Skin Games (16 page)

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Authors: Adam Pepper

BOOK: Skin Games
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“Please don’t.”


“It’s not a good idea.”

“What is your problem?  We can’t let him get away with this.”

“Let’s go inside and talk about this.”

She sniffled, then put her head against my chest.  “I’m sorry, Sean.  I’m sorry he did this to you.”

“It’s okay.  Come on inside.”

I led her inside, and she sat down on the couch.  I stood in front of her, as if I was going to block her from getting back up.  I didn’t want her leaving until she’d calmed down.

“I was looking forward to seeing your house, and meeting your mother.”

“Well, you got to meet Mom.”

“Yeah, she seems like quite a lady.”

“That she is.”

“If my mother was here, I wonder if she’d be like your mother.  Your mother wouldn’t take shit from a man like my dad.”

“You don’t know that.”

“You think she would?”

“She’s been taking shit from men all her life.  My father.  Vinny.  Every other piece of shit she’s tried dating over the years.”

“Really?  She seems so strong and independent.”

“Don’t be fooled.  She does what she has to in order to survive.”

“She’s a survivor.  That’s admirable.”

“I agree with you there.”

Her vacant stare began to focus.  She wiped her nose and said, “Are you going to sit down next to me?”


“No?”  Finally, her moist lips widened to expose white teeth.  When she smiled like that, I was toast.  Her face was one giant contradiction in the prettiest package: the nibbling teeth pure mischief while the twitching nose was cuter than a stray kitten.  The lips sealed my fate; they trembled as if she was just as innocent as a child.  She stood up.  “Then I’ll make you sit.”

I stepped backward.  “Nuh uh.”

She pushed me in the chest, advancing at me.  “Then show me your bedroom.”

“You don’t want to see that.”

“Don’t tell me what I want.”

There was a small step that separated the living room from the hallway, and I backed right into it.  My balance went, and I threw up my arms.  Nicole reached out to stop my fall, but instead fell right on top of me.  We landed on the hardwood floor with a thud.

“Are you okay,” she said, the full brunt of her weight pressed against my belly.

My butt hurt, and I rubbed it and said, “No.  I’m not okay.”

A look of shock quickly melted into a grin.  “You planned this, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, right.  I planned on having you fall and break my back.”

“Are you saying I’m fat?”  She slapped my face playfully.

“Great.  It’s not enough you flatten me, now you’re slapping my face, too.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”  She started peppering my cheek and neck with quick kisses.  “Poor baby.  Did I hurt you?”


She leaned forward, and I leaned back.  The corner of the step was into the arch of my back, but her mouth tasted so good I didn’t care.  Her tongue slapped at my lips and cheek.  She was forceful, leaving me weak at the knees.  I was no virgin, but I wasn’t used to a girl like her.  I was accustomed to making the first move, but she was the one in control.  I was a passenger in the seat of her fire-engine red BMW, and she had the pedal floored so hard my hair was flying in the wind while my heart hung on for dear life as the rest of my body just came along for the ride.

Finally, I mustered up the strength to pull my head away and say, “Baby, you’re hurting me.”

She hopped up quickly, now realizing just how hard my back was being grinded into the ground.  Her arm extended, she said, “I am so sorry.”

While struggling to my feet, I groaned, “It’s okay.”

She put her arms around my waist, slipping her hands into the back pockets of my jeans, and she moved in close.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad.”

“Nah.  You couldn’t possibly.”

Her hands came out of my pockets and began rubbing my lower back.

“Is that better?”

I closed my eyes and let her rub at the small of my back.  It was quickly feeling better.

“Yeah.  That’s nice.”

She started walking up the steps, pulling my arm along with her.  I had no choice but to follow.  At the top of the steps, she walked onto the landing and then right into my room.

“Have you been here before?” I asked in a silly tone.

“No, but I saw the Patrick Ewing poster from the steps.  It didn’t look like your mother’s room.”

“I guess not.”

“Is she a basketball fan?”  Nicole pushed me towards my bed, using just the fingertips of her right hand.

“No.  She has a Don Mattingly poster in her room.”

