

“Got a space shuttle lying around somewhere?”
he teased, nudged his arm with her elbow. The confusion on Henry’s face was so comical Amie burst into laughter.

BOOK: Silver Hollow
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