Read Sins of a Siren Online

Authors: Curtis L. Alcutt

Sins of a Siren (16 page)

BOOK: Sins of a Siren
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Trenda placed a finger to her lips. “Shhhh.” She then walked over and made a two-foot-long incision in the convertible top. The puddled rain on the roof leaked onto the plush tan leather interior. She whipped the knife closed, tucked it back in her boot and smiled. “Ahhh, now I feel better.”

Lollie finally managed to close her mouth. “Girl, you are
Let's get the fuck out of here!”


nce she was satisfied no one was following them, Lollie broke out in a fit of laughter as she drove them away from the club. “Where the hell you get that knife? How did you get it in the club?”

Trenda grinned and removed the blade from her boot. “This is my friend, ‘Baby.' Baby takes
care of momma.”

“You ever cut anybody?”

Trenda rolled the knife between her palms. “Yeah, a few fools.” Lollie stopped at a red light. “You ever cut anybody real bad or kill anybody with it?”

Trenda thought back to that summer night four years ago when she was attacked in a cheap, North Carolina hotel by a dope dealer named Phillip “Phil Good” Rawlins. After delivering ten kilos of booger sugar to him, he decided to give her a tip along with her regular payment—his hard dick. When Trenda declined his offer and demanded her cash, he caught her by surprise with a backhand slap. Once she fell to the floor stunned, he pulled up her summer dress and prepared to invade her coochie. He made the fatal mistake of allowing Trenda the opportunity to reach into her purse, which landed within arm's reach, and get Baby.

All Phil Good heard was three clicks as Trenda whipped Baby open and jabbed him twice in the side of his neck, hitting his jugular vein. She didn't hang around long enough to see if he survived, but the red lake around his body gave her reason to suspect he was well on his way to Hell. She was so scared she left
the dope and her money behind and drove fifty miles before she realized her dress was drenched in blood. She pulled over behind a church, stripped, got a change of clothes out of her “Travelin' Bag” and stuffed the dress into the church's garbage dumpster. She recalled looking up at the illuminated stained glass window above the church's back door and seeing a weeping, crucified Jesus staring down at her. She still believed that was the only illuminated window in that entire, darkened church that night…

Trenda let the memory dissipate; it reminded her too much of her estranged family. “Not that I recall.”

The rain increased in intensity. Lollie sped up the windshield wipers. “Damn! It's pourin' out here. I know the freeway is gonna be bad on my way back home.”

Trenda put Baby back in her boot. “You live far from here?”

“Kinda. I stay in Hercules. That's about a good half-hour ride from here on the freeway.”

Trenda saw her hotel a few blocks ahead. “Why don't you stay in my room tonight? Fuck tryin' to drive in this weather. I have plenty of room.”

Lollie nodded and smiled as they arrived at the Hotel Oakland. “Oh, that sounds
! Plus, I don't need to be drivin' with this alcohol buzz anyway.”

“Good.” Lollie pulled into the guest parking lot. Both women got out and hurried across the lot in the downpour. Trenda opened the door and ushered Lollie into the warm lobby. “You ever stayed here?”

Lollie gazed at the extravagant interior. “Hell naw! This place is
out my budget.”

Trenda led her to the elevators. She pointed at the sign toward the pool. “You can even go late-night swimming in the indoor pool.”

Lollie folded her arms across her chest, slanted her eyes and smirked at Trenda. “Mya, how the hell you pull this off? You straight dissed my hotel about its room rates.”

Trenda summoned the elevator. “I told you I met a new friend the other day.”

Lollie shook her head. “I meet men almost every day and they ain't springin' for plush hotel rooms just because of my good looks.” She pursed her lips. “You whipped that cat on him, huh?”

Trenda gave her a broad smile. “Kinda.”

On the way to Trenda's suite, she filled Lollie in on how she earned Walter's favor. After entering the suite and looking around, Lollie sat down on the sofa and pulled off her pumps. “Damn! You

Lollie unzipped her top and turned on the TV. “Nah, he's just grateful for the pussy. Not stingy like most brothas.” She noticed the stain in Lollie's skirt. “You wanna take that off and soak that stain?”