She pushed me in short choppy bursts—“Very”—and spoke as she pushed, “Funny.”  Then she pushed me hard, with both hands, and I fell back onto my bed.  Once again, Nicole fell on top of me.  Only this time, I felt the softness of a mattress beneath me.

Nicole stayed in control.  I’ve never had an experience quite like it, before or since.  I started to say something, but she put her hand to her lips and then whispered, “You just lay back.”  So I did.

Her legs straddled around me and her frame was upright as she removed her shirt, then shook her hair; it fell back into place so neatly.  She reached down and pulled at my shirt.  I sat up slightly and let her peel it away from my body.

She kissed my neck and worked her way down along the balls of my shoulders.  I felt a breeze run through my body, and goose pimples on my chest stood straight up as she kissed it.

“Kick off your shoes,” she said, and one by one I kicked off my sneakers.  She was wearing black shoes with small heels.  They slid off easily.  She stood up, stepped off the bed and undid her belt, then dropped her pants.

I was trying to be casual, but I think my eyes must have bulged right out of their sockets.  She looked amazing, her body slim and tight.  Her stomach muscles were defined but still softly feminine.  Her shoulders and arms were thin, but her legs were built and her hips full.

Now in only a black bra and tiny matching panties, she got back into the bed and undid my belt buckle.  I arched my back and allowed her to slide my pants off.

Nicole brushed against me, her belly and legs now pressed against my side.  She began nibbling at the side of my shoulder.  Then she worked back up to my neck.

I quivered as I felt her tongue stick into my ear.

“Are you ticklish?”


Her hands went into my hair, and she slid upwards on the bed.  She started kissing my mouth again.  I felt her arms leave my head, and then I heard her bra unsnap.  Before I could even react, her breasts were in my face, and I instinctually sucked, kissed and caressed the soft and full flesh of her chest.  My arms fondled her hips and worked their way backwards to her ass.  That, too, was full and round, but tight.

With her body bare in front of me, Nicole was stunning—so shapely, her curves a joy to run my hands over.

She rolled next to me on the bed and slid off her panties.  Then, she pulled my boxer shorts off.  I don’t mean to be crude, but I was ready to go.

Nicole climbed on top, grabbed me and guided me inside of her.  I couldn’t pretend to be cool anymore.  I groaned loudly.  She groaned, too. 

She started bouncing up and down, at first kind of slow but her pace quickened.  The volume of our groans increased along with her pace.  To see her body move, and watch her breasts bounce and the flat of her belly go up and down, it was just too much to keep quiet.

For just a second, I thought of the Griffins upstairs.  Could they hear us?  I just didn’t care.  What did it matter?

Nicole put one arm on my chest to balance herself while the other held me inside her as the momentum increased.  I wanted to impress her, to really show her a good time, to make her feel every bit as amazing as I was feeling.

I sat up and kissed her mouth.  She nibbled at my lip, then bit me hard.  Our groans were so loud even Mr. Griffin with his failing ears must have heard us.  She bounced harder and her thighs got just a little bit higher each time.  There was determination and fury in her eyes but the dimples in the sides of her cheeks showed nothing but pleasure.  I could feel the joy within myself build and build, until I could take no more.  With a moan of sheer joy, I came inside her.

I lay back in bed, and my eyes must have rolled back in my head.  She fell on top of me and our sweaty bodies rubbed together.  We were both panting and spent.

I cradled Nicole close to my chest and stroked the hair away from her face as we sat quietly.  I broke the silence to say, “That was amazing.”

“You enjoyed yourself?”

“Are you really asking me that?”

She giggled.  “I guess I know the answer.”

“Did you like it?”

“Of course.  Yes.  You were awesome.”

“Good.”  I lay back and put my arms above my head, feeling proud and satisfied.

She curled in close to me, and we lay still.  All I could hear was the sound of our breathing.  I felt nice, special even.  For the first time since I was a kid, I felt whole.  Like I mattered.  Like I belonged to something, to someone.

Then she said, “I can’t believe my father is such an asshole.”

Her words were soft, but she may as well have shrieked at the top of her lungs.  Hearing her voice was a shot to my gut.  My face must have turned white, and I could taste the bile in my stomach climbing up my throat into the back of my mouth.

