Sing for Your Supper (4 page)

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Authors: Jaime Samms

BOOK: Sing for Your Supper
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“Okay?” he asked, sliding his hand, soft and tender, over my ass.

I nodded.

He climbed up behind me. There was a pause as he sheathed himself in protective latex, then the pressure of his cock made me tense. He kept up the movement of his soothing hand. Though bigger and more demanding than his fingers, his cock only burned for a moment, then the slide and friction of it, the image of him pumping my ass, was enough to make me answer his thrusts with a few of my own.

This wasn’t anything like the clumsy coupling I remembered from high school, or the reamings I’d received from some of my father’s hands, back when I’d thought I was some sort of tough tease, and refused to show how much I hated it. It had always been my idea, after all. They were just taking what was there for the taking. All it had proved was I could keep my mouth shut under pressure, and that bottoming was not for me. Until this very moment, I’d never have chosen the position. Matt had experience and a conscience none of my other partners had displayed, though.

“How’s that?” he asked, voice tight with strain.


He slid slowly in again and I moaned, unwilling to describe the way the feeling of fullness and completion when he was all the way in made my head reel, unable to describe the rushing glitter of light and sensation that coursed through me every time he rode over my prostate.

His hands roved over my back and ass and he leant down to lay his body along mine. “More?” I could feel him twitching, the spasmodic tightening of his fingers and the way his hips moved more and more jerkily as he tried to control himself.

I nodded.

His hands stilled on my hips and his cock slid out. I braced myself for the rough pounding, but as he picked up speed and his hands held me steady, his pistoning hips moved firm and fast, but not with the teeth-jarring agony I expected. After a minute or two, the friction and the angle had me quivering in anticipation with every thrust, and my cock aching for release.

“God. Fuck, Matt.”

He only groaned in response, and I bowed my head against my forearms lying across the pillow. I reached back to take my own cock in my hand and pull my orgasm free, but he let go of me long enough to slap it away.


“Wait.” The word ground out through his panting, rough, and I dropped my hand to the mattress, limp under the command.


My own body was twitching, now. I couldn’t move to meet his thrusts—he held on too tightly to allow that freedom, and he’d refused to let me touch myself. When I tried again, he slapped my hand away, then whacked my ass hard, making me yelp and shrink away from him. He just dragged my hips back up hard against his pelvis and held me there.


This time, I couldn’t stop the sob, but I nodded. My balls drew up tight, my cock ached and I thought my entire body was going to explode with the fire ripping through me as he started to move again. He’d pushed my hips down slightly lower so each thrust grated over my prostate. It took three thrusts like that, dragging swears over my throat, raw from hard breathing and a garbled string of incoherency as release rocketed through me. I exploded. My back curled up, my entire body seized as cum spurted all over his bed, hitting my chest and chin. My cries ricocheted around in my head as the orgasm lashed back and pulled all my coiled muscles out, leaving me hopelessly limp. My legs shook and I began to topple.

Matt caught me, an arm around my middle, and eased me onto my side, away from the wet patch, never disengaging his own cock from my ass. Once settled, he pushed my upper leg against my side, held it there, and continued pumping, now straddling my lower leg.

I wasn’t exactly present for a few moments, while he settled into a new rhythm, though I did manage a few fumbling caresses of his face as he worked his way towards his own release. When it came, it was like nothing I’d ever seen before. His face went slightly lax, his eyes closed, and his bottom lip disappeared behind his teeth—fascinating and gorgeous, and I realised in all the times someone spewed spunk down my throat, I’d never looked at their face in that moment. I wondered if they all looked that amazing, or if it was just him.

“Fuck, Taylor…” He collapsed in slow motion until he was lying behind me. He carefully removed himself and his condom and tied it off, tossing it on the floor beside the bed. For a long while, we both lay still, remembering how to breathe. His hand, as it ran up and down my chest, shook slightly.

“I have to go open up soon,” he said after a while, pulling me close against his chest. “You can take your time. Shower. Come down for breakfast?”

“Three whole meals.” I twisted to look at him. “That good, huh?”

He ran one knuckle along my chin and contemplated my lips for some time before he answered. “I think you’ve gotten into this habit of selling yourself short. Did it occur to you I want to help because you need help, and that I wanted to sleep with you because I think you’re attractive and desirable?”

“Uh.” I frowned. In fact, it hadn’t.

“You came into town figuring someone, somewhere wanted a blow job bad enough to offer you a snack for your efforts.” He leaned in and kissed me, a long, slow dreamy kind of kiss that left me more flustered than his little speech.

“People are only going to think you’re cheap and easy if
think you are.”

“What would you know about it?” I squirmed, attempting to sit up, but he tightened his arm across my chest. “You don’t know me.”

“You’re Taylor Anderson. Youngest son of the most hard-assed, dip-shit rancher in the province, who just happens to have a lot of money and influence. He doesn’t have to have influence over you, though. You can be the scandal of the family, or you can be your own man. I’m not preaching because I think I know how you should live your life. I’m telling you there are ways out that don’t include giving up what’s important. I know.”

“How?” my voice shook more than I wanted it to. I wondered if he’d known who I was the minute I opened the door to his diner, or if he figured it out after.

