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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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Sins & Mistrust (13 page)

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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The waiter drops the check off at the table and Lincoln and I reach for it together.

“Let me get this,” he says.

“It’s fine. I don’t mind paying.”

He sighs. “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

“No, and neither are you. Do you have cash?”


“Let’s just split it, then.”


After we throw our money together, we leave the restaurant and walk down the block back to the hotel. Lincoln’s hand grazes the back of mine twice and I know without a doubt he’s doing it on purpose, because when I turn my head to look at him there’s a small smile playing on his lips. He turns his head away from me and pretends to be looking around. This fucking guy.

“So, I take it you’re coming back to the room? Or did you book your own?” I ask.

“Do you want to go to my room, Marc?” he asks seriously.

My immediate and initial thought is yes, but then I think about Nathalia. I know she and I aren’t a couple, and there are no strings attached to what we’re doing, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t feel right to fuck somebody else while she’s at work. She hired me to come here with her for a week, but at the same time she invited Lincoln and is putting us all together anyway. Who says he’s inviting me over to have sex, anyhow? Maybe it’s just to continue hanging out.

Confusion clouds my mind and the conflicting thoughts rain down.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to,” Lincoln says, as we continue towards the front doors of the hotel.

“No, it’s not…that. Just, hold on a sec,” I say, pulling my phone from my pocket and texting Nathalia.

Hey, Lincoln showed up early. We just had lunch and we’re going to be hanging out while you’re at work. I just wanted to let you know. I can’t wait to see you later.

Somehow, I’m not surprised he’s here. Well, okay. I’ll be here for a while, so you two be sure to have fun for me. Think about me. ; )

Her response sends relief through me. She doesn’t seem to care that he’s here, or that we’re hanging out. Her
have fun
comment and winky face makes me think she knows what could happen, and again doesn’t care. I’m not even sure why I’m overthinking this so much. Fuck. I send her another text just to get more clarification.

How much fun are we talking? It would be extremely fun if you were able to be here as well.

Oh, Marc. I want you to have as much fun as you want. The more comfortable you and Lincoln become with each other, the better. Plus, we’ll all be able to have plenty of fun together soon. Let loose. Have fun.

Well, damn. I guess I have my clarification now. Nathalia is absolutely amazing.

“Get your permission yet?” Lincoln asks sarcastically.

“Fuck off, I don’t need permission. I just try to hold people’s feelings in high regards.”

“I could have told you she would be fine with it.”

“How’s that?”

“I already talked to her,” he says, lifting one shoulder up.

“You already talked to her about what? Because she didn’t know you were coming today.”

“No, she didn’t, but I’ve discussed things with her already. Thalia and I are very close, and she’s a very understanding woman. She wants us both, so why can’t you and I spend time together if she gets to spend time with each of us?”

As soon as he says it, it makes complete sense. Plus, I keep reminding myself there is no relationship here. I’m single, they are both single, and this is for fun. That’s it. No strings and no jealousy. That’s the way it should be.

“Okay,” I resolve. “Let’s go.”

Lincoln gives me a grin and we make our way to his room, which is on the floor below mine and Nathalia’s. The entire walk through the lobby and towards the elevators feels like it takes hours. Lincoln and I catch each other’s eye and there’s something there, a spark waiting to be ignited.

When we step onto the elevator, we walk to the back and stand shoulder to shoulder while a couple takes place in front of us. The woman does a double take at Lincoln and me before giving a small grin and turning her back to us. The silence in the small, enclosed space is heavy. Nobody says anything as we wait for the elevator to take us to our respective floors.

The elevator stops on the 5
floor and three more people join us. I scoot over to the corner, and Lincoln move closer to allow room for the newcomers. One of them comes to the back with us, and everybody else takes place in the front. As we continue moving upwards, I rest my hands on the bars on each side of me, and Lincoln shifts his body and has his back face me.

“That’s a really unique ring you have there,” Lincoln says to the older woman next to him.

“Oh, yes it is,” she says with a light laugh. “I love lizards, and my husband was able to find this for me.”

