Read Slavemaster's Woman, The Online

Authors: Angelia Whiting

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love story, #science fiction, #bdsm, #futuristic, #slave, #sci fi, #slavemaster, #sexy novel

Slavemaster's Woman, The (20 page)

BOOK: Slavemaster's Woman, The
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Tarken lifted his head and smiled at her
response to him, and then dipped again to repeat the process with
the other breast, drawing the same response from her.

Cushla grasped his penis and tugged, hoping
he would get the message, hoping he was feeling the same fervor as
she was to have it penetrate her, but he instead pushed his finger
into her vagina and stroked. Her hips began to move in response to
his adept ministrations and she knew she was nearing her climax.
“Mmm…” Cushla sighed. “Yes my master, please keep going.” His
attention to her and her responses to him had caused her grasp of
his penis to slacken.

He chuckled low and pulled free of her grip.
“Turn over,” Tarken instructed her as he rose up on his elbow.

She grunted a complaint when he withdrew his
finger from her, gave him a questioning look but did as he bade,
rolling to her belly.

Once she was settled, he gently brushed her
hair to the side and again nuzzled her neck and shoulders, kissing
and licking his way down the center of her back. Coming to the
slight arch of her buttocks, he gave her a small nip which caused
her to jerk slightly.

She then relaxed again, as he rubbed his
hand soothingly over the rounded mounds of her ass before slapping
his fingers sharply against first one, to which she squeaked, and
then squeaked again when slapped the other. Much to her surprise
the stinging aroused her, and her butt was raised for more before
she’d even realized she’d done it.

“You like that.” Tarken chuckled. “When done
properly it can bring much pleasure.” He snapped his fingers
against one of her fleshy mounds again.

“Ouch!” Cushla yelped, and then laughed.
“Yes, master.”

Tarken laughed again and then ran his
fingers gently along the crease of her ass, until he reached her
slit. “Your quim is slick and ready mistress.”

“Yes,” was all Cushla could say in response,
focusing more on the titillating spasms of her clenching pussy as
she waited for him to start finger fucking her again. She grew
impatient with waiting and tried to push back on his digit, but he
removed it. “Please Tarken,” she implored.

“Please what, little mistress?”

“I need you to fuck me,” Cushla returned,
her voice nearly a pleading whine.

“Do you?” Tarken questioned.

With her mental faculties now drifting into
a lusty fog, all Cushla could do at this point was drone out a low
cry, which grew louder when he licked her clit and then drove his
finger into her vagina. “Oh, stars of the galaxies!” She arched her
back seeking deeper penetration. “More!”

“Does that feel good, mistress?” He mumbled
against her skin and then licked her clit again while rapidly
pumping his finger. “Do you like the way I make you feel?”

“Yes, master. I like the way you make me
feel!” Cushla cried out.

“Good,” Tarken said between laps. “Because I
want you to feel everything. Now roll to your back and spread your

Cushla didn’t hesitate. She turned over and
spontaneously opened her thighs.
He was going to
finally fuck her! She released a shaking breath while watching his
eyes as they grazed the length of her body, starting first at her
toes. He grasped her foot and his hand was hot on her flesh.
Inhaling sharply, she was amazed that something so typically
platonic would cause her clit to throb even more vigorously. She
cocked her hips as if to say—to scream ,
look here, look at my
pussy. It needs you!

To her dismay he didn’t look, but instead
his gaze took what seemed to be a calculating stroll along the
length of her leg, ignoring her crotch, and then continuing up and
along her abdomen. Well at least he stopped to take a gander at her

“What are you doing, Tarken?” Cushla asked

“Feasting.” He grinned.

“Feasting?” In frustration, Cushla dropped
her head against the pillow and released a grumbling sound. She
didn’t bother to look when she heard his low chuckle, felt and
heard him shifting, until she felt him rest his hips between her
thighs, and then the weight of his body pressing on hers. Lifting
her head, she looked up and between their bodies as he lifted to
prop on his elbows. Her breathing quickened at the sight of the
swollen head poised just at the entrance, her swollen, throbbing
labia, her inner muscles screaming for the penetration.

