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Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Skin
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Dale Mayer

A journey of exploration…

A journey of healing…

A journey of love…

Two people are forced by circumstances into a therapy class to help them deal with their problems. They are strangers. Forced to be partners. Naturally opposites.

Kane is dealing with anger of betrayal at the deepest level, needing to find his way back to forgiveness. Tania is a previous rape victim hoping to deal with her fear of intimacy so she can have a loving relationship.

Tania’s medium of expression – her camera.

Her subject – the human body – Kane’s physical body.

Looking through the lens of a camera, she learns to find beauty and compassion…and the strength to find wholeness…with him.

Books in This Series:


Scars – February 2015

Scales – Coming Soon


Dale Mayer

Valley Publishing

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 Dale Mayer

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-928122-14-2

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Praise for Dale Mayer

I love to read Dale Mayer’s books… keeps me guessing…. I am getting good though trying to figure out who did it…. I am on my fourth book….

…Review left on Vampire in Deceit, book 4 of Family Blood Ties

Dale Mayer’s work is always outstanding and Haunted by Death is no exception.

…Review from Haunted by Death, book 2 of the By Death Series

This is a GREAT series that you don’t want to miss out on!

…Review from Broken Protocols Series

This is my favorite author I enjoy all her books and I can’t wait for more… her books are easy to get into and I love the storyline

…Review from Dangerous Designs, book 1 of the Design Series

Dale Mayer is a gifted writer who now has me hooked as a new fan. She characters are complex and she shares her knowledge of energy work clearly and simply. Makes for fascinating reading…

…Review from Rare Find, book 6 of Psychic Visions Series

Don’t underestimated Dale Mayer. Combination of JD Robb and Heather Graham. Paranormal suspense………

…Review left on Maddy’s Floor, book 3 of the Psychic Visions Series

Wow! I read a lot, and I can honestly say that there a few books that I have read that I will remember for years. This is one of those books. Thank you Dale for giving me the gift of this magnificent story. It was both heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time.

…Review left on Skin, book 1 of Broken and yet…Healing Series

Touched by Death is an outstanding novel by Dale Mayer. Unlike her usual novels that contain paranormal activity, this novel is sheer malevolent actions from ordinary humans.

…Review left on Touched by Death, book 1 of By Death Series

Dale’s books are spellbinding in more ways than one. She has a unique way with words. Her characters are fun and funny and loving. I love the way the story flows. Her characters all have personality. She takes you from suspense to love, then fear love and eternal love.

…Review left on Second Chances, book 1 of Second Chances… at Love Series

Table of Contents

Title Page

About the Book

Copyright Page

Praise for Dale Mayer

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Author’s Note


Second Chances Sample

Touched by Death Sample

About the Author

Also by Dale Mayer

Chapter 1

ania took her
seat in the small room. She was early, and the seminar room was empty. She liked to arrive early in class because it gave her time to settle before things got started.

She’d been in similar scenarios before. She could do this, again and again, if she had to. Using the meditation tricks she learned, she practiced her deep-breathing techniques to ease back the stress threatening to choke the breath from her body. Therapy was good for her. She was getting better. She could do this.

This particular program was special, a university workshop type of thing. Intensive, invasive, and guaranteed to help bring about change.

She could do this.

She so sucked at this.

She stared out the large windows, her nerves raw, hot. Morning sunshine shone through the curtains, giving a muted look to the bright light. Kind of like her own life. As if she was living only a shade of the life she could be.

That was precisely what she was doing.

Several other attendees entered and took their seats. Special group, special problems, and they’d all signed up to do this willingly; had even paid for it. More than that, once committed there was no quitting. They were all students here at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. They were all associated in one way or another with the professor who’d be leading this weeklong session. She was friends with one of the participants and recognized most of the others from Jenna’s lectures on internal healing.

In her case, her best friend had paid the hefty deposit to hold Tania’s place while she convinced her to get help. Five days in a hotel at the edge of campus. Workshops in the mornings, assignments in the afternoons, and therapy sessions dotted the rest of the evening. Even those who lived locally weren’t allowed to leave at the end of the day; it was all-inclusive. She wished it were otherwise, then she could return to her normal life instead of this intensive, no-hiding type of session. Which was, of course, the purpose of the seminar.

