SiNN (20 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

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“I am!”

The sound of knobs turning and clicking was followed by the
slap of Toby’s feet on the pavers. “I’ll hold her.”

“Hey,” she complained.

Toby tightened his grip on her wrists, dragging them above
Lea’s shoulders, leaving her defenseless. “Go on,” he told Jake. “I’ve turned
off the oven and griddle. Take your time.”


With the tip of his tongue, Jake explored her vulva, lips,
the ridge of her mound and her inner thighs, everything but her clit.

“Do my nub,” she begged. “Don’t make me—”

Toby’s mouth on hers cut off the rest of Lea’s plea, his
kiss as lazy as Jake’s licks.

They worked as partners, neither outshining the other, their
combined efforts pulling Lea’s climax nearer. Toby suckled her throat. Jake’s
teeth gently scored her sex. A tormenting pressure crept up her thighs and
circled her pussy. Lea dug her heels into Jake’s shoulders, unable to withstand
the sensations.

Demanding it, Jake latched onto her clit, while Toby gave
her neck one open-mouthed kiss after the other…both of them concentrating on
the most sensitive areas of Lea’s body.

She came, shattering with the depth and richness of her
orgasm, alternately panting and babbling with neither sound convincing them to

“Give me a sec,” she gasped.

They did not.

“Please,” she cried.

Jake’s rumbling belly finally did the trick. With his
forehead against her torso and the tip of his nose on her diamond stud, he
breathed, “Fuck, I’m hungry.”

“Me too,” Toby said.

He returned to the stove, Jake to his chair, leaving Lea again
without pause or apology…or even a cuddle. Men. Pricks.

Blowing a clump of hair from her face, Lea frowned at Jake.

“What?” he asked, scratching his hip. “You sticky from the
jam? Shit, don’t tell me you’re allergic to strawberries.”

“Wasn’t in her file,” Toby offered. “But just in case,
better not kiss her until you brush your teeth.”

“Good idea.” Jake spoke to her. “Don’t worry, you’re safe
with us.”

Lea regarded her sprawled legs, heaving chest and abandoned

“Need a hug?” he asked.

She wasn’t certain whether to smile at his teasing or to
ignore it.

“You do,” he said, pulling Lea from her chair and onto his

Much, much better. She curled into him, fitting perfectly,
her arm around his broad shoulders, her cheek to his as she spoke to them both.

“What’s next?”

Chapter Ten


Jake wiggled his tongue in Lea’s ear, savoring her laughter,
grateful it kept her from noticing Toby’s gloomy expression at her question
about what was next.

At the thought of it, Jake’s chest ached so badly he had to
fight for air.

“Hey,” Lea said. “Why are you stopping? What’s wrong?”

Everything. Exactly what Toby had warned against when all of
this began—that it wouldn’t last.

Last night, Jake had managed to deny the inevitable until
Nunez’s call. Thankfully, Lea had been asleep. If she hadn’t, he sensed she
would have seen the truth on his face.

Tomorrow morning they’d be leaving, not even getting the
extra day he’d hoped for. The Service had already arranged for two deputies to
protect Lea in Austin, where she could easily hide among the thriving Hispanic
population. Jake and Toby would escort Lea to the Flagstaff airport, but
wouldn’t board the flight with her. Other deputies with business in Texas would
take over at the security checkpoint.

Even before her plane left the runway, Jake and Toby would
be driving back to Phoenix for their next assignment, finished with the woman
born as Maria Morales and fostered as Lea Baptista, who finally performed as
SiNN. From now on, she’d be no more than a name on a file, and not even the new
one she’d soon have.

One he and Toby would never know.


His belly continued to roll. “Move a bit to the right,” he
said in answer to her first question. “You’re squeezing my balls.”


She repositioned herself, then snuggled back into him, her
warmth and weight a balm he needed, but couldn’t have for long. Certainly not

“Better?” she murmured.

Unable to trust his voice, Jake nodded.

“Who wants juice?” Toby asked too brightly, as though
everyone’s happiness depended upon it.

Last night, he and Jake had agreed that they’d wait until
the last minute to break the news of their departure to Lea. Until then, they’d
deliver as much pleasure as they could.

“You like milk?” Toby asked her.

