Silver Miracles (20 page)

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Authors: Fayrene Preston

BOOK: Silver Miracles
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"Where are you staying on Martinique?" he questioned softly.

"I’m booked in at a restored French plantation up the coast from Fort-de-France."

"Stay with me at the DeWitt House."

"I-I can’t."

A tiny twinge of guilt hit Morgan when she thought of why she couldn’t stay at the new luxury hotel he had named. David had wanted her to stay there, too, telling her that he would take care of all the arrangements. But she hadn’t wanted to because his family owned that particular chain of hotels. Granted, it was only a short branch on the corporation "tree" that was owned and controlled by David’s family, but she felt he still would have taken it as encouragement if she had accepted.


"I’d rather not. I want to stay in something more reminiscent of the history of the island rather than a modern hotel that I could see the duplicate of in St. Paul. Why don’t you stay at the place where I’m staying?"

"I have some business meetings scheduled in the next few days at the DeWitt. As soon as I’m finished, though, I’ll join you."

Morgan contemplated Jason from beneath her lashes. From the way the stewardess had reacted to him and the manner in which he commanded and dressed, it appeared he could probably have all the women he wanted. Yet here she was joining what was no doubt a very large group, making it easy for him.


Why not? Morgan answered herself defiantly.

She couldn’t help but believe, in some instinctive way, that this type of behavior was as unusual for Jason as it was for her. The last few years she had imposed a rigid code of discipline and work on herself, very rarely giving in to the capricious side of her nature. She had had something she wanted to prove, mainly to herself, and she had. Now she was tired and needed a rest and she could afford to relax.

Tonight was the first night of her vacation—a vacation that would be unburdened by the heavy responsibility of the store and the multiplicity of irrelevancies that she seemed to be so expert in getting bogged down with every day. And if it was with a man with whom she had felt an instant rapport, so much the better.

Their lips joined again in a kiss that lengthened and deepened. The stars rushed by and time passed unnoticed, as they flew out of the darkness toward the sun.


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