Lollie looked down at the front of her skirt. “Yeah, let me do that.” Trenda's clit vibrated as she watched Lollie undress. Her chocolate ice cream-colored body radiated sexy. The diamond stud in her navel reflected a bluish-red sparkle into Trenda's probing eyes. She longed for Lollie to remove her black thong and bra. Lollie draped the skirt across her forearm. “Which way to the bathroom?”

Trenda got up. “This way.”

In the bathroom, they talked while Lollie filled the sink with hot water and used one of the face towels to soak and scrub the stain. Lollie looked at her watch. “I can't believe it's only half
past eleven. Shit, my buzz is comin' down. I wish I had another drink.”

Trenda went into the bathroom's closet and removed a tan, Hotel Oakland terrycloth robe. “Hey, you know I got a wet bar.”

Lollie smiled as she squeezed all the water out of the skirt she could. “Awwww, shit! Now you talkin'!”

Trenda handed her the robe. “Hang your skirt up on the shower door. It should be dry by morning.”

At one in the morning, after more girl talk and half a bottle of Gran Patron Tequila, Trenda got up, turned up the volume on the room's compact stereo system and undressed down to her red bra and G-string. Lollie clapped her hands and whistled as Trenda danced to the hip-hop song on the radio. “Oooooh wee! I see why Mr. Walter is spendin' so much money on you!”

Trenda turned around, staggered, grinned, bent over and made her ass cheeks clap. “My grandma always said, ‘Use what you got to break 'em and shake 'em!'”

Lollie, in her drunken state, laughed so hard she rolled off of the sofa, onto the floor. Trenda laughed with her as she tried to pour herself another shot. She missed the glass on the first try and tequila spilled onto the table. Both girls paused, looked at the mess Trenda made, then fell out laughing again. Lollie wiped tears of laughter off of her face. “Mya…sit your ass down…you don't need no more of that fire water.”

Trenda set the bottle down, picked up the overflowing shot glass and downed the alcohol. She showed Lollie the empty glass, grinned, then threw it across the room. After it exploded against the refrigerator, Trenda laughed and nearly tripped over the coffee table. “That's how big girls do it!”

Lollie's robe fell open as she howled with laughter, on her back, on the floor. “You are out your damn mind! You gonna fuck around and get us put out!”

Trenda dropped to her knees, swayed, then fell onto the floor next to Lollie. They both lay on their backs on the thick beige carpet, giggling. Trenda rolled over on her side and got a nice look at Lollie's enticing cleavage. “I been meanin' to ask, is Lollie your real name?”

Lollie chuckled. “No…I
my real name. It's Ingrid…Ingrid Slawson.”

Trenda laughed. “
? Are you serious? That sounds like some old white lady's name.”

“I was named after my great-grandmother. She was German.” Trenda's eyes bulged. “What? How the hell you have a white great-grandmother as dark as you are?”

“My three brothers are all light-skinned. It took a long time for my father to believe I was his kid. He used to argue with my mother about it until he found out traits from your ancestors can skip generations.” She grabbed a handful of her glossy hair. “But I definitely got my great-grandmother's hair.”

Trenda put her hand in Lollie's mane. “You gonna have to let me whip it up for you one day.”

Lollie closed her eyes as Trenda stroked her hair. “You know how to do hair?”

“Yeah…just because I don't have any don't mean I can't do hair.”

Lollie laughed. “I didn't say that, crazy. I'm just surprised. You don't look like a hairstylist.”

Trenda saw Lollie's hard nipples jabbing at her bra. She grinned. “Don't let the smooth taste fool ya!” She massaged Lollie's scalp. “Where did the name ‘Lollie' come from?”

Lollie relaxed her neck muscles as Trenda massaged her head. “My daddy used to say I had a big ol' head and a skinny body, just like a lollipop, when I was little, so he started calling me ‘Lollie.'”

