Read Skaia Online

Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

Skaia (21 page)

BOOK: Skaia
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No, sir.” Skaia began to shake and when he spoke this time, Thaddeus could hardly understand him. “I’m sorry, Master. Please… please don’t beat me again. Not tonight. Please, sir.”

Thaddeus actually stared for a few moments at the bowed head, astonished that Skaia would beg. He had thought the boy far too proud. Begging or not, the slave
be whipped again. The rules against speaking had been made very clear to him—he had even been punished for it before. But Thaddeus’ eyes returned to Skaia’s back and he knew he couldn’t do it. The appearance of the abused flesh was already terrible and, for a few days, the bruising would continue to worsen.

He felt slightly foolish as he applied the numbing ointment carefully. When he was almost done, he answered the boy’s question. “If, by some miracle, you’d managed to obey me, I would not have whipped you.” When Skaia remained silent, he spoke again. “Does that please you?”

Skaia knew he was tempting fate but the ointment had relieved the worst of the pain and he couldn’t stop himself. “Oh, yes, Master,” he replied. “I am well pleased.”

Thaddeus smiled at the little display of spirit, somehow glad that Skaia was not giving in completely. He knew the boy could hardly be pleased. At anything that had happened tonight. But it was the proper response—at least without the attitude. It showed Skaia was learning his lessons. “Spread an extra sheet on my bed,” he instructed calmly, “so you don’t mess it.”

“You will use me, too?”  The fear in the boy’s voice was palpable.

Thaddeus turned from wiping the ointment off his hands to look at him. “Perhaps. Or perhaps you prefer another whipping,” he snapped. When Skaia remained silent, Thaddeus gave his order again. “Prepare the damn bed.”

Skaia did as he was told, though he wished with all his heart that he’d brought a knife from the kitchen. That he could cut himself and bleed on Thaddeus’ bed. And ruin it for him.

Get in. I’ll join you in a few minutes.” Thaddeus went to the wash-stand and wet a cloth, before putting out the lamps. He undressed as he walked back to the bedroom, dropping his clothing carelessly on the floor. The wet cloth he laid carefully beside the bed. Skaia had curled in on himself, lying on his side, and Thaddeus climbed into bed to face him. “Does your back feel better?” he asked.

Yes, Master. The… the ointment helped, sir.”

Good.” Thaddeus pushed him over gently to lie on his back and straightened his legs. Lowering his head, he claimed Skaia’s lips, rubbing his hands over the boy’s chest, careful not to hurt the inflamed nipple. “Open your mouth for me,” he instructed. Skaia obeyed, and did not flinch from Thaddeus’ tongue. When Thaddeus raised his head, he put his thumb in Skaia’s mouth, and felt the boy’s tongue caress it.

Very nice. You’re coming along very well.” Thaddeus moved his hand down to Skaia’s groin, and stroked him there.

Please, no,” Skaia whispered. “Please, Master.”
Not like last night again…

Thaddeus ignored him, beginning to kiss him again, and continuing to rub his cock. He knew the boy was fighting him—no, fighting his own body—but there was no way he could win. In this or anything else.

Slowly, Skaia began to moan softly, and thrust his hips upward, seeking the contact, in spite of the lingering pain in his back. “Are you my little whore, now?” Thaddeus asked very quietly.

Skaia hesitated only a moment. He could not bear to be hurt again tonight.
And he thought maybe it was true…
“Yes, Master.”

Thaddeus smiled at the admission before stroking the boy firmly, bringing him to climax. He kissed the young slave’s forehead, and used the damp cloth to wipe his own hand, and then Skaia’s limp cock. “Go to sleep.” Skaia started to get up from the bed, groaning at the sharp pain the movement caused, but Thaddeus pulled him back. “Here, with me.”

With his heart pounding, Skaia waited to be told to suck him. But the order did not come. Instead, Thaddeus arranged the sheet and blanket over them both.

Skaia wondered again what the rules were, but he gladly accepted this respite. To his surprise, he managed to relax when Thaddeus’ breath evened out in sleep and the man’s arm sprawled carelessly over his chest.
Sleeping with me… Something else Glaucus had never done.

In time, despite his apprehension and his pain, in the wonderful comfort and warmth of the master’s bed, he slept.

Almost peacefully.


Thaddeus woke slowly. As he stretched, his hand brushed the boy resting next to him. Looking over, he smiled when he saw Skaia lying so close, his mouth open, his breath still coming in the slow steady rhythm of sleep.
Gods, I drank entirely too much,
he thought. He was glad he’d told Castor to let him sleep in when he went for the ointment.

But he hadn’t thought to cancel his morning’s appointments. His office would be full of men soliciting his help, as it was every day.
No wonder Father gave up that responsibility,
he grimaced. Rising up, he propped his head in his hand as he looked over the slave’s body.

Skaia’s hair had been cut recently, and resembled a cap of loose red curls. There were bruises on the pale face, the result of his friends’ hands, which had not so gently guided the boy’s head last night, up and down their engorged cocks. The abused nipple was still inflamed and almost matched the color of the sleeping boy’s hair. For a moment Thaddeus felt regret—that his son had pampered the young slave and not prepared him sufficiently for the duties he was likely to face.

Thaddeus touched Skaia’s swollen lips. Blue eyes suddenly flashed open at the touch, and the look of fear that immediately covered that bruised face upset Thaddeus more than he’d thought possible. He had put fear there so many times now, but, somehow, this was different.
Generalized fear just to be near me.
Surely this wasn’t what he wanted?

But in a way it was… What had Caesar said about the Gauls?
They are barbarians. Treat them as such. Fear is the only thing they understand.
Thaddeus fought back his sympathy. This boy had used his appealing looks to seduce his son. And his father. It was unforgivable.

