Simon and the Christmas Spirit (10 page)

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Authors: Summer Devon

Tags: #gay historical, #holiday romance, #christmas romance, #opposites attract, #gay heroes, #lgbt romance, #victorian romance, #1800s romance, #class barrier romance

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Summer Devon

Summer Devon is the alter
ego of Kate Rothwell. Kate invented Summer’s name in the middle of
a nasty blizzard At the time she was talking to her sister, who
longed to visit some friends in Devon, England—so the name Summer
Devon is all about desire. Kate/Summer lives in Connecticut, USA,
and also writes books, usually gaslight historicals, as Kate. For
more information about Summer and Kate go to
Summer can also be found at


Read on for an excerpt from our newest
collaboration, The Merchant and the Clergyman.

A village clergyman

Curate James Fletcher is content shepherding
his parishioners through the good and bad times of their lives. If
he sometimes dreams of making a deeper connection with a man who
truly knows everything about him, it is an impulse he

devoted businessman

Declan Shaw solves problems at his family’s
many business enterprises. Recently, he’s considered ceasing his
travels to pursue a few desires of his own. He’d love to explore
his secret love of cooking and perhaps have a relationship with a
man that lasts longer than a night.

The event that brings them

In town for his cousin’s wedding, Declan meets
James just as he’s bested the annoying groom. Intrigued by the
mild-mannered cleric’s surprising spirit, Declan asks James to help
him discover if his aging aunt is being mistreated by her

their paths repeatedly cross, the men reach an intersection of
attraction they can’t ignore.
Will they dare
purse forbidden passion and continue to journey together into the
future, or will their differences tear them



James hadn’t heard the door open. He’d
been too focused on escaping Kip’s power over him. It had been so
long, and he was dismayed to learn he still desired one of the
least amiable men he knew.

A deep voice startled him. “Good God,
what happened here?”

Perhaps Mr. Darnley is
having a fit,” James said, too disgusted with Kip and himself to
care what this stranger thought.

The large man wore dusty clothes, a
driver’s coat, and worn boots. After giving James a scowling frown,
he dropped to a crouch by Kip’s side. “What’s going on?”

He hit me,” Kip

The man looked at James. “Aren’t you
some sort of priest?” His deeply tanned face made his eyes—as blue
as Kip’s—brilliant. They regarded James with interest.

I’m James Fletcher, the
curate. And I didn’t hit Kip, I, ah, struck him with my

The man suddenly showed a gorgeous
smile. So familiar—Kip’s smile. “That’s some muscular Christianity
you have there, Mr. Fletcher.”

James didn’t smile back and turned his
attention to his victim. “Are you able to stand, Mr. Darnley? I’m
certain your fiancée is wondering where you are. You said you’d
join her.”

The big man, who could only be some
sort of relative, clapped a hand on Kip’s shoulder, then rose to
his feet. He crossed his arms and studied James. “Why on earth did
you knee Darnley in the balls?”

He can tell you if he

Kip had more color in his face but
still took deep breaths between words. “Fletcher is a sodomite, and
when he tried to pressure me to do horrible things, we got into a

Hmm.” The man didn’t seem
particularly shocked, which should have relieved James, but he
still felt the haze of disinterest. None of this felt

What would he do now that he’d ruined
his future here? Perhaps go to London. He’d have to talk to his
bishop, of course, give an accounting of why he’d struck the son of
the richest man for miles around, and now there was this tiresome
added accusation of sodomy. Would it get back to his parents? Could
he explain it away without lying right to their faces? He couldn’t
bear that. Avoidance of the subject was one thing, but outright
lying wasn’t in his nature.

Kip could sit up now, though he still
hunched over his lap. He seemed to be fighting tears. “Curse you,
James Fletcher. I’m going to talk to Hollister. I’m going to summon
the constable.”

The stranger bent and offered a hand
to Kip, who refused his help with a shake of his head. “It’s your
own business, Kip. But with your wedding so soon, you’d probably be
better off not raising a stink about the crooked curate. Stick to
looking after Emma.”