“My daddy’s a preacher. A deacon in the Catholic Church. He was fine with me being gay. It was going to be his Cross. His Gay Son, punishment on him for the sins of all and sundry.” He let out a bitter little laugh. “I was more than welcome to stay in the fold and hold myself up as an example of how to virtuously fight the good fight against corruption and the devil. He never told me I had to be straight. Just that I couldn’t sleep with men. Or kiss them, or hold them,” he tightened his arm again, and I wrapped my fingers around his hand against my chest, “or love them. Like any good little Catholic boy who likes dick, I sucked and fucked my way through the entire school yard, high school, and culinary school.”

“And moved to this tiny backwater where you can’t even get a decent date.”

He chuckled. “I do all right.” I felt his lips against the back of my head, and a little puff of a sigh. “You’d be surprised what you can find in the little things, Taylor. Now.” He freed his hand from mine and slapped my ass through the sheet.

I’ve got to get to work. Danny does fuck all without his boss ridin’ his ass every minute. Old geezer.”

I giggled, maybe a little bit hysterically, as I watched him swagger across the floor to the bathroom. He showered, returned fully dressed, and kissed me before disappearing out the door. I listened to his footsteps storming down the stairs and heard him yell after Danny in a voice that brought on another smile. He knew what he was doing, all right. Master of his domain. For a few minutes, I lay there, wondering what it might be like to be a part of that domain.

Nice. For a while. You can’t be a kept man, and you know it. You’d be bored. Plus, he didn’t invite you to stay. Just to breakfast.

I had a feeling he didn’t want to keep me any more than I wanted to be kept. One thing I had learned from my father—I paid my way. I think Matt knew as well as I did, even shoot-me-to-the-moon sex wasn’t enough to satisfy either of us for very long.

Eventually, my stomach and the crusty coating of spunk across my chest got me out of bed. I showered and came out to find sometime while I’d slept, he’d washed the dusty clothes I’d been wearing. Another paper bag on the table had my name on it, along with a little note:

Take these. I mean it. Matt.

Inside was a care package of soap, shampoo, shaving and tooth care items, lube and two jumbo boxes of condoms.


He was being practical, I know. Still. It stung, because he was only looking out for me in the best way he really could. I had intended to skip out the back and leave without seeing him again, but I couldn’t. I hesitated at the Jeep, sighed, and cringed at the loud dinging of the bell as I entered the diner through the front door.

His eyes said he knew I had thought to sneak off, but his smile welcomed me back, and he pointed to a booth. “Be right with ya!”

In a few minutes, he was standing over me with a hot coffee and a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. He set the meal down and slid into the seat across from me.

“So. I was thinking.”

“Oh?” I stopped, fork in hand. He wasn’t going to ask. Was he? I couldn’t even tell if I hoped he would, or if I hoped he wouldn’t.

“There’s this ranch. Out Donagl Road a few miles. Tangled Hearts Ranch. Jim Travis owns the place now. I bet he could use a hand. Mend a few fences?”

I snatched up the salt shaker and doused my eggs, took a bite, and added pepper. “Oh yeah?” I couldn’t help that my heart sped up at the thought that he might be sending me away, but apparently, he didn’t want me to go very far. It was a tempting concept, and for a minute, I let myself forget about what might be coming down the road behind me.

“Yeah. Here.” He pushed a hand-drawn map and a sheet of paper across the counter to me. “I think—” The pause made me look up. He had his head tilted to one side, his golden eyes subdued. “I think you’ll find that kind of work more to your liking. If…” A sad little smile flitted across his lips. “If I’m any judge. And I think I am. I’d appreciate it if you’d at least give it a shot. There’s a note there. Give it to Jim. A kind of recommendation to let him know I sent you. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it doesn’t work out. Then you can always come back and cuss me out.” The grin he gave me next had more staying power. “Yeah. This will be good.” He nodded, satisfied with himself, and leaned across the table, planting his lips over mine, and delving his tongue deep.

I groaned and my fork clattered onto my plate, my fingers numb.

His hand snaked into my hair and he pulled my head away from his heady offering. “For breakfast.” Then he pulled me close again, renewing his efforts, adding a tender, comforting edge to the kiss before pulling away for what I knew was going to be the final time. “For me. There’s something about you, Taylor Anderson. I can’t say one night was really enough.”

Then he got up, walked away, disappearing into the kitchen without a backwards glance, and didn’t reappear before I was finished eating.

Danny came over to collect my plate and leave a to-go cup of coffee. “He won’t be back out.”

I might have challenged the old man on that, but he didn’t sound like he was trying to be cruel. He sounded, in fact, a little sad. He placed a card on the table next to my coffee. “You could call him. Sometime. Let him know you’re okay. He’d like that.”

I nodded, picked up the card and the coffee, pocketed the papers Matt had left for me, and stood. “Tell him…”

What? Sorry I can’t stay? Sorry you don’t really want me to?

“Thanks. Tell him thanks for everything.”

“Sure.” Danny nodded and slowly cleared my table as I went out and climbed into my Jeep.

I turned the key, and shook my head. He’d filled the tank. People like him just didn’t come along every day. I wished Matt’s father had been able to look past his own nose to see what a kind son he really had.

Chapter Five

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