She nodded, her cheek brushing Jake’s.

Toby put two tall glasses—one filled with milk, the other
with orange juice—on the table next to her. Back at the griddle, he scooped up
a wad of bacon, dropping it onto a plate and delivered the sizzling strips.
“I’ll make your sausage, ham and eggs next. Go on, eat.”

“Wait. Come back.” She reached for him. “You should have
some of this with us.”

“He’s not touching any of it,” Toby said, pointing his
spatula at Jake. “That’s all yours. And I expect you to enjoy it.”

“So do I,” Jake ordered, wanting her to have the fucking
food, the only thing he and Toby could give her. “You’re not leaving the table
until you finish every last bite.”

She swung her attention between them. “What’s wrong?”

Jake stopped himself before he glanced at Toby. “Besides you
questioning me?”

“And being defiant?” Toby asked.

Her cheeks burned with color. “Sorry.” She shrugged. “It’s
just that you guys were being so nice. Like you have bad news you didn’t want
to tell me.”

She was too astute. “We do,” Jake said. “You eat everything
on your plate or there will be no more fucking, got it?”

“You bet.” Lea ran her fingertips over his pecs. It took all
of Jake’s will not to crush her to him, burying his face in her fragrant hair,
wishing for more, for what couldn’t be.

“However,” she added, “if you don’t screw me blind like
you’ve been doing, that kind of leaves you two out in the cold, right?” She
swung her finger between them just as she had at the pool their first full day
here. “Unless you guys intend to get it on with each other.”

Toby rolled his eyes. Jake grabbed a strip of bacon and ran
it over the seam of her lips. “Shut up and eat.”

Sneaking out her tongue, she licked the bacon’s length, much
as she’d done repeatedly to his and Toby’s cocks.

God, she was something. What was he going to do without her?
No, shit, don’t think about that now.
He had to give her what she
needed…what they all did.
“Tell you what, you don’t eat and you don’t
get to climax. We’ll bring you right to the edge and then we’ll yank you back.”

Toby cracked another egg. “You’ll go fucking nuts.”

“While we’re having all the fun,” Jake promised.

Her brows drew together.

Jake drew the bacon across her mouth again. “Face it, baby,
you can’t win.”

“That’s right,” Toby said. “We call the shots.”

Her forehead and throat matched the color in her cheeks. She
had a glazed look about her, the kind a woman gets when she’s getting
turned-on. Dutifully, she ate the bacon, sucking bits of it from Jake’s
fingers. Holding his hand, she licked the length of his palm.

His toes curled at her tongue’s wet heat.

“More,” she murmured.

Jake wanted the same. To give her time they didn’t have, a
family denied all three of them when they’d been young. Hell, he longed to
offer an endless amount of tomorrows rather than more running and hiding for
Lea and the mindless dating he and Toby had known.

What he delivered was a lame smile and more bacon.

By the time Lea had eaten four strips, Toby joined them,
delivering the eggs, ham, sausage, cinnamon rolls, biscuits and everything
else. He pulled Lea from Jake’s lap onto his, wrapping his arm around her
waist. She kissed his throat and planted her foot on the seat of Jake’s chair,
her toes touching, then stroking his cock.

The damn thing was already so stiff, so fucking needy of
her, it just couldn’t get any harder.

“Take care of me,” she said, more a plea than a demand.

How could either he or Toby resist?

Cupping her breasts in his palms, Toby held the tips of her
nipples between his thumb and forefinger, pulling them gently, making them even

Lea’s lips parted on a faint moan.

With his fingers beneath her chin, Jake slipped a bite of
egg into her mouth.

She grunted in what sounded like pleasure and grabbed his
wrist so she could lick the fork clean. “More,” she breathed. “I want it all.”

Toby suckled her throat and teased her clit as Jake fed her
a biscuit heaped with butter and strawberry jam. On her first bite, a bit of
the fruit topping slid from her bottom lip to her chin.

Jake licked it off.

Lea stopped chewing, then swallowed fast. “Damn, this is so
freaking good.”

She didn’t have to tell Jake that. He saw her features going
slack and her eyes getting glassy with lust. Minutes earlier, her foot had slid
off his chair and dropped to the floor. Arms hanging limply at her sides, she
now sighed at Toby masturbating her. Not that he was about to let her come so
quickly or easily.

