Skypoint (20 page)

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Authors: Phil Ford

Tags: #Fiction - Science Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Space Opera, #General, #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction, #Science Fiction - Space Opera, #Sagas

BOOK: Skypoint
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He was fairly confident that, however unassailable Lucca considered his sanctuary, he wouldn’t see an attack coming from the bottom of his garden.

‘Don’t worry,’ he told Gwen. ‘I’m good with heights.’

Then he drew the Webley, took careful aim and put out the window with four shots. The glass shattered and fell into the night. Jack hoped no one was standing down there tonight – that was the second window that he’d put out.

The wind whipped at his coat as he took a look out through the window and reloaded the gun. Gwen watched him fill the cylinder. Six shells. Then he pushed the Webley back into its holster and slipped the air force greatcoat off and handed it to Gwen.

‘Keep this for me, will you? Batman looks great with that flapping cloak of his, but I don’t think he ever gets this close to the edge.’

He stepped up onto the ledge and got ready to head along it.

‘Which way is it, again?’ he joked.

It was the final straw for Gwen, who threw the coat down on the floor and got up alongside him at the window.

‘And where do you think you’re going?’ he asked.

‘If you think you can take out Lucca and his men with just six bullets, you’re crazy, Jack Harkness,’ she said, and looked out at the drop below. ‘Crazier than you think you are!’

‘Oh no,’ he said. ‘You’re crazy if you think you’re coming out here with me.’

‘I’ve been on ledges before. I talked a suicide down once, I did.’

‘Oh, really? What storey?’

She hesitated. ‘It’s the principle of the thing that’s important. Now let’s move, I’m freezing my bloody knickers off here.’


The party was on the nineteenth floor. Owen and Wendy heard it as they went up the steps, echoing down the empty green-lit corridor.

Loud enough to wake the dead.

Chance would be a fine thing!

‘We should take a look,’ said Wendy.

Owen wasn’t convinced. He had a pretty good idea of what was ahead of him now, and he wanted to get it done.

‘If we’ve heard it, then maybe Alison has heard it. She might be there. That’s got to be Alun and Julie. Alison likes them.’

Alun and Julie were the photographer and his girlfriend. He wasn’t sure that Wendy was encouraging the right choice of friends for her daughter, but their options were limited at SkyPoint.

He thought of Alison reading Rapunzel to Mr Pickle.

Owen didn’t want to use the last of their cleaning-product charges to get through the door – he was worried about his chances of survival in one piece a second time around, especially if he was blown down a couple of floors of concrete steps. Instead, he took the cover off the door locking mechanism with the point of Marion’s carving knife and set about fusing the system. He wasn’t Toshiko when it came to electronics, but you picked things up around Torchwood and there was still current running from some auxiliary source through the door locks, so it didn’t take him long to get it open.

They followed the music, it was Evanescence. Not exactly party music, but each to his own.

Wendy was right. It took them to Alun and Julie’s door. They had to hammer hard for a long time before they got an answer.

Alun came to the door in just his underpants.

‘Don’t tell me – you’re complaining about the noise,’ he said.

‘Didn’t you hear the alarm?’ Owen asked.

‘Alarm? What alarm? You’re joking, right?’

His pupils were dilated like black holes. Alun was high. It didn’t take much force to get past him, and Owen pushed his way into the flat.

Wendy followed. ‘We’re looking for Alison. You haven’t seen her, have you?’

The apartment was lit by so many candles it made Owen think of a church. Or a black mass. Amy Lee was pouring out of a battery-powered boombox, singing about her Immortal. Julie with the Melons was lying semi-naked on the couch with a tourniquet around her arm and the hypodermic she had just injected still clutched in her hand.

‘Oh, hi,’ she said, trying to find the right muscles to make a smile with. ‘Are we going to party?’

Owen turned off the music and looked at Wendy. ‘You’d better hope Alison isn’t here.’

Wendy looked horrified. Alun and Julie couldn’t find any expressions at all.

‘Stay there,’ he said to her and tore the used hypodermic from Julie’s hand. He wasn’t sure if she even noticed.

‘What are you doing?’ Wendy shouted after him as Owen headed for the bathroom.

