Sinners and Saints (15 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Sinners and Saints
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Chapter 27


Vylette, with Jazmin
at her side, walked into the party at the huge lush beach house of Wyndmire's associate, Baxter. The large three story stucco mansion was elaborately decorated in warm colors despite the fact it was located right on the beach. As they walked and mingled through the crowd, heading toward the bar, their sundresses rubbing against their freshly tanned skin, Vylette protested not only her shoes, but her outfit.

I hate dresses and heels!”

I think they are cute outfits. We fit in very well here. It is what all the girls are wearing, look around. Well, the ones who aren't prancing around in bikini's.”

Vylette did indeed take notice of their surroundings and the hundreds of people who attend
ed this event. The men were dressed in anything from suits to beach shorts and the women, like Jazmin pointed out were in anything from dresses to bikini's to denim shorts and bathing suit tops. She spotted a few who actually wore shirts and tanks with their shorts. Looking around, she suddenly felt very unqualified for this mission.

She turned to Jazmin.
“How are we supposed to know which of these woman are captives and which aren't. They all look like they are having a good time, and half of them are all over the different men at this party.”

I don't know. We only got a picture of Wyndmire and Baxter, I guess we start there.”

They made it to th
e bar and the cute bartender asked what they wanted to drink.

I’ll have a rum and coke,” Vylette said.

I’ll have the same,” came from Jazmin.

Not long and they had their drinks in hand. V
ylette whispered to her partner, “Well, we have a mission to finish, so let’s mingle and explore. See what we find.”

Works for me, I’ll follow your lead.”

With Jazmin in t
ow, they headed outside to the back where the house and the beach fused into one big patio leading to the ocean. Music blared from three different stereos and staff weaved between guests, taking drink orders and offering fancy seafood and drugs, all on the same trays.

Not to self, do not get anything from the staff.

They walked a bit further and sat under a canopy and chatted as if it was the party of the year. They swooned and gushed over some the hot bodies walking around oiled up and half naked and the decorations. Before too long they were joined by two men wearing cabana boy attire. The tall one with dark hair did all the talking, while the short blonde only smiled. So, to keep in theme, Vylette did all their talking.

Hello ladies, enjoying the party?”

Yes, we are. You?”

Oh, yes...”

I am Steven and this is my buddy Leo. Mind if we join you?”


The two young men sat in the chairs across fro
m them. Steven kept the conversation going.

So, do you ladies have names?”

I am Betsy and this is my best friend, Carmin.”

She watched the two men eye their bodies as if no one noticed. Steven again, spoke first.

“You don't look like a Betsy to me. I mean, isn't that a name for a cow?”

Morons! Complete Morons.

“Well, Steven, I have found that with all that West Palm Beach has to offer you can lose just about any unwanted thing you have, including weight.”

For the first time, Leo spoke.

“That is true, people lose a lot of things here.”

Jazmin stepped in.

“Is that so, Leo? What did you lose?”

He glanced nervously to everyone and Vylette wondered what was going
on with him and Steven.

Well, I lost...”

Before he could finish, Steven answered for him. “
His sense of humor. C',om Leo, let's get you a drink and loosen you up.”

The two left abruptly. She tuned to Jazmin.

“Was it just me or was that weird?”

No, that was weird.”

Vylette got out of her chair.
“Let's mingle more and see if we can run into Mr. Disgusting and his filthy brood of scumbags.”

That's what we are here for.”

C'mon, let’s head toward the beach and see if we can overhear anything interesting.”

Vylette and Jazmin shed themselves of their heels.

That’s better.

With shoes in hand, they trekked o
ut toward the water. They made it about fifty feet and spotted quite a spectacle. Maneuvering around the crowd to get a better view, there in the middle sat a Beer Pong table. There was a man at one end and a girl at the other end, both had what Vylette guessed, as their friends gathered around each of them.

That is Baxter,” Jazmin said and pointed out the man playing the game.

She got a good look and sure enough it was, his voice carried over the crowd.

“...You missed. You know the rules, that cup of booze or a piece of clothing.”

Watching the event unfold, the girl chose the drink and downed it. Now it was Baxter
’s turn and he made the shot. The guys in the crowd went wild. Again, Baxter was the loudest to speak.

Haha, I made it, so now you must shed some clothes...of my choosing and I choose the top, so hand it over.”

Vylette looked back at the half drunken girl who, with a smile on her face, handed over her top with a flirty smile to boot. The tiny blonde was clearly enjoying the game. Baxter, all smi
les and full of liquor and confidence spoke once more.

Hey, sweetness, since you are a good sport, I’m going to give you a stamp. This will get you into the V.I.P room later tonight.”

She kept her eye on the stamper as it came closer to the girl's skin.
As luck would have it, the girl turned her arm and Vylette spotted the image marked on her wrist. It was a pair of handcuffs.

Odd stamp to get into an after party.

Something about that mark bothered her and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She stared at the girl who acted as if she’d just won the lottery, showing all of her envious friends the mark. It was just as Jazmin pointed it out, that the picture came clear.

