Sintown Chronicles II: Through Bedroom Windows (61 page)

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Authors: Sr. David O. Dyer

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy

BOOK: Sintown Chronicles II: Through Bedroom Windows
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He smiled gently at her. “I listened to your message on the machine four times. Are you sure you're doing the right thing, baby sister?"

“I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Frank,” she replied as she held out her left hand for his inspection.

“That's some rock,” he said appreciatively. “Are you sure you aren't rushing into this thing? I hate to point out the obvious, but..."

“Frank, George may have twenty years left—he may have more or less. Hell, I could die tomorrow. There are no guarantees. I just know I don't want to waste a single minute of however many minutes we may have."

“Yeah, but ... well ... I know George is well off..."


“I didn't mean that the way it sounded, but, Maggie, once you're married you can't just go tomcatting off when the urge hits you."

She grinned. “Some cats do,” she said, “but you need not worry about that. You should take lessons from George on how to please a woman."

“You're kidding."

“Fourteen times night before last and I lost count last night."

“Baby sister, you amaze me."

She smiled. “It's George who is amazing. Did you talk with June about the house?"

He shook his head. “I tried to, but she's an old grouch today. I think she may be on the rag. Claims she has a headache. I think I'm going to make Carl an offer anyway before someone else snatches up the place."

“She'll like it."

“She's only been there once before and I don't remember her commenting on it. I hope you're right. Before I forget it, you're not the only one with big news today."


He nodded. “They just told me. Hank and Greta are getting married."

“Frank, they've only known each other a few days."

“That's what I thought. It turns out they knew each other many years ago, but drifted apart.” He glanced at his watch. “I promised they could have this rainy afternoon off. They want to go to Charlotte and get a wedding license. I'd better head towards the garden shop, but I need to take a leak first."

As he slid out of the booth, Maggie asked, “Is Miz Jenkins going to be the maid of honor?"

He leaned over and kissed his sister on the cheek.

Sandra watched Frank disappear down the hallway. She knew it led only to the public restrooms. She touched Leora's hand and whispered, “Watch my purse. I've had the squirts all day. I thought I was over it, but I was wrong. This may take a while."

She slipped down the dimly lighted passage, checked to be sure no one was watching, and quietly entered the men's room. Frank's back was to her as he stood at the urinal. She eased behind him and simultaneously wrapped her left arm around his chest and clutched his penis with her right hand.

“What the hell,” he exclaimed, vainly trying to stop the urine flow.

“Let me do that for you,” she purred into his ear and she licked his neck.

He felt his penis growing as she gently tugged at it while urine continued to splash into the porcelain bowl.

“Wow,” she whispered seductively. “You have a huge dick and it's getting bigger. She rubbed her breasts against his back.

“Sandy,” he groaned. “Don't do this."

She sucked his neck and began to masturbate him. “Isn't this exciting, Frank? Someone may discover us any second.” She pumped his throbbing erection faster. “You like my little nubs rubbing your back, Frank?"

His body was trembling. “Sandy, you don't understand. June. She's ... oh, God."

“Relax, Frank. Enjoy.” She licked his neck again, sucked it leaving a tiny red mark, rubbed her pubis against his buttocks and slipped her left hand inside his fly, fondling his testicles.

“Sandy ... Sandy...” His hips began to move involuntarily. “Sandy ... don't do...” He clinched his teeth to avoid an outcry as his semen splattered against the back of the urinal.

He gasped and whirled around when she released him. She was on her knees and quickly sucked his still erect penis into her eager mouth.

He clutched her hair and yanked her to her feet. He glared into her eyes, then crushed her lips with his as his hands groped her buttocks, moved up her ribcage, clutched and savagely squeezed her small, firm, heaving breasts.

* * * *

“What are you doing here?” Buzz asked when Deborah joined him at his table in the Korner Kafe.

“Force of habit,” she replied. “What may I have tonight?"

“Anything you can afford,” he replied. “Are you feeling better?"

She nodded. “How'd your day go?"

“I spent most of the day learning how to use the new cash register. It wasn't much fun."


“What did you do today?"

The waitress interrupted.

