Slaves of Elysium (16 page)

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Authors: W. S. Antony

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

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The second guard stifled Rebecca's cry of outrage. He had pried open her buttock cheeks and was forcing the second phallus up her rear. For a moment her sphincter resisted, then her bottom bulged as her rectum was likewise plugged. Rebecca wailed and sobbed and squirmed, but to no avail. The phalluses doubly impaled her.

The only slight freedom of movement her bonds permitted, a bowing movement of her hips forward or back, now only drove one or the other of the shafts deeper inside her. Jeni saw her gaze darting wildly about, fixing briefly on her as though pleading for help. But what could Jeni do?

Finally Rebecca shut her eyes miserably as though trying to blot out the presence of the crowd, the shame of her public penetration adding to her fear. But her punishment had only just begun.

The guards pointed hand controllers at the bases of the phallus rods and operating lights glowed into life. At the same moment Rebecca gave a little gasp, as with a crack blue sparks played about the base of the phallus that plunged between her pubic lips. The tendons of her inner thighs stood out and she jerked backwards. Another crackle sounded as sparks flickered across her buttocks, which clenched fiercely, driving her forward again. Jolt, crack, went the first phallus, sparks flickering through her pubic hair and making it stand out in a wild frizz. Her vaginal passage spasmed, contracting as though trying to expel the hard rod that shocked her tender flesh, and she jerked back once again, only to drive the second phallus further up her rear and get another jolt up her arsehole.

Back and forth she fluttered, vibrating helplessly within the restraining arc of the hoop like the living stretched skin of some strange musical instrument. And with each twitching oscillation she gave strange yelps and whimpers, cut off sharply as the electric shock momentarily numbed her vocal chords.

Jeni watched in horrified, unblinking fascination, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight of her former mistress so cruelly tormented. She knew the sparks and crackles must be for show; high voltage, but low current like static discharges and not actually dangerous. Nevertheless, delivered as they were to such sensitive parts of her body, they must be painful. The Elysians were giving Rebecca a lesson they wanted her to remember.

At some point it must have penetrated Rebecca's dazed senses that it was movement that triggered a shock, and also the further she moved the more intense they became. Gritting her teeth she tried to ignore the shocks and hold herself perfectly still. Gradually her sways and writhing steadied and she came to rest with only her rapidly rising and falling breasts to show that she even breathed.

Rebecca opened her eyes and looked about her. The ghost of a triumphal smile played about her lips, and still holding herself absolutely rigid she hissed, ‘Is that the best you can do?'

But even as she spoke a guard stepped forward and thrust a rubber bit between her teeth, holding it fast with a strap around the back of her neck. Rebecca gurgled angrily, wincing as the motion started her swaying and the phalluses prickling inside her. Then she saw what the other guards were doing and her gurgles turned to muffled shrieking.

They had picked up cat-o-nine-tails, with rubber thongs woven through with silver threads. Positioning themselves in front and behind her strung body, they began to lash her as though they were batting a ball between them. With every blow that lifted and set her breasts bouncing, or drove a shiver through the fleshy rotundity of her bottom, sparks flickered and crackled between the curling thongs of the lashes to add to her torment.

And each frenzied arc and bow of her body sent the electric phalluses plunging deep inside her once again to deliver their intimate shocks.

And Rebecca screamed and howled behind her bit, which stopped her biting her tongue in her distress.

The strokes fell relentlessly across her helplessly convulsing body.

A rosy glow spread over her breasts, belly, thighs and buttocks, while her cheeks were red with tears. She dripped with sweat and her thighs ran with glistening trails of lubrication, teased out of her puffed and pouting love mouth in autonomic response to the artificial cock that was reaming her vagina even as it flickered with electric fire. Her nipples, which should have shrunken out of sight in an attempt to hide from the stinging blows, were instead perversely erect and pulsing with blood. This made them even more receptive to the lashing thongs that curled about them and the jolts of blue pain they carried.