Clearly, she saw the look in my eyes.  “Are you okay?  What is it, Sean?”

I sat up and pulled away.

“What?  What did I do?”

“Did you do this just to get back at him?”

“What?”  She sat up, too, and suddenly her face turned red.  “What do you mean?”

“I just…”  I lost my words.  I sputtered, and managed to say, “I really thought this was nice.”

Her nostrils began to flare, her breathing turned heavier.  For just half a second, she looked like her old man.

“Is that what you think of me?  You think I’m that horrible a person?  Do you think I would fuck you just to piss off my father?”

She stood up and started reaching for her clothes.  I jumped up, too, and put my hand on her arm.

She shook me off and said, “Don’t touch me.”


“Fuck off!”  Rapidly, she got dressed.

I jumped into my jeans.  “Nicole, I didn’t mean it like it sounded.”

“Fuck off!”

“Please.  It’s just that…”

She stormed out of the room and down the stairs.  I followed.  She got to the front door and put her hand on the knob.  As she pulled it towards her, I pushed it closed.

“Nicole, please.”

“Let me out.”

I turned her by the shoulders and made her face me.  “Let me just explain first.  Please.”

She exhaled heavily and looked down at the floor.

“I’m sorry.  It sounded horrible.”

Her head turned up, but her eyes were shut.

“Nicole.   Look at me, please.”

She opened her eyes.  There were lines showing around her eyes and lips.  I could see the tension mounting in her usually smooth and pretty face.

“Nicole.  I’m sorry.  Please forgive me.  When you said that, the way you said it.   The timing.  It just caught me off guard.”

“Because you think so little of me.”

“No.  No.  Because I think so much of you.”  I put my finger underneath her chin and pointed her face upwards towards mine.  “Because I think you are so amazing.  That’s why I went crazy for a second there, at the thought that this didn’t mean as much to you as it did to me.”

The lines in her face disappeared; it looked smooth again.  Her nose was red.  The anger was fading before my eyes.

“What did it mean to you?”  Her voice changed dramatically.  Any trace of anger was gone.  She sounded so cute and loveable, like she was every bit as helpless to her emotions as I was.

“It meant a lot.”

“A lot?”

“It was the most intense experience of my life.”

Nicole put her arms around my shoulders and pulled me close.  “Sean, I think I’m falling for you.”

“I know I’m falling for you.”

“I’m sorry I freaked out.”

“I deserved it.  What I said was horrible.  I don’t think that at all.”

“You don’t think I’m shallow?  And spoiled?”

“Nicole, I think you are the most amazing individual on the planet.”

“Now you’re being dramatic.”

“I mean it.”

She kissed me softly, then again.  Then she pressed her lips firmly against mine and held them there.  Finally, she pulled back and smiled at me. 

“Sean, I need you to understand.  I can’t help who my father is.”

“I know.  Believe me, I know you can’t choose your own father.”

“My father has tried to run my entire life.  I am not a child anymore.  He needs to let me be my own person.”

“I’m sure he will.”

“Everyone is afraid of him.  I need you not to be.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“I mean it.  If you are going to be with me, really be with me, you have to stand up to him.”

“I’ll try.  I don’t know if I can stand up to him, but I know I can stand by you.  Isn’t that the important thing?”

“Yes.  You’re right, Sean.  You are absolutely right.  I think that’s what I really need, and I didn’t realize it until you just said it.  I need to know that you will stand by me, no matter what.”

“I will.”

“No matter what my father thinks.  No matter what happens, I need you to stand by me.  Can I count on you?”

“Of course you can.”

“You promise?  Do you promise you’ll always stand by me?”

“I promise.”

“No matter what?”

“No matter what, Nicole.  I promise.”

We sealed our promise with a kiss.  It seemed almost harmless.  Just words that flowed naturally from our mouths.  At the time, I had no idea what that promise would mean.  All I knew was that Nicole Torretta was incredible, beautiful, adorable.  And she was mine.

Chapter Twelve


We walked outside, arms locked and her head pressed against my chest all the way to Nicole’s BMW.  Her car was right out front of the house now parked behind what was left of my Alfa Romeo.  Her eyes puffed up again as we stepped up on the curb between the cars.

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