Sin Incarnate (5 page)

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Authors: T. C. Archer

BOOK: Sin Incarnate
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The abrupt question caught her off guard and she blurted, “My mother’s womb—like all other women.”

His brows rose and he laughed. “That’s what I mean, I’ve never heard anyone around here speak like that.”

“I’m from the east,” she said. “As I said earlier.”

“Yeah, I remember you saying that. But I spent some time back east and don’t recall that type of speech there, either.” His expression sobered. “What makes a woman like you pay for a one night stand? You must have men crawling all over you.”

Irritation flared. “Perhaps men crawling all over me isn’t appealing.” He laughed. “I hope not completely unappealing. That’s exactly what Ryan and I just spent the last hour doing to you.”

She couldn’t help a smile. “You crawl quite nicely.”

He shifted and she stiffened when he traced her cheek with a forefinger. “You’re very beautiful.”

Gooseflesh raced down her arms. He leaned toward her. Ah, yes, here it was. He spoke pretty words, but wanted nothing more than to fuck her again and again and again. Was there no love in the mortal world? His lips met hers, and she was confused by the sense that the kiss was as intimate as when he had touched her sex with his mouth. He breathed in as if to draw her scent to his very soul.

He drew back and gave her a wry smile. “I’d better order that food before I get carried away. I wouldn’t want you to think we don’t know how to treat a lady.”

He rose and headed for the door. Lorna dropped her gaze to his tight buttocks. Her pussy tightened. She startled. She wanted him—again.

* * * * *

Jace clicked the door shut as he stepped into the living room. “Let’s order up some food.”

Ryan was tucking his shirt into his jeans. “I’m going to head down to the bar.”

“We can get room service.” Jace crossed to the phone sitting on the desk.

“You’re missing my point. You and Lorna need some time alone.”

Jace paused in picking up the receiver. “Time alone?”

“It’s been great,” Ryan said, “but this threesome just became a crowd.” He grinned. “It’s a blow to my ego, but I’m pretty sure she favors you.”

“Like hell she does.”

“It wasn’t my name she screamed while we were fucking her.”

Jace’s heart jumped to a gallop. He’d heard her cry out, but hadn’t let himself realize she’d called his name. “It was the luck of the draw,” he insisted.

“My dick just happened to be inside her at the moment.”
And it doesn’t mean a damn thing
, he told himself.
Not one damn thing

“Take the compliment,” Ryan said. “She’s some woman. A one-nighter doesn’t mean one round…and you did put her in your bed.”

Jace felt as if he’d been slugged in the belly. “I didn’t even think.”

“You didn’t have to. Relax. I helped you break the ice. But it’s time you flew solo.”


“It doesn’t take a genius to see you can do it again.”

Jace didn’t have to look down at his erection to know what Ryan meant.

Dammit, he shouldn’t have kissed her. “You’re just as ready as I am,” he growled. “This was supposed to be no strings attached.”

His friend laughed. “You’re not thinking a woman like that would settle for a cowpoke like you?” Jace realized that was exactly what it sounded like he was saying, but before he could reply, Ryan added, “Or is it your reaction to her you’re worried about?”

Ryan slid a hand into his jean pocket and pulled out a condom. He tossed it. Jace snatched it out of the air and stood silent as Ryan turned and headed down the hall. A few seconds later, the door clicked shut and Jace wondered if he could move. What was he supposed to do now?

He’d promised her food.




Chapter Nine

Half an hour later, a knock sounded on the door. Jace strode down the hall to the door and opened it. A waiter stood outside with a pushcart.

“Room service, sir.”

Jace stepped aside. “Come on in.”

The waiter pushed the cart down the hall and into the living room.

“Champagne.” He pointed to the bottle chilling in a silver ice bucket.

“Shrimp cocktail.” He lifted a small silver lid to reveal a bowl of a dozen shrimp on the rim of a crystal bowl filled with red cocktail sauce. “Strawberries.”