Now Jeni understood the use of the phalluses. They mingled sensual stimulation with pain and confused Rebecca's responses. It made her more alive to everything being done to her, and added a new dimension of shame and humiliation for the onlookers to enjoy.

And they were enjoying it.

Intent, grinning or smiling, male and female alike, they ringed the chamber; all eyes fixed on Rebecca's beautiful tormented body. Jeni gulped as she saw the three male prisoners had erections and were gazing at Rebecca with undisguised lust. Could Rebecca see them through her tears? All part of her punishment, of course, knowing she was giving strange men perverse pleasure through her suffering.

Yes, it was a pleasure to watch Rebecca suffer, Jeni had to admit. So was there a darker, crueller side to her own nature, or was it the knowledge that, after years of selfishness and wounding others with her thoughtless barbs, Rebecca was only getting what she deserved? No, Jeni thought as she bit her lip and squeezed and rubbed her thighs together in an effort to assuage the growing need filling her own wet cleft, this was a pleasure deeper and more basic than witnessing Rebecca's overdue comeuppance. She was losing herself in the spectacle as she imagined what she would feel if it was her suspended within the hoop being shocked and beaten and impaled. She shuddered at the thought. Was there such a thing as masochistic empathy?

Rebecca gave a wretched, muffled scream, her body convulsed violently as though in the grip of a volcanic spasm, and then she went limp, her head lolling to one side. She hung from her cuffs, still twitching feebly from the shocks the phallus rods were sending through her, but too weak to respond further. The guards rested their arms and one lifted Rebecca's head by the hair and peeled back a half-closed eyelid. After a moment he smiled and said something to his companion.

Jeni held her breath in wonder. Had Rebecca fainted from pain, or had she orgasmed violently? Jeni thought of her own experience on the testing chair in Mykran Rado's laboratory. Neither she nor Rebecca had ever learned the results of their tests. Did the prison guards know? Was it on a file somewhere for anybody to read? What did it say about their response to such intense stimulation when pain and pleasure were so closely intertwined?

The crowd began to disperse. A guard freed Jeni from the wall and led her back to her cell, leaving Rebecca still hanging within the hoop. Jeni didn't need to wonder why. She was on display as a warning to all who dared to think they could defy the Elysian way.

Back in her cell Jeni stood still as the guard removed her bridle gag. He was about to free her hands when he stopped and sniffed curiously. With a grin he slid his finger through her pubic bush and deep into the sticky warmth of her vulva. He brought it out and up to his nose. It glistened with her secretions. He sniffed and smiled at her.

‘So, you're one of those,' he said.

Jeni shivered, overwhelmed by his presence and her unfulfilled desire. Her hands were still bound behind her. He could do anything he wanted. ‘Master, please do it again,' she begged in Elysian.

With one hand he grasped her by the hair to hold her steady, while the other he thrust into her.

A finger, two fingers slipping into her cleft, a thumb grinding against her hard clitoris. Now he had three fingers inside her hot, wet, love tunnel. Four fingers. Thrusting deeper up her, his knuckles rubbing the fleshy ribs. A terrible and yet wonderful pressure was building inside her.

Jeni groaned, rubbing against him with desperate need. Her knees were turning to jelly. She shuddered, gasped and came, her hips jerking as her sex sucked greedily on his hand. Her legs gave way and she would have collapsed if he had not supported her.

With a chuckle he carried her over to her bed and laid her down on her side. He wiped his sticky hand on her hair, freed her cuffs and closed the cell door behind him, leaving Jeni simmering with spent lust; relieved and yet also guilty in equal and confusing measure.


When Rebecca was returned to their cell an hour later, Jeni appeared her normal self once more. Rebecca, however, crawled in unsteadily on her hands and knees. The guard accompanying her threw down a computer pad on her bed and said to Jeni, ‘She is to learn this by tomorrow. If she does not she'll get more of the same, understand?'

‘Yes, master,' Jeni said.

He left and Jeni looked down at Rebecca, who was crouched down and swaying slightly, her eyes unfocussed. Taking pity on her, Jeni helped her up and onto her bed. Rebecca clung to her feebly.