After they placed their orders, Deborah said, “I went to the office. There was a stack of mail to go through."

“Anything interesting?"

“There were a couple of things that may interest you. The central office approved the contract with Frank Skinner and also the new teachers you selected."

Buzz smiled. “That black gal is a looker. I might have a piece of that blackberry jam when she gets to Dot."

“Blackberries grow in briar patches. You usually get hurt when you pick them."

“That was fast,” Buzz said to the nervous waitress. “I don't believe I've met you."

“It's my first day, sir.” She nodded to Deborah. “Miss Debbie told my daddy about the job opening. I sure do thank you, ma'am."

“I'm Buzz Adams."

“My name is Thelma Mae."

“Well, Thelma Mae, you're a lovely young lady and you're doing a good job."

“Thank you, sir."

“Buzz,” Deborah said when the waitress moved away from their table. “That was sweet."

“I'm not all bad,” he said as he dug a forkful of chicken potpie from his plate. “Where did you meet her?"

“She's from one of those poor families I told you about."

“What else did you do today?"

“After I cleaned the house I checked your front porch. It does need painting, especially the steps and floor. I went to the hardware store and bought paint. It was raining too hard to get started, so I began my neighborly visitation a little early."

“You disobeyed me. I told you to take the day off."

“I know,” she said. “Use the prod on my nipples tonight."

“You're asking for the cattle prod?"

She nodded. “It seems to be the only way to please you."

“High setting?"


He grimaced and placed his hand on the small of his back. “Not tonight. Maybe some other time."

“Something wrong with your back?"

“Yeah. I picked up an empty Coke bottle from the floor and twisted something. It hurts like hell."

“I think I may have found a way to employ a few more of Dot's poor."

“How's that?"

“I was visiting the few houses on Schoolhouse Road. I met a couple named Jan and Jake Everhart."

“Damn, Teach. You should know them. They eat at Dot's Diner every night."

“Somehow I've missed them. Anyway, they run what appears to be a very successful mail-order business. Their home was littered with merchandise and bags of mail. I spent three hours helping fill orders."

“Well all right, Teach. Somebody finally took you up on your offer to help."

She smiled. “They didn't hesitate to accept my offer. While we worked, I suggested that they build a warehouse and hire some of Dot's poor people to help them. Like me, they didn't know there were any poor people in Dot. Jake seemed excited about the idea. At least he said he would check on it first thing tomorrow."

“It's a shame he didn't think of it before Frank bought the old warehouse across from the church."

“Buzz, that's a great idea. Frank is just using the front of the building. He could put up a partition and rent the rest to the Everharts."

“Whatever,” he said as he pushed his plate away.

“I'm ready to go whenever you are,” she said.

“You didn't eat half your dinner."

“I haven't gained any of the weight back, either."

He grinned. “I noticed while we were at the pool last night. Leave the waitress a ten-spot and go on home. I don't want company. I want a hot shower and a comfortable spot in front of the big TV you bought."

“Let me go with you, Buzz. I'll massage your back with my boobs while you are in the shower. You liked that the last time we did it. And I'll give you a real massage while you're watching TV."

“I'm not going to pleasure you, Debbie,” he said sternly.

She lowered her eyes as she placed the folded bill under his plate. “I know."

* * * *

June remained in her seat when the class took its mid-session break. Jay propped on the student desk in front of her.

“Are you okay, Computer Lady? You haven't said a word. You won't even look at me."

She locked her eyes on his. “Did you have sex with me last night?"

“You don't remember?"

She shook her head. “The next thing I remember after stretching out on the sofa is waking up in your bed, naked from the waist down. Did you fuck me, Jay?"

“What do you want the answer to be, yes or no?"

“No,” she almost pleaded.

“Didn't you notice I was sleeping on the sofa?"

“That doesn't mean much."

“You got drunk and passed out, June. I tried to wake you. You needed to go to the bathroom but didn't quite make it and soiled your panties and slacks. I put you to bed, washed and dried your clothes and left them in the bathroom where you would be sure to find them. Did you get home okay this morning?"

She nodded. “Did you..."

“I didn't touch you, June.”