Emily,” James

From the floor, Kip protested. “Christ
almighty, Declan! The sodomite attacked me.”

The stranger absently tapped his chin
with two fingers, drumming a face so similar to one James had once
longed to kiss but never had. He looked at James and then back at
Kip, who had gotten to his feet but still wobbled. “That’s a strong
accusation and a serious one. But I believe people will wonder—he’s
about four inches and three stone smaller than you. Do you really
want to stir up a scandal that might bring your own proclivities
into question?”

Kip straightened and growled. “Never
mind, then. Goddamn you, Jimmy.”

Perhaps He will,” James
agreed. “Go find your fiancée.”

Kip rubbed his face and apparently
decided to ignore James’s existence. Still pale, he cleared his
throat. “It’s about time you got here, cousin. I’ve told Miss
Parker all about you, and she’s longing to meet you. Of course, the
mater and pater will be delighted you’re here.” Kip was starting to
regain his usual aplomb, that easy, pleasant manner with a touch of
amused dominance. Soon his sharp wit would reappear. Once upon a
time, James had regarded him as the epitome of sophisticated charm,
even when he’d been sliced by Kip’s rapier tongue in front of the
other youths.

Declan shifted from foot to foot.
“Yes, I’ll be along soon.” He sounded impatient.

How have you arrived? By
train? You may ride back to the house in my carriage, if you like.
We’ll send someone to fetch your luggage.”

A slight frown suggested the visiting
cousin was in no hurry to reach his destination. “I’ve been sitting
all day and would appreciate the chance to stretch my legs on a
long walk. No need to give me a ride. Go to your Emily, and I’ll
follow after,” he ordered.

Kip shot a worried look at Declan and
a threatening one at James. Perhaps he feared leaving them alone
lest James reveal Kip’s part in what had transpired. “Don’t waste
your time on Fletcher,” he said and stalked off, limping a

Declan put his fists on his hips and
turned toward James. “All right, man of the cloth, what was that

James’s pulse raced, and the
high-pitched ringing in his ears suggested he was on the verge of
fainting. The magnitude of what had transpired and the accusations
this stranger had heard suddenly hit him. The thing he’d feared his
entire life appeared to finally be coming true—his secret had been
exposed. James gripped the back of his office chair to steady
himself and forced his voice not to quaver. “It’s best that you
talk to him yourself.”

Declan sighed and moved to a table
where a dusty decanter of wine sat. A parishioner had given the
bottle to James, and he kept it for visitors and as a temptation
for himself. Drink had been a part of his problem at university.
The stranger poured himself a glass without asking for
permission—most definitely one of Kip’s relations.

I was outside this house
and heard some of what Kip was shouting. Luckily, no one else was
around to hear.” He observed James shrewdly over the rim of his
glass. “You needn’t fear my spreading tales. Whatever you may have
gotten up to with my boor of a cousin is your concern.”

James blinked, too shocked to form
words. This tall, rugged stranger who’d strode into the room with
the confident manner of a man who knew his place in the
world—master of it—seemed the sort most likely to be utterly
repelled by even the suggestion of a dalliance between men. Yet
Declan dismissed the possibility with a mere shrug, as if it were
of little consequence.

Whatever happened, no
doubt my cousin deserved a sharp kick in the balls,” the man
drawled before taking a long swallow of wine.


Other Titles by Sumer Devon &
Bonnie Dee

Seducing Stephen

The Gentleman and the Rogue

The Nobleman and the Spy

Sin and the Preacher’s Son

The Psychic and the Sleuth

The Gentleman’s Keeper

The Gentleman’s Madness

Mending Him

The Bohemian and the Banker
The Merchant and the Clergyman


Titles by Bonnie Dee
The Tutor

The Au Pair Affair

Jungle Heat

Peter and Wendell

Undeniable Magnetism

Star Flyer

Cage Match


Titles by Summer Devon
Sibling Rivals

Goodbye Phillip

Tail of the Dog

Taming the Bander

Revealing the Beast

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