‘Please...' she begged, ‘help me learn the language... whatever they want. I can't go through that again, I can't...'

Jeni considered for a moment. ‘I will, if you'll do one thing for me.'

‘Yes, anything.'

‘Answer this question immediately and honestly. If you stop to think I won't help you. Understand?'

‘What? Yes, all right.'

‘Did you have an orgasm when they were whipping you?'

‘Yes,' Rebecca choked out, then she hung her head. ‘Yes, I did.'

Jeni stroked Rebecca's naked back and smiled. ‘That's all right, then. I'll help you.'


Two weeks later Rebecca knelt at the feet of Narvok Tem and an administrator by the name of Arkos Zath.

‘This slave begs your forgiveness, and humbly asks to be allowed to serve the Empire of Elysium,' Rebecca said in Elysian. If Rebecca harboured any resentment or hesitation it was well hidden. Her outward demeanour was contrite and biddable. Crouched before them on her hands and knees with a hopeful, expectant expression on her face, she looked more like a dog anxious to please its master.

Jeni, kneeling a little to one side, exchanged a quick smile with Cath, who was standing quietly behind her master. Had their days of intensive coaching paid off? As far as she could tell Rebecca had passed all the tests and responded quickly to commands, but it was up to the two men to decide.

They conferred for a moment in low tones, then Arkos Zath said, ‘We judge that prisoner D574, also known by the name “Rebecca Lamont”, has achieved an acceptable level of competence in the spoken language and knowledge of the elementary rules of behaviour appropriate to her station. She and prisoner D573, also known as “Jeni Weeks”, shall henceforth be transferred to an approved school of slave training and deportment. If they graduate successfully they will be sold at public auction, the profits from which sale shall be divided between the state and the slave school. While in private ownership these two persons will be accorded the basic rights appertaining to an Elysian subject slave. Such rights shall remain inviolate while they abide by the law of the Empire and live under its protection, or until their status is changed by official decree.'

Rebecca and Jeni both bowed to the men and said together, ‘We thank you, masters.'

The two men got up and left the cell. As Narvok did so, he nodded to Cath, who smiled and bowed back. When the door closed Cath ran to Jeni and hugged her.

‘You did it, you're through!' she said.

She turned a happy face to Rebecca, who was getting off her knees, her submissive demeanour vanishing with the exit of the two men, and she only scowled back. ‘We're going to be trained to be slaves. That might make Jeni hot and excited, but I don't think it's much to celebrate.'

Jeni glared at her, and Rebecca raised her eyebrows. ‘All right, thank you for helping me get through the test,' she said stiffly to Cath, as though reciting the words. ‘And I suppose it will make a change to get out of this place.'

‘I know slave school will be hard at times, but at least there's some purpose to it,' Cath told them. ‘Once you've got through it you'll soon feel part of normal life again. It's easier to accept than you can imagine, if you give it a chance. And you two are bound to be bought by a good family, so you'll probably have it pretty easy.'

‘Sold like animals, you mean,' Rebecca said bitterly.

‘No, you will have rights, like Arkos Zath said. You'll learn them during training. Just do what you're told and you'll do fine.'

‘Will we see you again?' Jeni asked Cath.

‘Possibly, once you're sold and if you behave well. You know my master's name, so you can always find me. Favoured slaves are sometimes allowed to visit other slave friends, and I want to know how you get on. Maybe I can get my master to take me to the slave sales and I can see who buys you.'

A little shiver went through Jeni. How nice to have a friendly face watching her being sold! What a thing to contemplate.

‘So we settle down as the slaves of some nice bourgeois local family for the rest of our lives,' Rebecca said, her scorn on the brink of true despair. ‘I don't want to do that, do you understand?'

‘No, you can win your freedom if you show you respect Elysian ways enough to accept serving as a slave first,' Cath said earnestly. ‘Eventually you can petition the council and become a free person. That's the law.'

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