She was scared, but she was more scared of staying caught in this limbo forever.

It was stupid. She shouldn’t need help, not after all this time. It had happened years ago. She should be over this.

But the sad fact was, she wasn’t. And if she didn’t do something about it, her life would never go in the direction she wanted it to go. Her dream of a small house and white picket fence with the perfect two kids was never going to happen if she didn’t find a way to let a man into her bedroom.
, she thought moodily,
I could adopt
. She had seriously considered it.

But she wanted the loving relationships she saw so many of her friends enjoying and to get there, she had to heal herself first. So not easy.

She smiled as her friend, Robin, came in and sat down beside her. Robin said, “Hi. How are you doing this week?”

Tania smiled wider. “Fine. As long as I avoid men, as usual.”

“Ha.” Robin grinned. “Defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?”

“It’s what I can do.” Tania shrugged. “Leaving the safety net is not easy.”

“I hear you.” Robin settled in beside her. Tania’s scars were inside, but Robin’s were outside. She had been in a horrible accident and was dealing with reconstructive surgery and the fact she might never be ‘normal’. She had trouble going out in public and had barricaded herself in a secular life of school. Robin was here to deal with her fears and how she looked now, and to find the strength to get out in public where she’d be ridiculed and stared at. After children had run from her screaming in a park almost a year ago, she’d gone home and stayed home. It had become the safe haven she didn’t want to leave, but that also made it a prison. She had to force herself to go to class. Had to force herself to come to this seminar.

Tania understood.

They were all here to deal with issues – big issues. Whatever issues stopped them from living full lives. Their professor was a special woman who’d walked their path and had healed herself. Now, she was on a journey to help others do the same.

Just then, several men walked in, loud and boisterous. There was just something about that big, dominant energy as it filled the small, casual lounge. It was the same three men who arrived as a group last night. It was the same way they arrived at Jenna’s classes on campus. Every week the quiet disappeared, and Tania and Robin became even quieter. This wasn’t a normal therapy group – she’d been to those. This one demanded a commitment to complete the session and participation at all times. There was homework, assignments that forced participants to step out of their comfort zone.

Everyone knew something about each other, but the details had been offered at the discretion of the person. They were all here for a week. One week. Working together, pairing up for various assignments.

do this.

walked in and sat down beside her.

Her stomach dropped and her blood heated. She could hardly breathe. She straightened and shifted ever so slightly closer to Robin like she always did. Like a moth to a flame, she knew better than to get any closer to Kane, a huge muscled guy who seemed too rough and…angry for her to be safe. But, just like the moth, the attraction was at the cellular level and she was helpless to resist.

God, she wanted him.

And she’d never wanted a man in her life.

He terrified her. She wanted to want a small man, someone her size. Someone…she’d have a chance to escape from if he turned abusive. Someone gentle, tender, and understanding.

Kane oozed strength, power, and bitterness.

Not at all what she wanted or needed.

Kane crossed his arms, his muscles bulging beside her. She shuddered. How could she want to stroke her fingers across his skin at the same time that she wanted to run away from him? He could pound her into the ground with one punch. Why? Why would her body want anything to do with him? It made no sense.

It only reinforced that she was crazy.

“Ah, Tania? Can you move back over slightly?” Robin gave her a concerned look then nudged her shoulder and, using her chin, pointed to Tania’s half-empty seat.

Tania realized she’d damn near crawled into Robin’s chair with her; she was that close. With a sideways glance at Kane, Tania flushed and settled back into place. “Sorry,” she whispered to Robin.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Two voices said the same thing.

She wanted to yell ‘snap’, that silly remnant from her childhood, but was too busy staring in surprise at Kane. He gave her a stone-faced look. She’d never considered how her constant avoidance of him must look. He was no monster; in fact, he was stunning – to her. He had a lean face full of angles and planes. She thought of granite when she contemplated him. Strong. Infallible. Unyielding.

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