Trenda's eyelids drooped from a mixture of the tequila and her
building heat. “He sure can't call you that now, you thick as
!” She let her hand move from Lollie's scalp to the back of her neck. “You got a boyfriend?”

Lollie cracked her eyes open and smirked. “I had one up until a couple months ago.”

Trenda inched a little closer. “What happened?”

Lollie rolled back onto her back. “He had too many hang-ups for me.”

Trenda gently placed her hand on Lollie's shoulder and began massaging it. “What kinda hang-ups?”

Lollie yawned. “Whenever I tried to do something new in bed, he freaked out. All he wanted to do was the same old positions—missionary, doggy style, stuff like that.”

Trenda's thigh brushed against Lollie's. “Ain't nothin' wrong with those positions.”

“I know, but sometimes that shit gets boring. I like to experiment.”

“What kinda experiments?”

Lollie moved her shoulder in sync with Trenda's massaging hand. “All kinds of stuff. I remember one night I tried to lick the spot between his balls and ass and he jumped out the bed, got dressed and went home.”

Trenda's nipples rose to the occasion. They ached to be touched, sucked. “Mmmmm…I love lickin' the taint. I can make a man nut by doin' that.”

Lollie bent her knees and slowly opened and closed her legs. “I tried to do that to him, but he swore somebody must have turned me out since I had never tried it on him before.”

The slow movement of Lollie's chocolate thighs mesmerized her. She let her hand move down the side of Lollie's upper arm. “Don't you just hate men like that? Way too insecure.”

“I know. I really found out one night after we showered together.” She sucked in a long, deep breath, and exhaled, causing her tits to rise and fall inches away from Trenda's face. “I scrubbed his balls and ass real good, but wouldn't let him touch me. I had never seen his dick that hard. Anyway, I led him to the bed and began kissing all over him. When I rolled him over and tried to lick his ass, that fool damn near had a stroke. He had the nerve to call me a pervert. I cussed him out and we broke up that night.”

Trenda's forearm brushed against Lollie's tits as she rubbed Lollie's tricep. “Goddamn, girl! You freaky like

“Damn, my head is spinnin'.” Lollie placed her arm over her eyes and hiccupped. “Oh hell yeah. When it's on, it's on; everything goes.”

Trenda couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or her heat that gave her a head rush. “That's what I'm talkin' about.” She let her hand move to Lollie's right tit. “I like it all.”

Lollie moaned as Trenda rubbed her rock-hard nipple, then her body hitched twice. She quickly sat upright. “Oh fuck! I'm gonna throw up!”

Trenda rolled over on her back as Lollie jumped up, wobbled, then ran to the bathroom. “Shit!” She rubbed her swollen pussy. “I guess we ain't gonna get to play tonight.” She eased up to her feet, steadied herself against her dizziness and went to assist her buddy.


fter helping Lollie through her regurgitation episode, Trenda helped her to the bedroom and tucked her in. It only took seconds for the drunk, chocolate goddess to fall into a coma-like sleep. Trenda got in beside her and passed out. At eight in the morning, the rude ringing of the room's telephone awakened Trenda. It took a moment for her to remember where she was. She smiled, reached over the sleeping Lollie and picked up the cordless phone. “Hello?”

“Good morning, stranger. What are you up to?”

“Hey, Walter, Wassup?”

“Not much, just wondering if you were ready for breakfast.”

Trenda squinted and strained to read the yellow numbers on the nightstand clock. “Oh…breakfast.” She yawned and stretched. “That does sound good, but by the time you get here I won't have much time. I have a job orientation at eleven.”

“Well, it's a good thing I'm here in the lobby. If you hurry and get dressed, we can make it to Momma's Café and get a bite.”

She ran her hand down her face and watched Lollie sleep. “Do you plan all your dates like this? Or do you just do this with me?”

He chuckled. “I just do it with you. All my other dates know the routine; I still have to break you in.”

BOOK: Sins of a Siren
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