He pushed it inside of her…slightly.

“Crashing stars, yes Tarken!” Cushla’s head
fell back and she closed her eyes. “All of it. Give me all of

He stroked shallow provoking her sex,
probing and then sliding in a bit further before pulling back.

Cushla pumped on him, lifted her hips and
arching up, seeking more of him, craving the fullness of his shaft.
She was close, so damn close…closer to the peak she so desperately
wanted. Slave to her own urges, she panted, cried, whined at the
shallow strokes, begged him to drive it in, confused at his
refusal, and then—then…

He stopped—just stopped.

“Wha—” Cushla peered up at him. “Why did you
stop?” She watched in disbelief when he jerked out of her and sat
back on his haunches.

Saying nothing he left the bed, stood and
donned his trousers.

What had she done wrong?

“Do you want me in another position?” she

“No. Cushla. I am done.” he said calmly
while latching up his pants.

“Done?” Dropping her gaze to the enormous
bulge in his pants she furled her brow in confusion and looked up
at him again. “But you’re as hard as a rock!”

Sitting in a nearby chair, Tarken pulled on
his boots. Without looking at her he said. “I can take my pleasure
with another female if I choose to relieve it.”

“You fucking bastard!” That comment
infuriated her. Not only because it was a disdainful reference to
her station, which was bad enough, but also because it hurt—it hurt
inside of her chest…oh stars! She didn’t want Tarken to fuck
another woman! She wanted him to fuck her.

Her body wanted to be fucked by him. She was
so starfucking horny! “Why would you do this?” No sooner had the
words left her mouth when she realized exactly why he had done it.
Cushla winced and released a heavy breath. She wanted to vomit. Not
only had he been able to bring her to the heights of sexual
frustration, he’d also used it as power over her!

“I think you know why I just did this,

“You stinking belock!” She was outraged. How
could she have allowed herself to fall victim to this! “You piss
ass dirty blackhole!”

Leaning back in the chair, Tarken threaded
his fingers together and then extended his index fingers. He
pressed them to his lips and studied her pensively…plotting ways to
use her weaknesses in the future most likely! “I will leave you for
a time now.” Tarken stood and donned his shirt. He headed for the

“Why? So you can go fuck somebody else!”
Cushla regretted her words as soon as she said them, sharply
regretted them when she saw the smug expression on his face as he
turned his head to glance at her from over his shoulder.

“Does that bother you, mistress?”

“No!” Cushla growled. “Hades no! You have a
right to fuck whomever you want. I’m just pissed at you
No way…no starblazing way
. She clamped her
mouth shut. She wouldn’t chance that he merely used sex to get to
her and didn’t realize she was more upset because he’d punished her
just at the moment she was most susceptible. She would take great
care in the future to prevent revealing herself at all in the

“You need to learn how to behave, Cushla.”
Tarken opened the door and then glanced at her once more. His eyes
dropped to her still wet and throbbing pussy. “By the way, you are
forbidden to touch yourself.”

“I will pleasure myself any time I damn well
please, slavemaster!”

“You won’t.”

“I will.” She gazed at him defiantly. To
prove her point she thrust her fingers between her labia and began
to fiddle.

Tarken stalked toward her but she refused to
stop fingering herself. She was a bit surprised when he gently
wrapped his palm around her wrist and moved it away when she
would’ve expected he would forcefully jerk it free.

He then released his grip and gazed down at
her. “I take it you enjoy my punishments?”

Cushla didn’t give him the satisfaction of
an answer. She glared at him, however drawing no reaction from him
and watched him head for the open door.

Before he passed through it, Tarken looked
over at her once more. “I’ll be watching you on my commlink. I
would suggest in my absence you take the time to reconsider your
dire need to abscond.”

Chapter Sixteen

“I was being kidnapped you slithering
pestilence!” Was the last thing Tarken heard as the door slid
closed behind him. That and the sound of some object she’d
apparently thrown, smashing against the inside of the door.