He looked down at Skaia, all his compassion gone as he twisted the swollen nipple until Skaia groaned in pain. This time there would be no pleasure. “You still hurt?” When Skaia did not answer, and attempted to move away, Thaddeus squeezed the abused nub again. He toyed with it, tweaking it with his thumbnail, until he elicited another groan. Definitely not in pleasure. “Does it still hurt?” he asked again, his voice harsher.

Yes, Master,” Skaia whispered.
And my back. Oh, Belenus, my back hurts.

Thaddeus shifted and leaned over Skaia’s body, licking at the sore nipple gently. And then falling away.
I had a plan,
he thought.
To break the slave’s hold on my son. To prove to my friends that the boy is nothing.
The plan had certainly never included going soft on Skaia himself. Ridiculous. Angry now, Thaddeus moved to the red nub again, this time biting cruelly.

Skaia screeched at the onslaught of pain and raised his arm to push the man away, but stopped himself, lowering his arm. A slave could never protest—certainly not fight a free man—most especially not his master. The penalty was very clear—death by torture. Even the thought of another beating was unbearable. Not yet. Not after last night. He begged. “Please no, Master. Please don’t.”

Thaddeus looked up and grinned. “And what will you do for me, if I stop?”

Skaia searched his master’s face. He was filled with uncertainty at the question. “I don’t understand. I will do whatever you tell me.”
Whether you hurt me or not.

Thaddeus touched the boy’s lips again. “I know you will, Skaia. That much, I know you’ve learned.” He gently fingered the bruised cheeks. “Now, I want you to practice the part you haven’t learned so well. I want you to pleasure me with your mouth.” He was amused to see Skaia blush and he smiled at the young slave’s embarrassment. “I’m not going to tell you what to do this time, Skaia. I want you to experiment until you please me.”

Skaia actually shivered at the word.
That meant he could do it wrong. And that Thaddeus would whip him again. Very unsure, he pushed himself up, intending to press his lips to Thaddeus’ chest. But burning pain ripped across his back and he had to struggle not to cry out. Thaddeus was watching him. He could almost feel the man’s eyes—and knew he could not stop, not for any reason. Fighting every instinct, he continued to move closer, and licked gently at Thaddeus’ right nipple. He felt it harden, but Thaddeus pushed him away.

For a moment Skaia panicked, terrified that Thaddeus was displeased with him already. But then he realized that the man’s hands were not really painful as they steered his head toward his cock. Skaia saw the drop of liquid on Thaddeus’ erection, and licked it away carefully.

That’s it. Perfect,” Thaddeus said softly, and removed his hands, laying back and closing his eyes.

Skaia handled Thaddeus’ balls gingerly, and licked delicately at his shaft, trailing his tongue along the heavy vein and the sensitive dip beneath the head. Thaddeus’ body jerked and Skaia repeated the motions several times, applying more pressure. When Thaddeus started to thrust his hips forward, Skaia took as much of his erection into his mouth as he could, and worked it with his tongue, continuing all the while to gently massage the man’s balls.

Thaddeus was thrusting with more force now, and hitting the back of Skaia’s throat. In spite of the pain, the boy started to swallow and Thaddeus moaned in pleasure, before pulling out partially. “Suck, Skaia. Hard. And hold me tighter with your lips.” The young slave did as he was told, and Thaddeus’ hands returned to grasp his hair, moving his head up and down his shaft.

Making constant sounds now, deep in his throat, Thaddeus’ urge to climax became almost unbearable. His grip in Skaia’s hair tightened painfully, and his balls drew up. Skaia knew what that meant—the man was almost ready to spill. He swallowed Thaddeus’ length as deeply as he could.

Fluid, hot and creamy, filled his throat and his mouth, and he tried desperately to swallow all of it. To his immense relief, none of it escaped his mouth, and he continued the soft swallowing motions until Thaddeus’ breathing slowed. Only then did he release the softening length cautiously, and lick it clean. He pulled himself to his knees, ignoring the pain in his back as he straightened, and looked down at Thaddeus. “Did I… did I please you, Master?”

Thaddeus was amused at the slave’s uncertainty. “What do you think?”

Skaia did not answer right away, and Thaddeus saw the look of fear cross the boy’s face, just before he lowered his eyes.
Thaddeus had to tell me what to do,
Skaia thought.
I failed there. But, later, he seemed satisfied.
“I… I think I pleased you, sir.”

Thaddeus’ first instinct was to agree but instead he asked, “Are you going to puke?”

Skaia took a deep breath and considered. He did not feel nauseous like the other times. At least, not so badly. “No, Master. Not this time.”

Thaddeus smiled. “That’s good. You still must perfect your technique, but I’m pleased well enough.”

Not another beating then.
Skaia felt the smile of relief reach his lips only moments before he was overwhelmed with shame
. Oh, Belenus,
he cried silently to his god
. How can I forget last night?  How can I ignore how much he hurt me?
But he put it out of his mind, along with the pain. There was only this moment. “Thank you, Master.”

Thaddeus wondered about the play of emotion he saw on Skaia’s face, but he smiled and stroked the boy’s thigh. He was, in truth, exceedingly pleased, but he would not tell the slave. He shifted his legs and indicated Skaia should get up.

As the boy climbed from the bed, Thaddeus finally saw his back. He was appalled. Two of the cuts had opened—there was fresh blood. All the welts were deep red, the bruising had worsened. And he had expected
overnight. “Go directly to Castor,” Thaddeus said sharply. “Have him treat your back. You have no duties today.”

BOOK: Skaia
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