Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance) (121 page)

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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It didn’t take long to bring her to her
first orgasm. She shivered and shook in my arms as she came and then relaxed
back into me once she was finished. I could feel her legs shaking against mine.
When she caught her breath, she pushed up and slid around to face me. She was
straddling my waist with a knee on either side of me. I pulled her up on top of
my cock and let the tip slide into her. I reached behind her and unplugged the
tub…we were about to make one hell of a mess. She wrapped her legs around my
waist and sat down, taking the rest of me inside of her as she did.

started thrusting my hips up, and she clutched onto my shoulders and rode me as
the water sloshed from side to side and over the edges of the tub. I didn’t
care if we flooded the whole place. I’d buy her a new one.

I slid my hands down and gripped the firm
cheeks of her ass and squeezed them. I used them as leverage to slide her up
and down on my hard pole, striking deep and hard each time. Alicia was
returning each one of my thrusts with one of her own. Her soapy breasts and
hard nipples were pressed into me, and the sight of her and the smells of the
perfumed bath and the sounds she was making that echoed off the walls filled my
senses. When I couldn’t hold back any longer, I plunged into her all the way
and held myself there as I came. It was another earth-shattering orgasm and once
again, I reminded myself that I needed to get rid of Marjorie so that I could
have this every day…and soon.

held her in the tub until all of the water drained and then we got out and into
the shower. Things got wild again and I ended up fucking her up against the
cold tile wall before we could both concentrate on an actual shower. Once we
were clean and dried off, I reluctantly told her I had to go. Brigham’s jet was
picking me up at JFK in an hour.

going back out to his estate?”

I’d rather stay with you…”

smiled. “Most people would rather stick needles in their eyes than spend an
evening with those crazy people, I think.”

laughed. “That, too. But I really would rather be with you than with anyone at
any time.”

know,” she said as she leaned into me. “Me, too.”

to go with me?”

grimaced. “Do you need me to go…for business?”

baby, this part is about the civil case.”

not a chance,” she told me with a grin. I didn’t blame her, at all. I kissed
her again before dressing and forcing myself to leave. On my way out, I looked
at the tree we’d decorated together once again. My heart swelled in my chest.

It was the little things like that I
wanted to do with her forever. I’d never had fun with Marjorie – or any woman
really for that matter. My marriage to Marjorie had always been more like an
unpleasant business arrangement and any women I was with before her had been
strictly for sex. With Alicia, I wanted it all, and no matter what I had to do,
I was going to have it. I was beginning to think fighting Marjorie over
“things” was completely moronic when it took time away that I could be spending
with the most beautiful, amazing girl on earth. I’d have to call my attorney
before we went to court on Monday. Maybe I would be willing to change my terms
to please her…and get rid of her.






I actually spent a lazy Sunday just
reading and catching up on housework and laundry. I didn’t hear from Adam, but
I knew he was stuck at the Brigham mansion all weekend, so I didn’t worry about
it. I thought it was a lot better than the alternative actually: being stuck at
the penthouse with Marjorie. On Monday morning, I called him to wish him luck
with his and Marjorie’s court date.

“Thanks, baby, but I don’t think I’ll need
much luck today. I think she’s finally going to agree to our terms and accept
them.” I wasn’t sure what had changed, but he sounded excited and hopeful for
the first time in quite a while, and I was happy about that.

“Well, luck or no luck I hope all goes
well. I miss you,” I told him.

“I miss you, too. Dinner tonight?”

My mood elevated at the mere thought.
“Absolutely.” We made plans to talk later and after saying good-bye, I got
ready for work and got my own day started. I was humming when I stepped off the
elevator until I saw Carla’s face. Suddenly, I knew for sure it was Monday.

“What’s up?” I asked.

She gestured her head to the waiting room
to the left. I glanced over, and in the waiting area sat DA Dawson. He was
dressed to kill in what I could only imagine was a suit he had purchased in the
children’s department, and his bald little head was so shiny that I almost
couldn’t look directly at it.

He stood when he saw me notice him. “Ms.
Winston,” he said, holding out his pudgy little hand with the stubby fingers on
it for me to shake. I had to force myself to take it.

“Mr. Dawson, to what do I owe the pleasure
of an early morning visit from the District Attorney?”

Dawson looked at Carla as if he was
concerned she may be a spy and then said, “Perhaps we could discuss it in your

“Sure, this way.” As I passed Carla’s desk, I
rolled my eyes and made a face. I could tell she was trying not to laugh. Once
inside the office, I offered Dawson a seat and a bottle of water. After he was
settled, I asked again, “How can I help you, Mr. Dawson?”

“Well, Ms. Winston, I believe I am
actually here to help you.”

“And how is that?”

“Well, I have a warrant for the arrest of
one of your current clients, and I wanted to offer you the chance to surrender
him, as opposed to me sending the state police to fetch him at his home or his

Knowing who it was without asking, I asked
anyways, “Who is this client, and what is he suspected of?”

Dawson smiled his little gnome-like smile.
“The great man, Miles Brigham IV is the client, and I think you and I both know
that the crime he is suspected of, as you so delicately put it, is murder.”

I could feel a headache beginning to start
just slightly behind my eyes and in my temples. I had a feeling that it would
only get worse as the day went on and by sundown I might be sporting a
full-blown migraine.

“Murder?” I said to Dawson in a skeptical
tone. “May I ask what evidence this is based on?”