His fingers stalled on her clit. He murmured, “You’re not

Jake stopped himself before he smiled at this new side of
Toby—confident and playful. Joining in the game, Jake asked, “How about some of
the sausage now?”

She frowned. “Huh?”

“Maybe she wants ham,” Toby said.

“I’ll give her both,” Jake offered.

“I don’t want food and you know it,” she growled. “Are you
guys always such pricks?”

Jake brought a forkful of ham and sausage to her lips. “Just
with you, darlin’. Now eat.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Up to you,” Toby said, pulling his hand from her cunt,
resting it on her knee instead.

She muttered, “Fuck.”

Jake held back his laughter. He drew the food across her
lips. “Not until you clean your plate.”

Glaring at him, Lea opened her mouth. What an invitation.
One Jake couldn’t resist. He swung the fork away, slipping his tongue inside
rather than the food. Without pause, Lea returned his kiss, delivering the
bacon’s saltiness and her own flavor that Jake craved even more.

She suckled his tongue hard, whimpering as she did. He was
no better, making the same kind of sounds he had as a horny teen when he hadn’t
known anything about sex or love.

Shit. Don’t go there.

Too late. He was falling in love with her. Had been from the
moment he’d witnessed her anguish at never again seeing or talking to Danielle.
Over the years, he’d told countless others what relocation would mean, but with
Lea it had been different. She’d had so little—just a dear friend and a dream
of getting a pharmacy degree. Even that had to go now. Everything in Lea’s
past, whatever had made her who she was, could bring her to Cubrero’s attention
and harm. She had to discard all of it for something new. And all because of her
father’s greed and foolish choices, the fucking legacy he’d left her.

Last night, Toby had asked Jake how he felt about Lea. Jake
hadn’t answered, too afraid to consider the truth. Toby hadn’t been as

“She makes me feel important,” he’d said, as though he
hadn’t considered any woman being able to do such a thing. “With her, I’m
actually worthy.”

Jake had never seen his partner look so vulnerable.

“I want to do everything I can for her,” Toby had added. “Is
that love?”

In everyone’s world but theirs. As Toby had stated from the
beginning, she was their charge, theirs to keep for only a little while.

Jake deepened his kiss, hungering for Lea as he had no other
woman, knowing Toby was no different. His groan sounded well past frustrated,
bordering on panic at the thought of tomorrow.

Dammit, it wasn’t here yet.

Ending their kiss, Jake stood. He pulled Lea from Toby,
sweeping her off her feet and into his arms.

“We’re taking this to the bedroom,” he said. “Toby, bring
the food. We’ll feed Lea there.”

She tightened her arm around his shoulders, her palm resting
over his heart. It beat too quickly, Jake knew.

“I don’t want to sleep,” she said.

Jake heard her concern that she’d miss what time they had
left. It matched his.

And Toby’s. He brushed Lea’s hair from her cheek. “You
won’t,” he said. “We’ll see to it. Right, Jake?”

“Come on,” he growled, unable to contain his emotions any
longer. “We’re wasting time.”


He carried her from the kitchen and past the hall leading to
the maid’s room.

Surprised it hadn’t been Jake’s destination, Lea asked,
“Where we going?”

“To bed.”

In the kitchen, utensils and plates clattered. Lea pictured
Toby tossing everything onto a tray so he could join them as quickly as

“I know,” she said. “But where?” Was Jake planning to use
the sofa in the living room as they had their first night here?

Bypassing every bit of that furniture, he headed for the

Lea snuggled closer. “What’s up there?”

“Nothing, if you don’t do exactly what we say. Understand?”

Unfortunately, she did. He was talking big to hide his
desperation. From the moment he’d awakened her, Jake had been acting weird. It
didn’t take a psychic to know he and Toby were thinking the same thing she was.
Their time together was ending. They’d never given her an exact departure date,
but Lea sensed how near it was.

Wrapping her other arm around him, she held tight, smelling
his skin faintly scented with soap, musk and even a bit of bacon and strawberry
jam. The breakfast he’d so lovingly fed her. Suddenly, Lea couldn’t get close
enough, gripping him as hard as she could.

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