The waiter lifted another lid. “Chocolate.”

Jace froze when the waiter lifted yet another lid. What had he been thinking ordering strawberries and chocolate sauce? Lorna was going to think he was a pervert. Hell, he was. He pictured the chocolate sauce dribbled across her breasts, then trailed down to her pussy where he would—

“Melon,” the waiter said.

“I’m sure it’s all here,” Jace interrupted. How much food had he ordered?

He fumbled a twenty from his pocket and tipped the man.

The waiter gave a slight bow. “Anything else, sir?”

A brain, he replied mentally, but said, “No, thanks.”

“Very good, sir.” The waiter nodded and left.

Jace surveyed the tray. Hell, maybe he’d get lucky and she’d sleep through the night. Would he be able to bunk on the couch knowing she was right there in the bedroom? Was she sleeping already? He and Ryan and given her a helluva workout. Should he wait until she got up? He turned toward the bedroom, then stopped short. Lorna stood in the doorway as naked as she’d been when he put her in his bed. No robe, no sheet…no inhibitions. His cock jerked.

He forced back the lust that sent blood pounding through his veins, and asked, “Hungry?”

Her gaze shifted to the tray. Her brows furrowed in obvious curiosity and she crossed to the food. She trailed a finger down the cold bottle of champagne then, one by one lifted each lid. When she’d lifted the last lid, she looked at him.

“You and Ryan must be hearty eaters.”

“Well-actually, Ryan left. That’s for you and me.”


“Yeah, he uh, well…” How could he explain that Ryan wanted to give Jace a chance to fuck her all by himself?

“I did not please him?”

She seemed genuinely surprised.

“Hell, no—I mean, sure, you pleased him. He’d have to be dead not to have been pleased. He just figured that maybe you and I could get to know each other a little better.” Upon rational thought, they wouldn’t have asked her to accommodate them both at the same time again, anyway.

She nodded. “Then it will be just you and I.”

He smiled, glad he’d put on his jeans in readiness for the food delivery. If she saw the way his dick was swelling, she’d never believe that he genuinely wanted to see her fed and comfortable.

“Would you like a robe?”

Her mouth twitched in amusement. “My body doesn’t please you?”

“Honey, I couldn’t be any more pleased.”

A blush crept up her cheeks as it had in the bedroom. Something stirred deep inside him. She ducked her head and lifted the lid on the shrimp.

“I’d like to try these, please.”

* * * * *

Jace laughed. They lay stretched out in front of the fire, plates of food between them, and Lorna had squealed when she dropped cocktail sauce on her arm.

She paused in licking it off and looked at him. “I made a mess.”

He laughed harder. When he spread the food out on the rug in front of the fire, she’d eaten the shrimp in dainty bites. He figured her for one of those women who pretended they subsided on practically nothing. But with each dish her gusto increased. She’d tasted everything, and they’d finished off half the food.

“I adore champagne,” she said. “It’s been far too long since I’ve had it.” “Have all you like,” he said. “We can order more.”

“You wouldn’t be trying to get me drunk, would you, sir?” She smiled, eyes bright.

“No ma’am,” he replied. “I would never do such a thing.”

She laughed full and throaty, then finished off her champagne and set the glass on the carpet between them. “You haven’t touched the strawberries.” She looked up at him. “You don’t like them?”

“I like them just fine,” he said. “They’re best with chocolate sauce.” His heart jumped into high gear as he lifted the lid on the chocolate.

Her eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas. “Strawberries and chocolate.”

She picked up a strawberry and dipped it in the thick sauce. When she slipped the chocolate covered tip in her mouth, Jace thought he would come in his jeans. Her lips closed around the fruit, leaving chocolate on her lips. Her tongue flicked out, lapping at the chocolate.

He swallowed, but managed in an even voice, “Here, let me help.”