Vylette, look around, that is the mark. As in
the mark
for the chosen. There are a lot of girls at this party with that mark. Some are actual tattoos while others, like that blonde are just temporary, washable ink.”

She took a harder look at the girls, and to her surprise several men, who had the permanent tattoos and the ones who just h
ad the stamp. It made perfect sense now.

Jazmin, the tattoo I bet are the ones he owns and the stamp are the ones he plans to take by the end of the party...and by what I’ve just seen, he doesn’t have to work very hard at it. That girl is willing and happily, walking into hell and she doesn't even know it.”

We need to get one of those stamps and find out where the after party is.”

I have that covered, I bet we can get in without that mark. As for location we will just keep an eye on that girl. When she is away from Baxter, we will approach and ask her. As drunk as she is, I hope we get to her before they do.”

Me too, Vylette, me too. If we can keep her from going that is one less person to have to get out of here.”

Well, let’s have a seat, looks like we are going to be here for a while. They took some empty seats on the other side of the Beer Pong table and watched the rest if the game. It went back and forth, Baxter always having the upper hand and she spotted how he did it. When it was his turn to drink, he put the cup to his lips, but he didn’t drink from it.

If these people weren
’t so drunk, they could catch on to his little cheat.

A half
hour later, the blonde and two of her friends all had handcuffs stamped on their wrists and after collecting their clothes, headed off a few feet away to a beach side bar. Vylette took her opportunity. She and Jazmin waited a few minutes and joined the girls. She started a conversation without waiting for an invite.

Wow! That game looked like a lot of fun. You guys are so lucky, you got an invite to the after party.”

The first blonde to get stamped chimed in.
“Yeah, I know right. I have been coming to this place for a week and all for this stamp. I hear the after party is to die for.”

You have no idea.

“Really? So, let me and my friend buy you guys some drinks and you can tell us all about it. This is our first trip to Florida and we are looking for a great time.”

The gaggle of drunken chicks agreed. After the bartender brought a round for all of them, Vylette contin
ued the conversation.

So, I’m Betsy and this is my friend, Carmin.”

Starting with the first blonde, she introduced herself and her friends.

“I’m Holly, the one with in the blue tank top is Lucy and the other one, is Fran. We have been her all summer and fin-a-ly we got an invite to the best party and right before we have to head back to Texas A&M.”

That's cool I guess, but what is so special about this party? I mean, I’ve only been here a few hours and have gotten like twenty invites to various parties just for tonight.”

Wow. This party though is cool because it’s for a special crowd, invite only kind of A list type of party,” Holly answered.

Oh, are there going to be celebrities at this party?” Jazmin asked.

That is what we were told. I mean, he told us their names, but I have never heard of them, but he assures they are big fish and will love us.”

I bet!

“So, where is this epic party?”

Oh, it’s here.”

Right here, like where we’re standing. Does that mean, we can come too?”

No. They make everyone leave when it gets dark and the party happens inside. It is so elite they close all the curtains, so that way the celebs aren’t hounded. If you don’t have a stamp, you can’t get through the door. They check, we tried already.”

I can
’t believe this girl is buying into all of this. I have seen so many red flags in this story it’s ridiculous. Although, she is drunk and by the looks of them, they have been all summer.

Vylette had an idea and she pulled out a cell phone.

“Well, dang, I guess we are going to have to see if we can get one of those. Before I go, can I get a picture of the three of you with your stamps? That way if we don't get in we can at least brag to our friends back home that we knew people who did?”

Of course, it was that easy.

Vylette snapped the shot of the girls, holding up their marked wrists, smiling and laughing. She quickly sent the Picture to the other team members and back up in a text message:

This is the mark for the captives. I have seen both men and women with this mark. Stamps are
for the ones to be taken and the ones with perm tattoos are the ones he already owns.

Vylette motioned for Jazmin to follow her lead.

“Oh, can we get a hug before we go?”

he kept her glass front and center and Jazmin did the same. When they leaned in to give the girls a hug, their drinks spilled across the girls wrists. Quickly grabbing napkins, Vylette and Jazmin went to work wiping off the mark and liquor.

Oh my, I’m so sorry! Here let me get that off.”

hen the girls noticed that the marks they had worked so hard for disappeared with the stickiness of their drinks they were horrified, Holly screeched at them.

Oh my God, look what you have done. Now we will never get into that party. What is your problem?”

Vylette put on her best apologetic tone. “
I am so sorry, Holly. We didn’t mean to. Let's see if we can find Baxter, I’m sure he will stamp you again.”

No, he won't. Once the stamp comes off that’s it. He will only stamp a girl one time.”

Why?” Jazmin asked.

I don't know something about security. Let's go girls, I am suddenly in need to get away from them.”

You will thank me later.

She turned to her partner. “Well, we saved them at least.”

Yea, but how are we going to get in? It’s almost dark.”

We are going to already be in there.”


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