Stiffly and gingerly he made his way to the
galley. He needed to try and calm his screaming nerves, calm his
raging libido. Hell blazes the session with her had been torturous.
He needed a drink. Punching in the code for the strongest drink on
the list, Tarken took it to a table and sat. Sipping the drink, he
barely managed to swallow it. Shaking his head slightly, he
wondered why a man as rich as Mecor stocked his star cruisers with
such rotgut instead of decent liquor. But he reasoned the king
probably saved the good stuff for himself, the selfish bastard.

Pulling his comm from his vest pocket, he
activated the screen and linked to the view pod in his quarters. He
found Cushla pacing the floor.

Wrapped in the bedcover she was mumbling to
herself. At one point, she tipped her head up to the viewer and
gestured and obscenity with her fingers.

Tarken couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re a
tenacious little thing aren’t you, Cushla?”

She began to pace again, and as much as
Tarken wished to push the whole punishment from his mind he began
considering the intensity of how she aroused him. He never intended
to enter her, to begin intercourse with her. It had nearly been his
undoing. Why he refused himself an orgasm when all he wanted to do
was spew inside of her, Tarken needed to mull over. With other
women it wouldn’t have been an issue, but with Cushla, coming
inside her while denying her the same pleasure somehow seemed…

“God spirits bedamned!” Tarken barked and
took a hard swallow of the alcohol. It seemed somewhat mundane.
Shifting in his chair, he re-arranged his now semi-stiff cock,
putting it into a more comfortable position, though comfortable was
a term he would use loosely. Glancing around, he was grateful to be
alone. While he watched Cushla pace on his viewer his thoughts
began to focus on his punishment and he had to wonder who this
punishment was going to be tougher on, him or Cushla. When he was
trailing kisses across her body, caressing her, exploring her he’d
struggled immensely to keep his own arousal under control. It was a
grueling task, torturous even.

Tarken closed his eyes and gulped more of
his drink.

He could feel how tight and ready she was
when he slipped his finger into her slit, her labia pink and
swollen. The way she wantonly arched into his strokes, her moaning
in bliss and complaints when he withdrew, and the kisses!

Never before had he so thoroughly enjoyed
kissing a woman’s body. She had beautiful breasts. Tarken couldn’t
resist the urge to nip at them. He listened to her body, her
breathing, her moans, her movements, and he knew on several
occasions she was just shy of climaxing. He had to deny her.

She was slave and he was master.

She needed to learn who was in control.

She needed to be trained.

“I had no choice but to deny your pleasure,”
he said aloud, though saying it aloud failed to make him feel any
better about it. He loathed denying her.

Tarken glanced at his commlink.

She was still pacing, though every now and
then she glanced up at the viewer.

He could tell she was still angry but even
in anger she was a beauty. The features on her face were delicate
making her seem almost innocent. They belied the wild and
passionate creature that hid beneath. How he’d enjoyed taking such
a leisurely tour of body. Her scent, her taste...lapping at her
pink and swollen pussy was pure ecstasy for his nose and

“Blazing hades,” Tarken grumbled again, his
attention on the commlink.

Cushla stomped over to the bed. Throwing off
the cover she fell to the mattress.

Now naked before his eyes Tarken gritted his
teeth and downed the rest of his drink. He fought against the
hard-on threatening to resurface as he watched Cushla caress her
own body.

Her hands were moving everywhere from her
slender feet up along her shapely legs and thighs, across her
stomach, lingering on her beautiful breasts. She touched her lips
with the tips of her fingers and smiled as if recalling his

Kisses that Tarken had thoroughly enjoyed as

Her other hand continued its meandering
journey and he waited to see if she would disobey and attempt to
pleasure herself. He was pleased that she passed over that part of
her body to massage her inner thigh instead, though it was clear
she wasn’t pleased by her own decision if the shriek that escaped
her throat, and the almost violent way she bucked from the surface
of the bed was any indication.

She glared at the viewer and then picked up
a pillow and threw it, momentarily blocking his view of her as it
hit the lens.

And then she did something that Tarken never
expected. She sat up, leaned against the wall, smiled seductively
at the viewer and spread her legs giving him full sight of her
pussy, her clit, her inner lips, her opening. It was still
glistening with wetness.

BOOK: Slavemaster's Woman, The
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