‘I told you, stay there!’

Owen slammed the door shut after him.

Wendy felt scared and unsure. What was he doing in there? Why had he taken the hypodermic? Oh, God, she had put her daughter’s safety in the hands of a junkie like Julie and Alun!

She hammered on the bathroom door for him to come out – she wanted to know what he was doing!

But Owen never got to tell her, because that was when the apartment door flew open and the knuckle-draggers finally showed up.


Fifteen centimetres, Jack had always insisted, was not nearly enough, not even when it had been six inches. He had, however, found on numerous occasions that you could work with what you were given.

Right now, it was all that was keeping him from falling over sixty metres to what, for him, would still be a pretty messy and uncomfortable resurrection. For Gwen, who moved slowly alongside him on the slender concrete ledge that skirted the circumference of SkyPoint, it would be certain death.

They had come maybe six metres, and it had taken them the best part of fifteen minutes. At this rate, they were going to reach Lucca in time to catch him eating breakfast on the terrace.

The night wind tore at his hair as he stood with his back to the SkyPoint wall, his arms spread, hands plastered against the concrete, feeling for the slightest grip. He could sense the toes of his boots sticking over the edge of the ledge and, immortal or not, it wasn’t a comfortable place to be. He turned his head towards Gwen. She was half a metre away from him, stuck to the wall as he was by sheer will and the sweat of her palms.

‘You doing OK?’ he asked.

‘Oh, yeah. Brilliant. You can see my house from here.’

Jack smiled, and moved his left foot a little further along the ledge, edging his shoulder along as he did so, then gently brought his right foot after him, keeping his centre of gravity as close to the wall behind him as possible. Then he watched as Gwen repeated the same action.

He tried to bring to mind the schematics of the building, tried to remember just how far they had said it was from the SkyPark window to the lightning conductor.

Twenty-four metres?

They weren’t even halfway yet, and moving so slowly had never seemed so exhausting.

Distantly, he heard the sounds of cars in the city below. Night owls heading home, and shift workers making for the plant. He had travelled to a lot of worlds in his time, but that one seemed stranger than most, and so much more than just sixty metres away. A world of mortgage repayments, office jobs, pension plans and family. Not his world, and never would be.

He moved along the ledge a little more.

At least the air was good up here. It was coming straight in off the Bristol Channel and, beyond that, the Atlantic. There was no air on any planet quite as good as the air that came in off the Atlantic.

‘You keeping up?’ he called to Gwen.

He saw her nod. But she didn’t look at him now, she was keeping her eyes dead ahead. Concentrating. Feeling her way along the side of the building. Shifting sideways, moving one foot slowly along after the other.

Jack worried about her, but there was nothing he could do now. She had been determined to join him, and arguing with her would just have used up more time. Besides, she was right, six shells wasn’t a lot to take out a man like Lucca and however many heavies he might have shoring up his fortress defences. In his experience, guns were like heads, two were always better than one. Unless they were pointing your way, of course.

He continued to move along the ledge and found he was getting into a rhythm now; everything starting to fit into a pattern, his movement and his breathing – even the gusts of Atlantic air were coming at the right time. He felt that he was moving faster.

Then he saw the gulls.

There were six of them – big, grey-backed herring gulls–roosting on the ledge. As Jack inched ever closer, the first bird turned and looked at him, then looked away as if it thought it was seeing things, or maybe that the humans would fall off before they got much closer. Either way, the bird didn’t move.

‘Looks like we got company up here,’ Jack said to Gwen.

‘What?’ she demanded, as in,
what the hell are you talking about?

‘You don’t have any mackerel or anything on you, do you?’

‘Jack, what is going on?’

From her position, she couldn’t see the gulls. Jack decided it wouldn’t be a problem, the birds would move. After all, people were bigger than birds, right?

But as Jack drew closer, the birds didn’t move. The closest one looked over at him again and stretched, beat its wings, and cried out into the night. That set off its companions, who took up the chorus. But they didn’t take off, as he’d expected.

‘Come on, guys, move along,’ Jack said, as he got within half a metre of the gulls.

Instead, the first gull edged towards him and stabbed at his boot with its beak.