He leaned across the food and brushed his lips against hers. She closed her eyes as though savoring him as she had the chocolate. There was something about her, the way she focused her attention on him as if he was the only man in the world. One night, he reminded himself, and realized what it was he’d glimpsed in her eyes when they met. This woman wasn’t made for a one night stand.

He pulled back and she opened her eyes. Her smile nearly stopped his heart.

“I like chocolate, too,” she said.

“I see,” he replied. “So, what do you do?”

“Do?” She bit the rest of the strawberry from the stem.

“Work, what do you do for a living?”

“What do you do?” Lorna reached for another strawberry.

Was she avoiding his eyes? Had she gotten as little information about him and Ryan as they had her by whoever had set up this date for her?

“I work on a ranch here in Montana.”

It wasn’t a total lie, but he felt guilty nonetheless. According to Abby, the men and women in the
Hit It and Quit It Club
underwent scrutiny that would make the FBI jealous. He didn’t have anything to worry about. So why was he suddenly on alert?

Lorna looked up at him. “Work on a ranch?”

He detected no guile. “Yeah, herding cattle, stuff like that.”

She gave him another brilliant smile. “You are a cowboy?”

Damn, she acted like she didn’t care that he might be some hired hand.

“That’s right, I’m a cowboy.”

“I’ve never known a cowboy.”

“This is your first time in Montana?”

She nodded.

“How do you like it?”

A shadow flickered across her features, but was gone before he could be sure what it was. She glanced out the window. The snow had stopped and soft moonlight spread an ethereal glow around the snow-covered evergreens.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

Desire uncoiled inside him. “You’re beautiful.”

She glanced at the chocolate and then looked at the empty plate of strawberries. He had to laugh.

“You want more?” he asked. “I’ll call room service.”

A mischievous look entered her eyes. “No need.”

She moved the three empty platters from between them, pushed onto her knees, and picked up the small bowl of chocolate. Lorna dipped a finger in the dark sauce, then pushed it past her lips. His heart pounded as her finger disappeared inside her mouth. Her cheeks hallowed in a sucking motion and his cock jumped—hard. She withdrew the finger and he realized he’d been holding his breath.

Jace remained motionless as she unbuttoned his jeans. When she tugged them downward, he lifted his hips. She pulled them free of his legs, then tossed them aside. Eyes locked with his, she picked up the chocolate. He tensed in readiness for another exhibition with her finger. Instead, she grasped the waistband of his boxer briefs, pulled them down and dribbled chocolate along his stiff rod.

“I like chocolate,” she said.

She lowered her head. When her mouth closed around his chocolate covered dick, Jace’s last coherent thought was
to wonder how he got so lucky.




Chapter Ten

Lorna did love chocolate, though she had never indulged in this manner—with chocolate, or with a man. The dark, sweet liquid mingled with Jace’s musky scent to create a heady sensation that she could lose herself in. She took him deep in her mouth. He moaned. She withdrew, sucking hard, and swallowed with a big slurp.

Chocolate still remained on his engorged shaft and she ran her tongue from tip to root, then back up again. She lapped at the tip. No man had ever tasted so good. Lorna swirled her tongue around the head, then swiped at the slit before sucking him into her mouth again, sucking and licking. Each stroke made him pulse in her hand and mouth.

He squirmed, thrust past her lips, and trembled. “Sweetheart, you’re going to drive me out of my mind.”

Desire vanished with a wrenching twist. She’d heard that same phrase enough times to know what it meant. Jace was consumed by lust. Her chest tightened with the realization that she had let her guard down. He had charmed her.

She choked back tears, never faltering from the in and out rhythm that was pulling him higher. He thrust into her mouth. His rod lengthened. She had thought to escape Aeden. Instead, fate had brought her back where she belonged. She was to be the Queen of
. Jace abruptly grasped her head and pushed her upright. She blinked, but before she could comprehend his meaning, he shoved his undergarments from his body and gently urged her onto her back.

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