Skin Walkers - King (13 page)

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Authors: Susan Bliler

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Skin Walkers - King
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Exclusive Excerpt


Skin Walkers: York


A. Bliler


York entered the too small bar and hid a wince at the scent of sweaty bodies mingled with cigarette smoke and something that closely resembled sewage.  He’d been in the Philippines for three days and was following a lead that he hoped would take him to his target. 

He scanned the bar and his heart thundered to a halt.  “Shy?
What in the hell is she doing here?
  She’d cut her hair!  Her, once waist length, auburn locks were now shorn to a sexy little bob that framed her beautiful face.  His eyes scanned the bar for Leto, and not finding him, York took a step toward Shy and froze. 

She hadn’t seen him because she was engrossed in a conversation with a tall, wiry man with pale
, dry, hair that looked like a thin pile of hay sitting on top of his head.  The man reached for Shy and when he did, she pulled her arm back, balled her tiny hand into a fist and punched the man square in the face.

Immobilized by shock, York couldn’t believe that
the little Shy he knew had just attacked someone…
He remembered her as quiet and timid and…well, shy.  His moment of surprise was short-lived though as Shy jumped back out of the now angry and bleeding hay-hair man’s grip. 

If York thought he’d been shocked moments earlier he was outright stunned when Shy winked at the man before lifting a foot and kicking him hard in belly sending the man doubling over then onto his knees as the air whooshed out of him in a great, “Oooomph!”

York was about to spring into action to defend Shy when she finally turned and faced him.  Their eyes locked and it happened.  After years of waiting, hoping, and yearning… 

York’s gut wrenched as if he’d just been gut checked by a fucking semi.  Dropping to his
knees, he tried to suck in an agonized breath as he heard a high-pitched whine and a flash of light winked off his halo to momentarily blind him.

Curling his fist into his still clenched abdomen he roared as his incisors elongated.  He knew he was in public and should have better control, but he couldn’t hold the partial shift back.  He knew it!  He’d known it all along…Shy belonged to
Even through the agony of the affliction, his full lips curved into a smile.  York McDonnough had finally found his angel!

About the Author

My pack territory is in Central Montana, between Stone Crow Estates and the North Fortress.  Born and raised in an untamed location that bridges the gap between rolling prairies and majestic mountain peaks, I am born to a family that also bridges the gap between cultures.  My father’s people boast a fiercely proud Scottish ancestry while my mother’s tribes descend from two savagely beautiful and unique nations that inspire my Skin Walkers series.     

I'm a huge fan of MMA, boxing, hockey, 30 Seconds to
Mars, Linkin Park, DMX, the Killers, and 21 Pilots.  I also love to read because it encourages me to write.  (I hate it when authors add that they love coffee and chocolate.  Really?  Who doesn't love coffee and chocolate?)  Anyway, I love beer...kidding.  I don't
beer but we are engaged in a very serious relationship.  (Mom, please don't call me when you read this.)

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Please leave feedback.  I actually read your opinions/suggestions and try to adapt my work accordingly. 

Thanks for reading my books and thanks to my awesome fans for all the support and feedback.  A’hau.

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