‘Hey! You little freak!’

Jack kicked out at the bird and it hopped back in retreat, but as Jack took his next step the bird darted forward again and attacked his boot.

Jack lashed out with his foot. ‘Get out of it!’

And this time, the bird leaped into the night, and took its friends with it. Suddenly the air around Jack and Gwen was filled with the thunder of beating wings and crying gulls.

‘Oh my God, Jack!’

Jack reached out and grabbed Gwen’s hand.

‘Just stay calm,’ he said.

Right now the birds were just showboating, making a lot of noise, warning off the invaders to their territory, maybe still a little intimidated by their size. But these weren’t sparrows, and if they decided to swing in for an attack they were in trouble. Gulls had big, sharp beaks, and they were also the only ones up here that could fly.

It didn’t take much working out.

‘Hey, you lot, shut up!’

The voice came from above them. It was a thin voice, like it had come out of some sort of woodwind instrument played badly.

‘Noisy buggers, piss off!’

This second voice was deeper, more brass section.

Two men right above them in Besnik Lucca’s garden had been attracted by the commotion of the gulls. Jack and Gwen stopped breathing.

‘Here, now get off!’

It was Brass again, and as he spoke Jack saw a chunk of what looked like burger roll fly over the side of the building. As one, the gulls dived after it into the night below.

Jack felt himself take another breath.

Above him Woodwind was telling Brass how he hated those bloody things; one had swept down on him in Tenby when he was a kid and stolen his ice cream right out of his hand.

Maybe that was where his life had all gone wrong, thought Jack. An incident like that was going to screw a kid up – ice cream robbery: it was the kind of thing that would make a sociopath out of anybody.

He heard the voices of Lucca’s two men move away, and glanced back at Gwen. She looked exhausted, but he knew she was tough. She would make it.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack found the lightning conductor.

Turning around to climb up the conductor was always going to be tricky, and he had been rehearsing the move in his head as he edged towards it. With his back to the wall, he wrapped the fingers of his left hand around the rod and used them to brace himself as he reached over his shoulder with his other hand. With a little quick footwork he found himself facing the right way round and hauled himself nimbly up the wall, knowing that Gwen would work out the move for herself and follow him up.

After the age it had taken them to edge around the outside of SkyPoint, Jack found himself rolling over the balcony wall into Lucca’s verdant roof garden only ten seconds later. He dropped to the floor in a crouch and Gwen was beside him a moment later.

Jack drew the Webley from its holster.


The goons that had burst into the photographer’s flat – the men that Jack would soon after think of as Woodwind and Brass – had left Alun and Julie behind. The young couple were stoned out of their heads and probably wouldn’t remember the visit if they survived the night. The only people that the thugs were interested in were Wendy and Owen, and Owen didn’t put up a fight.

When he heard them crash through the apartment door, he had finished what he had gone to do in the bathroom, and stepped out.

His only words were to Wendy: ‘Just do as they say.’

There was no real option for them. The men weren’t waving guns around, but they didn’t need to. Even a living, breathing Owen whose bones would fix wouldn’t have been much of a match for Lucca’s slabs of muscle.

Woodwind and Brass shoved Owen and Wendy out of the flat, and ushered them towards the steps. Before they reached them, Owen heard Evanescence pouring out of the flat once again.

Owen and Wendy were taken up to the twenty-first floor and led along the corridor to what looked like a broom cupboard. It proved to be a secret lift hidden behind a panel. Thirty seconds later, he and Wendy were led into Lucca’s apartment. Woodwind and Brass left them there.

Owen saw Toshiko, still secured to the chair, and went to her, filled with a mix of relief and rage.

‘Tosh, are you all right?’

‘I’m fine, Owen. I’m sorry, I messed up, didn’t I?’

‘No, course you didn’t,’ he said. Lucca stood watching, amused.

‘You two make such a beautiful couple,’ he said. ‘You should really get together.’

‘Screw you, Lucca,’ Owen snarled. ‘What do you want?’ Lucca spread his arms, took in the apartment. ‘Look about you, Owen. I am a successful man.’

Owen took in the money that hung on the walls at a glance. ‘You’re a bloody crook.’

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