Single and Searching (28 page)

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Authors: Rita Herron

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"So, now that you've seen the store, are you still interested?" Jenna asked.

Zack desperately tried to tamp down the urge to say yes, that he was interested. But not in her store, in her. "Yes, of course."

He couldn't help but admire Jenna's business sense. She wasn't simply attractive, she was smart. Simone's idea of ambition had been to have her nails and hair done on the same day.

A man who'd just come in pointed to a table filled with lotions and bubble baths. "Miss, I need some help over here."

"I'll be right there." Jenna tapped the gift box. "Well, I hope Simone enjoys the robe, Zack. Just give me a call when you put together some ideas. Thanks for stopping by."

Jenna dismissed him in a business-like voice, then rushed over to the dark-haired man. Zack watched her help the man select a jasmine fragrance, then a slinky blue silk gown—sophisticated but sexy. One of the gray-haired women held a basket filled with soaps and enough sprays to make her smell like a garden.

Zack shoved his package under his arm and headed for the door. Jenna wanted to expand her clientele? It seemed like a pretty diverse group to him. He'd have to give some thought to the ads she wanted and to what she specifically had in mind. What would he draw?

Something tasteful—hmm. That would be Jenna in one of those lacy bodystockings. Or maybe wearing nothing but that rose-scented spray. Now that would be tasty.

Sighing, he rubbed his face with his hands and opened the door. He had to stop these errant thoughts. Jenna obviously wanted a husband, and he couldn't help her with that.

But he could help her with an ad campaign. He'd concentrate on business and keep their relationship professional. No strings, no personal involvement.

Let her find some sucker in her silly Husband Hunting class. He was one guy who wasn't giving up his bachelorhood—not for any woman.

* * *

Jenna fanned her face as the evening heat tilled the shop. In spite of the killer summers, she still loved Atlanta. Yet, even with the air conditioning running full blast, perspiration dampened her forehead. Laughing softly, she silently admitted her uncomfortable state had more to do with Zack West than the soaring temperature outside.

He'd waltzed in, all six feet, four inches, and overpowered her little store. But that was nothing compared to how he'd looked standing next to all these fragile, silky underthings. Her imagination had gone berserk. She only hoped he hadn't noticed. Then again, why would he?

He was broken-hearted over the woman who'd dumped him. The crazy female. Poor guy. He must really be taking it hard. Coupled with his past, he'd sworn off marriage completely. Just her luck.

She'd been momentarily relieved to discover he and Simone had broken up. The woman had been stitched to his side at Mark's wedding like a too-tight shirt. Then Zack had made his announcement—
I'm never getting married.

A commitment-shy guy.


She finished clearing the cash register, yanked down the shade on her window, and switched the open sign to closed. She had to forget about Zachary West, except where business was concerned, because she was
getting married.

She glanced at the bouquet she'd caught at Casey's wedding. It had been a sign that it was time for her to get serious about finding a serious relationship.

At twenty-seven, her biological clock was ticking away like a hyperactive cuckoo clock. She had to find a husband before time wound down.

Her best friend, Casey McIntyre had recently married a great guy and they were off on their honeymoon. And her friend and co-worker Angel Honeycutt, had found someone, and now she was pregnant.

Jenna sighed, anxious for a family of her own.

She'd been attracted to Zack the minute she'd seen him at Mark's wedding. Before the ceremony, Mark had told her stories about Zack going through women like some men went through socks. Jenna had imagined Zack looking like Mark, short and stocky with curly dark hair.

But then Zack had walked up to her at the wedding and nearly knocked her off her high heels with his sexy eyes—eyes the color of caramel candy.

His long, sandy-blond hair brushed the ends of his collar and made her want to run her hands through it. His smile had a mischievous glint to it that hinted of the devil. He also liked children. At Mark's reception, Zack had tossed someone's toddler over his shoulder and given him a piggyback ride across the lawn.

Too bad the hunk had sworn off marriage.

Her hand automatically flew to her hair. She pushed it behind her ear and felt her hearing aid. Slipping the small piece from her ear, she checked the batteries. She wanted to make sure the device didn't die on her in the middle of class—Husband Hunting 101, Zack had called it. Well, he could laugh all he wanted. She intended to go to the class, and she didn't want to miss anything important the instructor might say.

This class would help her learn skills to seek out the right kind of man, the type of man who also wanted marriage. She might even meet someone interesting in the class.

Quickly replacing the hearing aid, she grabbed her purse. Whomever she found would have to deal with her hearing loss. It would take someone special, but her father had always told her if she wanted something to go for it. And she
a family. There had to be someone out there for her.

She stuffed a brand-new spiral notebook and a pencil under her arm and hurried out the door. She might not find a husband through the class, but at least it was a start. And it would keep her mind off the sexy man she'd just hired to write her ad campaign.

The irresistible,
Zack West.




Multi-published, award-winning author Rita Herron fell in love with books at the ripe age of eight when she read her first Trixie Belden mystery. She has sold over sixty novels, worked for several major publishers, and loves writing romantic comedies as well as spinning dark romantic suspense tales filled with murder and mayhem.

For more on Rita and her titles, visit her at
. You can also follow her on
and twitter

Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Other Books by Rita Herron

Excerpt from HUSBAND HUNTING 101 by Rita Herron

Meet the Author

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