“I have an announcement,” Jay said at the conclusion of the Wednesday class. “Friday night you need to go directly to the computer lab. Those of you who have portables, be sure to bring them with you. Professor Mark Thornton will meet with you. The entire session will be devoted to loading the accounting software we use in this class and setting up a chart of accounts for your dummy companies. Your presence Friday night is extremely important."

As the rest of the class moved towards the exit, June went to Jay's desk. “Why are you not teaching the class Friday night?"

He grinned as he packed his briefcase. “My colleagues think I am attending the annual convention of the North Carolina Society of Accountants at Myrtle Beach this weekend. Actually, I am the speaker at just one of the sessions. I hope to spend the rest of my time playing in the sun."

“I've never been to Myrtle Beach,” she said. “I've never even seen the ocean. I've heard it's beautiful."

He looked up. “Why don't you go with me, June?"

She laughed. “I wish."

“I'm serious. As a speaker, they pay me by providing a suit of rooms and meals for a guest and myself. Go with me, June. It won't cost you one red cent. I plan to leave about three o'clock Friday afternoon and come back Monday."

She laughed. “Jay, you know I can't do that. The weekend is the only time Frank and I have together and I have to work Monday. Come on, slow poke. I'm anxious to see what you've done on my computer and to start learning how to use it."

“Uh, not tonight, June. I, uh, have some other things I need to do. I'll see you tomorrow about seven-thirty."

Chapter Twenty-one

“Did you finish setting the place up, Buzz?"

“Nah,” he said as he cut into the generous slice of roast pork. “They were suppose to deliver the coolers today, but there was a mix-up. They promised to deliver them tomorrow."

“You still planning to open Saturday?"

He nodded as he chewed. “You sure that salad is all you want tonight, Debbie?"

“My stomach has been tied in knots all day."

He grinned. “Anticipating tonight's fun?"

She did not answer.

“I bought a Polaroid camera today at the discount house. I can hardly wait."

She shuddered and he saw moisture building in her eyes.

“Quit worrying. I won't let them do any more than paw you a little. Hey, who knows? Teenage pricks might turn you on. If that happens, Debbie, go for it. I'd love to have some pictures of you entertaining a room full of boys."

Deborah wiped her eyes with a napkin. “You're wrong, Buzz. I haven't made a secret out of wanting you, but I'm not interested in anyone else."

“That's the story of my life. Always wanting what I can't have and never satisfied with what I do have."

“What is it you want Buzz, that you don't have?"

He glared at her. “Where have you been, bitch? I want a career in the NFL."

“Is it too late?"

“Hello Partner. Howdy Buzz,” Billy Frank interrupted.

Deborah's face flushed and she quickly said, “I can't believe you've deserted your mother's diner."

“She closes at seven,” he explained, recognizing the look in her eyes.

“What's this partner, shit?” Buzz asked, his eyes blazing.

“Uh, just an expression, Buzz,” Billy replied unconvincingly. “Look, I just came over to tell you the cooler people called a few minutes ago. They say they'll be here at seven in the morning. You think you can make it that early?"

“I'll be there."

They watched Billy sit at the counter to order his dinner.

“You fucking slut!” Buzz said. “I hope the kids ruin you for life tonight. No holds barred, bitch. Hell, I may let them use the probe on you."

“Buzz, I..."

“Shut up, bitch. It was you that bought George Bennett's interest in the service stations. You forced Billy to give me the high paying job. How could I have been so blind?"

They ate in silence for several minutes.

“Buzz, I painted the porch and mowed the grass today."

“I told you to go to your office and continue your visitation, you deceiving cunt."

“I did that too,” she said. “I think I found additional jobs for people in Dot when I went to Penny Taylor's house."

He would not look at her.

“I know Sean, of course, but this was the first time I've met his wife. Anyway, Penny has a dozen greenhouses in which she grows produce during the winter."

“She inherited that from her uncle, Amos Stone,” he mumbled.

“She says there is a terrific demand for homegrown vegetables during the off season. She and Tim Dollar have a produce business and she goes around the south selling franchises. They sell prefabricated greenhouses, an instruction book and then buy the vegetables from their franchisees."

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