Lincoln takes a miniscule step back, and puts his hands behind his back, his hand holding his other wrist. “It’s beautiful,” he compliments. “Marc, come take a glance at this ring,” he says.

I wonder why he’s even started this conversation, or why he wants me to look at a ring, but I don’t want to come across rude, so I step up behind him and glance down at the woman’s outstretched hand. It’s a diamond encrusted lizard, and the tail is curled around her finger. As I’m peeking over his shoulder, I feel his hand graze over the crotch of my pants.

“Oh!” I exclaim. “Wow, yes, it’s beautiful,” I say, trying to hide my outburst.

Lincoln grabs a handful of my cock in his hand. “I wonder how
it was to find,” he states casually, while molesting me through my pants.

“I think my husband had it specially made,” the woman replies, unaware of what’s going on.

I move my hand to his and try to push him off without bringing too much attention to what he’s doing.

“Marc, did you see this part?” he asks, glancing at me over his shoulder and then bringing one hand forward and pointing at the eyes of the lizard. I know he doesn’t give a shit about that fucking ring; he just doesn’t want me to step back and away from his reach.

“Mm. Yes,” I respond, not knowing what the hell I’m supposed to be seeing.

He strokes my growing cock one last time before replying to the woman.

“Is it hard?” he asks, and I almost choke on my own saliva.

“Excuse me?” she asks.

“The ring. Does it feel hard in your hand? I’m sorry. On your hand. It seems like it could do some serious damage.”

My dick grows thicker, because I know he’s referring to my dick and not this poor old lady’s ring. She’s entirely unaware of the sexual innuendos being flown around. I disengage myself from his grip and hide behind his back, trying to adjust myself.

“Oh,” she laughs. “No it doesn’t feel hard around my finger. However, I suppose it could cause damage if I punched someone with it on.” She lets out another laugh. “But I wouldn’t do that, of course.”

“Of course,” Lincoln responds with a smile in his tone.

Thankfully, the elevator comes to a stop and all of our company exits, obviously going to the restaurant on this floor. Once the doors are closed, and Lincoln and I are left alone, I turn and face him.

“Really? You molest me while talking to an old lady?”

“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it. I felt how much you did.”

The elevator stops again, and we’re finally able to exit. I follow him to his room and adjust myself some more on the way.

“Want something to drink?” he asks as we enter his room.

“Water would be good. Thank you.”

He goes to a mini fridge, pulls two bottles out, and throws one to me.

“So, Marc. Tell me something about you.”

This question catches me off guard. After feeling me up in the elevator, I was sure he was going to be all about sex when we got to the room. I struggle with the thought that maybe that’s what I want. Fuck. I haven’t had sex with a man in a long time.

After my first appointment with Nathalia was cut short, I went to visit an old friend. A guy friend who I’ve been with before, but I didn’t have sex with him. He gave me a blow job, but that’s very different than having sex with a man.

“Well, you know plenty more than most do.”

“I’m sure there’s something else I don’t know.” He sits down on the couch and I do the same. “Just tell me anything.”

“I’m about to open up my first club. Me and two friends are collaborating on it. I’m pretty excited about that.”

“Oh yeah? You know if you ever need any advice or help, just let me know. I own several now, so I’m willing to help where I can.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that.”

He nods and puts his ankle across his knee; leaning back into the corner of the couch, then brings the bottle to his mouth. He never takes his eyes off of me. As he’s drinking the water, he drinks me in completely as well. Lincoln watches me as I watch him, and he lets me know that he’s still affected by the antics in the elevator by dropping his leg and rubbing his hand along his inner thigh, where I can now see the outline of his hard cock.

“What are you thinking about, Marc?” he asks, his voice low.

“Probably the same thing you are,” I answer honestly.

“Mm,” he groans. “I hope so.”

“What is it you’re thinking?” I ask.

“How your cock felt in my hand, and how much I’d love to feel it outside of your clothes.”

I lift a brow. “That it?”

“No,” he chuckles deeply. “That’s definitely not it.”