“You may, indeed,” he answered smugly.
“First of all, your client had motive. He had recently discovered two things
about Vick Landon, the first being that he was sleeping with his daughter’s
boyfriend. I’m sure that set his teeth on edge.”

He smiled that nasty little smile of his
and then went on, “Secondly, Mr. Brigham had also recently discovered that much
of the monies he believed had been sunk into the Presidential campaign had
actually been diverted into Vick’s own account and used to keep his stripper
girlfriend set up at the Plaza and in designer shoes.”

“Okay, so he had reason to dislike the man
and possibly have him arrested for embezzlement or misappropriation of funds,”
I agreed. “But kill him? I do think that if the affair had pushed him too far,
perhaps David would have been the target of a murder, rather than Vick?”

“Yes, I thought about that. But, have you
seen David since any of this took place? The man is hiding out, running for his
life. I don’t believe Brigham intended to leave him as a loose string. The
night that Vick died, he and David had made plans to rendezvous. I believe
Brigham got impatient and scared David off before he could kill them both.”

“Fancy little theories you have there, Mr.
Dawson,” I said with a smile. “But there is the small matter of proof. You
haven’t forgotten that, have you?”

Dawson snorted out a laugh before saying,
“I have a ninety percent conviction rate, my dear. No, I have not overlooked
the proof. Vick lived in a very swank apartment building in SoHo. There are
security cameras everywhere. Mr. Brigham, be he a formidable business man, is
not skilled at playing the dress-up game.”

I continued to sit silently. I had the
feeling that Dawson was about to tell me they have Miles on tape, which was
definitely a game changer. I waited for him to continue, however.

“He wore a plaid flannel shirt and a pair
of jeans. The ball cap that he wore was pulled low, almost over his eyes. His
tennis shoes were well-worn. He made it through most of the place without
getting his face on camera. I’ll guess he’s become pretty good at that over the
years. Unfortunately for Mr. Brigham, there was one camera in the back
stairwell that was not obvious. In fact, a pigeon had actually built a nest on
the brackets that held it to the wall. We almost didn’t find it ourselves.”

“So, you have a man who resembles my
client leaving the building on the night of the murder. No smoking gun? No

This time, Dawson laughed out loud. “Oh, I
have a witness. Did I forget to mention that David contacted us? He was scared
to death of facing Brigham in court, but we assured him that we would provide
for his safety. So, my dear, I have to ask again… Would you like to surrender
your client or should we fetch him?”

My headache began to spread. Damn Brigham
if he lied to me. Taking a deep breath and calling again on my professional
façade, I said, “Give me a few hours to get a hold of him. I’ll call you by
noon and let you know when and where.”

Dawson rose from his seat with a satisfied
smile and held out his pudgy hand once more. “I will look forward to your call,
Ms. Winston. Have a pleasant morning.”

I shook his hand, and as he let himself
out, I slumped down behind my desk. If they really did have video of Brigham in
the building and if David really is willing to testify against him, our case
was all but lost already. Brigham was a villain in the media already because of
the oil spill – finding an untainted jury pool anywhere in this country would
be a challenge, if not impossible. There was also the gay angle. If the gay
activists attached themselves to this case as the EPA had attached themselves
to the civil one, we were in for even more bad P.R.

Carla cracked open the door, and poking
her head inside, asked, “Anything I can do for you?” I smiled at her, grateful
I had good people in my corner.

“Yes. Please get Miles Brigham IV on the
phone, ASAP. Call Mr. Hanson’s team if you need to, one of them will have to
know where he’s at. Oh, and Carla, get the investigator in here, too. I need
him to find someone, today.”

Carla headed out to make her phone calls,
and I started making my own. First, I called Miles’s cell phone. It went
straight to voicemail, and I left a message telling him he needed to call me
and it was urgent. I tried his home, and left another message, this time with
Hannah to have him call me as soon as he got in. Before I began dialing his
office, Brett, one of Adam’s best investigators knocked on my door.

“Brett it’s so nice to see you.” I shook
his hand and said, “I need to you to find someone, fast.” I told Brett a little
about the case, and then gave him a description and a picture from the Brigham
file of David. “I need to speak to him right away.”

“I’ll get right on it,” he said, “I’ll
call you as soon as I get anything.”

I thanked him, and after he left, I called
Miles’s main office and again left another message. No one seemed to know where
he was. I glanced at the clock as I hung up the phone. It was ten a.m. Adam’s
hearing had started at eight-thirty. I was surprised I hadn’t heard from him by
now, telling me how it went. I decided to try his phone, hoping that the
hearing had gone well, and perhaps he may know where I could locate Miles. Adam
answered on the first ring, but he didn’t sound happy.

“Hi, babe,” I said. “How did it go?”

“It was ridiculous!” Adam barked into the
phone. “The judge gave that worthless bitch everything she wanted – everything,
Alicia. She has my home, my assets, and is even a financial partner of the
firm. Isn’t that just great?”

I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say.
Adam had been so sure that things would end on a more positive note for him.
“How did this happen?”

I could hear Adam sigh. “She had pictures
of us. She told the judge that we had been seeing each other even before she
and I split up. She actually cried and gave him some big story about how much
she had loved me. How much she had given up so that I could go to law school
and establish my business. The judge bought it all.”

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” I was in shock
myself. I didn’t know what else to say.

“Nothing to be done now,” he said, abruptly

I allowed the silence to fall between us
for a moment, and then said, “I’m sorry to ask this right now, but do you know
where I can find Miles? Dawson has issued a warrant for his arrest.”

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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