“What else do you want to do, then?” I dare him

“Everything.” His voice is full of want and need. “What about you, though? Last we talked, you said you wouldn’t do anything unless I begged, and in case you haven’t figured it out, I’m not a begging kind of man.”

I crack a grin. “I’m the kind of man who can make anybody beg, though.”

“Is that so?” he asks, amusement in his tone.

My grin widens into a full blown smile. “Care to test me?”

“Oh, I want to do more than test you.”

“I know. You want to touch my cock outside of my pants, right?”

He only lifts his head slightly in response. I place my bottle of water next to me, and reach for the button and zipper on my jeans. He watches my hands and then his eyes flicker to mine, before going back down to my hands.

After I’ve undone them, I push them down slightly and then I slide my hand into my boxer briefs, and grab hold of my cock. I stroke it slowly as he leans forward, watching me even more closely. He licks his lips and keeps his eyes trained on where my hand has disappeared.

“Mmm,” I groan. “What did you want to do again, Lincoln?” I ask provocatively.

He looks up at me, the look on his face tells me he’s torn between wanting to touch me and not wanting me to have the upper hand. I decide to up the ante a little bit. I free my dick from my boxer briefs through the hole and it stands straight up, my hand running from base to tip.

I hear a low growl come from Lincoln’s throat as he watches me.

“Fuck, Marc,” he grumbles.

“I thought you wanted to do something with my cock.”

“I do,” he says instantly and moves a little closer to me, his eyes steady on my dick.

“Hmm. It is awfully hard.”

“I’m not begging,” he says in a low, deep voice.

“Are you telling me or yourself?” I ask.

He doesn’t say anything. He only peers at me with those deep blue eyes. You could definitely get lost in those eyes. I look away from him, and begin tucking myself away and pulling my jeans up.

“What are you doing?” he asks. “Didn’t you just tease yourself trying to tease me?”

“No,” I say with a smirk. “I’m staying in a room with a beautiful woman tonight. If I want to come, I don’t have to wait that much longer.”

Lincoln makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat and runs his hand through his hair.

“Bathroom?” I ask, standing up.

He points behind us, and I move to go find it. After using the restroom, I splash some water on my face. If only he knew just how hot and bothered I got just now. Stroking my cock while he watched me with lust-filled eyes just about drove me crazy. I’m determined to get him to break. It’s all a game now. He says he won’t beg, and I say I won’t do anything until he does. Who has more self-control? Me. Who can get the other to break first? I’ll break him. It’s obvious Lincoln is a stubborn man, but I have plenty of ideas up my sleeve for him.

I exit the bathroom and turn to the right, coming face to face with Lincoln.

“You need something from me, Lincoln?” I ask as I step closer to him.

We’re about the same height; six feet even. We stare into each other’s eyes, the sexual energy bouncing between us.

something from you,” he says, eyeing my mouth.

I take another step closer to him and he backs up. Another step and his back is up against the wall. Bracing myself on the wall around him, I cage him in between my arms. I lean in and my cheek brushes his. With my mouth so close to his ear that my lips graze it, I let out a warm breath.

“What is it that you want, Lincoln?” I whisper roughly.

I let my face drop down and my nose and lips graze the rough stubble on his jaw until my face is directly in front of his. Our noses are almost touching, and the heat between us is palpable. We both study one-another’s face, each one of us taking turns to focus on the other one’s mouth.

Pushing my body up against his, I hear him groan when his cock touches mine. I hate that there’s so much material between us, but he definitely feels good against me. Again, I move my mouth to his ear.

“What do you want from me? Tell me what it is, Lincoln.”

I thrust my hips forward, grinding our cocks together. My mouth moves to the flesh on the side of his neck and I bite down, my tongue grazes the area before and after the bite.

Lincoln roars and his hands find a place on my waist. When I pull away, he leans in towards my lips, but I lean back.

“Just say the word, Linc.
. That’s all. Say please and you get whatever you want.”

“I want to taste you. I want your tongue and your cock in my mouth. I want to feel your warm mouth around my dick, and I want to sink deep inside you. I want to feel you inside of me. I want to do everything and anything with you, Marc, and I know you want the same.” His breath comes in heavy pants.

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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